Videos by Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership in South Lake Tahoe. The Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) selects and places 27 members with Sierra Nevada conservation organizations and agencies each year.
Sunday SNAP Spotlight! 💫
Lindsey is serving as the Education Technician at Sequoia Riverlands Trust in Visalia. She works with students and community members to facilitate experiences on SRT's beautiful preserves, and shares knowledge to help people become better stewards of this unique and vital region. Thank you so much for serving the Sierra and SRT, Lindsey!
@californiavolunteers @sequoiariverlands
#serviceyear #americorps #community #environmentaleducation #sierranevada #landtrust #conservation #connection #teamwork
Sunday SNAP Spotlight! 💫 Lindsey is serving as the Education Technician at Sequoia Riverlands Trust in Visalia. She works with students and community members to facilitate experiences on SRT's beautiful preserves, and shares knowledge to help people become better stewards of this unique and vital region. Thank you so much for serving the Sierra and SRT, Lindsey! @californiavolunteers @sequoiariverlands #serviceyear #americorps #community #environmentaleducation #sierranevada #landtrust #conservation #connection #teamwork