Healers of the Light

Healing through awareness. Book releases: The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness (trilogy), How

Healers of the Light is a academy focusing on personal development, self-awareness, healing, and meditation books and tools.


These are 5 herbs known for their mood-boosting and happiness-promoting properties.

Most of these are adaptogens because adaptogens support the body’s ability to handle stress, which in turn leads to improved emotional balance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. These herbs and natural substances work by regulating hormones and neurotransmitters that influence mood, energy levels, and resilience to stress.

Adaptogens increase your body’s ability to adapt to and cope with stress. Instead of overreacting to stressful situations, your body becomes more balanced and responds to stressors more efficiently. This emotional resilience reduces the mental and emotional toll that stress can take.

Adaptogens help boost physical and mental energy by improving how your body manages stress and enhances energy metabolism. Fatigue, especially chronic fatigue, can lead to irritability, low mood, and a lack of motivation.

They also influence the production and regulation of key neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are closely linked to mood regulation and feelings of happiness.

Make sure that your diet includes some adaptogens, not necessarily these, but any that support your goals. I like adding ginseng to my morning smoothie for energy and then at night I take a tea with another herb that supports my sleep quality like valerian root or reishi mushroom.

What’s your favorite?

Photos from Healers of the Light's post 09/16/2024

Certain sounds can be incredibly soothing and healing when it comes to processing and alleviating grief. Sound therapy, music, and nature sounds are commonly used to promote emotional healing, reduce stress, and provide comfort during difficult emotional times.

In times of deep grief, I found that guided meditations helped me feel a sense of direction, I felt that with losing someone who was close to me, or perhaps in a circumstance where I failed at something that was very important to me, life could also lose meaning and direction, and a guided meditation offered that guidance back to self awareness rather than focusing on the inevitable external circumstances.

Also chanting “om” and listening to instrumental music was particularly soothing to me because growing I had a Walkman and a cassette with angelic sounds that my mom made me listen before going to sleep so I wouldn’t have nightmares.

Those calming memories always brought me comfort in times of grief.

What’s your favorite of these?



Establishing a healthy bedtime routine is essential for emotional balance, as it promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity. Night habits that help balance emotions tend to focus on winding down, processing the day’s events, and preparing the body and mind for restful sleep.

These practices help reduce stress, process emotions, and prepare the body and mind for relaxation, ensuring that you wake up feeling more balanced and emotionally refreshed.

We can also include:
- Reflecting on the emotional progress you’ve made throughout the day or the positive emotional experiences you’ve had can help reinforce emotional resilience and balance.

-Setting positive intentions or affirmations before bed helps create a peaceful mindset and allows you to approach the next day with a sense of purpose and calm. It can also reduce nighttime worries.

Before falling asleep, take a moment to set a positive intention for the next day. It could be something like, “I will approach tomorrow with patience and calm,” or “I will focus on self-care and gratitude.”

- Drink a warm herbal tea. About 30-60 minutes before bed, drink a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea. Chamomile, lavender, or valerian root teas are known for their calming and sleep-promoting effects.

Which other night time habits do you find useful to regulate your emotions?


Holistic health means having living habits that prioritize the balance of mind, body, and spirit as a unit, understanding our internal and external interconnectedness.

At some point, in your development of conscious awareness, that perception of separation between mind, body, and spirit, and the perception of internal vs external starts to fade and you can finally reach a state of awareness in which everything is one.

Then the development continues and you start to realize that everything and nothing are also perceptions, they are the same.

And even if this might be too complicated to understand at this moment, only by having the notion of our systems being connected, you are already being inspired by the frequency of higher consciousness.


Mornings set the tone for the day ahead, and having a consistent routine that nourishes your body, mind, and emotions helps promote emotional stability, reduce stress, and enhance focus.

By adopting these habits in the morning, you can create a sense of emotional balance, reduce stress, and set yourself up for a more peaceful and productive day. These practices support not only emotional well-being but also mental clarity, physical health, and resilience in the face of daily challenges.

Have you checked our posters yet? They are not only beautiful, they also include habits, pressure points, visualization exercises, and mind body correlations to bring more awareness to your emotions.

Awareness heals 🙏🏽


I’ve mentioned this a few times but since there are new people joining us every day I just wanted to give a little context.

I have been researching consciousness and its connection to our mind and body for over 20 years. During this time I’ve learned many holistic healing methods, spiritual practices, I’ve learned how emotions can affect the human body and how foods can interfere or assist with mind body connectedness.

This is why you see on this page a variety of topics, but all of them are shared from the perspective of my research that is finding the path to universal consciousness through various approaches.

The emotional response book and online class was supposed to be released 2 years ago, but I was missing a valuable piece of information and I had to travel to various parts of the world to get the information that I needed, not from a person but from energetic codes that are in the dna of each of these places.

I don’t know if you have ever had this experience, but I do feel how each place in the world has unique information that is awaken within just by being there.

Long story short. There is so much to share and I’m getting ready to talk more about it once the upcoming book and class are released. The only thing I want to say now is that future scenarios don’t just randomly happen, we are subconsciously choosing them all the time. This was the missing link and what will be added to the emotional response class. Can’t wait to tell you all about it!


Meditation helps relax the body, leading to better blood circulation, which can aid in detoxification and overall physical health.

Meditation can regulate emotions by releasing stored or stagnant Qi associated with certain emotions, leading to greater emotional clarity and well-being.

In TCM, meditation is seen as a holistic practice that not only benefits the mind but also deeply nourishes the body and spirit, helping to restore harmony and health throughout the entire being.

Do you have a habit of meditating? Meditation can also be in other ways not only sitting on lotus pose, you can be walking, practicing Qi Gong, visualizing, focusing on your breathing, writing, painting, etc. as long as you are reaching a state of awareness.


What you want to see happening is waiting for you to make room for it.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood, sleep, appetite, and overall well-being. Low levels of serotonin are associated with mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. These herbs are believed to help increase serotonin levels or improve its activity in the brain.

Before starting any new herbal supplement, consult with a qualified healthcare provider, especially if you are taking medications or have underlying health conditions.

Herbal remedies can affect individuals differently. What works for one person may not work for another. I tend to get a headache when I take Ashwagandha when others find it calming and relaxing.

I like isolating my herbs when I take them for the first time to see how my body responds, I don’t take any medicine so there’s no contraindications in my specific case, but if you have any underlying conditions, you should always ask your doctor about possible contraindications with any herbs, even with the spices that you use for cooking like the saffron or turmeric.

Once you get your clearance, then herbs are your friends, the body like natural sources and in general they help you balance and maintain good health.

My daily supplement is turmeric with black pepper, I like to take it in the middle of the day because when I take it at night it makes me thirsty. These are also patterns that you need to observe to have the best possible experience with herbs.


By incorporating the right colors into your environment, clothing, or even daily practices (like meditation or journaling with colored pens), you can create emotional balance and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Do you feel drawn to any particular color?


Did you know that the way you talk about yourself or how you treat yourself shows what limiting patterns and emotions you have stored?

The semantics of language are a reflection of the semantics of consciousness. This is why it’s important that you express how you feel, under the appropriate circumstances without any sugarcoating or trying to tone it down.

In some cases it’s even better if you can talk to yourself to really say what you need to say and then reflect on your true emotions.

Let your words be uplifting and inspiring.

Changing your self narrative and getting in the habit of saying powerful daily affirmations can drastically change the direction of your perception and of the situations that you attract.

Photos from Healers of the Light's post 09/10/2024

The sense of smell plays a big role in storing memories and triggering emotions. You can use aromatherapy I many ways, to change your mood, to release memories, or to reprogram your emotional connection to certain smells.

Do you use essential oils? What’s your preferred way of using them?


There is a notable correlation between specific senses and emotions. Each of the five senses—smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch—can trigger particular emotional responses based on how the brain processes sensory information and past experiences.

Resetting the senses to release stored emotions involves a holistic approach to engage and recalibrate each sense, fostering a supportive environment for releasing and managing the emotions effectively. This can lead to improved mental clarity, reduced stress, and enhanced overall emotional health.

The interaction between senses and emotions isn’t just one-way; emotional states can also alter the perception of sensory information. For example, when a person is feeling sad, they may perceive colors as less bright or music as more melancholic. Similarly, stress can heighten sensitivity to noise, and anxiety might make individuals more sensitive to touch.

Understanding these connections allows for more effective emotional management strategies and enhances our understanding of how our environments affect our psychological states.


Breaking a toxic cycle seems sometimes impossible, but you can make it more attainable by retraining your attention and redirecting towards yourself, your self improvement, your goals and passions instead of focusing on the external cycle that triggers your emotions.

The more your attention is redirected towards yourself, the less power that gets directed to the toxic cycle.

Another powerful tool to break a cycle, in addition to bringing your awareness inward, is to literally taking a break, putting distance, going away, changing the dynamics of interaction. But if you are not able to put time and space in between to change your perspective, then put all your efforts in self awareness, this will help you recover the loss of perspective and it will help you re-center, re-evaluate, and re-direct yourself towards whats really valuable and fulfilling for you.


Selfishness comes from fear (fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, etc). Self awareness comes from loving yourself so much that no one can make you think otherwise.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, issues that arise in our fingers can represent underlying emotional distress, this doesn’t mean that only emotions cause physical issues, it means that emotions can contribute to intensify an existing physical condition or in some cases the stress caused by the emotion may be the reason for physical symptoms.

Targeting specific points on the hands that correspond to various meridians can help alleviate emotional distress and improve overall energy flow.



Incorporating these foods and habits into your daily routine can help manage and potentially reduce anxiety levels. I am not saying that only by eating this foods you will not have any more anxiety, but nutrition is one of the most important factors in relieving or intensifying anxiety.

A holistic anxiety relief protocol must include lifestyle changes that include foods, daily mindfulness practices, learning mindset strengthening tools, and physical activities. This can be paired with your doctor recommendations such as therapy and others, or used as preventive self care, or maintenance.


A lot of people don’t feel comfortable or are unable to focus while they are at certain places because they feel unsafe or insecure. Try these tips to activate your subconscious awareness of safety and belonging.


When you think about abundance analyze carefully if you are perceiving it from a point of view of scarcity or as if you already had the abundance that you want.

A lot of us ask for abundance from a perspective of need instead of using the perspective of resonance. Vibrating at the frequency of abundance attracts more abundance. Feeling lack or need only attracts more of the same.

And although this is already easy to understand, it was not until recently when I was in deep meditation trying to observe my own thoughts and perceptions to see where they were subconsciously talking me, that I found a pull towards insecurity and this pull was showing me experiences that reinforced my insecurities about the future, feeling unsafe.

The breaking point was the robbery that I had at my house in August 1st, luckily only material losses, but that led me to ask myself “what am I feeling unsafe or insecure about?” No experience is going to go without proper evaluation, specially not one like this one.

The fact that I had to fight the thief and that I actually managed to scape unharmed reinforced my sense of strength and confidence instead of me feeling vulnerable and more unsafe. This was only because I had already a strong sense of confidence and I feel protected and guided.

This event helped me see that we become radars or antennas to experiences that resonate with our inner state. When we feel grateful and complete, we can attract more experiences of this kind.

Evaluate yourself carefully, do you feel your inner self is being pulled in any direction (towards any emotion), ask yourself why and command yourself where you want to go now.

Awareness heals.


The state of one’s space often reflects their internal emotional and psychological state, acting both as a mirror and a mold for their emotional well-being.

Adjustments to one’s space, whether it’s decluttering, repainting, or simply rearranging, can be therapeutic and help improve one’s mood and outlook.

Significant changes in how a space is organized or decorated can reflect major life transitions or emotional shifts, such as coping with a loss, changing relationship statuses, or career changes.

The level of cleanliness in a space can reflect how a person is feeling about themselves. Good self-care often correlates with cleaner, well-maintained living areas, while neglecting space cleanliness can be a sign of personal distress or low self-esteem.

The colors chosen for a space can significantly affect and reflect a person’s mood. For example, blues and greens typically create a calming atmosphere and might be chosen by someone seeking tranquility, while bright colors like yellow and orange can reflect happiness or a desire for stimulation.


It’s a relief that things naturally end, honor the ending of cycles, ending is not loosing, it’s growing and making room for rebirthing.


A very common sign of energy being stuck or stagnant is that your life circumstances also feel stagnant: nothing is moving, nothing is happening, it’s all slow and unfavorable.

Our energy materializes in the form of our external experiences, that means that to change an external experience what you need to focus on is in changing your energy, not in trying to change the external world, that would be fruitless and also very challenging.

Take the road of inner change and strategy transforming your body and mind first, be aware of your thoughts, of the foods that you eat, of how you express yourself, and of how your body is expressing the subconscious as well.

First awareness, then change. This is the way to successful transformations or becomings.


There are many ways of not being able to express yourself. Some more common than others, like simply not saying how you really feel or what you want, others less evident like living a life that doesn’t fulfill your inner desires and goals.

And this doesn’t have anything to do with money or luxuries, but to not being able to fulfill your spiritual passions like living purposefully or being simply happy with yourself or living in self love and acceptance, which will eventually manifest into material abundance, but at first it needs to be shown as internal abundance.

How to do it?
First you need to gain more self awareness, to be connected with your true self, discover it, let it shine, and let go of the fear of fully becoming yourself.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, anger is linked to imbalances in the liver. This doesn’t mean that anger is 100% caused by liver imbalances, instead it means that an imbalanced liver function can intensify or lengthen anger. Also in some cases, it may trigger anger.

Our body and mind are linked, in some cases one triggers the other, and in some other cases one makes the other intensify external stimuli.

In addition to these foods, Ayurveda recommends cooling down the mind and body temperature using a pranayama technique which involves you breathing through your rolled tongue. This is supposed to help you “cool off.”

If you want me to share other emotional healing food tips comment below the emotion or situation that you want me share more about!



The emotional healing posters are wonderful to have in any room of the house, at your yoga studio, classroom, meditation room, or anywhere to remind you of the ways to release stored emotions.

The posters come in 2 sizes:

They include the description of the emotions and their physical effects to help you recognize it and bring awareness to your body; pressure points, affirmations, habits to help you change your mindset and more.

Check them out on the 🔗 on the profile.

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Alternative Healing Academy

We bring various practical methods, seminars and publications to guide you in the search for truth, elevation of consciousness and healing.

We offer a practical approach in energy healing, with the use of tools that activate awareness and release the electromagnetic charge of influential agents such as emotions, ideas, memories and limiting beliefs from the soul and physical body.

Our programs promote choosing higher consciousness and freedom, over limiting believes and traumatic memories; choosing love over fear.

Videos (show all)

These are 5 herbs known for their mood-boosting and happiness-promoting properties. Most of these are adaptogens because...
I’ve mentioned this a few times but since there are new people joining us every day I just wanted to give a little conte...
What you want to see happening is waiting for you to make room for it. #inspiration #motivation #quote #letgo
By incorporating the right colors into your environment, clothing, or even daily practices (like meditation or journalin...
There is a notable correlation between specific senses and emotions. Each of the five senses—smell, sight, hearing, tast...
Breaking a toxic cycle seems sometimes impossible, but you can make it more attainable by retraining your attention and ...
When you think about abundance analyze carefully if you are perceiving it from a point of view of scarcity or as if you ...
The state of one’s space often reflects their internal emotional and psychological state, acting both as a mirror and a ...
A very common sign of energy being stuck or stagnant is that your life circumstances also feel stagnant:  nothing is mov...
There are many ways of not being able to express yourself. Some more common than others, like simply not saying how you ...



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