Our real estate business is built on achieving our clients goals dreams . To provide extraordinary personal service throughout the buying and selling process.

To offer our expertise and professional knowledge through out the process. Our business is built on achieving our clients goals dreams . To offer our expertise and professional knowledge and to act with integrity, honesty, and diligence on your behalf.

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths 08/22/2024

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths

Have you ever heard the phrase: don’t believe everything you hear? There’s a lot of misinformation out there. And right now, making sure you have someone you can go to for trustworthy information is extra important.

1. I’ll Get a Better Deal Once Prices Crash

If you’ve heard home prices are going to come crashing down, it’s time to look at what’s actually happening. While prices vary by local market, there’s a lot of data out there from numerous sources that shows a crash is not going to happen. So, if you think waiting will score you a deal, know that data shows there’s not a crash on the horizon, and waiting isn’t going to pay off the way you’d hoped.

2. I Won’t Be Able To Find Anything To Buy

If this nagging fear about finding the right home if you move is still holding you back, you probably haven’t talked with an expert real...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths Have you ever heard the phrase: don’t believe everything you hear?


There’s some misinformation out there and it’s time to set the record straight.

If you think home prices are going to crash, you should know the national data doesn’t support that theory. There just aren’t enough homes on the market today.

What else have you heard about the housing market that you’re worried about? Drop a comment below and let’s have a conversation.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market 08/21/2024

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market

The housing market is in a transition. And that gives you 3 key opportunities going into the fall. There are more homes actively for sale. Builders are motivated to sell, so a newly built home may be more achievable than you think. And mortgage rates have come down from their recent peak. If you’re ready and able to buy, you may find the housing market this fall a bit easier to navigate. Let’s connect to get started.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

3 Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market The housing market is in a transition. And that gives you 3 key opportunities going into the fall.


Want to know the top mistakes sellers are making today? It’s overpricing their house.

A price that’s too high is going to cost you. It turns buyers away and may mean you need a price drop to re-ignite interest in the home.

To make sure you don’t end up making this mistake, DM me, and let’s price it right from the start.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440


Thinking about buying a home? It’s important to know how mortgage rates can affect your monthly payment. Because even a slight change in rates can have a big impact.

Overall, rates have been trending down lately. So, this could be your chance to make your move a reality. Send me a message today if you want to talk about starting your search.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

SAM RAFEH | We Care What Is Important To You !! 08/18/2024

Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023
Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023 | MyKCM|Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in 2023 | MyKCM

The housing market has gone through a lot of change recently, and much of that was a result of how quickly mortgage rates rose last year.

Now, as we move through 2023, there are signs things are finally going to turn around. Home price appreciation is slowing from the recent frenzy, mortgage rates are coming down, inflation is easing, and overall market activity is starting to pick up. All of that’s great news for the housing market this year. Here’s what experts are saying.

Cristian deRitis, Deputy Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics:
“The current state of the housing market is that it is certainly in transition.”

Susan Wachter, Professor of Real Estate and Finance, University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School:
“Housing is going to ease up. I think 2023 will be a turnaround year.”

Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist, National Association of Realtors (NAR):
“Mortgage rates have fallen in the recent past weeks, so I’m very hopeful that the worst in home sales is probably coming to an end.”

Robert Dietz, Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, National Association of Home Builders (NAHB):
“. . . it appears a turning point for housing lies ahead. In the coming quarters, single-family home building will rise off of cycle lows as mortgage rates are expected to trend lower and boost housing affordability.”

Bottom Line
If you’re thinking about making a move this year, a turnaround in the housing market could be exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Let’s connect to talk about the latest trends in our area.
SAM RAFEH EXP REALTY OF CALIFORNIA 805 857 3440 | 818 518 4545 |
[email protected] |

SAM RAFEH | We Care What Is Important To You !! Our business is built on bridging my clients to their dreams and goals .to provide extraordinary personal service throughout the buying and selling process .To offer my expertise and professional knowledge and to act with integrity, honesty and diligence on your behalf .

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? 08/18/2024

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? When youre thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. Think of it like your financial report card that lenders look at when trying to figure out if you qualify, and which home loan will work best for you.


Good news for all the buyers out there.

The supply of homes for sale has grown significantly this year. There are 36.6% more homes actively for sale compared to 2023. This means more options for you.

But this doesn’t mean we have an oversupply. Inventory is still almost 29% lower compared to more normal years like 2017-2019.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly 08/17/2024

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you. Many people assume that newly built homes are more expensive than existing ones (houses that have already been lived in), but that’s not always the case. In fact, exploring newly built homes can sometimes lead to more c...

Photos from SAM RAFEH Realty GROUP's post 08/16/2024

If you’re thinking about buying a home, there are 3 reasons you may want to make your move this fall.

1) Inventory is growing, giving you more options
2) Newly built homes may be more budget-friendly than you’d expect
3) Mortgage rates have come down from their peak last October

Want to talk about what this means for your move? DM me.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440


Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market

You have 3 key opportunities if you’re looking to move this fall. Inventory is growing, homebuilders are motivated to sell, and mortgage rates have come down from their recent peak. Let’s connect if you want more information.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? 08/15/2024

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House?

When you're thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. Think of it like your financial report card that lenders look at when trying to figure out if you qualify, and which home loan will work best for you. As the Mortgage Report says:

"Good credit scores communicate to lenders that you have a track record for properly managing your debts. For this reason, the higher your score, the better your chances of qualifying for a mortgage."

The trouble is most buyers overestimate the minimum credit score they need to buy a home. According to a report from Fannie Mae, only 32% of consumers have a good idea of what lenders require. That means nearly 2 out of every 3 people don’t.

So, here’s a general ballpark to give you a rough idea. Experian says:

“The minimum credit score needed to buy a...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? When you're thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle.


Have you heard of the Great Wealth Transfer?

Over the next 20 years, roughly $84 trillion is expected to change hands from Baby Boomers to Gen X and Millennials.

And as it’s passed down, it’ll impact the housing market because it should help younger generations be in a better position to afford homes.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live? 08/14/2024

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live?

One of the biggest bright spots in today’s housing market is how much the supply of homes for sale has grown since the beginning of this year.

Recent data from shows that nationally, there are 36.6% more homes actively for sale now compared to the same time last year. That’s a significant improvement. It gives you far more options for your move than you would’ve had just a year ago. And with supply improving, you’re also regaining a bit of negotiation power. So, if you’re someone who thought about buying a home over the last few years but were discouraged by how limited inventory was, this should be welcome news.

As Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR, says, “Increased housing supply spells good news for consumers who want to see more properties before making purchasing decisions.”

While we’re up by almost 37%...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Are There More Homes for Sale Where You Live? One of the biggest bright spots in today’s housing market is how much the supply of homes for sale has grown since the beginning of this year.

Is Affordability Starting To Improve? 08/14/2024

Is Affordability Starting To Improve?

Over the past couple of years, a lot of people have had a hard time buying a home. And while affordability is still tight, there are signs it's getting a little better and might keep improving throughout the rest of the year. Here’s a look at the latest data on the three biggest factors affecting home affordability.

1. Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates have been volatile this year, bouncing around from the mid 6% to low 7% range. But there's some good news. Data from Freddie Mac shows rates have been trending down overall since May. When rates decline, it's easier to afford the home you want because your monthly payment will be lower. Just don’t expect them to go back down to 3%.

2. Home Prices

The second big thing to think about is home prices. Nationally, they’re still going up this year, but not as fast as they did a couple of years...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Is Affordability Starting To Improve? Over the past couple of years, a lot of people have had a hard time buying a home.

Helpful Negotiation Tactics for Today’s Housing Market 08/12/2024

Helpful Negotiation Tactics for Today’s Housing Market

If you haven’t already heard, homebuyers are regaining some negotiating power in today’s market. And while that doesn’t make this a buyer’s market, it does mean buyers may be able to ask for a little more. So, sellers need to be ready for that possibility and know what they’re willing to negotiate.

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a house, here’s a quick rundown of potential negotiations that may pop up during your transaction. That way, you’re prepared no matter which side of the deal you’re on.

What Can You Negotiate?

Most things in a home purchase are on the negotiation table. Here’s a list of just a few of those options, according to Kiplinger and LendingTree:

• Sale Price
• Home Repairs
• Fixtures
• Closing Costs
• Home Warranties
• Closing Date

One thing is true whether you’re a buyer or a seller...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Helpful Negotiation Tactics for Today’s Housing Market If you haven’t already heard, homebuyers are regaining some negotiating power in today’s market.


Home Inspections for Sellers: How To Prepare

Wondering how to get your house ready for the inspection? You may want to do some select repairs before listing to get ahead. To decide what's worth tackling, you need expert advice. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home 08/10/2024

How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice ...

Photos from SAM RAFEH Realty GROUP's post 08/09/2024

Getting ready to sell your house? Here’s the scoop on home inspections and how to prep for them.

As more homes hit the market, buyers are regaining some negotiating power. That means it might be a good idea to tackle some key repairs before listing.

But how do you know which ones are worth it?

Expert advice is key. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare 08/09/2024

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare

If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s important to know what the home inspection is and what inspectors look for. As supply grows and buyers regain negotiation power, you may find you want to do some select repairs with a good return on investment before listing to get ahead of things a buyer may ask you to fix. To decide what's worth tackling, you need expert advice. Let's chat so you know what to prioritize.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Home Inspections For Sellers: How To Prepare If you’re thinking about selling your house, it’s important to know what the home inspection is and what inspectors look for.

Where Will You Go After You Sell? 08/09/2024

Where Will You Go After You Sell? If you’re planning to sell your house and move, you probably know there’s been a shortage of options available. But here’s the good news: the supply of homes for sale has grown in a lot of markets this year – and that’s not just existing, or previously-owned, homes. It’s true for newly b...


Thinking about selling, but not sure where you’ll go?

The good news is the supply of newly built and existing homes for sale has grown this year. That gives you more options – each with their own perks.

So, which will you choose? A charming existing home or a shiny new build?

Let me know which features you’re looking for in your next home. Drop your answer below.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440


Right now, over 2/3 of homeowners have at least 50% equity in their homes.

And that much equity can go a long way toward buying a new place.

Curious about how much equity you have? I can walk you through a Professional Equity Assessment Report on your house. Drop a comment below if you’re interested.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity 08/07/2024

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity

Curious about selling your home? Understanding how much equity you have is the first step to unlocking what you can afford when you move. And since home prices rose so much over the past few years, most people have much more equity than they may realize.

Here’s a deeper look at what you need to know if you’re ready to cash in on your investment and put your equity toward your next home.

Home Equity: What Is It and How Much Do You Have?

Home equity is the difference between how much your house is worth and how much you still owe on your mortgage. For example, if your house is worth $400,000 and you only owe $200,000 on your mortgage, your equity would be $200,000.

Recent data from the Census and ATTOM shows Americans have significant equity right now. In fact, more than two out of three homeowners have either...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Their Equity Curious about selling your home?

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High 08/07/2024

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High

Mortgage rates have been one of the hottest topics in the housing market lately because of their impact on affordability. And if you’re someone who’s looking to make a move, you’ve probably been waiting eagerly for rates to come down for that very reason. Well, if the past few weeks are any indication, you may be getting your wish.

After the latest reports on the economy, inflation, the unemployment rate, and the Federal Reserve’s recent comments, mortgage rates started dropping a bit. And according to Freddie Mac, they’re now at a level we haven’t seen since February.

Maybe you’re seeing this and wondering if you should ride the wave and see how low they’ll go. If that’s the case, here’s some important perspective. Remember, the record-low rates from the pandemic are a thing of the past. And if you wait for mortgage rates...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Mortgage Rates Down a Full Percent from Recent High Mortgage rates have been one of the hottest topics in the housing market lately because of their impact on affordability.

3 Reasons Why We’re Not Headed for a Housing Crash 08/05/2024

3 Reasons Why We’re Not Headed for a Housing Crash

Back in 2008, there was an oversupply of homes for sale. Today, there’s an undersupply. The three main sources of inventory show this isn’t like the last time. Existing homes, new homes, and foreclosures are all way below the levels we saw during the housing crash. Inventory data shows there just aren’t enough homes available to have a repeat of what happened back in 2008.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

3 Reasons Why We’re Not Headed for a Housing Crash Back in 2008, there was an oversupply of homes for sale.

Why the Sandwich Generation Is Buying Multi-Generational Homes 08/03/2024

Why the Sandwich Generation Is Buying Multi-Generational Homes

Are you a part of the Sandwich Generation? According to, that’s a name for the roughly one in six Americans who take care of their children and their parents or grandparents at the same time.

If that sounds familiar to you, juggling all the responsibilities involved certainly must have its challenges. But it turns out there’s one pretty significant benefit: it can actually make it a bit easier for you to buy a home.

How Can It Help You Buy a Home?

Here are a few ways their caretaking situation might be helping those 33% buy a home:

• Sharing Expenses

• Built-In Childcare

Beyond just the financial reasons, buying a multi-generational home has other advantages. The Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) highlights some of the most popular...

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

Why the Sandwich Generation Is Buying Multi-Generational Homes Are you a part of the Sandwich Generation?

Photos from SAM RAFEH Realty GROUP's post 08/02/2024

Wondering if a housing market crash is on the horizon? Think again.

Unlike 2008's oversupply issue, today we're facing an undersupply of homes.

From existing homes to new builds and even foreclosures, all inventory levels are significantly lower than during the last housing crisis.

The numbers are clear—today's inventory conditions are simply not the same.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440


3 Graphs That Show We’re Not Headed for a Housing Market Crash

Back in 2008, there were too many homes on the market. Today, it’s just the opposite. The three main sources of inventory show this isn’t like the last time.

For more info Call Or Text Me @ 805 857 3440

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Videos (show all)

🔍 What’s Changed?As of August 17, buyer’s agent commissions are no longer posted in the MLS. Sellers will now negotiate ...
Looking for a trusted expert to guide you to your dream home? With my deep market knowledge, reliability, and proven tra...
🏡 The real estate landscape is evolving, and navigating these changes can be challenging. Whether you’re a first-time bu...
Reasons To Move in Today’s Shifting Market
Thinking about selling, but not sure where you’ll go?The good news is the supply of newly built and existing homes for s...
✨ New Listing Alert! ✨ Discover your dream home in the exclusive Valley of Gate Court. This stunning property offers lux...
Selling your home? Don’t fall for these common mistakes.The housing market is in a transition right now. And homeowners ...
Home Inspections for Sellers: How To Prepare
🚨 Just Listed in Simi Valley! 🏡 Your dream home awaits in this beautiful neighborhood. Don’t miss out—schedule a showing...


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