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BaseCause Foundation shall help support Americans displaced during an emergency or crisis such as a earthquake, fire, flood, or tornado.

BaseCause Foundation shall help support the community of underprivileged homeless or American Veterans. BaseCause Foundation shall help support underserved American hospitals and clinics by collecting and distributing medical surplus.


Find your passion and be motivated. My passion is Limitless. Find yours!


I have many drawings that show feasible options for creating jobs and water storage throughout the world that also cater to many nature lover's ecogolical concerns.

contact me at [email protected] or 8052975362.

Theroetical landscape designs available for purchace. Artist can be commissioned for private, commercial, agricultural, or public projects.


BaseCause is still researching the terrian best suited for and the .


is pround founder of:

What fruit, vegetable, or flower would you love to have access to at Simi Food Forest if you were able to harvest your own produce?


Wake up the world by doing something and this week!
Please tell your stories using:


Check out the and like the page of you see the potential for Simi Valley, California to make and save through .


VA Loan – The Complete Guide from Veterans United Home Loans

VETERANS: Learn about the VA loan process and if you qualify. Learn more about the VA Loan and why it's the best choice for buying a home for veterans and military families.


Twelve years since attacks and many people 9/11 as one of the darkest days in recent .

I remember that day #12 years ago stood still as I watched the live video of the second plane tragically crashing into the in . The news shortly followed with reports of a third at the and my sank deeper.

On that sad day in 12 years ago I began to understand that was under attack and war was emanate.

I was brought great sadness having the foresight that many more civilians from another country were going to die in the near future. I did not know who attacked the at the time but I knew more civilian blood would be shed. In times of war death is guaranteed. Sad but true.

With in on the horizon it saddens me to think of all the who are likely to loose their lifes in this . May the good of the world take care to minimize civilian during this impending battle and all future war zones.

As founder of the BaseCause Foundation I encourage you to help you fellow citizens recapture their way life when any affects their life. Do your part to help others when they are down and the world will take notice of your selfless efforts. If no one notices your contribution it does not matter because helping others is the thing to do.

The contributions you make after a natural or disaster, such as war, may allow a person or nation to regain their will to live and rebuild stronger. Do your part by volunteering for cleanup duties after disasters and donating to groups committed to helping others regain their dignity after a life changing event such as or natural disasters.

In the of 9/11 I was sad but my heart was lifted by the comradely of the American Spirit and Pride. I ask everyone to take time this month to help out at a community project or charity of your choosing for at least four hours as a to the brave and that lost their lifes helping others that gloomy morning twelve years ago. Please do you part.

4 hours of charity work every September is all I ask of you


BaseCause Foundation, LLC - Community Restoration and Disaster Relief. SEO friendly. iPhone compatib

Working towards the future BaseCause Foundation, LLC - Community Reestoration and Disaster Relief. No CSS hacks. SEO friendly. iPhone compatible.


BaseCause - Community Development and Disaster Relief

MISSION: BaseCause Foundation, L.L.C. is a U.S. based, nonprofit, committed to the continued improvement and Development of Communities throughout the United States of America; to providing Disaster Services and Environmental Stewardship; t...o provide Disaster Relief and Storm Cleanup assistance; to creating Economic Opportunity thru Education; and to Healthy Futures for Veterans and Military Families.

BaseCause Foundation, L.L.C.
Phone:805-328-4020 Website: BaseCause Disaster Relief, Storm Videos, Storm Pictures, Storm News, Storm Stories, Drought, Heat Wave, Earthquake,Fire, Wildfire, Flood, Hurricane, Landslide, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcano, Winter Storm,


BaseCause - Weather Alerts by State BaseCause Provides Coastal Weather, Local Weather and Storm Warnings for the United States at


BaseCause Foundation allows you to log-in using Facebook to help support Americans displaced during an emergency or crisis; such as a earthquake, fire, flood, or tornado.

I want to contribute
USD to BaseCause Foundation

Suggestions Welcomed
Corporate Sponsorship
Advertise with BaseCause(TM)

BaseCause Foundation Mission Statement

BaseCause Foundation shall help support Americans displaced during an emergency or crisis and shall help support the community of underprivileged Americans.

BaseCause Foundation supports deserving American students and teachers with grants, loans, scholarships, computers or school supplies. BaseCause Foundation awards grants to teachers for innovative classroom projects.

BaseCause Foundation Financials
Updated on 20-Apr-2011

All Cash and Other Donations can be sent to the BaseCause(TM) Foundation headquarters at:

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation
4243 Adam Road
RE: Supporting American Families in Need.
Simi Valley, CA 93063

Or call 805-297-5362 for information.

Or Email [email protected]


BaseCause Foundation Text Donations

Text Donations are also accepted by The BaseCause(TM) Foundation. For text message donations, a telephone bill shall meet the record-keeping requirement and will show The BaseCause(TM) Foundation as the name of the receiving organization. The phone bill shall also show the date of the contribution and the amount given.

TEXT help to # # # # # # to Donate $10.
TEXT helpmore to # # # # # # to Donate $25.
TEXT helpalot to # # # # # # to Donate $50.
TEXT helpnow to # # # # # # to Donate $75.
TEXT helptoday to # # # # # # to Donate $100.
TEXT Helper to # # # # # # to Donate $250.
TEXT star to # # # # # # to Donate $500.
TEXT superstar to # # # # # # to Donate $750.
TEXT angel to # # # # # # to Donate $1000.
TEXT saint to # # # # # # to Donate $2,500.
TEXT hero to # # # # # # to Donate $5,000.
TEXT America to # # # # # # to Donate $10,000.


Recipient Testimonials Comming Here Soon


BaseCause Foundation Donation Policies

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation is a qualified charitable organization able to provide a legitimate tax deduction for charitable deductions as per IRS Publication 526. The BaseCause(TM) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private foundation.

NEW ITEMS are always preferred so they can be auctioned or leased to raise funds or supplied to Struggling American Families in Need depending on condition of item.

Upon receipt of funds or items the BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall provide written communication with the date of the contribution, and amount of the contribution.


BaseCause Foundation Preferred Donations

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation accepts Art, Airfare, Cash, Cash Equivalent, Cruises, Hotel Rooms, Home Items, Jewelry, Gift Certificates, Stock, and of course Vehicles.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any art piece or collection as donations to the foundation.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation accepts Diamonds, Gold, Silver, and Platinum, Stocks, Bonds and most other useful commodities.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation accepts cars, boats, airplanes and used or new sporting goods for any sport.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation may also accept almost any contribution of merchandise, concert tickets, tickets to a ball game or other goods and services.


BaseCause Foundation Extravagent Donations

Ideal property size for donations is One to 75,000 acres. Ideal Headquarters is around 22 acres.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any estate or estate property as donations.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any LAND as donations. Temporary operational expenses are preferred, but are not required. Special rules apply to LAND donations.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any BUILDING as donations. Operational buildings are preferred, but are not required. Special rules apply to BUILDING donations.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any construction support as donations.

The BaseCause(TM) Foundation shall accept almost any building materials or construction labor as donations.

805-328-4020 or 805-297-5362


New Donation Widget! Community Unity and Disaster Relief by BaseCause Foundation. 805-328-4020. Follow on Twitter. 2012 and 2013 Disaster Relief Donations accepted soon via Google Wallet and PayPal. Every year Americans are faced with devastating natural disasters and the mission of the BaseCause Foundation i...


BaseCause | LinkedIn Welcome to the company profile of BaseCause on LinkedIn. The BaseCause Foundation is commited to providing Disaster Relief and Storm cleanup to Americans...


New Fundraising OptionbyKevin Goedhart, MPMSeptember 3rd, 2010 at 11:34There is a great opportunity

There is a great opportunity for the BaseCause™ Foundation to fundraise money selling Phantom Fireworks at the BaseCause Show™ on Memorial Day Weekend. Through out the year we may sell the fireworks to raise funds for Disaster Relief efforts across the United States. Fireworks shows on Memorial Day weekend are a great venue to find BaseCause Fireworks. The BaseCause™ Foundation shall be funded in part by providing space from which Phantom Fireworks can be sold in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah and Washington. Cities that permit the sale of fireworks are top choice for future BaseCause Fireworks show. - BaseCause How to VolunteerbyKevin D GoedhartJune 30th, 2010 at 12:06People are affected in many ways by natural disasters so please donate just about any now or old item to the BaseCause™ and we will distribute items to storm victims or sell items to fund disaster relief. We depend on the support of generous ...


Fireworks for Memorial Day Weekend brought to you by the BaseCause Foundation Help us fund Fireworks for Americia and provide disaster relief at the same time. Help the BaseCause Foundation create a fireworks tradition for Memorial Day Weekend.


Concerts and Fireworks!!!! The BaseCause proides Concerts and Fireworks for the public, food programs, storm cleanup and disaster relief assistance when possible.


BaseCause Foundation - Storm Cleanup The BaseCause proides Concerts and Fireworks for the public, food programs, storm cleanup and disaster relief assistance when possible.


BaseCause(TM) Foundation

BaseCause Summary
Phone Number: 805-328-4020, Site:
As contributors you have the option to fund many different projects so I hope that you believe in community togetherness because the BaseCause Foundation is about to "Unite-A-Nation" one city at a time.
At the BaseCause Foundation we passionately believe that a Fireworks show, concert and park festivities bring large groups of people together and create a sense of community togetherness. Over the next few years the BaseCause Foundation is attempting to plan numerous public fireworks shows for Memorial Day Weekend that rival the 4th of July. We need your help to establish this glorious new American Tradition.
• My Name is Kevin Goedhart
• I am the sole founder of the BaseCause Foundation
• I am building this foundation to Unite the Nation with Love.
• Degrees Held: MBA, M. Project Management, M. Public Administration
• Direct Contact Info: 805-328-4020, [email protected]
• I need your help and support to launch the BaseCause Foundation.
• I need you help to find staff and volunteers.
• I need you to see the dream!
• With your continued support and help maybe I can "Unite-A-Nation."
Ask yourself: if you stopped reading here would you be ready to make a contribution? I hope so. I hope that you see the potential for uniting communities across the US with the BaseCause Foundation.
Ready to Contribute:
What We Need & What You Get
Allow me to break it down for you folks:
• As we are a fledgling foundation we need to raise $2500 in this campaign to file our Articles of Incorporation and other required documentation prior to hosting public fundraisers.
• The IRS requires that we file Form 1023 as a request to become a federally recognized public charity with government oversight.
• As a California corporation we will be required to file Form 3500 to seek status as a tax exempt foundation.
• There are various other forms that are also required to become a Public Charity but enough of the details, you have the point.
• Please consider funding this dream and help "Unite-A-Community."
Here are my plans for any money over $2500:
• Additional money remaining after the initial formation will go to provide up to 40 blankets and 360 meals to a local charity.
• When those goals are satisfied all additional funds will go into the Memorial Day Fireworks Fund.
Here is what you can do:
• Tell people about our unique perks and get them excited!
• Share our goals of "Uniting-A-Nation" with Concerts and Fireworks!
• Show your passion by alerting your social network of this great cause.
• Share the link
• After you do all that, it is time to Donate Now at the same link.
• Donate anything to the BaseCause Foundation and Donate often!
The Impact
Allow me to explain the difference your contribution will make:
• Your contribution will allow the BaseCause Foundation to legally peruse their dream of a Public Charity that hosts Concerts and Fireworks show to "Unite-A-Nation" one community at a time.
• This project is valuable to the nation because happiness is expected.
• A donation by you could help feed the needy or entertain a Nation.
Concerts and Firework shows fund Disaster Relief:
• When the fireworks have cleared the funds raised at the shows will help the BaseCause Foundation provide Disaster Relief Support.
• The BaseCause provides storm cleanup with volunteers and staff.
• Make it real for people and build trust.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you just can’t contribute we understand but you can still help:
• Help get the word out and make some noise about the BaseCause Foundation campaign by sharing this link with them:
• Use the IndieGoGo share tools with your network to expand contributions to the BaseCause Foundation!
Please Contribute up to $2500 to help establish the BaseCause Foundation. Donate, Auction, or Volunteer here. BaseCause Foundation shall help support Americans displaced during an emergency or crisis and shall help support the community of underprivileged Americans. BaseCause Foundation supports deserving American students and teachers with grants, loans, scholarships, c...


BaseCause Foundation - Storm Cleanup The BaseCause proides food programs, storm cleanup and disaster relief assistance when possible.


BaseCause Foundation - Storm Cleanup The BaseCause proides food programs, storm cleanup and disaster relief assistance when possible.


Tomorrow at 10am tell the public what you need most in your . learn what a city needs to improve.


Half of India left without power


Agency - Silverado Hospice

Make or Donate A Handmade Blanket For Hospice Patients

Contact Person: Lori Netzen, Volunteer Coordinator,
(805) 577-1818 [email protected]

Sponsor: Silverado Hospice | Location: Primary Location is Simi Valley, CA 93063, but other locations are available

Patients at the end of their lives tend to feel colder. At Silverado Hospice they are asking for wonderful volunteers to make or donate a handmade blanket that will cheer up both the patients and the families. Description: Silverado Hospice honors the value of each life by empowering the patient and family to make supported choices in end-of-life care, enhancing c


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On I was my and saw first Bcucumber sprouts emerge.


If 500 People Donate $10, Then the Youth Advocacy League Can Build Fifty Community-Garden Plots for Veterans -


A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.: via


Romney promised to shed investments in China, but still stands to profit from Chinese surveillance systems:


I the world. Go out and thank that you see today. Show your to a random stranger today and you may feel better.

03/13/2012 needs your support to rent a dumster for recent tornado victims. $600 needed. $400 dumpster & 2 workers at $100 per day


The Internet Remembers the Japan Quake, Tsunami Anniversary via


the 0basecause gardens have began.


the garden has started! Bbought all my peper plans for the season.


Landscape Artist - Professional Event Preperation


Lardscape and Garden Designer - Creative Approach - Free Estimates


Groupon's discounts are bigger than a dinosaur on a stepladder. Sign up here for their daily deals! -


What can a charity volunteer deduct?


14 cents per mile if you itemize.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Government Service in Simi Valley?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.




Simi Valley, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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Simi Institute ESL Program Simi Institute ESL Program
1880 Blackstock Avenue
Simi Valley, 93065

Stay in touch with the ESL Program at Simi Valley Adult School. Check back often to get information about classes, start dates and online learning.

Just Serve  in Simi Valley Just Serve in Simi Valley
Simi Valley, 93065

Note: This page is not an official page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Civil Air Patrol John C.Savage Challenger Squadron 1986 Civil Air Patrol John C.Savage Challenger Squadron 1986
1220 Fourth Street
Simi Valley, 93065

We invite you to come meet us Monday nights 1830-2100