Mind-Body Wellness, LLC Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC

Mind-Body Wellness, LLC   Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC

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Photos from Mind-Body Wellness, LLC   Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC's post 05/15/2024

I can’t tell you how many of the clients I see are keenly aware of the root causes of their behavior patterns and limiting beliefs. They know they’re safe now and have had years of therapy, but they still struggle.

They’re frustrated, hearing from family and close friends, “Why is it so hard to change?” This perfectly illustrates that awareness alone isn’t enough for healing. It’s one of the first steps in the process, but definitely not the solution.

I’m certainly not downplaying the role of therapy in this post. However, I have seen many frustrated clients because talk therapy has brought them a keen level of awareness, yet they still find themselves stuck and unable to release the pain of their stories.

Everything at its most basic level is energy. Just as the food you eat is converted to usable energy for all of your bodily functions, too much unused energy or calories can contribute to weight gain. Similarly, when we store the energy of unprocessed emotions in our bodies, their weight continues to build and build until we find ourselves stuck, overwhelmed, and even manifesting physical ailments.

Working directly with the subconscious mind to facilitate the release of these stored energies is what is needed for healing.

I’m a big believer in using modalities that are subtle, nurturing and rely on your innate wisdom. The body does not heal through force.

Hypnotherapy, Body Code and Quantum Biofeedback are all ways that support your inner healing.

🌟If you want to know more, follow the link in my bio

Photos from Mind-Body Wellness, LLC   Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC's post 05/14/2024

Mindfulness transcends mere trendy terminology; it’s a potent practice that soothes the nervous system amidst the chaos of modern life and is a valuable tool to incorporate as a self-care practice.

In an era defined by constant multitasking, it’s vital to recognize that this habit exhausts our brains and overloads our nervous system.

While we may find ourselves juggling numerous tasks unavoidably, integrating mindfulness into our daily self-care regimen is an act of profound self-love.

It serves as a shield against burnout or a restorative measure if we find ourselves already teetering on its edge—an experience far too common in today’s fast-paced world.

The truth is, whether or not we perceive ourselves as stressed, the relentless barrage of stimuli in our environment can quietly affect our well-being.

I invite you to explore three such practices over the coming days and observe the subtle shifts they evoke within you.

👉Mindful Movement: Enhances bodily awareness, improves flexibility and balance, reduces stress and tension, promotes relaxation, and fosters a deeper connection between mind and body.

👉Tuning into the Breath and Slowing it Down: Calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety and stress, enhances focus and concentration, promotes emotional regulation, and cultivates a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

👉Gratitude: Speaking out loud something to be grateful for reinforces positive thinking patterns, increases self-awareness and mindfulness, strengthens social connections when expressed to others, boosts mood and overall well-being.


Hi, I’m Jennifer!

For those of you who are new to my page, let me reintroduce myself. I’m often asked by clients, “What do I call you?” or “How do I explain what you do to my friends?” These questions have led me to reflect deeply on my role and identity as a practitioner.

I am inherently curious and thrive on thinking outside the box, taking a holistic approach whenever I can. Over the years, my curiosity and love of learning have led me to accumulate several years of study and various certifications. Condensing this breadth of experience into a concise website description or a 150-character Instagram bio can be challenging.

A good part of my work is energetic in nature, but I steer clear of titles such as “energy healer” because each one of us already possesses the ability to heal.

All this to say that I consider myself to be a facilitator. My passion lies in creating a safe space for individuals to feel seen and heard. I want to be that beacon of hope and understanding, guiding people on a path of dissolving the conditioning and limiting beliefs that hinder their full potential—emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

I advocate holistic self-care, far beyond spa days, eating healthy, or exercise routines. True self-care is about honoring one’s value, worth, gifts, and potential, while acknowledging one’s incredible resilience.

While labels like “biofeedback practitioner,” “health coach,” or “hypnotherapist” may capture aspects of my work, they are merely tools in my toolkit.

My focus transcends these titles; my purpose is to facilitate transformation and empowerment at the deepest level.

It’s about helping people unearth their inner light, shine brightly, and embrace their full potential.

🌟follow the link in my bio for more info

The Power of Baby Steps: Embracing Progress in Healing 04/19/2024

Check out my blog post https://wix.to/5sd0YfK

The Power of Baby Steps: Embracing Progress in Healing In life, we often find ourselves on journeys of healing—whether recovering from a physical injury, navigating emotional wounds, or striving for personal growth. These journeys are rarely linear; they twist and turn, marked by moments of progress and setbacks. One of the most profound lessons we le...


👉🏻While the saying “don’t wear your heart on your sleeve” suggests that being too open with emotions can make you susceptible to hurt or exploitation, there’s a compelling argument for why showing vulnerability can be a strength rather than a weakness.

💛Authentic Connections: Wearing your heart on your sleeve allows you to form genuine connections with others. By showing your true feelings and vulnerabilities, you invite others to do the same, fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships.

💛Emotional Intelligence: Being in touch with your emotions and expressing them openly demonstrates emotional intelligence. It’s a valuable skill that enables better self-awareness and understanding of others, leading to healthier interactions and improved empathy.

💛Courage and Strength: It takes courage to be vulnerable. Showing your emotions openly doesn’t signify weakness but rather strength and confidence in yourself. It shows that you’re comfortable with who you are and unafraid to be genuine.

💛Resilience: Contrary to the belief that vulnerability invites hurt, it often fosters resilience. Embracing vulnerability allows you to confront challenges head-on, learn from setbacks, and bounce back stronger.

💛Honest Communication: Transparent and open communication is key in any relationship, be it personal or professional. Expressing your emotions honestly helps in resolving conflicts and building trust.

💛Personal Growth: Embracing vulnerability is a pathway to personal growth. It encourages introspection, self-improvement, and a deeper understanding of oneself.

💛Breaking Stereotypes: The notion of keeping emotions hidden can perpetuate stereotypes about masculinity, suggesting that showing emotions is a sign of weakness.

🌟While it’s essential to exercise caution and discernment in expressing emotions, it’s time to reconsider the old adage and recognize the strength in emotional authenticity.


We often find ourselves focused on the tangible, the visible—the material world that surrounds us. Yet, there exists a realm far more profound, far more potent, lying within each of us—the realm of the heart.

I love this quote because it reminds me that true sight, true understanding, springs forth from the depths of our hearts. It urges us to transcend the limitations of mere observation and delve into the realm of intuition, empathy, and connection.

In our quest for meaning and fulfillment, we often overlook the silent guidance of our hearts, dismissing it as mere sentimentality or irrationality. However, the essence of life’s most profound truths lies in the whispers of our hearts, in the subtle rhythms of our emotions, in the resonance of our deepest desires.

HeartMath—a transformative approach that harmonizes ancient wisdom with modern science, offering a pathway to harness the power of the heart’s intelligence. At its core, HeartMath recognizes the heart as more than a mere organ pumping blood but as a center of intelligence—a source of coherence, resilience, and profound insight.

HeartMath empowers individuals to tap into the innate wisdom of their hearts. By aligning our thoughts and emotions with the rhythmic patterns of the heart, we unlock a state of coherence—a state where clarity, intuition, and inner peace reign supreme.

In the end, it is through the heart that we truly see, and it is through the heart that we find our way home.

DM “💛” if you want o know more!


🌟Each experience leaves its imprint on our psyche, influencing our behaviors, beliefs, and outlooks. Recognizing and understanding this profound impact is the first step in reclaiming control of our narrative.

🌟Behaviors are often the most visible manifestations of our experiences. They are the actions we take, the habits we form, and the way we interact with the world around us. Consider a child who grows up in a nurturing environment, surrounded by love and encouragement. More often than not, they will exhibit behaviors of confidence, empathy, and resilience. Conversely, a child subjected to trauma or neglect may develop behaviors characterized by fear, aggression, or withdrawal. Our experiences, particularly in our formative years, lay the foundation for the patterns of behavior we carry into adulthood.

🌟But it’s not just our actions that are influenced by our experiences; our beliefs are deeply intertwined as well. Our beliefs are the lens through which we interpret the world, shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and values.

🌟Yet, while our experiences undeniably leave their mark, they do not have to dictate our paths indefinitely. Recognizing the influence of our past allows us to challenge and reshape our present reality. We always have the choice to write new narratives and create new experiences that align with the person we aspire to be. Some of the work is conscious, but most of it needs to be done at the subconscious level.

🌟This is where tools such as Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy and Body Code are invaluable tools.💛


With business of life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of your own well-being. Amidst the chaos, it’s easy to forget to prioritize the one person who truly deserves your care and attention – YOU.

🫶Self-care is not just a buzzword nor is it selfish; it’s a fundamental practice that allows you to reclaim control over your life and nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

🫶At its core, self-care is essential and about recognizing your own needs and taking deliberate actions to meet them. It’s about carving out time in your busy schedule to prioritize activities that replenish your energy and foster your personal growth.

🫶Ultimately, self-care is about reclaiming your power and taking ownership of your life. It’s about recognizing that your well-being is non-negotiable and that you deserve to prioritize yourself without guilt or apology.

🫶By practicing self-care, you not only enhance your own quality of life but also become better equipped to show up fully for others and contribute positively to the world around you.

The Benefits of Functional Nutrition Counseling 03/10/2024

Check out my new blog post on the benefits of functional nutrition counseling.

The Benefits of Functional Nutrition Counseling In the vast landscape of health and wellness, the one-size-fits-all approach often falls short of addressing the unique needs of individuals. Functional nutrition counseling – a dynamic and personalized approach that not only respects the bioindividuality of each client but also delves into root c...

Intuitive Eating and Hypnotherapy: An Alternative Approach to Diets and Weight Gain 02/25/2024

Check out my blog post https://wix.to/fu41FNW

Intuitive Eating and Hypnotherapy: An Alternative Approach to Diets and Weight Gain In a world obsessed with fad diets and quick fixes for weight loss, a refreshing paradigm shift has emerged, emphasizing the importance of intuitive eating, mindful choices, and holistic well-being. Integrating intuitive eating principles with weight loss goals and hypnotherapy can create a powerful...


💖Embarking on a transformative journey often involves unraveling the layers of our subconscious, where emotions and narratives reside.

Just like the process of weeding, addressing our emotional roots is crucial. The Emotion Code, Body Code and Hypnotherapy become powerful tools in this introspective journey, helping us identify and release the hidden emotions that may be intertwined with our limiting narratives. 🗝️🌿

It’s a holistic approach to self-discovery and growth, acknowledging the emotional imprints that shape our narratives that reduces unnecessary time and frustration.

Embrace the power within to transform, heal, and thrive. 🌈💖

DM “💖” to find out how subconscious work can be a guiding light on this your towards greater self-awareness and authenticity.


✨ Transformative Shift: Imagine shedding those self-imposed limitations and embracing a mindset that empowers you to soar. Your potential knows no bounds when you free yourself from the constraints of limiting beliefs.

🔍 Self-Reflection: Take a moment to identify those beliefs that no longer serve you. Acknowledge them, challenge their validity, and open the door to a world of possibilities.

💡 Replace and Thrive: Replace those limiting beliefs with new empowering beliefs. As you consciously shape your thoughts, you’re rewiring your mindset for success and abundance.

🌈 Your Potential Awaits: Remember, you have the power to add new pages to your story. Break free from the shackles of limiting beliefs and step into a reality where your potential knows no limits.

👇 Share Your Journey: What’s one limiting belief you’re ready to replace? Let’s inspire each other in the comments! 🌟


✨The ideas that find a home in your mind significantly shape the course of your life.

The good news is that these mental patterns aren’t set in stone unless you choose to do nothing about them.

Picture your mind as a garden, and with some intentional weeding and sowing of positive seeds, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how rapidly entrenched beliefs and obstacles, once seemingly immovable, can become a thing of the past. This underscores the malleability of the mind and its capacity for positive transformation when approached with care and deliberate intent. 💖

💫 If you want to know more about how you can let go of blocks and limiting beliefs and unlock your potential, follow the link in my bio to schedule a free 30-min wellness goal consult. 💖

Photos from Mind-Body Wellness, LLC   Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC's post 02/06/2024

Don’t ignore self-care!

Want some easy tips? DM 🌟 for easy tips you can start incorporating.


It’s natural to feel a bit anxious when trying something new. That discomfort is a sign you’re stepping into uncharted territory. Consider this a friendly nudge to see the situation differently. The fear isn’t a reflection of your capabilities but a response to the unknown which is often a birthplace of growth and possibility. ✨


Your body has been your steadfast companion, absorbing all of your experiences and carrying your through them. Within every ache and whisper, there’s a message, a guide to healing.

Take a moment to listen. Your body is a wise friend, offering insights and cues. Let healing be a collaboration, a dance of understanding and self-love. ✨ Trust the journey, trust your resilience.


Let’s have an honest conversation about something many of us grapple with – the all-or-nothing mindset in our self-care routines. 🌸✨

Do you ever catch yourself thinking that if you can’t dedicate a substantial amount of time to self-care, it’s not worth doing at all? I’ve been there, and it’s time to break free from this perfection trap! Because it truly is a trap, it keeps you stuck.

Self-care isn’t about grand gestures or marathon sessions. It’s about the everyday, imperfect moments that contribute to our well-being. 🌿 Maybe you planned a relaxing evening, but life had other plans, and you only managed a quick cup of tea. Or what if you only have 10 minutes? That’s still time to squeeze in some grounding and centering breathwork, or a quick body scan. The all-or-nothing thinking might say, “Well, that didn’t count.” But guess what? It absolutely does!

Let’s shift our perspective. Embrace the small acts of self-love, whether it’s a brief moment of mindfulness, a short walk, or savoring a favorite treat. These moments matter, and they add up over time.

Photos from Mind-Body Wellness, LLC   Jennifer Burrows CSMS, CBS, LSHC's post 01/17/2024

Breath Work 🌬️: Take a moment to focus on your breath. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity. Deep breaths can reset your mind and bring a sense of calm, helping you see things from a new perspective.

Self-Compassion 💖: Remember, you’re only human. Be kind to yourself. Embrace your flaws and imperfections. Self-compassion opens the door to self-discovery and growth. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer a friend.

Free-Flow Journaling 📝: Grab a notebook and let your thoughts flow without judgment. Write down your feelings, dreams, and goals. Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and can unveil solutions you didn’t know were there.

Follow me for more tips and support.


Unlocking change requires harmony between your conscious and subconscious minds. 🌟 The conscious mind sets goals, but the subconscious holds past beliefs and emotions. When they align, magic happens! ✨🤝 Your mind is like a ship – when the captain (conscious mind) and crew (subconscious mind) work together, you sail smoothly towards your goals and move past blocks and limiting beliefs.

Are you steering your ship in unison? DM ♥️if you’re ready for alignment and positive change!


Believe in the magic within you! 🌟


I get it; life is busy, especially this time of year.

Remember to be intentional about fitting in some moments here and there for activities that bring you genuine joy and relaxation. Whether it’s curling up with a good book, enjoying a warm cup of tea, or going for a peaceful walk, prioritize your well-being.

Could you add these moments that you can fit into your to-do list?


It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves.

Instead, set achievable goals and prioritize what truly matters to you and what you can do without burning yourself out.

Remember, it’s okay to not push yourself. It doesn’t make you a selfish person or less capable. It just means you are taking care of yourself, and that’s ok.


The holidays come with a flurry of festivities, expectations amid various life circumstances and stressors.

♥️Don’t forget to make time for your self-care.

♥️Perhaps it means saying no when you are exhausted, taking that extra time to rest.

♥️Delegating a little more.

♥️Savoring a moment of tranquility with a warm cup of tea or a good book.

Your well-being deserves to be on your to-do list!

♥️Take a deep breath……

What are your favorite self-care tips?


You are never too old. It is never too late.

There is no getting back lost time or missed opportunities, and I acknowledge the profound sense of loss you may be experiencing and the fear around even daring to dream or imagine.

But this is where so many people get stuck. You deserve so much better than to be a prisoner of your past.

Imagination is the key that opens the doors of experiences that lock in the belief that we can't have a different future.

I always tell my clients this: What would you create for yourself if you had a magic wand? How would your life be different?

DM "❤️" for a free 30-minute consultation

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My Story

Hello and welcome to my page! I am a Health Coach that is passionate about supporting you as holistically as possible with your wellness journey. My focus is not only on external stressors, but internal ones as well. The key to vitality and health is looking at the whole you- mind, body and spirit! I have learned a variety of modalities to help you in your journey and can’t wait to share them with you!

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319 W Hastings, Ste A112
Spokane, WA

Opening Hours

Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm

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