Biodynamic Wellness

Real food. Gentle detoxification. Mindful preconception & prenatal nutrition. Hormone balancing. Chi

We are dedicated to helping others through education and consulting in the areas of nutrition and lifestyle choices. We believe that individuals are best physically nourished by nutrient-dense real food. Optimal health comes through real food, nutritional therapy when needed, the adopting of healthy lifestyle practices and the proper addressing of stress negatively impacting one’s mind and spirit.

Our 3-Step Process for Judging a Food & Reading the Package Label - Biodynamic Wellness 09/23/2024

Nutrition labels on food can be extremely confusing and feel overwhelming to try and interpret, especially when you’re embarking on a new health journey.

So, to make things easier for you, we've shared our 3-step process to help you learn how to judge a food and read the package labeling.

Tell us...which step surprised you the most?

Our 3-Step Process for Judging a Food & Reading the Package Label - Biodynamic Wellness We all know not to judge a book by its cover, but you should judge a food by its label. While we always advocate for the majority of your diet to be

Make Your Own Almond Milk - Biodynamic Wellness 09/20/2024

Can't handle dairy...and want a yummy alternative?

Here’s a great alternative to the processed packaged almond milk that usually contains synthetic vitamin D and other unnecessary substances. It’s super easy and really yummy! 🙂

Make Your Own Almond Milk - Biodynamic Wellness Sensitive to dairy and looking for a refreshing drink to start your day? Here's a great alternative to the processed packaged almond milk.

12 Benefits of Magnesium 09/19/2024

Did you know that magnesium plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body, impacting everything from energy metabolism and stress management to hormone balance, detoxification, sleep, and the creation of proteins?!

Check out this article to understand its benefits, along with a list of foods that are high in magnesium.

12 Benefits of Magnesium Magnesium is often called "The Magic Mineral" because it plays a crucial role energy metabolism, stress management, hormone balance, detoxification, and other crucial processes.

Photos from Biodynamic Wellness's post 09/18/2024

NOW AVAILABLE!!! --> We're excited to announce that we have some office space available to rent!

This private office space is available at our Biodynamic Wellness office in Solana incredible location at the beach just above Fletcher Cove. There's plenty of parking, and the office includes a shared reception/waiting area.�

We are looking for an independent alternative health care practitioner to share our space, and this opportunity would perfect for a massage therapist, acupuncturist, osteopath, chiropractor, etc.

The space is available now, and the rent is $1,300/month, which includes utilities and wifi access. If interested or have questions, contact us at [email protected] or 858 259-6000.

How to Implement a Hot/Cold Compress - Biodynamic Wellness 09/16/2024

Do you struggle with headaches, earaches or any sort of sinus struggles?

Here's a valuable hydrotherapy treatment we love and that can be applied to any area of the body!

How to Implement a Hot/Cold Compress - Biodynamic Wellness This valuable hydrotherapy treatment can be applied to any area of the body. The description below is for acute or chronic sinusitis and is an essential

Instructions for Preparing Grains - Biodynamic Wellness 09/13/2024

One trait of a healthy diet is that grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are properly prepared! The ancients understood that in order to properly digest and fully utilize the nutrients contained in the pulses, special care and time needed to be taken in their preparation. Here's how to do it...and you just might be surprised at how EASY it is! 🙂

Instructions for Preparing Grains - Biodynamic Wellness Learn how to properly preparing grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Refined and improperly prepared grains are the biggest contributor to gut disorders.

15 of the Best Easy Gluten and Dairy Free Lunch Ideas 09/11/2024

With school back in session, do you need some lunch inspiration? Here's some yummy ideas!

15 of the Best Easy Gluten and Dairy Free Lunch Ideas These are 15 of the best easy gluten and dairy free lunch recipes! Featuring everything from meal prep to wraps to salad recipes that are simple and delicious. If you are headed back to school

What to Eat to Take Fewer Supplements - Biodynamic Wellness 09/09/2024

NEW POST! ---> We pride ourselves on having both a “food first” philosophy and a clinical result focus in our practice. This means we foundationally believe food is medicine, and we advise looking toward foods first to supply the nutrients needed. It also means that we use therapeutic, targeted supplements as tools to improve balance, offer specific organ support and achieve positive change in overall health.

We’ve seen a lot more “trending” vitamin recommendations lately, which are usually single nutrient supplements. We want to remind you that supplements should always be holistically designed and personalized to your health goals, and you can meet most of your single-nutrient needs from food.

Click the link to read the entire article so you can avoid the alphabet soup of single-nutrient supplements by know which specific foods to eat instead!

What to Eat to Take Fewer Supplements - Biodynamic Wellness We pride ourselves on having both a "food first" philosophy and a clinical result focus in our practice. This means we foundationally believe food is

Raw Milk & Liver Shake - Biodynamic Wellness 09/06/2024

Looking for a simple and tasty way to add liver to your diet?

Try our delicious and nutrient-packed raw milk liver shake...we even recommend it to those with infertility and PMS challenges and even children love it! 🙂

Raw Milk & Liver Shake - Biodynamic Wellness Looking for a simple and tasty way to add liver to your diet? Try our delicious and nutrient-packed raw milk and liver shake.

Raising Baby With Safer—And Less—Stuff 09/04/2024

New parents are confronted with two basic questions...

1. What do you and your baby REALLY need?
2. How do you make sure it is safe?

This article provides some really helpful insight, but if you have any additional thoughts to share, please give them in the comments...we would love to know what you think!

Raising Baby With Safer—And Less—Stuff By John Moody

Overscheduled Child: Are Our Kids Too Busy? - Chris Kresser 09/02/2024

Something to think about as all of the back-to-school and fall "things" return...

"Today, structured activities and classes begin at younger and younger ages. Modern society sends the message that these activities help children’s physical and mental development. But an overscheduled child could actually be at a disadvantage compared to their peers who engage in more child-driven, free play during the early years."

Overscheduled Child: Are Our Kids Too Busy? - Chris Kresser An overscheduled child could be at a disadvantage compared to peers who engage in more child-driven, free play. Read on to learn more.

Angel Food Cake (Grain-Free, Paleo) 08/30/2024

How long has it been since you've had a slice of Angel Food Cake?

Here's a grain-free recipe that's just as light, airy, and DELICIOUS!!

Hope you enjoy as much as we did. :)

Angel Food Cake (Grain-Free, Paleo) Angel Food Cake is worth the time investment and provides a fun activity for kids to join in, especially since you need to cool it upside-down!

Natural Varicose Vein Remedies 08/28/2024

In a previous post, we shared some things about varicose veins, and it caused a lot of questions and inquiries. So...we thought we'd share this post too.

It not only explains what is causing them but it gives some natural remedies that will help you avoid them or at least minimize their appearance.

Natural Varicose Vein Remedies These natural varicose vein remedies are shown to help improve the appearance of unsightly veins and relieve their irritating side effects.

Natural Remedies for Headaches 08/26/2024

Headaches can be anything from frustrating to debilitating, especially when you have things to do and places to go! If you struggle with them, this article might give you some insight as to the causes and some natural remedies to help!

Natural Remedies for Headaches There are several different types of headaches, but you can find relief with these natural remedies for headaches.

10 Stress Relief Tactics for Living Chronic Illness 08/23/2024

Don't underestimate the role stress plays in your health!!

Here are some great ideas...have you implemented #9, and #10 is something really important to think about!

What are some practical ways that you help minimize the stress in your life?

10 Stress Relief Tactics for Living Chronic Illness Recently, I asked my readers what they thought would make their healing journey easier. Recipes, cooking advice, and more health and lifestyle tips were among the most common answers of course, but there was no

College Cafeteria Survival...and Other Health Supporting Tips - Biodynamic Wellness 08/21/2024

Do you have a student returning to college...or starting for the first time?

Here are some great tips on how to survive and set them up for success, as well as some of our favorite supplement recommendations.

College Cafeteria Survival...and Other Health Supporting Tips - Biodynamic Wellness Making the transition from home-cooked meals to college cafeteria survival can feel daunting for any college student. Here's some practical tips to help!

Iodine - Biodynamic Wellness 08/19/2024

Do you have enough iodine?

Do you know how much is "enough"?

And what are the best sources of iodine?

We answer all of these questions...and in this post!

Iodine - Biodynamic Wellness Far from the newcomer on the block of holistic remedies, iodine has been a traditional remedy used by an antiseptic and natural antibiotic.

11 Most Popular Slow Cooker Recipes 08/16/2024

Need some dinner inspiration that you can prepare in advance and is nutrient-dense?

Save this post...the recipes won't disappoint and they'll save you so much time!

11 Most Popular Slow Cooker Recipes I am a huge fan of slow cooker recipes! Especially during the fall and winter months, there are few things more comforting than the smell...

Back to School Tips, Lunches and Snack Ideas - Biodynamic Wellness 08/14/2024

As you start to prepare for you kids going back to school, here are some foundational tips we've shared in the past...and are still great suggestions to help you get started!

Back to School Tips, Lunches and Snack Ideas - Biodynamic Wellness Well, it's that time of year again...Back to School! To help you prepare, here are some of our favorite tips, lunch ideas and yummy snacks!

How to Support Your Eye Health - Biodynamic Wellness 08/12/2024

Regular eye exams are essential for catching any declines in vision as well as early diagnosis of eye conditions. However, most diagnoses often come with little to no guidance in how to prevent further decline and rarely is the possibility discussed of recovering without surgery.

New research suggests that eye cells are capable of regeneration, which means you DO have the opportunity to support your eye health through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation! To help, here are some of our tips and suggestions.

How to Support Your Eye Health - Biodynamic Wellness New research suggests that eye cells are capable of regeneration, which means you DO have the opportunity to support your eye health through diet, lifestyle, and supplementation!

Homemade Fruit By The Foot 08/09/2024

Are you preparing for back to school...or maybe you've already gone back?

If so, this Homemade Fruit by the Foot recipe would be great for your kid's lunches or when you want to have a special treat!

Homemade Fruit By The Foot We took a road trip last week and as I was packing up snacks to keep my little guy busy during the drive, I realized that I had a few containers of berries that needed

How to Reduce Hot Flashes Naturally - Carrie Vitt, FNTP 08/07/2024

Do you struggle with hot flashes?

If so, this has some really good recommendations and detailed steps that will help!

How to Reduce Hot Flashes Naturally - Carrie Vitt, FNTP If you’re tired of feeling like a heat wave is coming over you, I've got some tried-and-true tips to reduce hot flashes naturally.

Coffee E***a History and Instructions - Biodynamic Wellness 08/05/2024

Have you ever been the slightest bit curious to learn more about coffee enemas?!

They're actually very therapeutic and are the oldest medical treatments known to man! If you have questions, don't be nervous to ask...we've heard it all! :)

Coffee E***a History and Instructions - Biodynamic Wellness E***as are one of the oldest medical treatments known to man. The oldest known medical text, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (1,500 B.C.), records the use of

How to Make Water Kefir: A Naturally Probiotic Homemade Soda 08/02/2024

Have you ever tried water kefir?

It's a naturally fermented drink that's rich in beneficial bacteria, but also really tasty and refreshing...especially in these hot temps! Plus, it's an excellent substitute for sodas and soft drinks and really easy to make at home!

How to Make Water Kefir: A Naturally Probiotic Homemade Soda Sweet, tart and delightfully effervescent, water kefir is a naturally fermented drink that's rich in beneficial bacteria. It's delicate flavor a natural fizziness make it an excellent substitute for sodas and soft drinks. It's easy to make at home with a few simple steps.

What Causes Heart Disease? 07/31/2024

Do believe that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease?

If so, what would you say if we told you that heart disease in America actually increased during the period when consumption of saturated fat has decreased?!

Here's the real causes of heart disease, along with 10 practical solutions.

What Causes Heart Disease? 🖨️ Print post Translations: Dutch For almost forty years, the lipid hypothesis or diet-heart idea has dominated medical thinking about heart disease. In broad outlines, this theory proposes […]

Nourishing Foods for Your Baby and Toddler - Biodynamic Wellness 07/29/2024

Conventional recommendations include commercial formula laden with soy and hydrogenated oils, highly processed and extruded rice cereal and purees that include more sugar than the actual fruit and vegetable. Your little one deserves better! Here are our suggestions...

Nourishing Foods for Your Baby and Toddler - Biodynamic Wellness You may have spent months to years optimizing your health for pregnancy, in addition to the 9 months carefully crafting your diet to support the growth of a perfect baby.

Classic Ice Cream Sandwich (Paleo & Gluten Free) 07/26/2024

If you loved eating ice cream sandwiches as a kid, then you're going to love this version that has all the characteristics of the ones from the ice-cream trucks without the gluten, refined sugars, corn syrup, and dairy! The soft and cake-like chocolate cookie even mimics the way that the original melts in your mouth!

Classic Ice Cream Sandwich (Paleo & Gluten Free) The classic ice-cream sandwich has a way of bringing me back to my favorite summer childhood memories. My siblings and I would play outside most days - running through sprinklers and enjoying endless games of

Should You Drink Coffee? - Biodynamic Wellness 07/24/2024

NEW POST! --> Should you drink coffee?

Yes, we could easily find 10 articles supporting the amazing benefits of coffee, right next to another 10 articles supporting why coffee is terrible for you.

So, to coffee or not to coffee...what do we recommend?

Click below for our thoughts...our answer just might surprise you!

Should You Drink Coffee? - Biodynamic Wellness We could easily find 10 articles supporting the amazing benefits of coffee, right next to another 10 articles supporting why coffee is terrible for you.

Cholesterol: Is it Really Bad? - Biodynamic Wellness 07/22/2024

This is SO important to understand!! --> "The most commonly seen imbalance in cholesterol values is elevated LDL or triglycerides, which is typically due to overconsumption of carbohydrates and vegetable oils (not saturated fats) in the diet, excess stress and lack of exercise. A carbohydrate-based diet often leads to adrenal fatigue and insulin resistance, which increases one’s risk of developing diabetes, as well as heart disease."

Cholesterol: Is it Really Bad? - Biodynamic Wellness Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, brain and nerve cells, and bile, which helps the body absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins.

How the Parasympathetic Nervous System Helps Us Lower Stress 07/19/2024

Did you know this? --> "For someone dealing with stress or fatigue, it’s kind of ironic that yawning can actually help. When we deeply inhale and exhale to yawn, this supports the vagus nerve and boosts PSNS activity. If you find yourself yawning a lot, you might be tired, or maybe your body is just trying to relieve some stress. So don’t fight the urge to yawn, work with it!"

Check out these other great tips to help support your nervous system!

How the Parasympathetic Nervous System Helps Us Lower Stress Feeling on edge and stressed all the time? Here's how to activate your parasympathetic nervous system for less stress and better health.

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107 N Acacia Avenue
Solana Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm

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