Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church, 4704 N Wall Street, Spokane, WA.

Trinity is a congregation that is dedicated to proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and the soul-saving message of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

Bulletin Complete 08-18-24 Trinity 12 TRINITY.pdf 08/18/2024

Good morning Trinity!

As we come into God's presence with prayer and praise, we turn our attention especially toward the former: prayer. Unfortunately, the value of prayer is often overlooked, even by Christians. But when we stop to consider how the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth wants to hear our prayers, and how He has promised to hear and answer our prayers for the sake of His dear Son, why wouldn't we make use of this incredible gift? In good days and bad, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, our heavenly Father receives the heartfelt prayers of His redeemed children and promises His blessing.

Our worship begins today at 10:30am and will be streamed on our YouTube page HERE and our page HERE. Bringing us the joy of the Gospel today will be Pastor John Hein, pastor of Grace Lutheran in Fridley MN and son of the congregation. Today's bulletin is attached.

Romans 12:12 - Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube live streaming link starts at 10:30 am PST.

Bulletin Complete 08-18-24 Trinity 12 TRINITY.pdf


Trinity 11


Good morning Trinity!

At the risk of sounding paranoid, you have to be careful who you trust. There are many influences in the world that seem trustworthy but aren't. You've probably heard it said or even been told to "follow your heart", but you can't trust that either! The only One who has truly earned our trust is God alone, who sent His Son to save us. Our Lord gives grace to make weak sinners into strong children of God by faith, and guides and comforts us in every distress.

Isaiah 26:3-4 - You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube and Facebook live streaming starts at 10:30 am PST. Facebook will be on our page. And YouTube will be at.

A Jealous God for Juvenile People - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 08/04/2024

A Jealous God for Juvenile People I: When you rebel, it will be miserable II: When you return, He will be merciful

A Jealous God for Juvenile People - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church A Jealous God for Juvenile People I: When you rebel, it will be miserable II: When you return, He will be merciful


Good morning Trinity!

As we gather in God's house to hear His Word and praise His Name today, we consider how the Lord has revealed Himself to all men and how He desires all to come to Him. God has warned us that there is no alternative route to salvation, and so He mercifully calls us to the cross where we find abundant redemption and healing.

Our worship begins at 10:30am and will be streamed on our YouTube page see link below, and our page.

During our worship today, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper. To that end. . .
Please prepare your hearts accordingly (pg 48 in the front of the Lutheran Hymnal is a helpful resource for this).
Make sure you check your name on the communion registry in the entryway.

If you are not able to join us in person today, please do not take the Sacrament while watching our live streamed or recorded service. Rather, speak with me to arrange another time to receive the Sacrament in person or over the phone. Thank you!

Psalm 111:10 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


Youtube live streaming link starts at 10:30am PST

Sunday July 28, 2024 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 07/28/2024

Let the Joneses Win I: All They have is worthless II: The one thing you have is priceless

Sunday July 28, 2024 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Let the Joneses Win I: All They have is worthless II: The one thing you have is priceless

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube 07/28/2024

Good morning Trinity!

Today is Stewardship Sunday, the one day of the year that we take time to discuss a God-pleasing attitude when it comes to our church offerings. Trinity is not a business, and so profit is not our goal - the salvation of souls through the Word of Christ is. And yet, the LORD does call us to help support the work of the church through financial means. This is not an obligation, it is a blessing to take part in the work of the Gospel in this way. When we consider how Christ has paid our great debt of sin and has promised us heavenly riches by His redeeming work, we see the importance of working together to build up Christ's church on earth. Trusting in Him, we may use all He has entrusted to us to spread the Gospel of salvation. May the Spirit give us thankful and glad hearts to yield to Him what is His, knowing that He will provide for our every need!

Malachi 3:10 - Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it."

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube live streaming starts at 10:30am PST

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube Greetings in Christ Jesus, our Savior from sin!Welcome to the YouTube channel of Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church! We here at Trinity value the truth of Holy Scri...


Trinity 8

God wants you to Expect More. - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 07/21/2024

God Wants you to Expect More I: More Than You Deserve II: More Than You Ask III: More Than You can Imagine

God wants you to Expect More. - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church God Wants you to Expect More I: More Than You Deserve II: More Than You Ask III: More Than You can Imagine


Good morning Trinity!

As we come into God's house today to call upon Him in prayer and praise, we consider how mighty our God is to save. Not only does He care for and deliver us from evil, not only does He use His almighty power for our wellbeing in all circumstances, but He has also given to us the promise of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. For that let us praise our awesome God this day!

Our worship begins at 10:30am, and the bulletin is attached. We will be streaming our service on Trinity's page this morning and it will be uploaded to our YouTube page later in the day.

Isaiah 25:1 - O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


Facebook live stream will start here at 10:30am PST

A Word Means the World - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 07/14/2024

A Word Means the World, I: A Corrupt Word II: A Kind Word III: Christ's Word

A Word Means the World - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church A Word Means the World, I: A Corrupt Word II: A Kind Word III: Christ's Word


Trinity 6

Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 07/07/2024

Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free I: The false "freedom" of Sin II: The True freedom from sin III: The joyful freedom to serve

Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Slaves of Righteousness Are Truly Free I: The false "freedom" of Sin II: The True freedom from sin III: The joyful freedom to serve


Good morning Trinity!

As we gather to hear God's Word today, we are reminded that it is not the outward action of worship that is pleasing to God. It is the attitude of the believing heart that He delights in, which cannot help but show forth praise and thanks for all that our gracious God has done for us. He had delivered us from death by the power of the cross and sent His Spirit to create and sustain our faith through His Word. And it is His Spirit which enables us to truly receive and appreciate these wonderful gifts, moving us to live our lives to His glory alone. Let us give thanks to the Lord - our God!

Our worship begins today at 10:30am and the bulletin is attached below. We're still working through our streaming issues, unfortunately, and so today we will be attempting to stream the service live on our page. The plan is to upload the service to our YouTube page later in the day.

Hebrews 12:8 - Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church Mankato Channel 06/23/2024

We will not be streaming our service today due to some technical difficulties. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. Here is a link to our congregation’s YouTube page for Immanuel Lutheran in Mankato, MN.

Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church Mankato Channel This is the YouTube channel for Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mankato, MN

A Father to Be Thankful For - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 06/16/2024

A Father to Be Thankful For I: Who Absolves You II: Who Admonishes You III: Who Adores You

A Father to Be Thankful For - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church A Father to Be Thankful For I: Who Absolves You II: Who Admonishes You III: Who Adores You

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube 06/16/2024

Good morning Trinity, and Happy Father's Day!

Certainly the LORD has richly blessed His people throughout the ages with the gift of faithful fathers. We dedicate one day a year to celebrating and thanking them for all they have done and continue to do in love and selflessness for their families. But we also must realize that fathers, like everyone else, are sinners who fall short of what they ought to be in countless ways. What a blessing it is then that each one of us has a perfect heavenly Father! We don't deserve His love because we disobey him each and every day. Still, he pours out His grace upon us for Jesus' sake and rejoices over each lost son or daughter reclaimed by the power of the Gospel. Thank you, LORD, for our fathers! And thank you, LORD, for being our Father!

Luke 12:32 - "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

Your servant in Him,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube Live streaming starts at 10:30am PST

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube Greetings in Christ Jesus, our Savior from sin!Welcome to the YouTube channel of Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church! We here at Trinity value the truth of Holy Scri...

The One, True God Wants You Still - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 06/09/2024

I: Even When He is Unwanted II: Even when you are wanting

The One, True God Wants You Still - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church I: Even When He is Unwanted II: Even when you are wanting

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube 06/09/2024

Good morning Trinity!

As we come before God today in worship and praise, we will turn to His Word which reveals that He alone is worthy of our praise. The world and our own sinful hearts set up all kinds of false idols which promise good things but only deliver destruction and death. May faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God among us so that our trust and love may always be growing for Him who delivered His own Son into death for all. The LORD God reigns - Hallelujah!

Psalm 46:10 - “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube Live streaming link starts at 10:30am PST

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube Greetings in Christ Jesus, our Savior from sin!Welcome to the YouTube channel of Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church! We here at Trinity value the truth of Holy Scri...

Justification Means “Nothing Owed” - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 06/02/2024

Justification Means "Nothing Owed" I: The Law Demands we pay more than we can II: The Gospel Declares that Christ Paid all I owe

Justification Means “Nothing Owed” - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Justification Means "Nothing Owed" I: The Law Demands we pay more than we can II: The Gospel Declares that Christ Paid all I owe


Good morning Trinity!

Today is the first Sunday after Trinity, and we'll be considering this morning how the Lord reveals to us through His Word that we are justified by faith alone. Our works have no place in the conversation of how we are saved because Jesus did it all for us by His atoning death on the cross. Since we rely on Christ alone and not at all on ourselves, we can be absolutely certain of our eternal salvation.

Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube Live streaming link starts at 10:30am PST

The Triune God Offers Threefold Gifts - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 05/26/2024

The Triune God offers Threefold Gifts I: The Father's Keeping II: The Son's Grace III: The Spirit's Peace

The Triune God Offers Threefold Gifts - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church The Triune God offers Threefold Gifts I: The Father's Keeping II: The Son's Grace III: The Spirit's Peace

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube 05/26/2024

Good morning Trinity!

Today is Trinity Sunday, the namesake of our congregation. Why would the charter members pick this name for us? Some of you may know, but I can only guess. Perhaps it is because in the Trinity God is more than we could ever imagine, both three Persons and yet One God. Perhaps it is because we can only believe this impossible truth by faith from the Spirit, and so the name reminds us to walk by faith and not by sight. Perhaps it is because in the knowledge of the Father's preservation, the Son's redemption, and the Spirit's sanctification we find light, hope, joy, and eternal life. Whatever the case may be, we are blessed to be named Trinity and blessed that the Spirit has revealed God's triune nature to us!

2 Corinthians 13:14 - The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Drew Naumann


YouTube Live Streaming link starts at 10:30am PST

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC) - YouTube Greetings in Christ Jesus, our Savior from sin!Welcome to the YouTube channel of Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church! We here at Trinity value the truth of Holy Scri...

Questions of Faith at the Crossroads of Life - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 05/19/2024

Questions of Faith at the Crossroads of Life. I: Does this offend You? II: Will you also go Away? III: Did I not choose You?

Questions of Faith at the Crossroads of Life - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Questions of Faith at the Crossroads of Life. I: Does this offend You? II: Will you also go Away? III: Did I not choose You?

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Trinity 11
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Trinity 6



4704 N Wall Street
Spokane, WA

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