joyful noise Xpress

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💌 #陪你靈修 💌
Feel free to comment and share your insights on your devotion! We encourage you to use the same scripture for this week, reflecting on different questions each day to explore areas for growth and seek after Him. Has God been speaking to you about the idea of "cost" in any particular way? Let us know!
📜 靈修影片和文字版(完整版)已登陸 jnX 網站
The complete devotional video and text version are now available on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #代價

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 08/29/2024

💌 #陪你靈修 💌
In Luke 14:26-33, after Jesus lays out the conditions for being His disciple, He uses parables to illustrate that there is a price to pay for following Him. What is the relationship between ”taking up one’s cross“ and the ”cost“ of being a disciple? Let's reflect on our choices and priorities - are we truly willing to love the Lord, bear our cross, and surrender to Him no matter the cost?
📜 靈修影片和文字版(完整版)已登陸 jnX 網站
The complete devotional video and text version are now available on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #代價


💌 #陪你靈修 💌
In our last devotional on “Attention”, we discussed how God desires our paying attention to His word more than our offerings. In this devotional, we explore the "cost" and may be even “suffering” that comes with a life of submission. Join us for the "Walking with You" devotion.
📜 靈修影片和文字版已登陸 jnX 網站
The complete devotional video and text version are now available on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #代價


📣 在10月中,美國團隊的Anthony & Isabella 及加拿大團隊的 Brian, 都會到香港和澳門,參與 joyful noise Xpress - HK 團隊舉辦的「相信就是答案」敬拜分享會的服侍。疫情過後,我們面對更多的挑戰 🌊...怎樣才可以完全地相信神,好像哈巴谷先知一樣,在絕境中仍能以神為樂?🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This October, Anthony & Isabella from the US team and Brian from the Canada team will be joining the jnX HK team in Hong Kong and Macau to minister at the "Trust is the Answer" worship meetings. After the pandemic, we've faced even more challenges. How can we fully trust in God, just like the prophet Habakkuk, who rejoiced in the Lord even in the midst of adversity?

🇲🇴 澳門站
時間:7:30 pm(準時開始)

🇭🇰 香港站
時間:7:30 pm(準時開始)
粵語聚會 免費入座
座位有限 先到先得
#粵語敬拜聚會 #短劇


📣📣📣【相信就是答案 - jnX HK 敬拜分享會 2024】

當每天的生活不似預期,經濟下滑、工作減少、物價上升,處處都充滿着困難和挑戰🌊... 我們能否像哈巴谷先知一樣在絕境中靠主喜樂?🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

今個 10月,我們將在香港及澳門各舉辦一場粵語敬拜聚會。透過音樂敬拜、短劇🎭及分享,讓我們一起思考這個重要的課題。

🇲🇴 澳門站
時間:7:30 pm(準時開始)

🇭🇰 香港站
時間:7:30 pm(準時開始)

粵語聚會 免費入座
座位有限 先到先得
#粵語敬拜聚會 #短劇


Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 08/17/2024

《代價》MV 拍攝花絮
Behind the scene of "The Cost" MV
🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道收看
Music video is now available on YouTube
📜 MP3, MMO, 樂譜 已於 jnX 網站發售
MP3, MMO, song sheet are now available on jnX website.
🎧 歌曲將於各大串流平台上架
The Single is now avaliable on major streaming platforms.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #代價


2024年第三首敬拜單曲 🎵《代價》
「求祢幫我放低自己 不愛俗世只為祢
比起祢為我 救贖捨生 這算甚麼 」
Third single in 2024 🎵 "The Cost"
"Please help me, Lord, to deny myself, loving not the world, but You alone.
Compared to Your sacrifice for my redemption, what can I say?"
詞|陳志傑 Anthony Chan
編|李樂軒 Matthew Lee、葉駿達 Brian Ip
唱|葉駿森 Sam Ip
🔔 2024.08.14 jnX Worship YouTube Channel MV 首播
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #代價"

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 07/25/2024

🗓️ 05 & 06/2024 (粵語、國語及英語)
HOC1基督之家第一家 | LGCC 主恩基督教會 | CGBC 華人恩典聖經教會

We are excited and thankful that in May and June, we had six serving opportunities, including Sunday worship and various worship training sessions.

One of these was a keyboard training session, specifically designed to help pianists transition from classical to contemporary playing. We also had two training sessions dedicated to coordinating and communicating between the worship team and the sound control team. These sessions covered the principles of playing together as a band, vocal preparation and performance, sound control knowledge and practice, and effective teamwork together. It's our privilege and blessing to serve them!
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 07/20/2024

【Song Story💬】 #人海中聽祢聲音
「我像置身在一個迷宮裡,只想尋找出口,忘記了天父就在終點等待著我們。有時可能就是要在愈迷失的時候,才會發現自己原來有多麼想去聽和找回祂的聲音。其實祂一直沒有離開。」- Brian (敬拜宣教士 004)
"It was like being in a maze, just trying to find the exit, and forgetting that our Heavenly Father is waiting for us at the end. Sometimes, it’s when we feel the most lost that we realize how much we long to hear and find His voice. The truth is, He never left us." - Brian (Worship Minister 004(
🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道
收看 及 #陪你靈修影片
Music video and deoviton video is now available on YouTube
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 07/16/2024

🎵《人海中聽祢聲音》 歌詞卡🔖
Swipe left to see more lyrics postcard!
🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道收看
Music video is now available on YouTube
📜 MP3, MMO, 樂譜 已於 jnX 網站發售
MP3, MMO, song sheet are now available on jnX website.
🎧 歌曲已於各大串流平台上架
The Single is now available on major streaming platforms.
#人海中聽祢聲音 #敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 06/15/2024

💌 #陪你靈修 💌
歡迎留言!讓我們知道你的靈修得著與反思!我們建議大家在未來的一星期,也用同一段經文作靈修,每天透過不同的反思問題,一步步去思想我們生命中需要成長、尋求祂的功課。不知道神在「Attention 聽從」這課題上,對你作出了甚麼提醒呢?
Feel free to comment and share your insights on your devotion! We encourage everyone to use the same scripture for the next week, reflecting on different questions each day to consider areas for growth and seek after Him. What has God reminded you about "paying attention" to Him?
📜 靈修影片及文字版內容已登陸 jnX 網站
Devotion video and pdf version are now available on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #聽從 #人海中聽祢聲音

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 06/14/2024

💌 #陪你靈修 💌
這次靈修經文是撒母耳記上 15 章 17 至 23 節。當我們說願意「聽從」神的旨意時,我們是否真的100%完全順服?還是我們的順服是帶有選擇性的?讓我們一起《陪你靈修》,尋找祂的心意!
The first devotional scripture is 1 Samuel 15:17-23. When we say we are "willing" to obey God's will, are we truly 100% fully submissive? Or is our obedience selective? Join us in our devotions as we seek His will together.
📜 靈修影片及文字PDF版本已登陸 jnX 網站
Devotion video and pdf version are now abaliable on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #聽從 #人海中聽祢聲音


💌 #陪你靈修 💌

New devotional series! We will explore "submission" from different perspectives. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide your devotional time. May you encounter God daily and enjoy His presence!
📜 靈修影片及文字版內容已登陸 jnX 網站
Devotion video and pdf version are now abaliable on jnX website.
#敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者 #靈修 #聽從 #人海中聽祢聲音

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 06/01/2024

《人海中聽祢聲音》MV 拍攝花絮
Behind the scene of ”Let Me Hear Your Voice” MV
🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道收看
Music video is now available on YouTube
📜 MP3, MMO, 樂譜 已於 jnX 網站發售
MP3, MMO, song sheet are now available on jnX website.
🎧 歌曲將於各大串流平台上架
The Single will be avaliable on major streaming platforms soon.
#人海中聽祢聲音 #敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者


全新敬拜單曲 🎵《人海中聽祢聲音》
「人海中單單聽父神 祢的聲音
挪開私心己意尋求 讓祢作指引」
Latest Single 🎵 "Let Me Hear Your Voice"
"Over the din of life, let me heed Your voice alone, Father God.
I put aside my selfish desires, let You be my guide."
曲|葉駿達 Brian Ip
詞|葉駿達 Brian Ip
編|葉駿達 Brian Ip、梁宇山 Anthony Leung
唱|葉駿達 Brian Ip、李曉華 Helen Lee、陳志傑 Anthony Chan
🔔 2024.05.29 jnX Worship YouTube Channel MV 首播
#人海中聽祢聲音 #敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者


jnX Canada 將於今年 9 月13-15日舉行 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒青年敬拜營會 Youth Worship Conference!其中一位YWC2022參加者 Matthew 分享他在營會的經歷與感受。

jnX Canada will be hosting Youth Worship Conference 2024 on September 13-15 this year. One of the YWC2022 participants, Matthew, shared his experience and impressions from the conference.

For details and registration :
#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會 #青年敬拜營


jnX Canada 將於今年 9 月13-15日舉行 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒青年敬拜營會 Youth Worship Conference!其中一位 YWC2022 參加者 Devonne 分享她在營會的經歷與感受。

jnX Canada will be hosting Youth Worship Conference 2024 on September 13-15 this year. One of the YWC2022 participants, Devonne, shared her experience and impressions from the conference.

For details and registration :
#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會 #青年敬拜營


jnX Canada 將於今年 9 月13-15日舉行 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 青年敬拜營會!其中一位YWC2022參加者 Dennis 分享他在營會的經歷與感受。
jnX Canada will be hosting Youth Worship Conference 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 on September 13-15 this year. One of the YWC2022 participants, Dennis, shared his experience and impressions from the conference.
For details and registration :
#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會 #青年敬拜營


📣📣我們的青年團隊 jnX Canada 將於今年 9月13-15 舉行第二屆青年敬拜營會 Youth Worship Conference!如果你住在加拿大多倫多附近地區,誠意邀請你來參加 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒,按此了解營會詳情及報名方法:

jnX Canada will be hosting their 2nd Youth Worship Conference on September 13-15 this year. If you are in the Toronto area, you're warmly invited to attend the YWC2024. For details and registration:

#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會 #青年敬拜營

📣📣 𝐘𝐖𝐂𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 開始報名啦! 📣📣
jnX Canada 將於今年 9 月舉行第二屆青年敬拜營會 Youth Worship Conference!今年的主題是 #和場 ,一個與神復和的場地與空間。這三日兩夜的敬拜旅程,希望能帶領人更深思考神對我們生命的呼召,經歷與神復和,願意從心以行動愛神、跟隨神。
🔸日期 | SEP 13-15 (Fri-Sun)
🔸地點 | Fair Havens (B2215 Durham Regional Hwy 48, Beaverton, ON)
🔸形式 | 三日兩夜宿營、敬拜體驗、主題信息、靈修默想
🔸對象 | 身處加拿大 18-35 歲廣東話基督徒
🔸營會費用 | $165 (Early Bird May 1-31) / $185 (Jun 1 - Jul 31)
🔸營會講員 | 詹嘉灝牧師 (天行聖經教會主任牧師 及 jnX 音樂敬拜事工顧問牧師)

𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 認識我們
𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 邀請我們
📩 DM / Email to [email protected]
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚 支持我們
#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會 #青年敬拜營

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 05/17/2024


🗓️ 04/14/2024 & 04/17/2024 (國語)
HOC1 Home of Christ One 基督之家第一家
Training we provided: We started with the biblical basis of worship, making sure the team members gain a proper understanding spiritually and a right attitude. We then taught basic singing techniques and the key elements of multiple instruments playing together. Through this process, we identified their issues and will tailor the next round of training specifically for their needs.
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 05/10/2024


🗓️ 05/05/2024 (國語)
Lord's Grace Christian Church 主恩基督教會
During Sunday worship, through music worship and preaching, we explored with the whole congregation on worship that is pleasing to God.
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者
's Grace Christian Church 主恩基督教會



🗓️ 04/13/2024 (國語) 04/21/2024 (粵語)
Lord's Grace Christian Church 主恩基督教會
Training we provided: Further solidify the techniques of breath control, delve deeper into the sensations of engaging different muscles, and sing more freely by means of vocal placement.
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from jnX Canada's post 05/01/2024

🥰 非常感恩神的帶領,我們的青年團隊 jnX Canada多倫多舉辦了一場敬拜祈禱會,服事來自不同地方的弟兄姊妹,為著彼此和國度同心禱告!

越來越多的新移民去到多倫多,我們看到很多的需要,也正在積極回應神的心意🙏🏻。如果您想更多認識敬拜或邀請 jnX Canada 配搭服事,歡迎聯繫他們。

We are thankful that our young jnX Canada team hosted a worship and prayer gathering in Toronto – serving brothers and sisters from all walks of life, praying in unity for each other and for the world!

As more immigrants make their way to Toronto, we're seeing many needs, and we're actively responding to God's call. If you're interested in learning more about worship or inviting jnX Canada to serve your community, feel free to reach out to them.

𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚
𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚
📩 DM / Email to [email protected]
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐣𝐧𝐗 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚
#音樂敬拜事工 #多倫多 #加拿大 #廣東話 #基督徒 #敬拜訓練 #敬拜聚會 #敬拜祈禱會

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 04/26/2024


🗓️ 04/20/2024 (English)
Palo Alto Vineyard Church
Training we provided: Helped vocalists to tap into the full potential of the natural ability God has placed in each of them to sing - through breath control, voice placement and maneuver of the vocal folds.
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 04/20/2024


🗓️ 04/06/2024 (粵語)
Chinese Grace Bible Church (Sacramento) 華人恩典聖經教會
Training we provided: Assisting the worship team in using stage monitors and microphones correctly. During worship, whether for vocals or instruments, it's crucial for everyone to know how to blend and adjust.
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋如果您有興趣邀請 jnX 服侍貴教會,請與我們聯繫。
If your church wants jnX to minister to your congregation, please contact us.
#音樂敬拜事工 #敬拜培訓 #作合神心意的敬拜者

Photos from joyful noise Xpress's post 04/13/2024

Drop a comment and let us know which lyric from "Willingness" resonates with you the most and why!
🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道收看
Music video is now available on YouTube
📜 MP3, MMO, 樂譜, multitracks 已於 jnX 網站發售
MP3, MMO, song sheet, multitracks are now available on jnX website
🎧 歌曲已於各大串流平台上架
The Single is now available on major streaming platforms
#願意 #敬拜歌曲 #廣東話詩歌 #粤語詩歌 #音樂敬拜事工 #作合神心意的敬拜者

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💌 #陪你靈修 #WalkingWithYou 💌在上次「聽從」的靈修分享裡,提到上帝喜悅我們留心聽從祂的話,並完全順服,多於獻禮物給祂。而這次的靈修分享,我們會探討在順服的過程中要付上「代價」甚或為主「受苦」。讓我們一起《陪你靈修》!In...
2024年第三首敬拜單曲 🎵《代價》「求祢幫我放低自己  不愛俗世只為祢比起祢為我  救贖捨生  這算甚麼 」-Third single in 2024 🎵 "The Cost""Please help me, Lord, to deny ...
【Worship Anywhere🪴】#人海中聽祢聲音若處低谷之中 或處高山之中降服祢面前 來聽祢說話 我心歸祢願意張開雙手 讓祢統管一生順服我父權能 來聽祢說話 隨神導引-🎞 立即到 jnX Worship YouTube 頻道收看 Mu...
💌 #陪你靈修 #WalkingWithYou 💌全新靈修系列!我們會從不同的角度去反思「順服」這課題。我們禱告,陪伴你的不只是我們,而是祈求聖靈親自《陪你靈修》並與你對話,讓你每天都遇神相遇,享受在祂的同在裡!New devotional...
全新敬拜單曲 🎵《人海中聽祢聲音》


2400 Westborough Boulevard Ste 1
South San Francisco, CA

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Helping people find and follow Jesus.

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Our Lady of Kazan Russian Orthodox Church in San Francisco Our Lady of Kazan Russian Orthodox Church in San Francisco
5717 California Street
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Приход Западно-Американской епархии Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей

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San Francisco Bay
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Rock Center SSF CA

New Hope Community Church SSF New Hope Community Church SSF
South San Francisco, 94080

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San Francisco African American Faith-Based Coalition San Francisco African American Faith-Based Coalition
1595 Shafter Avenue
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El joven El joven
South San Francisco, 94080

Porque Jeová conoce el camino de los justos; Más la senda de los malos perecerá.

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South San Francisco, 94118

Iglesia Senda De Vida Iglesia Senda De Vida
600 Grand Avenue
South San Francisco, 94080

Compartiendo la palabra de Dios, para que alumbre nuestro camino. "Lámpara es a mis pies tu palabra, Y lumbrera a mi camino" Salmos 119:105