True North Coaching

True North Coaching

Transformative Nurse Coach - Somatic Breathwork Practitioner - Business Mentor - Healer


This morning I went walking in the woods

It was sideways raining, blowing and felt like fall had truly arrived

I didn’t see a single soul in the park

Two days ago, when it was sunny, the park was packed and felt more like Disneyland than a nature haven

It’s easy to show up when it’s easy.

I soaked in the sounds of the birds, the river running, felt the rain pelting my jacket, and smelled the fish in the river…

And thought how important it is to show up for our commitments even when it’s hard and uncomfortable

ESPECIALLY when it’s hard and uncomfortable

Cultivating resilience and grit in life and business is about learning to be with the discomfort and not making it mean something about who we are or what we offer

Learning to have healthy work ethic, especially as a woman who has been programmed to “grind it out” takes deep work

I often see women (myself included at times) swing completely into repelling any relationship with the more masculine traits.

This often happens after burnout, compassion fatigue, grinding it out for too long, and usually has a correlation to a wound or trauma that is asking for resolution

A healed masculine helps us have:

👉🏼Healthy structure
👉🏼Aligned action
👉🏼A healthy relationship with managing money and business decisions
👉🏼Freedom because we have stability and safety in our system, life, and business
👉🏼Internal versus external accountability and validation

The pendulum swing all the way into expecting freedom, ease, and flow without 👆🏼 feels good for awhile..but ultimately as an human, especially as a female entrepreneur

We. Need. Both.

What’s your relationship with this?
Agree? Disagree?


It was a moldy peach that got me to make the scary leap.

Let me explain.

I have been wobbly on making a certain decision in my life for months.

I’ve done the things I always recommend to clients…

🌲Spent time in nature and listened to my intuition
🤔Received coaching
✍️Journaled about it
⚖️Wrote a pro and con list
🧘🏻‍♀️Done breathwork with the intention set around it

And yet, I couldn’t leap.

As I stood holding this peach, it shifted.

I just bought this peach the day before you see.

It was hard as a rock. Organic. It probably cost me $5.

I left it on the counter to ripen overnight, where it proceeded to mold.

As I held it in my hand, frustration and disgust flowed through.

I can’t explain why THIS was the tipping point for me, but it shifted everything.

It lead to several quick decisions, actions, and a giant leap that fill me with excitement.

I often see and coach people on the edge.

Waiting to take the leap and fully commit to the next big thing.

Fear and doubt creep in.

They can’t figure out “the how” and buckle down on needing it

Stories come in that sound like “maybe this isn’t the time.”

“I’ll be ready after..”

That are also rooted in fear

So maybe, just maybe..if you are on the edge of making a big leap

I hope you find your moldy peach moment soon.

The universe rewards the brave.


Photos from True North Coaching's post 07/11/2024

Hey all 👋

I am hosting a FREE interactive somatic breathwork and coaching journey next week. The intention is to cultivate more freedom and ease in life, business and the body.

We will breathe and coach around:

👉🏼Releasing what is holding you back, feeling sticky, heavy, or stifling
👉🏼Cultivating access to the body and the felt sense of freedom within
👉🏼Getting clear on what freedom means and feels like for you and what shifts needs to happen to truly embody it

Come play!

Link below

What is Breathwork?

Somatic Breathwork is a powerful modality that helps build safety, capacity, and access to the body and the wisdom it holds. It opens up access to higher power, the spiritual dimension and ancestral wisdom that may otherwise be blocked. It’s helpful in releasing trapped emotions, trauma, and limiting beliefs that are stored in the physiology, while deepening the connection to intuition and self awareness. Breathwork helps foster self belief, trust, love, confidence, and power from within. It builds resiliency and flexibility in the nervous system, so that one can flow through life and the inevitable stress in a healthy and sustainable way. There are numerous physical and physiological benefits to consistent breathwork including improved circulation, blood pressure, heart rate variability, improved sleep and decreased stress hormone levels.


As a Type 1 Diabetic, I’ve had my fair share of low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia, as it’s called, is uncomfortable.

It starts with feeling shaky, heavy, like you want to collapse while at the same time feeling a strong sense of impending doom.

The body is sending out alerts, but the brain doesn’t have the glucose to make executive decisions.

I’ve been diabetic for 27 years and have quite eventful stories and lessons learned from living with chronic illness..

But last night as my blood sugar crashed and I was feeling the feels, I ate what I needed to..

And then waited.

Sitting in the really uncomfortable sensations

Waiting for the sugar to kick in, for my body and brain to come back onboard.

Come on, come on, come on.

There is a gap there you see

A time where I’ve done what I needed, but don’t have the result or the feeling I desire yet.

The only thing to do is settle in to the discomfort.

I see this “gap” show up in other ways in life and business-particularly when we are trying to transform or grow in ways that make us uncomfortable.

We do the thing, but instead of SIT in the discomfort and wait for the result, there is a hyper vigilance that comes in-a frantic energy

Filling the space with anything and everything to try to escape what we simply need to be in.

Avoiding this can sabotage the result we actually desire.

In diabetes, this would look like overeating in the low-causing a rebound high blood sugar that then causes further instability.

In business, it’s letting fear kick in and drive the ship-becoming graspy, insecure, letting shame and guilt take over.

So the lesson is…

Let yourself be in the gap.

Take the action, then sit in the space that comes after.

Trust. The. Process.

Ps-I’m also letting go of my perfectionist tendencies by showing my bump in glucose from a single cup of coffee because 😭

Photos from True North Coaching's post 07/10/2024

Yesterday, I hosted a breathwork and coaching session on top of this mountain.

Oh the wonder and awe of this experience

Of the beauty that is found right in front of us…when we slow down to notice

In the power of a single session to truly shift a life 🤯

To release years of trapped emotion and trauma

Diffuse shame, judgement, and suppression that no longer have a place in the body, heart, or soul.

To unlock what is bound and allow it to unravel

To create SPACE-in the body. In the heart.

To feel and be in love

To replace judgement with self compassion

And find Ownership and acceptance of what is

To live in the land of Possibility and true power


With a deep bow of gratitude for this “work”

To be in it AND to facilitate it

And an honoring and acknowledgement for the sacred land we reside on. 🙏🙏


✨Being in Receivership✨

I love strong independent women.

I love their fierceness
Their desire
Their get s**t done mentality
Their ability to create and continue to move through anything

They are powerful.
They are resilient
They are courageous

And sometimes, they are so utterly unsupported

Although they long for it, it feels hard to receive or know where to look for stable support

They struggle to ask for what they need

Or even know what they need in the first place

They easily put up walls or care take because receiving feels vulnerable and far too risky

They don’t trust others to actually show up for them

Or maybe they’ve been hurt several times-it’s easier to do it themselves.

At least it gets done that way…

The body becomes rigid, constricted and very heavy

Mind and logic dominate

There is imbalance in the doing and being

Learning to receive love, care, and deep support as a strong, independent, and powerful women is the work the truly brings harmony within.

It requires a deepening of the relationship we have with ourself.

Dropping the armor, the protectors and surrendering into the love and care.

The freedom and flow.

Letting go.
Being Nourished

It’s the greatest gift to ourself AND to others.

To be met and to meet ourself in that way.


What is your relationship like with receiving?

P.S. Fierce and Free, a group space for powerful women in entrepreneurship is almost full. More info at


A gentle reminder to use your heart as the compass ❤️

Words from Rise Sister Rise


From a full blown adult tantrum to feeling stoked again today 🫣🤦🏽‍♀️🤪🫠

Just go outside, duh.

Not much in the productivity realm, but dang the body feels much betta.


Lessons learned as I’ve built my successful coaching business and mentored hundreds of nurse coaches:

👉🏼Growth is found in discomfort-When you constantly lean in to your edge, change happens

👉🏼Connection is key and Disconnection is at the root of most problems-Being able to deeply connect with ourself and others is a requirement. Coaching is a relationship business built through connection first. Often, we have layers of protection that need to be shed to do so. Often we try to hide behind something to avoid connection and truth because it feels vulnerable or scary in some way.

👉🏼The point of strategy is action. Enough said.

👉🏼Answers we seek are always within us-Building access to body wisdom, intuition, and trust within helps us hear and follow them as signposts along the journey.

👉🏼Integration happens in space-Constantly piling on insights, experiences, books, and personal development work without taking space is like pouring water into an overflowing cup. Nothing can stick and stay without space.

👉🏼To be Sustainable, you must find YOUR harmony in the doing and being-the society we live in rewards productivity and hustle culture. The beauty is found in developing and holding both.

👉🏼Tracking and meeting your own system is a requirement for holding powerful attuned space sustainably. If you have no idea what is happening in your own nervous system or haven’t gone there in your own healing, you won’t be able to hold that in another person.

👉🏼Use your values as a filter-Does this choice, person, etc give me more (fill in the value) peace, freedom etc? If not, it’s likely a no. **note that there is discernment here. Sometimes there will be a retaliation or push back to get to the peace, freedom, etc in the process of change.

Need support with these 👆🏼?

Fierce and Free starts in August. This is A program to dive deeper into your healing, break out of any boxes you put yourself in, and find harmony as you grow your business.

Optional Adventure Healing Retreat in Alaska 🎉🎉🎉🎉

2 spots left

Info here:


I entered the arena with a bit of nervous energy.

My body was feeling very low physically- I couldn’t muster myself to shift

As I walked towards the arena, I said so.

“I’m scared he’s not going to like me”

I opened the gate and walked over to Cysco, a large beautiful horse standing next to the fence. As I slowly put my hand up to connect with him, I leaned back.

Not realizing that there was a electric fence behind me

The jolt of electricity channeled through me as I made contact with him. Cysco leaped back in surprise.

Oh Nooooooo. My heart sunk.

“He’s DEFINITELY not going to like me now”, I thought.

Kelly (the master coach and owner of prompted me to connect with him- “he’s already moved on Amyee. Connect”

As I did, I felt the energetic connection to this powerful and magical being.

His presence, safety, love, care genuinely flowing through him. The same for me.

Not because I was being anything for him, mustering up energy I didn’t have, or putting on a show in any way.

But because I was simply BEING with him.

Messy emotional tears rolled down my cheeks, as I felt this release and acceptance.

As I was prompted to say out loud

“I don’t have to be anything for anybody” again and again.

As I connected with Cysco over the next couple of days, I continued to feel his stability, support, care and love-His grief, and tenderness. His wisdom and the wisdom of the herd flowing through me.

The insight of feeling on or shifting my state of being for those around me-regardless of reason- is one I’ve worked for years, but it landed differently this time.

Taking it A layer deeper

Reflecting on where else this might show up..

Where we might perseverate on the past, or worry about the future or things that don’t exist.

Where we might Perform or push through instead of honor..

Where we still mask or pretend..

When we can simply be.


Last year, I began to feel something I know very intimately.

Heaviness, dread, and the feeling of being on a hamster wheel that was always turning.


My private practice had 57 clients in some form.

Programs, partnerships, collaborations, 1:1.

I had paid travel opportunities to facilitate retreats and breathwork.

All things I had wanted, actively created, and worked towards. My dream

And it was not lighting me up

I have developed such a wide and large capacity for holding a lot, especially with the work I do. Especially with being a single mother.

I was tired. Pushing the gas pedal to find there was simply no gas. My body was a clear NO to doing-to the contracts being forced upon me by “partners” to really anyone or anything that felt out of integrity or lit up my intuition in an alarming way.

I supported myself, double downed on resourcing, and hired help. I exercised, did all the breathwork, ate well, received coaching, leaned on others, worked with a naturopath, took vacations.

I was Doing. The. Things.

Trying to heal what was underneath with more doing.

And although it helped, it wasn’t the remedy.

Underneath, there was a whole lot that had to be voiced, shed, felt and shifted.

My entire state of being.

My relationship with space

The harmony of the doing and the being, particularly in business.

To the toxic masculinity that had sneakily come and taken the reigns

Suffocating my creative and wild spirit that is foundational to me.

As someone who historically has been able to push or WILL my way through any damn thing, it was so very confronting.

As the universe does, it responded. Leading to a massive shed of almost ALL of it. Some intentional, some not.

All very deeply painful and causing massive activation in the letting go

I feel it settling now. Nearly a year later.

My coaching and deep work becoming mine again

Finding clarity, desire, and peace in the space

Creating programs like Fierce and Free that are and feel like fire 🔥

Cultivating patience with my body as she shifts and heals from the intense pressure.

If this resonates, I want you to know I see you and am here if you need an ear ❤️


On a recent retreat in Santa Fe, I learned something about the Buffalo.

When an incoming storm approaches, the Buffalo charge directly into the worst of it. They know that by going straight through, they minimize the time spent in discomfort-ultimately reducing the amount of pain and suffering the herd experiences and getting to safety faster.

Going through instead of running from

Leaning into the pain and fear instead of skirting around and avoiding



Also wise, strong, and liberating

What do you need to go towards instead of run from?

Photos from True North Coaching's post 06/06/2024

⚡️Fierce and Free✨

⚡️A year long journey for entrepreneurial women who want to feel full, alive, and free while also being bold, courageous and powerful.

This is for you if:

⚡️ You are a coach, healer, or entrepreneurial woman looking to dive deeper into your own healing journey as you grow your business. You value freedom over grind and want to find harmony in the masculine/feminine within

⚡️ You often feel spread thin between commitments. You long for presence, fullness, creativity, intentional living and space
You desire a small tribe of high vibe sisters to be in circle with because you often find you hold yourself back, hide, or fear you are being “too much”

⚡️ You dislike being put in a box. Your big dreams and desires require attuned, powerful, and curated coaching that meets but challenges you to step in and RISE

⚡️ Fierce and Free is a hybrid container meant to meet the variety of support needs while we are on this journey. You get deep 1:1 support, group coaching, and somatic breathwork AND have an option to come on a life changing adventure healing retreat in Alaska .

👏 All. The. Things. In. One. 👏

👉🏼If this speaks to you, drop me a message or book a connection call here:

Space limited-6 spots left


⚡️Fierce and Free✨

⚡️A year long journey for entrepreneurial women who want to feel full, alive, and free while also being bold, courageous and powerful.

This is for you if:

⚡️ You are a coach, healer, or entrepreneurial woman looking to dive deeper into your own healing journey as you grow your business. You value freedom over grind and want to find harmony in the masculine/feminine within

⚡️ You often feel spread thin between commitments. You long for presence, fullness, creativity, intentional living and space
You desire a small tribe of high vibe sisters to be in circle with because you often find you hold yourself back, hide, or fear you are being “too much”

⚡️ You dislike being put in a box. Your big dreams and desires require attuned, powerful, and curated coaching that meets but challenges you to step in and RISE

⚡️ Fierce and Free is a hybrid container meant to meet the variety of support needs while we are on this journey. You get deep 1:1 support, group coaching, and somatic breathwork AND have an option to come on a life changing adventure healing retreat in Alaska .

👏 All. The. Things. In. One. 👏

👉🏼If this speaks to you, drop me a message or book a connection call here:

Space limited-6 spots left


Fear can be often be a mask for desire

A cover for something we really do want, but are scared to admit or take a closer look at

Last week I had a call with a new client

“I avoided you all week” she said

“Because I knew you offered something I needed, but was terrified of.

I knew you would ask me the questions I wouldn’t want to answer,

And go to the places and parts of myself I needed to, but have spent my life avoiding

I know I need this work and deep exploration
To move into this next chapter of my life.

I know it’s the way toward becoming and being who I want to be

And I’m so scared, but oh so ready”

Yes. All of that. As I nodded and smiled knowingly.

Fear is powerful and necessary at times

It can be a guiding force to keep us safe and an indicator for where our edge is

It can also be stifling to our potential if its left to run the show

What is your relationship with fear like?

How does it show up for you?

Is it a mask for a deeper desire?


I facilitated a breath session this week for a very powerful man with a background in leading intense military operations.

In his line of work, strategy, fast ex*****on and production are priority. He’s lead massively successful operations, projects, and teams with ease.

Although this created impressive impact and income, it hijacked his nervous system and kept him in his head. His body became used to being on high alert and stuck in doing.

It’s made it challenging to rest, slow down, or connect to himself or others. It’s made it hard to feel the joy, love or pleasure of simply being in this life.

All of which he’s shifted since starting this work.

Yesterday he wanted to breathe into freedom.

Freedom to be.

As he breathed, he released emotions, and let go. He trusted and allowed his body to lead.

As we ended, he was present and connected to himself.

He said

“I have Freedom to be
Freedom to breath
Freedom to be loved, held, and supported
Freedom to choose
Freedom to be powerful
And freedom to be bolder than ever before
I found a whole new way to be”

I often find it challenging to describe the work I do..but helping people create and FEEL freedom in their body is certainly one. To consciously shift their entire way of being through the power of breath, coaching and improved relationship with self-changes everything.

Everything we desire is within us, and accessible through the power of something we already have-breathe.

If you find yourself stuck in your head, constantly in doing mode, always running to the next thing, and never quite feeling that it’s enough, let’s connect.


Last week I traveled to Santa Fe to be on the leadership team for the Rich Litvin Intensive.

I felt honored to create and hold this experience with some of the best coaches and leaders from around the world. I was challenged, inspired, stretched and supported in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

I walked alongside some of my clients and my group on their journey while simultaneously being on mine.

I love this thing I call work ❤️


Last night I did the bedtime routine with Ole. In this season, it’s often a negotiation of sorts

A certain snack, a story about DINOSAURS, the blanket tucked in around holding his hand.

The boy knows what he wants.

It’s been a lot, this life. A lot of travel, change, medical procedures, business shifts, new childcare, possibilities, opportunities, relief, progress.

And in that moment last night I felt myself start to get annoyed with it taking so long, the annoyance rising rapidly in my body.

Just go to bed.
I’m so tired.
I have so much to do

I could feel my throat tighten, my pulse quicken.

It’s time like these that I am grateful for the work I do and tools I have and teach. To track, honor, and be with what is happening so that I can continue to be open, amidst the discomfort.

In that moment, He reached over and said “I love you mommy” and I melted. Received. This. This IS the why.

This sweet boy is my why.

You see embodiment work, this ability to be with what’s happening physically, emotionally, intuitively in our body, shifts everything.

It’s shifts our connection to ourself
To those we love or want to love more
Our beliefs and paradigm
The dreams we have, the impact we make
Our ability to feel fulfilled and be in joy
To receive money (oh hey nurse coaches 😘)
It’s everything.

Mindset is powerful.
Deepening your relationship to your body through somatic awareness with an attuned practitioner is the next level

I have 1:1 space opening in June and 1 pro bono session left in May.

If you are curious, drop me a message.

📸 the best human


Last night I went for a sunset surf

The waves perfect, sun setting

As I paddled out, I couldn’t seem to get passed the white water

One after another the waves crashed on my head.

Again and again.

I looked over and saw a young boy STANDING in the water that I was trying with all my might to paddle forward in.

My ego took quite the hit-I can STAND up. GAWD.

The doubt and judgement creeping in..

Maybe I shouldn’t be out here.
What was I thinking, I don’t know what I’m doing.
That kid is STANDING Amyee.

Just when I wanted to turn around I felt this other voice-loud and clear- KEEP GOING. Who are you? You don’t give up..

It was my inner cheerleader, the one who believes in me and KNOWS me. I like her.

And just like that I was on the other side.

I caught the first wave, stood up, and my entire bathing suit top flopped down-exposing me to the beach. Cool Cool.

I pulled it up, turned around amidst the whistles and paddled back out because this girl was NOT quitting on that note.

As I paddled into the next wave, I caught it, stood up and rode it all the way to the beach.

Ending on the most beautiful ride of the trip.

How often do we want to quit, right when that perfect wave, that big dream is SOOOOO close?

How often do we listen to that negative voice instead of that one that boosts us up? That tells us to keep going?

Listen to the one who fuels you. And feed her.

She gets hangry sometimes.


Two months of:

✨Morning beach walks
✨Transcendent Breathwork Journeys
✨Challenging, healing and restorative Yoga
✨Bare feet on the earth
✨Minimal makeup and clothing
✨Waking up with the sunrise with no alarm
✨Intentional work weeks
✨Cacao ceremonies, sound baths, and massages
✨Slowness and Spaciousness
✨Cooling swims
✨Nourishing Delicious Food
✨Experiences and presence with my son
✨Diving deep into myself

Two months of:

👉🏼All the broken things-car, fridge, aircon, internet, no water, no electricity
👉🏼Burns, cuts, stings, GI bugs on the daily
👉🏼Unexpected moves requiring a lot of advocacy and asking for what I need
👉🏼Single parenting in a foreign country 😳🤦🏽‍♀️
👉🏼Navigating big health challenges
👉🏼Honoring and feeling the grief from the dissolution of relationships that no longer served
👉🏼Receiving and trusting even when it’s overwhelming and hard

Two months of Proof that the light and goodness always coincides with the dark and the challenge

That when we create what we want, we are often met with adversity. Allowing the release of the judgement or victim hood and simply flowing and leaning in. The obstacles can lead to the most growth-for the exact evolution we are desiring if we allow.

Costa Rica often felt like being in a snow globe being shaken by a toddler-breaking up the stagnant globs and stirring it all up in the turbulence. In that turbulence there is magic-and the creation of a new reality.

In deep gratitude for the land, its people, and the space for gifting me exactly what I needed.


“You aren’t there yet.”

The words landed like a ton of bricks.

Oh. THIS one again.

As if there’s somewhere to get to before I have relevancy, worth, or can do it my way

I’m here to say


I’m here to take a stand for looking inward, for doing the real work, for being in YOUR fullest expression.

Regardless of how much society or others approve of it.

Regardless of if it makes sense
Or gives you status
Or makes the most money
Or how well you can articulate the why or what

What will the world be like when we can create from a place of love and not shame?

What if we created the businesses, experiences, and connections that have actual freakin meaning-and not to get somewhere or something?

I do not subscribe to the need to shame anyone into thinking they aren’t worthy of anything and everything just as they are.

As a reminder:

You are already worthy
Nobody can be you, and that is perfect
The answers you seek are within
The world needs your magic
Your voice matters
You already are enough

Find someone who believes and sees all
Of you. That can hold you in your entirety.

Let yourself come from love and alchemize the pain-we’ve come from that place for long enough, don’t you think?

It’s time.



Hello hello! It’s been a hot minute since I introduced myself on the socials.

So….Hi! I’m Amyee.

I am a born and raised Alaskan who loves to travel the world, hike, adventure, practice all the healing modalities, and spend time with my son Ole. Right now, we are living abroad in Costa Rica 🙌

Professionally, I am a board certified nurse coach and trauma informed breathwork facilitator.

I specialize in helping high-achieving entrepreneurs and leaders reconnect with their wild, authentic selves and find true joy, adventure, and deep connection in their lives and business.

Through a unique blend of body-based practices, nervous system regulation, breathwork, coaching, and in person experiences, I guide successful men and women on a journey of self-discovery and liberation. Together, we heal past hurt, embrace desire, and unlock the confidence and power needed to create a life filled with joy, freedom, and meaningful connection.

If you’re a successful business leader who feels lost or disconnected from your true self or has built something you no longer love, I’m here to help you rediscover your wild essence and create a life that sets your soul on fire... 🔥

With love,



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Contact me if you are interested in finding out more about essential oils.