Balliet Preschool

Springfield Public School's NEWEST preschool!


Cool off this summer💙💙
refréscate este verano

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 05/02/2024
Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 04/22/2024

Western Mass MOMS offers opportunity for mothers and caregivers to address what makes being a parent stressful. We know it can be overwhelming, difficult, and even isolating. This group is hoping to help by providing a space to come together, feel safe and supported. Our services are free & have the possibilities to earn incentives!
We love our Balliet Preschool Moms & Caregivers!!

Western Mass MOMS ofrece oportunidades para que las madres y los cuidadores aborden lo que hace que ser padre sea estresante. Sabemos que puede resultar abrumador, difícil e incluso aislante. Este grupo espera ayudar brindando un espacio para reunirse, sentirse seguros y apoyados. ¡Nuestros servicios son gratuitos y tienen la posibilidad de ganar incentivos!
¡Amamos a nuestras mamás y cuidadores de preescolar de Balliet!

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 02/15/2024

Here are some local programs coming up in the next few weeks! We hope you can enjoy them!

¡Aquí hay algunos programas locales que se lanzarán en las próximas semanas! ¡Esperamos que puedas disfrutarlos!

Photos from Springfield Public Schools - Massachusetts's post 02/12/2024

The district has created a new app for bus student's families to track where the student's bus is. We have sent home the information that needs to be submitted on the app.

This is a new app and issues have already been reported, this app is from our School District's Transportation department so, we do not have control over it. It may take some time for the bugs to work themselves out.

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 12/11/2023

To all of our Moms, we know how hard it can be but, we want you to know, you are never alone!

Para todas nuestras mamás, sabemos lo difícil que puede ser, pero queremos que sepan que ¡nunca están solas!



For our families who celebrate Christmas, there is an unforgettable holiday event opportunity at the YMCA downtown! We hope you've made it on the nice list and hope you have fun!

Para nuestras familias que celebran la Navidad, ¡existe una oportunidad de evento festivo inolvidable en el centro de YMCA! ¡Esperamos que hayas llegado a la buena lista y que te diviertas!

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 09/20/2023

Hey, Balliet Preschool Families!
Homegrown, the culinary company partnered to provide food to Springfield Public Schools, is starting their “Backpack Program”. This offers non-perishable food items to families weekly, for free! String bags are filled with things like rice, canned goods, and foods with long shelf-lives. All you need to do is return a completed permission slip and let us know of allergies or religious restrictions. The permission slip will be in your student’s backpack today.
These bags will be put into your student’s backpack, and sometimes can be heavy. We will do our best to accommodate your student but, if the weight is a concern of yours, please consider that before signing up.

¡Hola, familias de preescolar de Balliet!
Homegrown, la empresa culinaria asociada para proporcionar alimentos a las Escuelas Públicas de Springfield, está iniciando su “Programa Mochila”. ¡Esto ofrece alimentos no perecederos a las familias semanalmente, de forma gratuita! Las bolsas de hilo se llenan con cosas como arroz, productos enlatados y alimentos con una larga vida útil. Todo lo que necesita hacer es devolver un formulario de permiso completo e informarnos sobre alergias o restricciones religiosas. La hoja de permiso estará en la mochila de su estudiante hoy.
Estas bolsas se colocarán en la mochila de su estudiante y, a veces, pueden ser pesadas. Haremos todo lo posible para acomodar a su estudiante pero, si le preocupa el peso, considérelo antes de inscribirse.


Balliet Preschool Pups, we are very sorry to report that we will not be seeing you at school tomorrow. We hope to see you on Thursday!! We miss you!

Balliet Preschool Pups, lamentamos mucho informarles que no los veremos en la escuela mañana. ¡¡Esperamos veros el jueves!! ¡Te echamos de menos!

Due to a water main break in the City of Springfield, all Springfield Public Schools will be closed Wednesday, September 13th and there will be no after school activities


Good Morning Balliet Preschool Families & Friends!!
Here is the school year calendar we follow but, we will share any updates that come up as soon possible. Please reach out with questions, here is the link to our school's page which has lots of information!
Stay cool today!

¡¡Buenos días, familias y amigos del preescolar Balliet!!
Este es el calendario del año escolar que seguimos, pero compartiremos cualquier actualización que surja lo antes posible. Comuníquese con sus preguntas, aquí está el enlace a la página de nuestra escuela que tiene mucha información.
¡Mantente fresco hoy!


Balliet Preschool Families,
We are so grateful for your patience during this very HOT first week of school! This is a post from the district to let you know, tomorrow we have dismissal at the same time. Our little pups did great on their first day and we know they'll just keep getting better and smarter while they're with us!! Stay cool for the rest of the day, see you tomorrow!!

Familias de preescolar de Balliet,
¡Estamos muy agradecidos por su paciencia durante esta primera semana de clases tan CALIENTE! Esta es una publicación del distrito para informarles que mañana tenemos salida a la misma hora. ¡A nuestros pequeños cachorros les fue genial en su primer día y sabemos que seguirán mejorando y siendo más inteligentes mientras estén con nosotros! Mantente fresco por el resto del día, ¡¡nos vemos mañana!!

UPDATE: Due to the weather forecast, schools will dismiss early on Wednesday, September 6, and on Thursday, September 7th and there will be no after-school activities. Dismissal times by schools are here

Debido al pronóstico del tiempo, las escuelas saldrán temprano el miércoles 6 de septiembre y el jueves 7 de septiembre y no habrá actividades después de clases. Los horarios de salida por escuela son los siguientes.

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 08/31/2023

Hey Balliet Preschool Families!!
We've located a few afterschool programs that are currently accepting applications. If this is something you need for your little pup, we suggest looking into them! Feel free to reach out with any questions! Hope you're staying cool on these last few days of summer!


Springfield Public Schools has a new online resource available on any device with access to the internet. The “Dewey Learning Hub” offers all types of free articles, podcasts, videos, and activities to help students and caregivers build confidence to be successful throughout their academic career. Everything is available in English, Spanish and Arabic.

There are many videos and activities aimed at preschool age students! We encourage you to check it out! 😁


Good Morning to our incoming Balliet Preschool Students & Families!😁

We are SO excited to meet you soon, please keep in mind, our first day of school is Wednesday, September 6th. Feel free to reach out with any questions!


Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 06/14/2023

Balliet Preschool is closing out our first year with lots of excitement! Book fair, step-up celebration, field day and even a special visit from one local celebrity, Boomer!
Don’t forget to register for the Family Education Expo on June 17 at the MassMutual Center.
Link to register:

¡El Preescolar Balliet está cerrando su primer año con mucha emoción! ¡Feria del libro, celebración de intensificación, día de campo e incluso una visita especial de una celebridad local,
No olvide registrarse para la Exposición de Educación Familiar el 17 de junio en el Centro MassMutual.
Enlace para registrarse:

Springfield Public Schools - Massachusetts
Family and Community Engagement - Springfield Public Schools


Balliet PreK has THE BEST TEACHERS AROUND!!!! Patient, talented and loving!! Our teachers have kept our school afloat during this first year! We are so grateful to our teachers!! Happy Teachers Appreciate Week! We love you!❣️❣️

Balliet PreK tiene LOS MEJORES MAESTROS ALREDEDOR!!!! Paciente, talentosa y cariñosa!! ¡Nuestros maestros han mantenido nuestra escuela a flote durante este primer año! ¡¡Estamos muy agradecidos con nuestros maestros!! ¡Feliz semana de apreciación de los maestros! ¡Te amamos!❣️❣️

Thank you!

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 04/14/2023

Good Morning Balliet Pups & Families! Just a reminder, next week is our Spring Break! School will be closed April 17th-April 21. We hope you all have a chance to have fun and rest up! We will see you back at school on April 24th! Have a great week!

¡Buenos días cachorros y familias de Balliet! ¡Solo un recordatorio, la próxima semana son nuestras vacaciones de primavera! La escuela estará cerrada del 17 al 21 de abril. ¡Esperamos que todos tengan la oportunidad de divertirse y descansar! ¡Nos vemos de regreso en la escuela el 24 de abril! ¡Que tengas una buena semana!

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 04/06/2023

Reminder, tomorrow, Friday, April 7th, 2023, schools are closed in observance of Good Friday. We hope you have the chance to enjoy the weekend with loved ones. Classes will resume at the regular times on Monday. Have a great weekend Balliet Pups!💕

Recordatorio, mañana, viernes 7 de abril de 2023, las escuelas estarán cerradas en observancia del Viernes Santo. Esperamos que tenga la oportunidad de disfrutar el fin de semana con sus seres queridos. Las clases se reanudarán en el horario habitual el lunes. ¡Que tengáis un gran fin de semana cachorros de Balliet!💕


At Balliet Preschool, we have some AMAZING paraprofessionals on our team!!! Using their talents to help our students discover their own, dedicating time and energy every day to our students while meeting the needs of so many, with smiles on their faces!!! We love you, we are so grateful for you! We could not make it through this year without you. Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!!!💙💙

En Balliet Preschool, tenemos algunos paraprofesionales INCREÍBLES en nuestro equipo!!! ¡Usando sus talentos para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a descubrir los suyos propios, dedicando tiempo y energía todos los días a nuestros estudiantes mientras satisfacen las necesidades de tantos, con una sonrisa en sus rostros! ¡Te amamos, estamos muy agradecidos por ti! No podríamos pasar este año sin ti. ¡¡¡Feliz día de agradecimiento a los paraprofesionales!!!💙💙


We know how challenging it is to find activities for our young students outside of school. Here is something to consider through the South End Community Center. On Saturday Mornings, 9:00-10:00 AM from April 15th- June 10th our 3–4-year-old students have a chance to learn to play some basketball for just $125! Information regarding registration is below.

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 02/16/2023

To our Balliet Pup’s family and Friends, please remember next week school is closed for February break! We will come back to school February 27th. Until then, we hope you stay safe and have fun!

Para la familia y los amigos de nuestra Balliet Pup, ¡recuerden que la próxima semana la escuela estará cerrada por las vacaciones de febrero! Regresaremos a la escuela el 27 de febrero. Hasta entonces, ¡esperamos que te mantengas a salvo y te diviertas!

Fill | Balliet Preschool Community "Shout Out" 02/14/2023

In celebration of Kindness Month, we are starting a new tradition at Balliet Preschool. Is there someone at Balliet Preschool who deserves a shout out? Click the link below & answer a few quick questions. We will share your shout out with our Balliet Preschool community every week!
Help us spread the love and positivity!
Let's Go Balliet Pups!!

En celebración del Mes de la Bondad, estamos comenzando una nueva tradición en Balliet Preschool. ¿Hay alguien en Balliet Preschool que merezca un reconocimiento? Haga clic en el enlace a continuación y responda algunas preguntas rápidas. ¡Compartiremos su saludo con toda nuestra comunidad preescolar de Balliet cada semana!
¡Ayúdanos a difundir el amor y la positividad!
¡¡Vamos Cachorros Balliet!!

Fill | Balliet Preschool Community "Shout Out" Complete the form below to show your appreciation and gratitude for any member of our Balliet Preschool school community (a colleague, a staff member, a parent/family, a district employee, a student, etc.) who has done something that deserves a "shout out". Your "shout out" will....

Photos from Springfield Public Schools - Massachusetts's post 02/02/2023

Please stay safe and warm. We will miss all of our Balliet Pups tomorrow!! See you on Monday!

Por favor, mantente a salvo y cálido. Extrañaremos a todos nuestros Balliet Pups mañana!! ¡Nos vemos el lunes!

Photos from Balliet Preschool's post 01/30/2023

Tomorrow we will have our January Spirit day at Balliet Preschool, it will be a “snow day” themed. Student’s have been super creative all year with spirit days and we hope it continues! Have fun!

Mañana tendremos nuestro día de espíritu de enero en Balliet Preschool, será un tema de "día de nieve". ¡Los estudiantes han sido súper creativos todo el año con los días de espíritu y esperamos que continúe! ¡Que te diviertas!

Home 01/20/2023

Check out our amazing new school website!!!


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111 Seymour Avenue
Springfield, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 3:30am

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