Paige Wamboldt

Consciously creating a life I love and inspiring you to do the same. Message me and let's connect!

Timeline photos 09/15/2020

Layin in bed trippin at this photo & thinkin about how much I love existing on a planet as cool as earth šŸ’™šŸŒŽšŸ’š

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 09/13/2020

If you werenā€™t already aware...
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You are pure potentialityā€” pure consciousness. The field where all possibilities and infinite creativity exists. There is no limit to what you can be, do or have.
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So why not have fun with life?
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Enjoy existing. Play. Dance. Say thank you. Surround yourself with expanders and people who make you feel your best. Be still. Be kind. Laugh. Cry. Create. Give. Be a kid. Nourish your body. Eat chocolate. Drink living water. Treat yourself. Touch the earth. Be one with nature.
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You are a magnificent creator. Itā€™s safe to open your heart and receive. Itā€™s safe to trust yourself and your heart. You are pure joy looking for a way to express. Follow the joy in your heart and what makes you feel alive. Smile at strangers. Play with puppies. Spread your light. Be the light. @ Portland, Oregon

Timeline photos 09/10/2020

It feels kind of like weā€™ve been living in a crazy Black Mirror episodeā€¦ in real life. Itā€™s a lot. A pandemic, injustice, climate change, not to mention the s**t weā€™re all going through personally in our own lives.
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Take your time. Slowww down. Be gentle with yourself and others. Breathe. Move your body in a way that feels good. Pray in whatever way you pray. But keep moving forward. Keep following the good feels. Find joy in the simple things and hold the ones you love close.
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Because it seems even more apparent to me each day that we are, in fact, going through a Great Awakening. Weā€™re waking up to the realities and systems that are no longer serving us as a whole.
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Itā€™s time to wake up. To change. To start looking through a new lens. To use our voice and our gifts to serve the world in love. To ask ourselves what is really important and then have the courage to build our life around our answer.
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And of course, with any jolting shift in narrative, thereā€™s a period of deep discomfort and uncertainty. Keep feeling into it. Keep mustering up the courage. You and I had like a one in 400 trillion chance of being born. And here we all areā€¦ here and NOW. Together. Co-creating on earth. Weā€™re all here for a reason. & thatā€™s pretty rad if you ask me.

Timeline photos 09/10/2020

It seems that my life, from as far back as I can remember, produced a stream of seemingly never-ending questions to which I had trouble finding satisfactory answers. I strongly wanted to uncover a religion or philosophy of life that was based on absolute truth. But thatā€™s the funny thing when you go searching for truth... it finds everyone differently and beautifully uniquely.
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Trying and testing ideologies, theories and practices to produce effective results and figuring out what worked for me in how Iā€™m seeking to grow and expand. Thereā€™s no one right way. And anyone who tells you their way is ā€˜the wayā€™ you should probs run in the other direction... just sayin.
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I started realizing that the steady stream of books, communities, teachers, and life experiences that I was encountering on my path were the perfectly paved divine steps along the way to me finding my truth and my voice. All inevitably pointing me to go within to look for the answers I seek. To continue learning and understanding that there is a whole s**t ton that I donā€™t know and will probably never know. But to continue to stay open. To think for myself. To show up in all I do with nonjudgement. And that everything I need I already have within. I just have to unfold the layers and be willing to go the depths.

Timeline photos 09/09/2020

I walked for miles to get here. When I saw the water a huge rush of euphoria washed over me. I couldnā€™t help but smile so big as my heart shouted thank you! I felt so alive in this moment. I found myself, as I often do out in nature, soaking in the infinite and expansive beauty that surrounded me. The sunlight fell behind the mountain ridge illuminating the trail with soft golden light. Plush and peaceful bears lumbered towards the flowing creek for an evening drink. Trees swayed in the crisp breeze glowing with an aura of growth and safety. The sky, like watercolors, painted across the horizon. Wildflowers exploding from the ground that looked even more beautiful than something I could dream up. A sweetness wafting in the air as dusk settled. Birds singing and bees sipping nectar. I stood in awe and realized that every day the earth gives us an immaculate painting to experience, an orchestra to listen to and moments to make us feel at home. The most high Iā€™ve ever felt is off my own breath in moments like these. Mother nature is really somethinā€™ isnā€™t she?

Timeline photos 09/01/2020

Do somethinā€™ crazy ~ blame it on the moonā£šŸ˜šŸŒ
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Timeline photos 09/01/2020

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Baskin in the sunshinešŸŒž, wind blowin my hair a fool, cheesin for no reason & exploring my love affair with life. āš”ļø
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From alpine lakes šŸ’§to mountain peaks. šŸ”
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My phone + laptop travelin with me that Iā€™m able to make a full-time income from which is exactly why Iā€™m able to float away seeking more adventure, epic fun with friends, mid-week camping trips, exploration and good ole road trips during these quarantine daze.ā£
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Itā€™s because of this new found love affair with life šŸ’ƒšŸ¼Iā€™m now able to see the things Iā€™ve been deliberately daydreaming and bringing into existence unfold with ease and grace. ā£šŸŒŸ
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What once was a daydream is now real life babyyā€¦ I gotta say the stoke is real.
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That feeling of anxiety that rushes over you in anticipation for the week ahead.
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Counter to what you think about it being that you dislike your job, itā€™s actually because youā€™re living out of alignment with your truest self. The rush of anxiety that hits you is because youā€™re standing in your own way and you know it.
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Unsure of your next move and the uncertainty that lies ahead you stay where you are. Going through the motions. Unhappy and unfulfilled. Yet not taking any action towards change.
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Itā€™s NOT a vibeā€¦ and it happens every gosh darn week. Sunday rolls around and youā€™re still in the same spot.
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Have you listened to your heart? What is it calling you to? What is it that you really desire? To create something of your own? To leave something meaningful behind? To experience the freedom to live your days how you please? To impact and transform the lives of others? To care for the earth?
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Whatever it is your heart desires, you canā€™t keep treading water. If the Sunday scaries have you in itā€™s grip, this is your sign to start showing up for yourself. Focus your energy on what it is you DO WANT and start moving in that direction. Take the step. Trust yourself. Your heart knows the way, but are you listening?
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Full send it to the link in my bio & ā€œapply to work w/ meā€ and we can talk more to see if this is the move for you. Always here to support you on your journey.

Timeline photos 08/28/2020

Loving yourself is the greatest revolutionšŸ•Š

Timeline photos 08/27/2020

The cost of INACTION is always greater than the investment of taking ACTION šŸ™ŠšŸ’°
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Money is just energy. And the value you infuse into it and the you see money with is what determines how it shows up (or doesnā€™t) in your life. ā£
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is a key. A key to opening up exciting, new doors that take you down different adventures in life. But only if you have the courage to put your money where your heart is and invest in yourself and what you want.
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So often amazing opportunities are literally handed to you on a silver platter and you know the second you invest itā€™ll open the door to a new paradigm or way of living.
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Right before you make the commitment you get this pit in the bottom of your stomach. NOT because itā€™s the wrong move, but because deep down, you KNOW that everything is about to change. This is exactly how I felt when I invested in my enagic bizšŸ˜… & now I have cash burning a hole in pocketšŸ”„
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Realize that no matter how scary it is, if you want to get somewhere youā€™ve never been before you have to do something youā€™ve never done before.
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So why let yourself squirm in that place of resistance and hesitation when your money is on the line? Because you want to save it? Orrrr?... what?
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I like to think about it in terms of a relationship. If I told Lawrenceā€¦ okay so you canā€™t leave this house b/c I donā€™t want you going outā€¦ aka money you canā€™t leave my bank account, I have to save youā€¦ pretty sure heā€™d leave my ass. SAME WITH MONEY!
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The tighter you hang on the more youā€™re blocking it from flowing freely TO you.
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So if you think the cost of starting something new and investing in something you know your heart wants feels big & scary... just take a moment to think about how much youā€™re losing by NOT taking that step to stay where youā€™re currently lingering.
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The life you dream of is yours, you ARE deserving of it, despite what the voice in your head tells you. But only if you CHOOSE it. People can help guide you, (yoo Iā€™m right hereāœŒšŸ¼) but YOU have to take the first step.
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So when youā€™re ready, the šŸ”‘ is waiting. Come and grab it.šŸ¤²šŸ¼šŸ¦‹

Timeline photos 08/26/2020

Stop saying yes to everyone else and no to yourself.
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This morning I had a hard conversation with myself-- You are NOT here to make people comfortable. Youā€™re here to wake them up. Some people awaken from deep slumber by a light nudge. Some a gentle shake. Others need an abrupt smack in the face to come back into awareness.
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A year ago I was lost, confused and frustrated about how things were unfolding for me. It all seemed really great on the outside but inside I was in shambles. I was blinded by my fears of staying stuck in the same place, not living a life where I felt fully alive, just going through the motions on auto-pilot. I look back and realize so clearly that I was pushing my s**t closer and closer to the edge hoping it would drop so that I could finally address how far I had fallen from my truest self.
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We become so careful to tip toe along the lines to not offend this or that, please the people around us, be perfect, over-give till weā€™re drained, show up as only some of ourselves and as a result weā€™re too afraid to embrace ourselves exactly as we are, to take a moment to tap in and listen to ourselves and what we really want, then move in that direction. To run fully committed towards ourselves.
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If you donā€™t know what path will take you where you want to go, then just start walking. In any dang direction that feels good to your heart. Youā€™ll find out faster if you are going the right way or not if youā€™re actually moving rather than staying stuck where youā€™re at. The truth is you canā€™t go the wrong way, only redirect yourself towards something more in alignment as you continue to awaken. Keep listening to the podcasts, reading the books and connecting with the people but donā€™t forget to tune in with yourself.
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Timeline photos 08/26/2020

Iā€™ve been having so many convos with people lately about the state of the world and all the chaos of current events swirling around. Many have expressed their state of fear and uncertainty, or not knowing where the hell to start in trying to create change or use their voices and actions for good.
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Two simple things you can do TODAY & EVERYDAY that create major ripple effects:
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1- Be a free-thinker. Genuinely think for yourself rather than cling to and agree with the first thing you hear in the media, online, from your mom or your friend down the street about something going on in the world. Take responsibility for your thoughts, actions and the effect it creates around you. Do your own research and questioning and come to your own conclusions even if it lies against the grain.
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2- Sit next to another with a completely different opinion/perspective/POV/lens/cultural, socio-economic upbringing as you and actually truly and deeply listen to what they have to say. Without judgement, interjection or hate. Instead of reacting, pointing fingers, getting upset, angry or triggered... bring love and respect, have a constructive conversation, ask more questions, and brainstorm solutions.
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What a different world weā€™d experience and create if more people woke up to these ideas and started living it out on the daily.
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Everything you do and say has a ripple effect whether youā€™re aware of it or not. Be slow to speak. Actually listen. Be a free-thinker. Ask more questions. Be curious. And always meet others with love and kindness. Pretty simple if you ask me.
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Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 08/24/2020

Still buzzing from this weekend. It reminded me to laugh more. Play more. To not take life so seriously. Tell your friends you love them. Show up for them. And enjoy your life mannn. Lifeā€™s too short to deny yourself or hide from connection and friendship. Itā€™s truly essential for living a fulfilling life and is pretty next level for our hearts. Especially in all this quarantine business where most of us are hangin with ourselves all day. Grateful af for all the beautiful humans in my life. Coastin into this week feelin high off my friends.
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Timeline photos 08/21/2020

If youā€™re worried about what others think of you... youā€™re thinking way too small.


Timeline photos 08/19/2020

Simplifying success down into 3 stepsā€”
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Step 1: Get clear on what you want. How do you want your life to look and FEEL? What do you want to have the freedom to do? Who do you want to be? What do you need to let go of to get there? Write it down. All the juicy detailsā€¦ have fun with it and let your imagination take you to that place. YOUR place.
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What youā€™ll findā€”
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Itā€™s hard to do. Especially if youā€™ve never done it before. You might even feel a little silly & embarrassed as you write it down on paper. Being able to express clearly and vividly what you want IS the hardest part.
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What makes it hard is that we fear asking for what we want and even putting it out there because it opens us up to the possibility of failure OR deep down we feel unworthy of what weā€™re asking for.
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Step 2: Work at it everyday. No dream? No vision? No goal? Then what are you doing everyday? Letā€™s be honest. If you CANā€™T express what you want thereā€™s NO WAY you can even begin to work on it.
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Step 3: Own it. Fully commit to what you want and go for it. Make success your ONLY option. Most people live in the victim mentalityā€”letting their mind talk s**t to them ā€œIā€™m not worthy, itā€™s impossible, Iā€™ll never get there so why even try, I have to deal w/ & worry about this, that and the other, I donā€™t have time, I donā€™t have money, I donā€™t have *insert most used excuse here*ā€
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Thatā€™s a dangerously destructive attitude yooo. Trust me, Iā€™ve been there. Itā€™s pretty much the worst.
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Let me tell you something.
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Who cares how ā€œdifficultā€ something is or may seem. Statistics DONā€™T APPLY to the committed. When youā€™re FULLY 100% COMMITTED, your success rate IS 100%.
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Most of us have really only committed to one thing. Survival. And guess what? Youā€™re still alive right? So get clear and ASK for what you want. Youā€™ll tap into a power you didnā€™t even know you had.
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Timeline photos 08/19/2020

REMINDER: If your dreams are big, theyā€™re going to scare you! Itā€™s a matter of confronting them slowly and with purpose so they begin to feel less heavy and have less control over you.
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Because you know whatā€™s ACTUALLY scaryā€¦ listening to people who arenā€™t even living the life that you want to live telling you what to do, how to think, how to live instead of standing in your truth and creating your own dreams. Itā€™s scary shrinking into fear instead of bringing your gifts to the world. Itā€™s scary waking up every single day and pursuing a path you have no intrinsic desire for, pursuing a job you have no desire for, living a life thatā€™s ā€œgood enoughā€ instead of taking pride in every path you choose for yourself. Not going after your dreams because of fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, *insert greatest fear here*.
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When you go after what you want there are going to be barriersā€¦ itā€™s the reason why not everyone is living their best life. Stop playing small. Think bigger for yourself and start making moves towards your dreams. Itā€™s all here waiting for you to take the leap.
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Timeline photos 08/18/2020

The path is wherever you step. No matter what youā€™ve been through in life. You can always begin again. Thereā€™s not a single moment thatā€™s been wasted or didnā€™t contain some kind of growth or lesson for your highest evolution.
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Timeline photos 08/17/2020

When similar challenges and obstacles keep showing up in your life, itā€™s a sign thereā€™s a lesson to learn before you step fully into the next level of expansion.
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The catalyst of expansion is appreciation.
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In this appreciation and gratitude do you have the courage to surrender your expectations and attachments to how you want things to be and ask these essential questionsā€”
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ā€œwhat is this trying to show me? and ā€œwhat can I learn from this?ā€āš”ļø
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Timeline photos 08/16/2020

I used to buy into the idea that to be successful or make a lot of money you had to work really hard, that things worth having were incredibly difficult to achieve and to get ā€˜thereā€™ you pretty much just had to buckle down and work a good chunk of your life away.
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We live in a time where many are racing to get here, climbing the ladder there, trying to be the best, most successful and influential here... ya know? Iā€™m sure you feel it too.
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I grew up immersed in sports where competing to be the best was the name of the game. I also grew up in a high-achieving environment meaning it was my main job to get good grades, go to a good college, get a shiny degree and excel in whatever I did. So looking back, I can see where this ā€˜try hardā€™ mentality stemmed from.
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I feel like Iā€™m the most successful where Iā€™m currently at in my life right now and I trust itā€™s only gonna keep getting better.
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What Iā€™ve learned is that the success Iā€™ve created is basically the opposite of all I grew up being taught and believing. You can be successful, live an amazing, free and abundant life. Do the things you love. Play more. Laugh more. Not take life so seriously. Connect with incredible people. Do these things with ease. And have a hell of a good time doing it.
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It begins with getting clear on what you want and why you want it then aligning your intentions with real action. To truly live your vision while being authentic to yourself. And remembering that life doesnā€™t have to be so dang hard.
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Timeline photos 08/14/2020

Being at the ā€œedgeā€ is an interesting place to be.
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This massive yet invisible line between one reality & the another.
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Unable to fully commit to either, you buy time flirting equally with both sides, lingering in limbo land.
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Telling yourself, ā€œWeā€™re gonna do it heart, donā€™t worry... weā€™re breaking out of this! Youā€™re meant for so much more! Trust me!ā€ but also whispering, ā€œDonā€™t worry, mind.. Iā€™m pretty comfortable and it feels pretty good where I am, letā€™s be realllā€¦ Iā€™m nowhere near readyā€¦ maybe another time will be better.ā€
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Trust me, Iā€™ve been there. The edge is freakingg terrifying. Or newly exhilarating. Or bothā€” you decide.
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The edge is the place where you no longer fit inside your old story, but you havenā€™t quite grown fully into your new one.
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Itā€™s tricky, because the edge requires you to own every part of your past, but it also requires you to own every possibility as if it already IS... before it is. Ya feel?
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A pivotal place where there is quite literally no black or white just a big gray area of uncertainty.
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My advice for those with your toes on the edge- donā€™t make your decision based on the feeling of fear, or rush of excitement... base it in the understanding that what got you HERE, will never get you THERE.
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In these moments, you have a choice;
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You can stay in safety, or you can LEAP into a new reality that better serves your higher purpose.
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Are you willing to release the need for safety comfort and control, and trust with complete faith in yourself?
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Or will you stay where you areā€¦ and keep wondering ā€œwhat if?ā€
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If you have the courage to leap, you may just find your wings to fly
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Timeline photos 08/13/2020

just remember, instagram may make it seem like weā€™re walking on water, when in reality we walking on pointy rocks and getting bites from mosquitos. weā€™re all going through our own s**t. be kindšŸ’§

Timeline photos 08/13/2020

please donā€™t wait till youā€™re home to strip down to your inner weirdness. embrace that s**t, itā€™s one of your greatest traits. šŸ‘½šŸ––šŸ¼šŸ’š

Timeline photos 08/06/2020

this photo of my little sister & i sits next my desk. it always reminds me to look at my life through the lens of my childhood self. to not get bogged down in the bs of adulting and what others claim adulthood should/shouldnā€™t be, which tends to be an easy trap of illusion to fall into. growing up and evolving is exactly what i create it to be. in that little girls eyes there is infinite hope, wild dreams and unwavering belief... all magic that is still within me. i think sheā€™d be proud of the way Iā€™m living, loving and growing. your inner child is your guardian angel leading you back to your purest state of being. itā€™s safe for you to trust the honesty of her innocent whispersšŸ¤

Timeline photos 08/05/2020

imagination is everything šŸŒŸ the secret to life is to dream while youā€™re awake šŸŒæšŸ’«

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 08/03/2020

my rock ā¤ļø @ Kaniksu National Forest

Timeline photos 08/02/2020

as much as i try to deny it, the world has been feeling pretty heavy lately. in these weird and heavy times itā€™s important that we stay grounded in what makes us feel good. it doesnā€™t have to be anything grand, although it could be. but im talking the simple things... like a good cup of coffee, a shared smile with a stranger, a few moments to yourself where you breathe a little deeper, warm sunshine on your skin, a call from a friend far away, a groovy drive jamming to tunes on roads youā€™ve never been. these simple things are the pulse of life. ive been reminding myself not to over complicate it. life is actually beautifully simple and when we find gratitude for this simplicity our lives will expand. whatā€™s something simple but beautiful you can be grateful for today?

Timeline photos 08/01/2020

wow, itā€™s august 1st today! some days go slow, some fast, some stand alone and some blend together but im trying to stay present for it all. the pacing of how we live is so interesting to become aware of. racing and running in a direction one moment then to find stillness the next. the shifts between our moments. the illusory essence of time. the linear nature we tend to cling to in order to render understanding. but what is time? a blip? a flash? a lingering? a moment here and now? anyone else confused about what time is lately? for me, itā€™s felt a lot like floating the river; a slow and steady float, flow, a few rapids to full send here and there then some more float and flow. im curious, has time been feeling fast or slow for you?

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 07/31/2020

Still canā€™t get over this water šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤©šŸ’§āœØšŸ™šŸ¼ @ Okanogan National Forest

DamNation | The Problem with Hydropower 07/31/2020

If you havent seen this film, have a watch.

You'll learn how dams impact the natural flow of rivers and ways we can create change to restore wild salmon.

Most of the film takes place here in the pnw. sup pnw friendsāœŒļø

DamNation | The Problem with Hydropower This film explores the evolution of our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound...

Timeline photos 07/30/2020

I dont think Iā€™ve participated in a challenge since the šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’§ but women are magnificent creatorsāœØ & iā€™m always happy to show my respect, love and support for ā 
Thanks & for sending my way and to those who started this to empower women around the world.
I have so much love for my sisters~ we are creatives, mothers, scholars, activists, adventurers, entrepreneurs, and beyondšŸ’« I celebrate you all for your strength and for standing up for one another.

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 07/30/2020

these adventures remind me that the whole system society has laid out for us... ā€˜go to college, get a degree, get a 9-5 job, pay off your debt while investing in your 401k, sit at a desk, work until youā€™re 65+, then retire, and die lifeā€™ā€¦. ainā€™t it. Grateful for work I love that allows me the time, location and financial freedom to escape off the grid, go on adventures, and create the life I want to live. Never stop dreaming friends. You can have it all. Donā€™t settle until you get there. @ Okanogan National Forest

Timeline photos 07/27/2020

itā€™s not a game or a race of becoming something or someone. itā€™s how much can you notice. how much more aware can you become of whatā€™s already here.

Timeline photos 07/26/2020

the way to dissolve our resistance in life is to meet it face to face. to look it square in the eyes. and breath through it.

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 07/21/2020

i sat in meditation this morning and to my surprise my mind wasnā€™t racing. i searched for a thought but there was nothing. an emptiness of peace and stillness filled me. so often i mediate and can barely get myself to sit down long enough to even do so... let alone get my mind to steady to a place where itā€™s not rampant and turbulent with thought. trying to sort through to figure out figure out whatā€™s me and whatā€™s external noise ive consumed. but today was different. ive been off the grid for a couple days disconnected from screens, connecting to my favorite teacher. mother nature. she always brings brings me back to myself~ my true nature. incredibly grateful to be surrounded by and experience her majesty.

Timeline photos 07/16/2020

the way you are describing your life is the way it is manifesting.
the way you are describing your life is the way it is manifesting.
the way you are describing your life is the way it is manifesting.
so tell me again, how are things going?

Timeline photos 07/15/2020

i remember when I was a little kid i was shy. some of my favorite things were collecting cool rocks, climbing trees, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, watching mary kate and ashley. looking back how i grew up was this me vs the world mentality. everything i knew was about being tough. about protecting myself. i wasnā€™t in any one group. i knew mostly everyone but very few knew me knewww me. so maybe this is going to sound a bit backwards... as i sift through the sea of ā€˜self help, self mastery & self empowerment ā€™ in my adult life... i see so much about meeting your own needs. being independent. doing it yourself. but funny enough... years later, after navigating life with a shield, iā€™ve come to find thatā€™s not entirely true. certain parts, yes. but thereā€™s this thing...
c o n n e c t i o n . we actually do need it. iā€™d even go as far to say we were born with this innate desire... to connect. thereā€™s a whole field of tiny blossoming seeds in all of us that can only bloom by connection to others. itā€™s not weak. itā€™s not bad. it simply is. weā€™re created to give and receive what weā€™ve been gifted to others. each of these little networks and pathways we cultivate with others begin to light up, expanding even more within ourselves, branching off what weā€™ve already unlocked, explored, discovered and created within ourselves. i donā€™t have a very fancy ending to this story other than if youā€™re facing the world with a brave heart, youā€™re allowed to recruit a few teammates. itā€™s not weaker. itā€™s expansive. i still find myself battling it at times, this big scary connection. i donā€™t even particularly enjoy writing about it on here because it still freaks me out a bit. but here we are. be freaked out. expand. šŸ•ŠšŸŒ±

Timeline photos 07/11/2020

take me back to summer in alaska 2017

Photos from Paige Wamboldt's post 07/10/2020

whatā€™s meant for me flows effortlessly and abundantly to me. i give and receive freely with an open heart and mind. open to the possibilities to be left stupefied with bliss. there is no better moment than this one.

Timeline photos 07/09/2020

no one else can possibly know what kind of dreams you have brewing inside of you. what kind of creative energy you contain. only you know the magic of that. and even if you tell them about your dreams and they nod their heads like ā€˜okay yeah that could workā€™ they never need to be convinced that you will achieve them. you donā€™t need validation. because your dreams are not theirs. so, let go of their opinion. let go of their judgement. because it is not for them to know, this dream that you are dreaming. you know where youā€™re going. you know what youā€™re capable of and only you know what you see when you close your eyes. there is no one, absolutely no one, that could paint it better than you can. they couldnā€™t possibly imagine all the colors even if they tried. this dream. itā€™s yours. gifted divinely to you. make space for it. believe in it and breathe life into it. speak to it. speak from it. and donā€™t you ever put your paint brush down because others donā€™t understand.

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Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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Spokane, 99207

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Spokane, 99202

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915 W. 2nd Avenue
Spokane, 99201

We do everything from helping clients buy, sell and invest, to flipping homes and renovations.

Ashley Boblett Ashley Boblett

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