CPR Northwest "Saving Lives through Education"

Great training for you and your family. Be prepared to save a life now, before it might be too late This is very important to us. Diana Heller

As Your BLS AHA instructor here at CPR Northwest I am committed to "Saving Lives through Education". I am passionate about teaching each one of you these life saving skills. It is so important to know these skills. If Your love one or a friend or co-worker collapsed or was injured would you know what to do? You never want to have regrets or feeling of; If only I had known. The best gift a person c

Do not miss the last chance! Help me to get my free gift and gain your gift by inviting friends!🎁 11/20/2022

I love this site. Inexpensive but nice stuff. You get 30 percent off first order. I really recommend it.

Do not miss the last chance! Help me to get my free gift and gain your gift by inviting friends!🎁 Click the link now and participate in this event.


I am no longer teaching CPR courses and HIV AIDs classes. Thank you for all the support throughout the years.

9 back-to-school tips for success 08/22/2017

Healthy tips for back to school success

9 back-to-school tips for success Sodium Breakup

Authorities search for missing Post Falls teen last seen in Sandpoint 07/26/2017

Authorities search for missing Post Falls teen last seen in Sandpoint SANDPOINT, Idaho - The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Sandpoint Police Department are looking for a 16-year-old girl missing since July 7 from Post Falls, Idaho. Sandpoi...

Fios News: Jericho Fire Department Now Using LifeVac 04/03/2017

https://youtu.be/L8H0ATXHesM New way to save someone's life if they are chocking!!

Fios News: Jericho Fire Department Now Using LifeVac The Jericho Fire Department is now using LifeVac, a device designed to save the life of a choking victim. For more info, visit https://lifevac.net


Franklin Graham

She needs to be prosecuted.

What do you think about Madonna's comments at the and protest rally in Washington this past weekend? She said she was "angry" and "outraged," but she didn't stop there--she went on to say she had "thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House." Excuse me? Blow up the White House? That’s a direct threat to the President of the United States and might’ve landed anyone else in jail. She should be ashamed. The vulgarity in her program was terrible, but this is crossing another line and it’s wrong. I hope that the Secret Service does take action to let her know how serious this really is. We certainly don’t need those in the spotlight encouraging violence, we need to pull together as a nation. It’s a new day. With God’s help and mercy we can make changes for the better. Share this if you agree.

Increasing Survival with only 2 Rescuers 12/14/2016

Increasing Survival with only 2 Rescuers Increasing Survival with only 2 rescuers Unavoidable pauses in compressions: 1. When giving the 2 breaths after each set of 30 compressions 2. When the rhythm is checked or while the AED is Analyzing

Cpr Northwest "Saving Lives Through Education", Spokane 12/13/2016

Cpr Northwest "Saving Lives Through Education", Spokane 0 neighbors recommend Cpr Northwest "Saving Lives Through Education" on Nextdoor.


Increasing Survival with only 2 rescuers
Unavoidable pauses in compressions:
1. When giving the 2 breaths after each set of 30 compressions
2. When the rhythm is checked or while the AED is Analyzing the heart’s rhythm
3. Clearing and Pressing the flashing Shock button.
4. Moving a patient out of danger or so you can perform chest compressions
5. Placing a board under the patient to create a hard surface
6. Putting in a advanced airway
7. Switching Rescuer positions when fatigued
In the 2010 AHA guidelines BLS Healthcare Providers were expected to go 2 minutes or 5 cycles of CPR at the right rate and depth. Those who did were awarded an AHA Healthcare Provider completion card. 2015 AHA Guidelines have changed. Research has shown that the average single rescuer fatigued after the first 30 compressions. The same depth as they did at the start of the two minutes decreased. This caused less oxygenated blood circulation to the heart and brain.
Now rescuers are encouraged to go 2 minutes or 5 cycles before switching and to switch sooner if needed or fatigued. The AHA tells us to minimize time off the chest to less than 10 seconds at a time; with more focus on high quality CPR.
This is great; except, if there is more times that a rescuer is needing to switch over the length of the code.
Every time two people switch there is a lag in compression to the accepted time of less than 10 seconds.
Every second counts, even these couple seconds in between switching compressors. If you just switch after 2 minutes only… this is perfect time for the AED to do “It’s” rhythm analyses. The new BLS Provider video tells us the AED can take between 5 – 15 seconds to analyze the heart's rhythm. This gave rescuers plenty of time to switch. After timing hundreds of students during code team scenarios. Some students take anywhere from 2-7 seconds to switch. Some students can go the full two minutes at the correct rate and depth. Others need to switch sooner. Thus creating less survival according to the Chest Compression Fraction (CCF).
The chest compression fraction (CCF) is the proportion of time that chest compressions are performed during cardiac arrest. A CCF of at least 60% is recommended, and a goal of 80% is often achievable with good teamwork.
With the use of two stopwatches…
Start one stopwatch as soon as you give scenario to the team and no pulse is detected. Let it run continuously for length of the code.
The second stopwatch is started and stopped when chest compressions are not being performed on the chest. Giving the recorder a number of seconds counted for pauses in chest compressions.
When code ends subtract the number of seconds paused during chest compressions from the overall code length time. Then divide this number into the amount of the code length time. This gives you real time feedback and the overall % of time compressions were preformed and an indication for survival of a patient for out of hospital discharge a patient will receive.
I had a student that fatigued in the middle of 30 compressions. I watched another student rescuer take over the number where the student stopped without any hesitation or interruption in chest compressions. “It clinked at that moment!!!” Why not! The students continued performing the ration is still 30:2 but took over each other’s numbers when switching. Increasing a higher CCF than they would have had they not taken over each other’s numbers…. It is very hard to explain without showing you. At first it seemed wrong ….this is not taught in the video. But after adopting this for 2 rescuer techniques and seeing the higher survival and the feedback from students is amazing!! Adopting this method has added some other added benefits as well.
The fatiguing 1st (student) Rescuer finishes their 30th compression. States loudly, “Switch!” Then gets ready to start chest compressions. 1st (student) Rescuer continues to perform chest compressions soon after the 2nd (student) Rescuer is done giving the two breaths using the bag mask and is able to take over the position of chest compressor.
The 2nd (student) Rescuer gives 2 breaths; then quickly gets into the proper position for chest compressions and leans in and takes over for the fatigued 1st (student) Rescuer who is still performing chest compressions.
1,2,3,4, The 2nd (student) Rescuer; starts counting out loud and starts performing chest compressions where the 1st (student) Rescuer left off /following the last number stated out loud by 1st (student) Rescuer for the compression performed. 5, 6,7,8,9,10-30.
If the numbers are not taken over like this…adding 3-5 sec for each time it takes rescuers to switch between compressions. Which lowers survival rate…
A Code time of 4 min is the typical amount of time in the hospital where 2 rescuers may have to perform CPR before Code team arrives and takes over….
(Unavoidable Pauses in compressions is only 40 seconds total in 4 minutes with the use of a AED 20 sec for breaths and 20 sec for two rounds of analyzing)
83% chance of survival (2 rescuers performing CPR for 4 minutes)
AED is turned on. AED pads are placed while compressions are being performed until
AED states Analyzing CLEAR Patient for analyzing…Compressions are stopped and Patient is cleared for only 10 seconds
AED states ….Shock Advised or No Shock is advised
Immediately begin chest Compressions after the shock is delivered or the AED states “No Shock advised”
Compressions are resumed immediately.
Shock light flashes indicating shock is fully charged and ready.
Patient is cleared
Shock button is pressed and delivered.
Compressions are resumed immediately.
• During the code the rescuers continued to perform chest compressions while the AED was charging... After shock button light flashes; the patient is cleared. The Shock button is pressed and delivers a shock. The Compressing rescuer hovers above patient safe and ready to resume chest compressions immediately after "Shocking” is delivered.
• An Open Airway was maintained the entire time compressions were being performed
• Breaths were given over only for 1 sec each with just enough breath to make the chest rise.
• Roles and Responsibilities we immediately established by the team leader. Clear communication and Good team dynamics were accomplished. Everyone knew their limitations and communicated it.
83% chance of survival (2 rescuers preforming CPR for 4 minutes)
ROSC or Code team arrives and takes over…..
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.(Fatigued Rescuer) “Switch”2 sec (paused) for breaths. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30. 2 sec (paused) for breaths1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.2 sec (paused) for breaths1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.2 sec (paused) for breaths1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.“Switch” 10 sec pause AED analyzing Shock advised1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30. 2 sec (paused) for breaths (fatigued Rescuer) “Switch”1,2,3,4,5,67,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30. 2 sec (paused) for breaths1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30. 2 sec (paused) for breaths 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30. 2 sec (paused) for breaths (fatigued Rescuer) “Switch” 1,2,3,4,56,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30.2 sec (paused) for breaths Switch” 10 sec pause AED analyzing Shock advised


Just received my Naloxone training kits. Now students will be able to put the intranasal syringe together instead just looking at a picture. Super cool! Really excited to train with them.

What is Opioid Use Disorder? http://www.cprnorthwest.org/?page_id=170 … 09/21/2016

What is Opioid Use Disorder?
found in AMDG Opioid GuidelinePDFhttp://www.agencymeddirectors.wa.gov/Files/2015AMDGOpioidGuideline.pdf

What is Opioid Use Disorder? http://www.cprnorthwest.org/?page_id=170 … What is Opioid Use Disorder? http://www.cprnorthwest.org/?page_id=170 … - Diana Heller - Google+

The Economics Behind the U.S. Government's Unwinnable War on Drugs -... 09/03/2016

I read this ....wow! A different view on the War on Drugs.

The Economics Behind the U.S. Government's Unwinnable War on Drugs -... The late Nobel Laureate James Buchanan was known to say, 'Economics puts limits on people's utopias.' Unfortunately, the advocates of the U.S....

Olympia overdose awareness event highlights Naloxone’s life-saving role 09/03/2016

International Overdose Awareness Day Event

Olympia overdose awareness event highlights Naloxone’s life-saving role Sponsored by advocacy group VOCAL Washington, the Wednesday’s Overdose Awareness Day event called attention to the nearly 600 people in the state who die every year from drug overdoses. Volunteers posted white crosses along one of the Artesian Common’s walls to represent each of these deaths.

The Epidemic | Washington State Magazine | Washington State University 09/03/2016

Can you ever be the same after treatment of opioid addiction when your brain has changed permanently? There is hope... but not a cure. Is opioid addiction a medical condition that can cause and in many cases mental illness? Can a person who is diabetic cure diabetes with insulin? Another look at a medical condition brought on by addiction to opioids.....

The Epidemic | Washington State Magazine | Washington State University “This program saved my life,” he says as he enters the room. Kris, 37, is in the Spokane Regional Health District methadone clinic where he has come for treatment of he**in addiction since 2008. The intense, dark-haired man speaks openly, earnestly, as if he has nothing left to lose. Kris says his j...

Targeting the brain’s “bad opioids” | Washington State Magazine | Washington State University 09/03/2016

How are brains are affected after taking opioids ..creating mental illness.

Targeting the brain’s “bad opioids” | Washington State Magazine | Washington State University The stark reality of drug abuse hit home for Brendan Walker when two college classmates overdosed on he**in and Xanax. Their unsettling deaths steered Walker toward a career in the neuroscience of psychology and addictions. Today, the associate professor of psychology and member of the Neuroscience…

Welcome to Lucas CPR • LUCAS CPR • Films 08/17/2016


Welcome to Lucas CPR • LUCAS CPR • Films This angiography shows a heart in cardiac arrest. After a short while LUCAS™1 is started and the contrast is immediately circulated. LUCAS™1 sustains the blood circulation of cardiac arrest patients in the cath lab and allows for simultaneous intervention to treat the cause of the arrest.


Due to the rising cost of teaching American Heart Association classes and extended time requirements; CPR Northwest is raising its fees effective August 2016.

Elizabeth Banks in "Just a Little Heart Attack" 07/21/2016

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily routine. Most cardiac arrests happen at home. Don't get too busy to miss the signs of a heart attack. Are your loved ones trained in skills that could save your Life or another family member while you are away? Healthcare workers / Providers take classes as often as 1 to 2 times a year to continue to maintain their career credentials. Often times, Healthcare workers / Providers neglect to have other family members in the household get trained in CPR and First Aid thinking that they will be there to care for their loved ones if an an emergency happens at home. If you are a BLS Provider it is never to late to have your family update their skills in CPR and First Aid. It could be you they may be saving. Keep in mind Kids are never too young to learn the signs and symptoms; you may be too busy to notice. No one wants to believes an emergency can happen in their own home or to someone they love or care about. Show how much you care; Reserve a Seat in a class for them; you will never regret skills taught to your friends and family that could save the life of someone you love. Discounts are available for your family members. I would love to meet your family and teach them these life saving skills. Visit us at cprnorthwest.org and reserve a seat today!

Elizabeth Banks in "Just a Little Heart Attack" Inspired by the true stories of real women impacted by heart disease, the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women movement and Emmy-nominated actress E...

American Heart Association Full Code Pro Tutorial 07/21/2016

American Heart Association Full Code Pro Tutorial View this "how to" video to learn about the uses, features and editable features of the Full Code Pro mobile application. For more resources and tools, visit...


Are you in need of a better way to document CPR Codes? This is a free App for an Iphone or Ipad devices. Download today! http://cpr.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public///documents/downloadable/ucm_484301.vtt

cpr.heart.org American Heart Association Full Code Pro Tutorial 1 00:00:08.491 --> 00:00:12.124 2 00:00:12.124 --> 00:00:13.825 American Heart Association's 3 00:00:13.825 --> 00:00:17.275 new CPR event tracking tool. 4 00:00:17.275 --> 00:00:19.798 Full Code Pro allows you to quickly document 5 00:00:19.798 -->…

Official says Prince died of opioid overdose 06/03/2016

"The epidemic spares no one," Dr. Paul Wax said. "It affects the wealthy, the poor, the prominent and the not prominent. That's the nature of the epidemic."

Official says Prince died of opioid overdose The 57-year-old singer was found dead April 21 at his Minneapolis-area estate.

CPR text alerts save Spokane boy's life 06/02/2016

Pulse Point saves another Life!!

CPR text alerts save Spokane boy's life Pulse Point is an app that sends text alerts when someone in the area needs CPR. 

Chasing He**in 05/05/2016

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/chasing-he**in/ A NEW LOOK INTO DRUG ADDICTION -- WOW! A MUST SEE VIDEO

Chasing He**in A searing, two-hour investigation of America's he**in crisis.

Signup for Square to redeem your free processing offer! 03/30/2016

Signup for Square to redeem your free processing offer! Process your first $1,000 without any fees.

2016 City of Spokane EMS Levy 03/28/2016

The EMS levy renewal will be put before voters on Election Day, April 26, 2016. For more information visit spokanefire.org

2016 City of Spokane EMS Levy Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is one of the primary services provided by the Spokane Fire Department. In fact, approximately 87 percent of all Fire Depart...

Pit Crew CPR Training Video 03/28/2016

Pit Crew CPR Training Video Pit Crew CPR Training Video for the Spokane County EMS System.


Laws for each State in USA for prescribing / dispensing / administrating Naloxone. This is the link: The Network for Public Health Law

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1728 E 14th Avenue
Spokane, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 9:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 9:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 9:30pm
Thursday 8am - 9:30pm
Friday 8am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 7pm

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