Spokane Jazz Orchestra, Spokane, WA Videos

Videos by Spokane Jazz Orchestra in Spokane. The Spokane Jazz Orchestra performances feature amazing solos and improvisation from highly our acco

Your SJO Facebook editor here - traveling in New Zealand and happily found the Wanganui Jazz Orchestra playing at the Saturday market. They love jazz music in New Zealand.

Other Spokane Jazz Orchestra videos

Your SJO Facebook editor here - traveling in New Zealand and happily found the Wanganui Jazz Orchestra playing at the Saturday market. They love jazz music in New Zealand.

Chemistry! Joe Brasch on guitar and his wife Tera on vocals— another highlight from the Saturday night Spokane Jazz Orchestra concert. #get2knowsjo

Several guest musicians surprised celebrant Bob Curnow with appearances at the May 20 SJO concert. Esteemed jazz drummer Peter Erskine, who played with the Stan Kenton Orchestra early in his career, took the stage with SJO. #get2knowsjo

Looking back at the mastery of March SJO guest artist Todd DelGiudice and looking forward to another outstanding SJO concert on May 20. Get your tickets at https://tinyurl.com/sjomay20. #get2knowsjo

The EWU Collegians choir & SJO musicians in a Charlie Brown Christmas classic. Happy holidays and we hope to see you at our next concert, March 11. #get2knowsjo #ewumusic

Happy holidays from the Spokane Jazz Orchestra and enjoy a brief look back at the Glenn Miller Nutcracker Suite.

Merry Christmas Eve from the Spokane Jazz Orchestra. May your holiday be Nutcracker Suite.

SJO on Good Day Spokane
Thank you FOX 28 News & Entertainment Good Day Spokane for having us on this morning to celebrate Jazz, #thesoundoflife! Thanks KHQ Matt Rogers and Kjerstin Bell for supporting local musicians and the Spokane Jazz Orchestra! This clip is just a musical snack for your ears compared to the full show you'll get Saturday night! As our good President Kevin says, we plan to "Knock your socks off". Get your tickets now at ticketswest.com.

The Big Reveal
In case you missed it......THE BIG REVEAL!!! Thank you Clark Brekke for your years of support for SJO and for being our "FanBoy" last night to reveal next season's theme and beautiful artwork, created by the amazing Deanna at Camp Creative! Jazz....The Sound of Life! Join us in August as we kick off our best season yet!