VirtuousRealities - DeannaTrujillo
This is my writing page: things revealed thru prayer, the Word, experiences, photos, ideas, propheti
Deanna V Trujillo
Sometimes people reach out to grasp a crown too quickly... Then they regret receiving it because the situation they got into back fired and bit them instead. The best thing to do is to wait for God to promote you. If you only could realize how much He loves you, and does have wonderful things in store for you! He already has crowns that are just the right fit for you, and He will award them to you in His timing.
Never accept those shiney crowns that seem low enough to easily attain. Let me reassure you that some of them are really just bear traps in disguise. You sould be careful what partnerships and agreements in life you make, and with whom. Keep your chin up, no matter what things look like-- in Christ you are already a child of the King! Keep walking uprightly and don't make foolish decisions because of your own feelings of lack. Wait on the Lord, grow in Him and obtain His wisdom; so that you can know what His will is for your life.
God's crowns are always the everlasting kind. There is the Crown of Rejoicing, the Crown of Righteousness, the Crown of Glory, and the Crown of Life. These are the rewards of heaven that God promises to those who are faithful to Him.
These crowns are all mentioned in the Bible that will be awarded to those who follow Christ. A Crown means “a badge of royalty, a prize for winning in public games or a shining symbol of honor.” Crowns are still placed on a victor’s head as a reward for winning contests.
IMPERISHABLE CROWN: “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? So run in such a way that you may obtain it! And everyone who competes for the prize is disciplined in every aspect, and hey do it to obtain a perishable crown. But we do it for a crown that will never be destroyed."
CROWN OF REJOICING: “For what is our hope, or joy, or our crown of rejoicing? Is it not the fact that you will stand in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?” So, “rejoice always in the Lord for all the bountiful blessings our gracious God has showered upon us."
CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: “Finally, there is laid up for me the Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only --but also to all who have loved His appearing.” We inherit this crown through the righteousness of Christ which is what gives us a right to it, and without which it can't be obtained.
CROWN OF GLORY: “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the Crown of Glory that does not fade away.” To be awarded to all those who have longed for His appearing.
CROWN OF LIFE: “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the Crown of Life.” The crown for all believers, especially those who endure sufferings, who bravely endure persecution for Jesus sake... even to the point of death. The word “life” is often used to show a relationship that is right with God. This Crown of Life is for all those who love God. How do we love God? “This is what the love of God really looks like coming from us: that we will keep His commandments, because His commandments are not too hard for us to obey.”
Yes, I agree with Oswald Chambers. God does deserve our utmost for His highest!
The Latin word for Crown is “Corona”. We are all familiar with that word these days, due to the "pandemonic" we have endured. We also know that the devil cannot take preeminence over anything that God has ordained for each one of us who love Jesus. Nor can anything that the devil throws at us take over Gods supremacy in the universe. What God declares is what will stand every test. God, always always has the last word!
--Inspired by: Ephesians 5:11-17; Corinthians 9:24-25; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; Philippians 4:4; 2 Timothy 4:8; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 2:10; James 1:12; 1 John 5:3
Absolutely! There has to be pressure, brokenness, and polishing...
Deanna V Trujillo
While trials are never easy and nobody wants their problems aired... Remember that God is always at work setting up His canvases to paint His miracles into your life. Someda, your life will be glowing in the reflections of His Glory!
Deanna V Trujillo
We all need to grow some fruit, and desire to keep on growing more! In order to do that we must be saturating ourselves, soaking in the Word of God everyday. We must read our Bibles and obey the Word of the Lord.
I can’t even count how many times we’ve met men and women who claim to be ministers over a long period of time, but they severely lack in their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God— so much so, that they don’t seem to have been transformed out of the darkness into the light of God. They are still unapologetically walking in the sins and strongholds of their past.
We overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb —AND the word of our testimony! This means that in order to be effective in our Christian walk, and our ministry to others, we all need to obey the Word not only in what we say has happened to us, but by how we live our life message out with integrity of character. In other words we must “practice what we preach”. You will never be effectively powerful in bringing about transformation in others if you have not allowed the Holy Spirit to transform you, yourself. You must read the Bible, study it and allow it to read and study your heart. Be convicted by the Word, soften your heart and change! Allow the light of God to shine on the areas that need growth, and respond to it. That’s how real men (and women) of God grow some fruit, by obedience.
Like David, if you haven’t yet been brave enough to kill the lions and the bears in your own pasture (your personal life), then how do you expect to be effective when you go out to kill the giants who are coming against the people? The devil already knows the sin in your life, and whatever bo***ge he has you tied up in. If you try to convince others to be set free, he will only mock you, cause chaos, and eventually pulverize you —if you are still walking around in your old habits that you have never repented of and surrendered over to Jesus, and stopped sinning. Those sins should repulse you, and the joy of the Lord— and all of the other Fruit of the Spirit should invigorate you!
When you allow the light of God to expose and convict those areas of your heart, you must give them up, then when you share your testimony it will be filled with the power that’s in the Blood of the Lamb backing you up to overcome the enemy wherever He sends you. Demons will run from you, and giants will be beheaded and fall! The people you will minister to, and even the devil will recognize the fruit that you are armed with.
“Jesus appeared to the eleven others as they sat at a table, and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe... They filled their hearts with other things. And He said to them, If you truly believe in Me (obey Me) then you will go into all the world and preach the gospel (the Good News of Salvation) to every creature. —He who believes (obeys) and is baptized will be the ones who are saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned by his own sin.—These signs will follow those who truly believe (obey Me): In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
“This is what I keep aiming for in my prayers for all of you: that you will grow very vigorously. Deeper in the Word; thicker and taller, and more full in your love for God. That your love will flourish in His wisdom, heavy and overflowing in the dense richness of understanding for others; so that you may be able to distinguish what are the best decisions to make in all circumstances. Being confident that the paths you take in life will be the best ones, and that you will end up being flawless (without being infected or infiltrated by the enemy) and without fault (having no worm hole openings for him to slip into). That you will be made ready for that day when you will meet the vinedresser who is Jesus Christ, in the garden of Life, face to face. Then He will find you ripe (full of His sweetness) and weighted down with the harvest, like a fully over-grown fruit tree standing in the early autumn sun. Ready to drop all of your righteous bounty born through Him, into His arms!—This you can only accomplish if you obey, and give all of the glory and the praises to the Father who has been faithful to shine His light on you and send the rain to you in every season as you lived for Him.”
—Inspired by: 1 Peter 2:9; Romans 12:1-3; Revelation 12:10-11; 1 Samuel 17; Galatians 5:17-24; 1 Peter 5:8; Mark 16:14-19; Philippians1: 9-11
Iron sharpens iron...
The eye of Hurricane Ian...2022
Deanna V Trujillo
Many of us have come up against walls, and obstacles that we have, that we have battled. Certain obstacles that were put in our lives, and our spiritual territories that have tried to impede the promises of God from coming to pass.
I'm reminded today that we are never suppose to fight for our own will. When we line our will up with God’s will, He blesses then can our efforts, and then He will deal the most powerful of blow to the enemy in the fight, because the battle is the Lord’s!
G.C. Lichtenberg once said, "Never undertake anything for which you wouldn't have the courage to ask the blessing of heaven for.”
Ask God to be in charge! Ask Him to help you today with HIS strategies. Then as you can put on the whole armor of God, you can stand ground with full confidence in His power! Hold on!
"Hold on, I say! Be strong in the Lord, and fight with bravery for your people and for the cities of your God. —Do what pleases Him!— Do this, and the Lord will always do what is the very best for you! He promises to watch over the process and make it sure! 🍃
*Inspired by Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Sam 10:12
Deanna V Trujillo
You know... what really matters is what God's written word says. I do like the prophetic, but His written word takes priority over the "prophetic" spoken word. If it doesn't line up with His precepts or His pinciples, it's not from God. That's how we judge the "prophetic". There is a fine line between truth and heresy. Build your house on the Rock. Stay stable by reading your Bible and obeying it, it is the LIVING Word. When your Trust is in Jesus, you will crave His every word.
-Inspired by Psalm 119:105; John 17:17; Matthew 7:24-27
Deanna V Trujillo
Don't ever fall into the pool of worry. If you want to stop anxiety from harassing you, dress yourself in thankfulness. Both things require your actions in order to be affective. Make plans and do some things to help others and the worry will dissipate. Do something in faith. Do something out of your comfort zone.
Lord, the words from Your mouth are more precious to me than pieces of silver and gold... How sweet to my taste, they are sweeter than honey to my mouth... Accept the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me Your ways... Your ways are the joy of my heart... You will not let my hopes to be dashed... I call out with my whole heart and You are always near... You will defend my cause... Your compassion is Great.
Do what pleases God and you will be resisting the devil. He'll have no choice but to run away from you.
- Inspired by Psalm 119:72,103,108,111,116,145,151,154,156, and James 4:7
When you get treated badly by an addict, remind yourself that it's the demonic spirits that come in through the portals of drugs or alcohol that are doing it. Don't give those spirits the satisfaction they crave, they will try and infect your own heart and mind so that you will be wounded with their inflictions too. Pass your disappointments of the addict, and any trauma you experienced on to Jesus, He already dealt with it all.
EXACTLY! This is what beautiful looks like!!! I'm reposting this statement that our friend Kelly King wrote about his wife. Lori was living to see loved ones come to know the Lord, especially her son-- and what joy she had when he did!
"This is the look of pure joy Lori had as her son had found his savior. The pain that our hearts felt for years was replaced with dancing. Nothing in life matters but the saving of souls for our Heavenly Father. This was so important to Him He sent His only Son to earth to die for us. He is standing on His porch in Heaven waiting and watching for His prodigal sons to come home. We as elder brothers need to make it our lives missions to go out and plead with our brothers to come home to our Father." (Kelly)
Deanna V Trujillo
You won’t ever be able to change a persons mindset unless the position of their heart changes first. If the heart changes, then the mind will follow! Pray for that! When you are interceding for the ones that you love, ask God to give you the words and the actions that will cause them to open their heart to His love. God always starts with changing the inside of us first. The next thing that will happen is the truth will become clear to them... The trajectory of every life is set on track when a heart begins to soften, bend, and turn to God.
Remember that the goodness of God is what draws people to repentance. Pray that His goodness will be seen and experienced in every place they turn. That the eyes of their heart will be opened.
The caterpillar thought His life was over before God transformed Him into a butterfly. There is hope for everyone! God delights in showing mercy. He enjoys turning our circumstances, and lives around for good!
“Oh Lord, remember Your Word to me, I am Your servant. You give hope to me. Your promise preserves my life. Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I am. I have sought Your face with all my heart, teach me about Your knowledge and good judgment. You are Good, and surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life...”
-Inspired by Romans 2:3-5; Micah 7:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 23:6; 119:49-50,54,58,66-68
“Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices when the truth is made known.”
1 Corinthians 13:6
"We can see it now Lord!!! Yes! The heavens are spilling over with fruitful abundance that You, Lord have invested in, and preserved, hiding it away in order to award all who have honored You! You are showering it down on all who have found their comfort and safety in You, and their dependence in Your arms! You have been anticipating the day when You will lavish Your treasure on us in the sight of all!" -Psalm 31:19
Deanna V Trujillo
October 15, 2022
Just a few days ago (on Oct 10, 2022) my cousin was in an accident, right after his father's memorial service. When I talked to him at the service the Lord showed me that he was going to be in an accident. I was so shaken by that vision, that I abrubtly left him and ran to the restroom, where I prayed for him. When I came out of the restroom I told my husband Dan, that he should pray for him too-- I prayed for him for two days, as I kept seeing his face and felt like it might be the last time. Two days later he was indeed in a terrible accident. His new truck was totalled on the freeway. The airbags did not deploy, and the truck caught on fire. My cousin did somehow escape, and he was bruised but not injured! The police said they dont even know how he lived through that! God sent His angels just like I asked, and shielded him! I'm sharing this with his permission. He said it seems like he was held inside a protective bubble! 😭 Isn't God SO GOOD?!
The memory below just came up today of my brother in an accident on Oct 14, 2016. Before our Dad passed away. He had gone to help my Momma with my Dad, and was in this accident...
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