Therapeutic Healer

Provide clients with guidance and information about techniques for postural improvement and stretchin


Eczema is a form of herpes.
Psoriasis is a form of herpes.


L❤️ve your purpose


The latissimus dorsi muscle has a little pouch at the superior edge that the shoulder blade sits in. This spot is a common area for restriction and spasm. When a problem, it limits the ability of the shoulder blade to rotate and elevate, limiting overhead motion.


Surrendered Prayer:

Jesus taught us to pray from a posture of, Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done [Matthew 6:10]. With that mindset, we don’t shy away from praying and bringing our whole heart before God. But we also maintain humility through trusting and declaring that we accept and believe that God’s will is the best plan for our lives. We surrender our agenda and submit to Him because we believe His plan is perfectly loving and righteous.

With our hearts open and our minds focused, we can unashamedly ask for His kingdom to come. We can petition for Him to move and act and bring change to the world around us, while in the same breath we simultaneously choose to trust His perfect will to be done. For as long as we have breath, there is more work to be done in this life for the glory of God, and our prayers are a powerful weapon to bring such change. We can pray God’s glory and restoration will come powerfully through the Church, and that His perfect love and peace would prevail on earth, just as it already does in heaven.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, our prayers can impact individuals, communities, and even the nations. Take time to pray today for something or someone that has been consistently on your heart and mind. Pray with an expectation of God’s will, as it is in Heaven, to be done here on earth, invading the very petition you’ve brought before Him.



Your whole body needs this micronutrient, which can help ward off inflammation. You might already get enough zinc in your diet. It’s in chicken, red meat, and fortified cereals. Talk to your doctor first if you think you might need a supplement. Zinc can cause problems with certain drugs.



It might sound like the name of a friendly robot, but it’s short for a natural compound in your body. Studies show it might control inflammation and may work as well as mainstream treatments for osteoarthritis. You can take it by mouth or get a shot. Talk to your doctor before taking it. It may clash with certain medications, including antidepressants.



This natural compound is found in some berries and nuts. Some research suggests it may help with arthritis. Grab a handful of grapes, peanuts, pistachios, blueberries, cranberries, or mulberries. It’s also popular in supplement form.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Our bodies don’t make these. Fish oil supplements are loaded with them, but you can also get the recommended amount from certain foods. These include fatty fish like salmon and tuna, kale, vegetable and flaxseed oils, nuts, and eggs from flax-fed chickens.



Research shows it has anti-inflammatory powers similar to ibuprofen. One study found ginger extract tamed swelling in rheumatoid arthritis as well as steroids. It may cut muscle pain after exercise. The fresh stuff might not be enough to get the health benefits. In ginger capsules, look for the words “super-critical extraction” on the label. This means it’s pure.



It’s worth the breath mints. Garlic slows down two inflammatory enzymes and clears the way for blood to get to your muscles. Add 2-4 fresh garlic cloves to your meals to fight swelling and pack flavor. You can rub garlic oil directly into swollen joints and muscles, too. If you prefer it from the bottle, look for aged garlic extract. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the right dosage.


Vitamin E:

Packed with antioxidants, vitamin E boosts your immune system and may also ease inflammation. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you might find it helps manage pain when used with standard treatment. You can easily get it from the foods you eat. It’s in olive oil, almonds, peanuts, meat, dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified cereal. If you need extra vitamin E, your doctor might prescribe it in drops or capsule form.



Curcumin is found in turmeric and gives the spice its yellow hue. This traditional Indian medicinal herb is known for its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show curcumin might help with certain conditions, including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and fatty liver disease. You can find it in the spice aisle. It’s also in capsules, creams, drinks, and sprays.



Named for its hooks, this vine grows in South and Central America. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, ask your doctor if it might help. A small study found people who took this supplement with standard RA treatments had less joint swelling and pain. But there’s no evidence it can ward off joint damage that comes with RA. Cat’s-claw also has compounds thought to aid your immune system. It's sold as a pill or capsule and can be made into a tea.



That’s the hot stuff in chili peppers. It stops a group of proteins that control your body’s response to inflammation. You can find capsaicin in products you put directly on your skin. You can also shake dried cayenne in your sauces and meat rubs. Start with ¼ teaspoon or less to see.



Got pineapple juice? Then you have this enzyme that packs anti-inflammatory powers and supports your immune system. It’s sometimes used to treat tendinitis and minor muscle injuries like sprains. Some studies have shown bromelain may ease inflammation after dental, nasal, and foot surgeries. More research is needed. Doctors usually suggest taking capsules or tablets. That’s because drinking juice won’t supply enough


Vitamin A:

It boosts your immune system and guards against infectious diseases. Taking 10,000 international units (IU) for 1-2 weeks may help you heal after an exercise-related injury. Vitamin A is easy to find, too. It runs high in liver, fish oils, milk, eggs, and leafy greens.


Top 5 Facts About Berries 🍓

1. Berries are packed with antioxidants, which help fight inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.

2. They're low in calories but high in fiber, making them a perfect snack for weight management.

3. Blueberries are known to improve memory and cognitive function due to their high levels of flavonoids.

4. Strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges, boosting immunity and promoting collagen production.

5. Raspberries are rich in ellagic acid, which has been linked to cancer prevention and anti-aging benefits.


Top 5 Facts About Leafy Greens 🥬

1. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, essential for healthy vision, immunity, and bone health.

2. They're rich in iron, crucial for oxygen transport in the body and preventing anemia.

3. Eating leafy greens regularly may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke due to their high levels of potassium and magnesium.

4. These veggies are a good source of folate, important for fetal development during pregnancy.

5. Leafy greens contain antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect against age-related macular degeneration and promote eye health.


Top 5 Facts About Nuts 🥜

1. Nuts are packed with heart-healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which may lower LDL cholesterol levels.

2. They're a good source of protein, making them an excellent plant-based option for vegetarians and vegans.

3. Eating nuts regularly may help reduce inflammation in the body, thanks to their high levels of antioxidants.

4. Walnuts are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain health and cognitive function.

5. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which acts as a powerful antioxidant and supports skin health.

Photos from Therapeutic Healer's post 04/14/2024

The hidden dangers in your green smoothie:

It’s safe to say that the mighty green smoothie has officially taken the wellness world by storm. From detoxifying our bodies to making us look and feel younger, it’s no wonder so many of us consider our daily smoothie essential to good health.

It’s safe to say that the mighty green smoothie has officially taken the wellness world by storm. From detoxifying our bodies to making us look and feel younger, it’s no wonder so many of us consider our daily smoothie essential to good health.

Solution: Lightly steam all cruciferous vegetables before adding them to your smoothie, and reduce intake to a reasonable serving size per meal. Then, add these foods to your diet to help heal and support your thyroid.

5. The stowaway problem

It may be unpleasant to consider, but raw produce contains a heavy load of bacteria and parasites — even if you choose the organic variety. Normally, the digestive acids of the stomach and the immune agents of the intestines destroy these little stowaways, so you never experience their effects. But many of us (myself included!) stuff our blenders to the brim in an attempt to pack in as much of that green goodness as possible. Unfortunately, those extra nutrients come at a price — a big dose of those bad little bugs, which turn your beloved smoothie into a daily dose of disaster for your immune system’s limited resources. The result? Inflammation, weakened digestion and immunosuppression.

Solution: Lightly steam or wash all produce in tap water, or spray your veggies with this super-simple lemon rinse:

1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
1 cup cold tap water
Combine ingredients in an empty spray bottle. Use your homemade lemon rinse to wash all produce prior to consumption. Then, enjoy delicious — and squeaky clean — fruits and veggies.

Are green smoothies good for you ?

Now that we’ve been enlightened about the hidden secrets within our smoothies, you may be wondering: can I still enjoy my favorite blended beverage? The answer is yes, absolutely.

Green smoothies are still a great way to get the nutrients your body craves. But, as with anything else, be mindful of your choices — rotate your ingredients, wash produce thoroughly and allow yourself a few “smoothie-free” days every week so you can try other nutrient-dense foods. This way, your body will be able to absorb all of the nourishing benefits (and none of the bad stuff) the next time you turn on the blender.

My favorite balanced smoothie recipe

Here’s one of my favorite recipes — with just the right amount of everything you need to stay healthy and happy.

Low Oxalate Green Drink (adapted from

1 Pear (small to medium)
1 Stalk of celery
1/2 Cucumber (medium)
1/2 Lime
Ginger: thumb-sized piece
Mint: a sprig/few leaves
Peel lime before juicing all ingredients together. Stir before pouring into a glass. Enjoy!


Autism is:
Unable to speak, or maybe speaking too much
Hugging everyone, or disliking touch
Escaping outside,
Or trying to hide
Excitedly flapping
Inappropriate clapping
Autism varies so much

Won't wear a coat, or wears one all year round
Fussy eater, or would eat dirt from the ground
Screaming or humming
Annoyingly drumming
Toys in a line
The same way every time
Autism varies so much

Struggling to learn, or has wonderful gifts
Obsessions of numbers, Cars, films or lifts
Spinning around
Throws things on the ground
Constantly spitting
Aggressively hitting
Autism varies so much

Alone without friends, or controls every game
Always looks different, always dresses the same
Swinging on doors
Head banging on floors
Freaks at the dryer
Keeps climbing higher
Autism varies so much.

Can't answer questions, won't do as they're told
In their own world or bossy and bold
Over prepared
Anxious and scared
A spectrum so wide
But they all bring us pride
When autism touches our lives.

I support autism awareness always

Copy & Paste If You Do Too! 🥰


Support, don’t stare or ridicule, its genuine, and can’t be helped. Support is welcomed, this could be any child, any parents daily struggle, but understanding and patience is a virtue .

It doesn't matter how old that child is either.

I support autism awareness... always 💕❤💕


Remember, no one is perfect

Learning to forgive yourself and practice self-compassion is a major part of healing.

Our plan can help you process the past and build a strong support system within yourself.


Serotonin is a chemical nerve cells produce. It sends signals between your nerve cells. Serotonin is found mostly in the digestive system, although it’s also in blood platelets and throughout the central nervous system.

Serotonin is made from the essential amino acid tryptophan. This amino acid must enter your body through your diet and is commonly found in foods such as nuts, cheese, and red meat. Tryptophan deficiency can lead to lower serotonin levels. This can result in mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression.


What causes knee pain?

The knee joint consists of three bones: the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (lower leg bone) and the patella (knee cap). The end of each bone is capped with cartilage, a smooth, resilient yet springy coating. Between the femur and tibia sit two semicircular rubbery pads called the menisci (singular: meniscus).

During sports, young athletes may twist or bend their knees in positions that the knees can’t support under the high stress of running or turning. The result can be a tear in either a meniscus or a ligament within the knee called the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. Both these injuries are best treated with arthroscopic surgery, a procedure in which a camera and surgical tools are inserted into the small spaces of the knee joint to evaluate and repair damage.

Older people, including aging athletes, develop knee pain without major trauma. They may have damage to the knee already, but it’s not enough to cause pain — it’s often just a softening of the cartilage and wearing of the menisci. Typically this begins slowly and remains unnoticed until a minor trauma, such as a slight twist of the knee while getting up from a chair, or repetitive bending while working in the garden, triggers inflammation in the joint. The menisci and cartilage become frayed, like the hem of jeans dragging on pavement. Eventually, the tattered pieces disintegrate and expose bare bone. Once bone is exposed, the joint deteriorates rapidly, causing arthritis (which simply means “inflamed joint”) and pain.

Patients age 40 and up often come to my office with a swollen knee that hurts when they bend it or walk. Since most of them had little or no pain prior to the incident, they expect results that will give them the knees they had when they were 20. But that’s not realistic, since the padding inside of the knee is tattered and friable as a result of age — it was deteriorating before the injury. The protective cartilage has now disintegrated and is susceptible to further damage.

Why knee arthroscopy may not be the right choice for your knee pain

For many older people with knee pain, arthroscopy isn’t the best option. Here’s why:

Most older people develop tears that are degenerative or complex — meaning they aren’t going to be easy to put back together. If the initial assessment of the knee by MRI reveals cartilage damage or thinning, an arthroscopy to address a complex tear will not solve the problem; instead, it will more likely make matters worse. Arthroscopy is really best reserved for younger patients with mild degenerative changes who did not respond to other, more conservative therapy.

Why is arthroscopy OK for younger patients but not for older ones? Mostly, it has to do with changes to the tissue as we age. In adults over 40, the cartilage surfaces are very sensitive and brittle; contact with surgical instruments often causes fragments to flake off. When the frayed meniscus is removed, it leaves less padding between the bones — which not only reduces the lining but also often triggers inflammation after the surgery. The inflammation causes further deterioration and increased pain. That’s not what you want!

Arthroscopy is often described as a “minor” procedure. It is not. Many studies have shown that patients with cartilage deterioration who undergo arthroscopy for a meniscus tear will develop arthritis faster than patients treated with cortisone injection and physical therapy.

Despite all this evidence that it’s not the best or most helpful treatment, knee arthroscopy remains popular. I see at least two or three patients a week with swollen and painful knees 6-12 months after arthroscopy; their post-surgery x-rays show marked advancement in arthritis. These people will require a total knee replacement sooner than they would have, had they not had an arthroscopy.

For this reason, in 2017, an international group of specialists recommended conservative management rather than arthroscopic knee surgery for nearly all patients with degenerative joint disease. Conservative management includes cortisone injections to reduce inflammation in the joint, low-impact exercise (specifically a stationary bicycle, since this reduces stress on the knee), changes in how you perform certain activities that put strain on the joint and, above all, patience — conservative management doesn’t work overnight, and you need to give it some time to work before contemplating surgery.

Knee arthroscopy versus total knee replacement (arthroplasty)

For most over-40 patients with degenerative joint changes who don’t respond to conservative management, the best option is a knee replacement rather than arthroscopy. It’s important to know the difference between arthroscopy and arthroplasty — that is, knee replacement surgery.

The term knee replacement may sound frightening, but it’s misleading — your knee joint isn’t removed and replaced. What actually happens is that the ends of the femur and tibia and the underside of the patella (kneecap) are resurfaced with a layer of metal alloy (cobalt chrome) covered with polyethylene, which replaces the damaged and often disintegrated cartilage and menisci. The ligament structures and most of the bones remain intact. The success rate of knee replacement surgery is over 97%; while recovery from surgery may be as long as three months, the “new” knee generally lasts a lifetime.

So the general advice when your aging knees are aching is conservative management. Work with your doctor and physical therapist and see if that provides relief. There are so many natural and non-surgical steps that you can take to find relief! Only if conservative management fails to give you relief, explore surgical options and make the decision that’s best for you.


"Hey, can you just focus on my neck today?"

The neck:

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24225 W 9 Mile Road Suite 140
Southfield, MI

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Monday 12pm - 8pm
Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 12pm - 8pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Friday 12pm - 8pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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