Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate

We equip Christian men to engage in relationships that changes lives and builds the kingdom of God.

"We train churches in a proven discipleship strategy that if properly implemented will more than double the number of men engaged in life-on-life discipleship in less than 3 years."

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 12/06/2023

Everyone loves a great getaway. Whether it be a retreat, vacation, sabbatical, reunion or summit, we all need time to rest, recoup, and refocus.

In our ministry we are all remotely located. Our region spans from south Florida, to central North Carolina, all the way west to central Mississippi, but we are all on the same team. Annually, we gather for a "Summit" somewhere in the Southeast, and also in Orlando, near Man in the Mirror HQ for our "Reunion". These events help strengthen and grow us to carry out our roles within our communities.

These events are where we "Continue to Grow in our Calling". At Reunion, we are focused on new resources, updates to existing ones, company policies and we build our overall team camaraderie. We get to have some fun, it is Florida, but we focus on our skills as 'church strategy consultants'. We share field notes, experiences and fine tune our skillsets.

At our Regional Summits we focus on personal walk, calling and local focus. In our Southeast Region we have 10 men, each within 2-4 hours of each other. We each share a devotion of what God is teaching us, discuss issues with our churches and provide input to HQ based on our experiences in the field. This tends to be more of a personal sabbatical in many ways.

These two types of gatherings are critical to over 50 of us working nationwide, to keep us focused, motivated and skilled to be effective 'missionaries to the local church'. These are essential events to make us ready to serve our church clientele.

Special Gifts for these events are needed to cover travel, lodging, meals and materials. Please consider a special gift to cover these costs at this website:


Phase 2 of any relationship is critical. If you dive in too deep, the other person could get scared away or intimidated. If you don't provide enough value to the relationship, it could end prematurely. There is often a point of trust that needs to be reached. The question that must be asked is, "Does this person just want to be my friend, or are they trying to take advantage of me?" This is the second step of our relationship building with a pursuant church.

"Strengthening a Local Church"
To understand how we can help someone improve, you first must understand where they are, currently, as you start the relationship. We have an "Action Plan" that helps us start this understanding of the relationship. We start a baseline review with Diagnostic questions, Mens activities/ministries offerings, Ask for observable growth areas and perform a leadership team audit!

We often see three core issues within a church's mens ministry: 1) They don't know their players/men , 2) the church doesn't offer the right on ramps for the men they have, and finally, 3) they lack an intentional process to reach/grow men. With this information determined, we can then help them understand the men around them, how to reach them, and where to move them.

This process is called, "The No Man Left Behind". It along with an effective leadership team, intentional ministries and biblical truths are transformative to the local church. This is how we assist each church individually to strengthen their core of biblical belief and mens discipleship ministry. (Watch a short overview here:

Your partnership with us is helping us coach, lead, and transform thousands of men in The Upstate and around South Carolina.

Would you join us as a financial and prayer partner in 2024 to help continue taking churches to the level of Intentional Ministry to Men.

Partner with us here:


This time of year is important for a non-profit leader. We aim to share our vision and mission so clearly with others so we can gather new financial and prayer partnerships, and to make our annual budget for 2024 to cover monthly operating costs. This is also a way for people and businesses to invest in God's Kingdom.

As per the project card, a few posts below this one, we break our operating expenses into separate categories. This week I aim to explain these a little deeper.

"Opening Doors to Discipleship"
If you know me, you know I like, NO, love coffee! I meet many pastors and leaders at mens events, conferences and group lunches. The next step after handing a business card to a pastor is meeting to talk about their church one-on-one.

I try to locate close to them, have a coffee, or light lunch. It's almost like a first date. Ha! We have conversation, build rapport, trust, talk about their mens ministry happenings, if they have any. I share my calling, what I do, leave a small reminder gift, and pray for them. I also offer a copy of "No Man Left Behind" or "Pastoring Men". I then schedule a follow-up meeting 4-6 weeks down the road. And send a follow up email.

This is how I start the process and "Open the Door" to a deeper relationship. I always drive to what's convenient to them, study their website, and pick up the tab for the meeting.

Your special gift of $250 covers these costs and time spent for these meetings. Last year, I had over 20 new meetings with pastors, many took the next step, read the material, and we are now growing their "Ministries to Men".

I am blessed for these opportunities to share and help.
Would you join us to make more of these meetings possible in 2024?

A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer 11/27/2023

A missionary to the local church? What is that? It's me, and what I do!

In todays church, I see two ends of the spectrum. On one end, I see a small church, with one pastor, a secretary, a part-time music minister, and a monthly mens breakfast. On the other end, is a church of with 5,000+ congregants and 100 staff members, lots of activities to do, but no one person responsible for gathering, guiding and showing men how to be the most effective Christ-following man they can be.

BOOM, this is where I come in!!

As missionary, we help pastors and church leaders to get to know the men within and outside their church. Find out their spiritual needs, guide them into a deeper relationship with Christ, and finally, watch/help these men multiply The Gospel within their church and community.

We then take the training wheels off and watch them coach men, make disciples, and lead others to a deeper walk with Christ.

Here are the fun details of what we do:
Here is the IMPACT of what we do and how you can help:

Tomorrow is , would you join us in our mission for 2024?

All gifts are tax deductible to you and to the businesses you own or work for. Please pray how your business can partner with us and change our culture.

A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer This is "A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer" by Man in the Mirror on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


I pray daily for generous, grateful, Heavenly minded Followers of Christ to hear my call by God, and to join me in helping transforming men and helping the local church to "restore the ancient art of discipleship."

Would you pray about partnering with us?

Join us for 2024 and beyond:


I am wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving from Man in the Mirror. I hope and pray you have a great day with friends and family, having fun and sharing stories of hope and life.

...Your generosity results in Thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor 9:10-11 11/21/2023

A blessing to you for your faithfulness...

"Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." - 2 Cor 9:10-11

...Your generosity results in Thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor 9:10-11 Hard to the measure the impact of a blessing. UPDATE FROM THE UPSTATE Thanksgiving Blessing Dear Chris, As the end of the year draws closer, I am reflecting on what God has been

A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer 11/20/2023

Here is a great short video about the importance of what we do and why we do it! Hear about the difference we are making and learn how you can join us in what God is doing through Man in the Mirror here in The Upstate of South Carolina

Would you join us for 2024 and beyond?

Look in the comments to see what your gift can do for our ministry.

A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer This is "A Message from MIM President Brett Clemmer" by Man in the Mirror on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 11/09/2023

It is now the time of year where people, businesses, and churches aim to distribute their generosity to complete their annual giving goals. Many non-profits can gather as much as 30% of their annual budget in these next 8 weeks.

We are no different. Over the past years with the economy as it is, our operating expenses have risen. My travel has expanded to the Low Country and into some areas in North Carolina. Our impact has been felt all around SC.

Over the next few days and weeks, I will be mailing, emailing, texting and calling to raise the awareness of our mission. I will also be thanking the many folks who are current partners with us in ministry.

Please pray that these conversations are investments into prayer and partnership finances to our mission of "helping churches create discipleship pathways for every man in their church". (

I pray that you would also consider joining us with monthly partnership for 2024 and beyond, or a special gift to reach your generosity goals for 2023.


Becoming an A-Player for Jesus Christ 11/08/2023

Last night I had the honor of speaking with Cape Fear Mens leader Mike Sandlin about what it takes to be a disciple and what it looks like to be an "A-player for Jesus". Here is the link. I hope you enjoy the content. Please post your thoughts!

Becoming an A-Player for Jesus Christ As a golf foursome is grounded on an A-Player to carry the load of a team in competition. We will discuss what it looks like to becoming The A-player in your...

Dax - "To Be A Man" Remix (Feat. Darius Rucker) [Official Video] 11/08/2023

In a nutshell...

Dax - "To Be A Man" Remix (Feat. Darius Rucker) [Official Video] [LYRICS BELOW] "To Be a Man" is making an IMPACT. I truly believe there are millions more to touch with this song. I travelled to Nashville to complete this ...

Shoulder Tap Conversations 11/06/2023

There is still time to register to be a part of "Shoulder Tap Conversations" tomorrow night at 8pm. Mike Sandlin and I will have a conversation about what it takes to be and A-Player for Jesus.

Shoulder Tap Conversations


My new business cards are in!

Shoulder Tap Conversations 11/01/2023

I am looking forward to this talk with Mike Sandlin about becoming an A-Player for Jesus!

Plan on joining us Tuesday, Nov 7th, 2023. Register below.

Shoulder Tap Conversations

Trust In God (feat. Chris Brown & Isaiah Templeton) | Elevation Worship 10/31/2023

For the past several months I have had this word rattling around in my head. The word is “seek”.

The first thing it reminds me of is that God is seeking us. He sought us out, revealed his truth to us and we believed. We were lost, sinners and he chose to seek us out. He has a plan and purpose for each of us. He called each of us to His mission.

It also means that we should in return seek Him. Mt 6:33 says to seek His kingdom first, His righteousness, then the Glory of God will be added to us. We must always be desiring to know Him, experience him, and understand Him and his ways. Then he will reveal more truth to us and transform us.

Finally, Mt 7, Jesus shares that we should Ask, Seek and Knock. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

In your walk with Christ, What are you asking God to do for you and the ministry he is doing through you? Where are you seeking to find these answers? the Bible, church, mature followers, etc.

Whose proverbial “door” are you knocking on?

Mt 7:11 says this, "How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

As my Navy SEAL mentor shared with me years ago, “some things in life are simple, but not easy”

Asking, Seeking and Knocking is a simple thing to do, but difficult (not easy), if He is not in it and you haven’t first prayed for specific clarity of mission, what will happen.

So we should now... Pray, "Ask", Pray, "Seek", Pray, "Knock" and then Pray while we wait to hear from Him!!!

Trust In God (feat. Chris Brown & Isaiah Templeton) | Elevation Worship The official live video for "Trust In God" by Elevation Worship feat. Chris Brown & Isaiah Templeton."Trust In God" is available everywhere on the album, CAN...

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 10/27/2023

Looking for a day away with your buddies?
Looking for a profound spiritual experience?
Looking to be rescued from past wounds?

Plan for your men to join me at ISI in Monroe, NC in April 2024.
Here are details for my teaching sessions and the event.

Click here for more details:


Another great nugget from Henri Nouwen!

“To set our hearts on the kingdom therefore means to make the life of the Spirit within and among us the center of all we think, say, or do.”

Near the end of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus asks us to “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Mt6:33

Christ has called each of us to this mission, not for ourselves, but for His glory, for His Kingdom. Be bold about what you believe and share it with those around you!

Henri also writes…. “So when we give ourselves to planting and nurturing here on earth, our efforts will reach beyond our chronological existence.”

What does this mean… It means that your calling is eternal, your work is eternal, your ministry is eternal. The impact of your obedience cannot be measured yet. God will multiply your obedience beyond what you see, experience and do.

"You can count the seeds in an apple, but not the amount of apples that each of those trees will produce." (Eph 3:20-21)

Lets fill Heaven!

Spiritual Fathers 10/20/2023

We have a generation suffering from a lack of effective fathering. The effects:
• 25% have no father figure
• 90% are runaways
• 85% are prison inmates
• 71% are dropouts
-Man in the Mirror, Spiritual Fathers Orientation

Spiritual Fathers Boys Need Fathers.Men Need Spiritual Fathers.XSF Empowers Churches to Build a Culture of Intergenerational Men’s Discipleship. Attend an Orientation Host an Orientation XSF’s comprehensive approach cultivates a vibrant, systematic, and sustainable discipleship rhythm. Get started in three simple...

Gratefulness for The Harvest 10/19/2023

I am grateful for what The Lord has been doing and how many of you are partners with us in this mission. I am blessed and grateful!

Gratefulness for The Harvest The survey said... UPDATE FROM THE UPSTATE OCTOBER 2023 DEAR FAMILY & FRIENDS, As the days grow shorter and thoughts turn to pumpkin spice everything, I’m reminded of something


From scripture we see that at the end of Elijahs life he asked to bless Elisha. Elisha asked for a “double portion” of his spirit. (2 Kings 2:9). …and The Lord delivered.

We also see when after Job struggled and lost his health and belongings that he too received a blessing, exactly double
What he had before his trials started…. (Job 42:12)

I am not saying you need a double blessing, maybe you do. ….I would accept one from God!

Elisha was given a double blessing, but it also wasn’t his to keep. It was to carry Elijahs legacy and share the news of Yahweh

I am asking you all to pray for me and the ministry. As we enter this last quarter of the year, many become generous for many reasons. I am praying that The Lord will reach many through our message of discipleship, Spiritual Fathers and growing "Men of Faith". Our impact is growing around the state.

Pray that many will respond and partner with us. We are blessed by many who see the need and in faith, trust God to bless our ministry.

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 10/10/2023

Sobering discussion this morning about doctrine, aka Spiritual knowledge, the word doctrine sounds so liturgical. At my morning study we were discussing the need or desire to understand, obey, follow and convey God's word.... and WHY we are willing, or not willing!

Is it doubt in God? Is sin interfering? Is it laziness or ignorance? or just plain lack of desire? We live in an on demand culture. We want and get anything we want with 24 hours, thanks to Amazon Prime. I have a garage with fitness equipment in it, I am still overweight! I want to be in shape, BUT I don't want to put in the effort or sacrifice to understand and execute a healthy lifestyle. So we fail to read, be patient and listen for Gods voice, and we give up, stop desiring and stop trying.

My mind went to "The Book of Eli", I will not ruin it for you. I highly recommend it to any believer, with warnings.

End thought, Whatever your reason for not learning, memorizing, sharing, building into others ...... are your apprehensions towards not understanding Gods word more important the sharing Gods promise and sacrifice of His son for you, worth not sharing the hope of eternity with others?

Someone shared it with you, and you believed!

Read "the book" like your life and others' depend on it!
Build it into others.

GO_Men's Study Trailer.mp4 10/05/2023

Your CORE Identity as a Christ follower is life as a "..Son.."

"You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus...." 2Tim 2:1

Is your church guiding you to be that more faithful son, that image bearer, that spiritual father that you need to become?

Are you strong enough to share your faith and story with those around you?

"GO" check out these great tools to grow men and The Kingdom of God through you, and the church family that you are a part of!!!

GO_Men's Study Trailer.mp4 This four-week men's study from Man in the Mirror called GO: Journey to Biblical Manhood includes video teaching, group discussion questions, and devotions…

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 10/04/2023

What a great night with these 4 mens leaders from Mt Airy Baptist in Easley, SC. They "got it"! is growing Gods Kindom.

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 10/02/2023

We had a great time Saturday morning kicking off the 10,000 Spiritual Fathers resource here in The Upstate of South Carolina. Twelve men were trained and sent on mission to find a younger man to share life with. I have another church to meet with Tuesday night. These guys are roaring and ready to grow men closer to Christ and build the Kingdom of God. Man in the Mirror

I would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how can build disciples and grow your church. Reach out!

The cry of a generation!

10k SF Overview

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 09/30/2023

What are you doing today from 9a to 12noon?
Got time to hone your discipleship skills?
Are you looking to impact younger men around you?

Come join us at Five Forks Baptist Church for a morning of 10,000 Spiritual Fathers Orientation.

Register here:

I look forward to seeing you!

Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 09/27/2023

We have 10 spots remaining for our first Spiritual Fathers Orientation here in the Upstate this weekend. Would love to have you join us.

Register here:

Boldly Growing: Awareness, Ownership, HOPE - Man in the Mirror 09/25/2023

The more I travel around and meet with mens leaders and pastors, the more I hear the same issues inside the church: "We don't have enough leaders", "Our older men feel un-needed and our younger men are disappearing", "We need older men to lead the younger men".

In a recent BLOG post from Jeremy Schurke, he shares about three critical needs of younger men:

First, young men want friends. (This could be you)
Second, they want older men to guide them. (This could be you)
And lastly, they want to live a good, meaningful life. (This could be you sharing your stories)

Please look at our website

I would love for you to join us this coming Saturday, Sept 30th, at Five Forks Baptist Church for our SF Orientation from 9a-12:30p.

Contact me for more details.

Boldly Growing: Awareness, Ownership, HOPE - Man in the Mirror As I reflect on launching the beta test for Spiritual Fathers, what I've observed has me dreaming about what God is going to do through Christian men who are boldly growing in awareness, ownership, and hope—and how it impacts us all.


T-minus 1 week! One week remains to register for Orientation here in The Upstate.

The plea of the next generation:

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 09/20/2023

I am truly blessed to have these men on team MIM with me on the SE Reginal Team. We are having a great time in the N. Ga mountains at our Summit Retreat this week. Please pray for us as we wrap up in the morning and return to our homes and get back in the trenches for Jesus and the cause for discipleship.


Don't go it alone! Ever!

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 09/17/2023

I am so looking forward to spending a few days away on retreat with my co-laborers in the SouthEast Region of Man in the Mirror in the North Georgia Mountains this week. It will be a great time of study, team building and preparation. Prayers are appreciated.

We recently received our personal copies of our new discipling resource called I believe that this will be a real game changer when it comes to guiding younger men in the faith.

We have a Spiritual Fathers Orientation coming to The Upstate on Sept 30th. I would love to have you there to start this movement of Intergenerational Discipleship in your church.

Calling All Prayer Warriors 09/12/2023

BIG things are happening, BIG prayers needed!

Calling All Prayer Warriors 10,000 Reasons to Pray 10,000 Reasons to Pray Will you pray with us? There are 10,000 reasons we are asking. We are calling on all the Prayer Warriors out there as we launch our new initiative, Ten Th


Four weeks from today, we will have a Spiritual Fathers Orientation here in the Greenville Area. I would love to share more with you about it.

Photos from Man in the Mirror - South Carolina, serving The Upstate's post 08/24/2023

I like it when I get to go to a church, eat great food, and meet new people. It's pretty exciting, and then I realize that I know the guest presenter for the evening. LOL.

It was a great night in Belton with men from FBC and The Haven of Rest. Are you one of Gods A-players?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our calling and purpose

"We train churches in a proven discipleship strategy that if properly implemented will more than double the number of men engaged in life-on-life discipleship in less than 3 years."

Chris Rondeau is the Area Director for Man in the Mirror in the Western Upstate of South Carolina. Since 2014, Chris has been coming along side church pastors and men's leaders helping them transform the lives of the men in their churches. He provides tools from the “No Man Left Behind” and “GO” discipleship models to identify needs, interests and helps them to plan specific growth/ministry activities for their men to sustain their spiritual growth.

Since attending Promise Keepers in 1996, he has been involved personally with many men's groups, discipleship ministries and local service projects. Chris has helped many churches to develop and launch new men's discipleship programs. He has been the guest speaker at many breakfasts, conferences and has made many radio, television and podcast appearances. He holds two degrees in Engineering and prior to serving with Man in the Mirror, has been an active participant in the "War on Terror" by building helicopter engines for various militaries around the world. He is now dedicated to a Full-Time role in “The Battle for Mens Souls.”

He has been married to his wife, Cheryl, for over 22 years and together they have two teenage boys. (Contact him at [email protected], (864)399-2764.

Videos (show all)

Today I got to meet with one of my church MDLs and their head pastor.  We started NMLB back in September and moving alon...
The battle at hand!



508 Wagon Trl
Simpsonville, SC

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