Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation

Moo Duk Kwan Master level (Ko Dan Ja ) testing event (Shim Sa) in the USA hosted by the United States

Headquarters receives lots of inquiries from members and non members about the testing process for master level ranks (Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa) and this page will cover that process and that event exclusively. http://kdjss.soobahkdo.org/

Look forward to learning about the history of the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa, its Alumni and its global evolution into the experience that it is today.


This historic event is being held in Region 7 for the 1st time ever.




Spirit Messages
Thursday, November 16th and Friday, November 17th

Smith Sa Bom Nim

I’m happy for you and proud of you for continuing to pursue advancement in Soo Bahk Do! You set a great example for all of us with your hard work and dedication. Reflecting back all of the support you have shown me!

Susan Mitchell

Your week is over, presentation day is in the books, your body aches but it is a good ache.
Safe travels home filled with memories which will last a lifetime.

Well done!

Douglas Countryman
Region 10 USA

Dear Kwan Jang Nim and all attendees,

Congratulations to all this year’s USA KDJSS leadership, attending visitors, and candidates. Your Moo Do experience is coming to an end, and I wish all candidates enjoy their demonstrations and the immediate future impact they will have on their students.

You have been under the guidance of some of the world’s finest martial artists, who have dedicated their lives to the traditions and Moo Do values left by our Chang Shi Ja Hwang Kee and preserved by his direct descendant, H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim and the amazing and talented Ko Dan Ja, who live the Moo Do path in the Moo Duk Kwan.

The value of this Moo Duk Kwan is priceless. Continued success and sincere congratulations to all of you. I only wish I could have been there to share in your success.

Special shout out to my Region 2 Brothers and Sisters, who seek to increase their Moo Do Shim Gung through this experience. Soo Bahk!

In Moo Do,
R.Bonefont, Kyo Bom
Region 2 NY


Spirit Messages
Wednesday, November 15th and Thursday, November 16th

To the Childan Candidates,
Wilcox and Smith Sa Bim Nim’s,
It was great to spend time with you. My energy and spirit are with you as you reach the objective and your presence is strong to lead. I wish you a strong finish! SKG!
PS: Smith Sa Bom you will be fine as long as you stay away from any glassware. 😁 Wilcox SB, keep him in check. 😁😂
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner
To the Yuk Dan candidates,
James Bennett, Peter Murray
Jeff Mackey, William Trevino
Jennifer Resler,Elaine Phillips
Ray Sargeant, Sa Bom’s.
The “Chil Sung’s 7” will guide the way for all with your leadership. 7 strong leaders is a great omen. 😊👍 I wish you all the very best. It was great to share time with you and I am there in spirit as you create a strong finish!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To the O Dan candidates:
Simon Cowie ,Terri Vodden, Long Trinh. Three strong spirited leaders. “The Gungs” Great to share training with you and I wish you all the best on a strong finish! Master Trinh it’s great to have you in the family!! Welcome home.
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To the Sa Dan candidates:
You’re doing great! Stay connected and move as one. Your time is now and your visible action is seen. Move with confidence and spirit!
Remember Choon Beh, start strong finish strong. Your cups are filling and now is the time to savor its flavor to become part of your very being. Just think how great that cocktail at the airport and that nap on the way home will be. 😊👍😁 SKG!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To Kyo-Sa’s Maass and Vickers, the Region is all with you in spirit! We look forward to seeing you join the new line. We are very proud of you! Our students send their best! Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To Resler Sa Bom,
Great to see you and share some time. I am glad things worked out for you. I know you are strong and will bring that fun energy to the groups to keep the balance.
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To Ray Sargeant SB,
It was great seeing you again after all these years! I know your energy will be a strong asset to all. I wish you all the very best brother from down under. Stay strong Mate!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

Hi Sir

Wish you the best of luck with your training missing you teaching me cant wait to see you soon. Good luck.

Bye Sir

From Kadence your student 😁

Dear Seargent SBN,

Hope you're doing well and having a great time,
Good luck for the coming days in preparing for your 6th dan.

Once again wishing you all the best,
Abigail Carlson

To the Sa Dan Candidates,

Congratulations on making it this far! It has been a riot training with you all this week, and I wish you all success as the Shim Sa comes to a close. Keep the Shim Gung high and let it carry you through to the Friday presentation!

In Moo Do,
Carolyn Kelly

Warmest greetings to H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim, the Hu Kyun In, TAC, Ko Dan Ja, Candidates and Visitors,

On behalf of everyone at Guardian TMA, we extend our congratulations to everyone attending KDJSS 2023. Personal shout-outs to our Region 2 Yuk Dan candidates, William Trevino SBN, and Elaine Phillips SBN, as well as everyone attending from R2!

A special *kyung ret* to Chuck Smith SBN, Master Long Trinh, my instructors, Cort Stinehour SBN and Mary Kate Stinehour SBN, and all of the TAC who, year after year, put together the highest level of quality instruction. And of course, the hosting committee led by Dwayne Townsend SBN – the venue looks amazing, Sir!

The week has flown by. You are now trekking downhill. Use the spiritual energy from all the messages on this wall to get you across the finish line. Leave nothing in the tank. We are all rooting for your STRONG FINISH!

Respectfully yours,
Tony Le
Hello Sir!

Wishing you and Mr Yarwood good luck for tomorrows event! We all know you will go great in it and that you’ll get promoted to your 6th dan black belt. I hope you’ve been having a great time in America and are all ready for tomorrow. WE cant wait to hear how it went when you return and we all believe in you that you will do great at your promotion!

Kind regards



To Trevino and Phillips Sa Bom Nims,

We are thinking of you both and sending positive energy your way as you move into the final days of the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.

We know that you are a strong, positive representation of our Region and wish you a successful Demonstration day on Friday.

Yours in the Moo Duk Kwan,

The Region 2 membership



Spirit Messages
Tuesday, November 14th and Wednesday, November 15th

Hello Sa Bom Nim,

I wanted to wish you wellness and an abundance of energy through your event. You got this!

Nicholas Williams
Dear sir

Hope you are having fun and aren’t too tired yet. Good luck for your graduation and thank you for helping me get better for 9 years.

From Jordan von der Borch
Hi Taylor,
Just wanted to send you some good luck and good vibes energy your way! You are one badass lady and this is a huge accomplishment!

GOOD LUCK and have fun!
Sami Burk

TO: Smith SBN:

I am sure your energy and good humor will help carry you and Wilcox SBN together to Friday. You will make it with flying colors. Keep up the good work. Keep going. You are almost there.

TO: Oulashin SBN

You are always so supportive to everyone in the Art. I hope everyone survived your Kick of the Day challenge. I’m sure they had fun (oops! – a bad word), as you encouraged them to kick higher and stronger. I hope you are enjoying each day at Ko Dan Ja.

Your student,

To Sargent SBN

Hi Sir,
Hoping your 6th Dan Black Belt testing was/is successful. Best of wishes from Leanne & Nana and Pa Bailey.

Jack says
“To Sir,
I love you teaching me good jobs.
From Jack”
Hi Taylor,

Wishing you the best! You got this- You are amazing! J


Spirit Messages
Monday, November 13th and Tuesday November 14th

Sending you positive energy!
From, Terri Montag
Hello, Smith Sa Bom Nim,

Sir, I am sending you positive thoughts and intentions for a great Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.

You are a constant in our region and a role model to all of us. With such dedication to your art, along with your steadfast commitment, I am confident you will complete this Shim Sa in true Moo Duk fashion.

Remember, when you feel like you can’t do anymore, tell yourself, “I can do this for one more day, one hour”. Before you know it, you will be done and on the other side with yet another successful Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa under your belt. 😉

In Moo Duk Kwan,
Dear Seargent Sa Bo Nim and Mr Yarwood,

Hope you are having an amazing time at your testing. Keep strong and remember we are all supporting you from here at the Dojang.

Have a great time,

Nicholas Papoulis
Evening Sargeant SBN (sir)

Wish you well at Ko Dan Ja Sim Sa, and hope you have fun.
Good luck for your 6th Dan presentation. I am sure you will pass for you are an amazing teacher.

Kind regards, Jensen Marshall
Dear Sargeant SBN,

I wish you all the very best for this week.

Your continued commitment to learning and your drive to be the best that you can is an inspiration.

I can't wait to see you return with more knowledge and stories to share with us at class.

Enjoy this amazing experience!

Soo Bahk
Janell Behrendt
Dear Mr Yarwood,

Hang in there! You've got this!

You have worked so hard to get to where you are, believe in yourself and enjoy this amazing experience.

All the very best.

Soo Bahk
Janell Behrendt
Hello Sargeant Sa Bom Nim

Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best for Friday.

Soo Bahk!!!
Mrs Quigley-Cromb
Hi Resler SBN and Maass KSN!!

I hope that things are going well with both of you! Right now you are in the thick of it and I hope that the KDJSS experience is everything you want it to be. Take every day at a time, moment by moment. Even though your bodies are sore now, the memories will last a lifetime. Keep pushing forward and set the bar for others to follow. You make us all proud in what you have achieved and how you carry yourselves. You both are very good ambassadors not only for your personal Do Jangs but for the art itself. As I'm writing this, this is day 4. According to Kenyon SBN, tomorrow there
are only 4 days left :) Enjoy your time, take in all you can and we look forward to the information you bring back with you. Stay the course and know that we are all behind you. Soo Bahk!!!

In the Moo Do Kwan,
Jeremy Spence
Hello testing candidates,

This is Eli Corrales sending this email. I wanted to send my best wishes to all the Ko Dan Ja candidates, I was only able to attend Moments with the masters since I have school. Would much rather be training with you all. I especially send my wishes to my life long friends, Murray SBN and Master Trinh as I have trained with them as part of Wasatch Martial arts. I also wanted to say i had fun as I had the honor to train with the O Dan candidates to be Master Trinh’s partner, I hope your presentation goes well. I hope to see you all soon and I’ll be thinking of you as I go through my week.

-Eli Corrales Jo Kyo


Spirit Messages
Sunday, November 12th & Monday, November 13th:

Hello Smith SBN, Wilcox SBN and Bennett SBN.

Well, Moment with the Masters has wrapped up and those visitors are on their way home.

Now the real (work) fun begins!

Five days to go. Enjoy the ride and adventure and immerse yourselves in the art.

I wish I could have been there as a Ko Dan Ja alumni to be a part of it all.

Stay frosty and take it all in.

In Moo Do,
Chuck Holland

To Luke Sheid:

Sir, I’m certain you will show your ability and dedication during the test! Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Kathy Caraco Kyo Sa
Region 9

Dear SBN Phillips,

Thinking of you and wishing you a powerful week. Saw some awesome pictures of you and your testing group from friday nite, keep the awesome going!!!!!

Ria Zazzarino
Chu's Academy

To Chuck Smith SBN:
Sending you positive energy to you and all the candidates as you are experiencing 2023 KDJSS.

Doug Countryman


Spirit Messages
Saturday, November 11th & Sunday, November 12th:

Sa Bom Jennifer Resler, so very proud of you and all that you've achieved. Keep your wry sense of humor and strong spirit. I know you've got this my dear friend.
Hugs, Jane Kaufman

Jyo Kyo Thomas Christie, way to go representing Region 4! I know you've got this. Keep your spirit strong, roll with the flow and keep your sense of humor.
Big hugs, Jane Kaufman

Congratulations to all candidates. Have a wonderful experience!
~Dianna Hume

Dear Smith SBN,

I hope you and all the candidates are enjoying your time together.

You've got this!!
Doug McConnell

To Melinda Maass, Kyo-Sa,

Start the day with good intent, see it in the mind, develop it with the breath, and activate it in movement. Each day is filled with new growth. Absorb it into your being. Be present in every moment.
I am with you in mind and spirit!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner


Spirit Messages
Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th:

To all the Candidates.
I wish you all the very best experience! Your strength is in your group spirit to support, and connect. These times are so valuable and meaningful in your Moo Do life. Savor each moment. Listen, learn, grow and adapt. To Kwan Jang Nim, thank you for your living example for us to follow. To the TAC, TACA thank you for your expertise and guidance to great and continue to foster the foundation of the Moo Duk Kwan!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner, Region 5

To Kyo-Sa Maass,
This is your time! Enjoy and absorb the experience. Keep your cup empty and your spirit high. Smile, and let your Moo Do shine!!
I am very proud of you and the example you set!!
In Moo Do
Steven Lemner

To Richard Wilcox SBN, and
Charles Smith SBN,
What an extraordinary achievement! This Shim Sa is meant to be enjoyed. Your natural leadership, spirit and knowledge will be a guiding light for the others to follow in your example! I wish you both the very best!
In Moo Do,
Your brother
Steven Lemner

To Jeffery Vickers Kyo-Sa,
Congratulations on this Moo Do time in your journey! I wish you all the very best! Stay strong for you are the anchor to the group and your spirit will be a great asset to all. I look forward to seeing you join the new line!!
In Moo Do
Steven Lemner


To the Yukdan Candidates,
What an excellent group of practitioners!! The Yuk Ro’s!
All on a path, each bringing a unique energy to the group and helping to guide those that follow your example but all dedicated to a common objective. To strengthen the art in living form. Your growth over the years, fostered in the training of your internal attributes will be seen as the light for others!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To the Odan candidates!
The three powers of the art. National, international and returning to the Moo Duk Kwan. What a wonderful mix of members to live the founder's example of creating better human relationships! Stay strong, smile and enjoy!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

To the Sa dan candidates,
Yup you’re here! It’s real!! It’s your karma! Ko Dan Ja is everything you have heard about and more!! So much more as you will experience first hand!! The level you are entering is so very special. You are a direct ,living example for the art and the Kwan Jang Nim! Keep your cups empty! Don’t leave anything on the floor! Don’t waste training time, and smile!
PS. Remember, they can’t kill you! Well… I don’t think so. “you can sleep when you’re dead” So bring it!!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner


To my brothers from down under,
Ray Sargeant SB
Simon Cowie KSN
Mr. Matthew Yarwood
I wish you all the very best this week. May you all stay strong in mind and spirit. Having you all attend demonstrates the international connection of the art and its intent by the founder to create better human relations internationally. I know you will bring a special spirit to the event and further strengthen these connections.
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner


Dear sir,
I hope you will get your new belt.
From Allie


To Taylor Westley:

Best of Luck!

You got this!

When you get back, you’ll be even MORE qualified to kick some producer BUTT and keep them in line!

Joe Stewart

Best of luck to Murray Sa Bom Nim and Master Trinh! You are working hard!

- Khanh Lai


To Taylor Westley:

Good Luck Lady!!!!! Kick some ass!!!!

Lori Minor


A message for Sir and Mr. Yarwood,

Hello Sir,
This is from Albert Metelmann.
I wish you both heaps of luck
On your promotion.
I am wondering how cool your new belt looks!

Also my Dad sends his best energy for you both too.


Athan’s message to Sir:

When are you going to come back Sir?
Wishing you good luck & have a safe trip back to Adelaide! Have a good flight & drive safely!

Kind Regards
Amanda Miglis

Photos from Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation's post 11/05/2023

Only Available For A Limited Time, Then Never Produced Again



The 2023 U.S. Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa begins next Friday, November 10th in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Please join us in sending words of encouragement to our Ko Dan Ja candidates (listed below)! Your messages will be posted each morning for the candidates to see. Help lift them up and show your support by sending them well-wishes and inspirational messages. Please send your messages to [email protected].
Testing for Chil Dan:
Richard Wilcox SBN - R9
Charles Smith SBN - R10

Testing for Yuk Dan:
James Bennett SBN - R6
Peter Murray SBN - R8
Jeff Mackey SBN - R1
William Trevino SBN - R2
Jennifer Resler SBN - R5
Elaine Phillips SBN - R2

Testing for O Dan:
Simon Cowie KSN (AUS)
Terri Vodden SBN - R9
Master Long Trinh - R8

Testing for Sa Dan:
Mr. Gregory Schneider - R9
Mr. Luke Sheid - R9
Cynthia Speedy KSN - R8
Raymond Houpt KSN - R3
Taylor Westley KSN - R8
Mr. Walter Tobin - R3
Melinda Maas KSN - R5
Brian Graham KSN - R6
Mr. Matthew Yarwood (AUS)
Thomas Christie JKN - R4
Rogelio Ramirez KSN - R6
Jeffery Vickers KSN - R5

U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation Annual Fundraiser 10/27/2023


U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation Annual Fundraiser On behalf of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation, we extend our warm wishes to everyone for continued good health and wellness. As we look ahead to the upcoming holiday season, as well as the end of the tax year, we would like to ask for your support of the Foundation in promoting our fund

Board Chair Update 11-09-2022 | United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® 11/12/2022


Board Chair Update 11-09-2022 | United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® Official Moo Duk Kwan® membership, rank certification, school certification and authentic content about Hwang Kee's traditional Korean Soo Bahk Do® martial art system.


SBN Jeremy Spence and SBN Andrew Cotsones
Good Luck!!!
You all got this! Soo Bahk!
-Jeff Nigg
You got this
keep going
don't give up
don't stop
never give up
Good luck
from Beau

I wish you the best of luck at your test. you work so hard to teach all of us. So I bet that you work even harder when you train so now just show us.
-from:Patrick McGinnis

Good luck. You got this! I believe in you.
-From Hayley

Good luck in testing. Also have a nice time
-from: Hailey De Vera

good luck
-Wyatt Maass

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you all pass your shim sa. Hope you all have a good test.
-Noah Macias

Best Wishes you got this!
-Doug Goodchild

Do your best and try your hardest,
-From Keaton Gladu

You got this! I believe in you.
From Holly

To all a Good Luck and a Good luck to all.

Good luck you got this. Keep going.

Good luck

good luck
-by Ethan

Keep going! #1!
Put in all that work!

Good luck! best wishes
From: Sebastian Sanchez-Soloria

Good luck, Have fun
-Caleb Zelhart

Good luck! You're Awesome. You're the best of the best!!
-Chase Winkels

Good Luck and Best of Luck
From: Emily Herndon

Good luck
-Wyatt Zelhart

-Sloane Erazo

Enjoy every moment of your Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa experience! You both Rock!
Soo Bahk!
-Stacey Johnson
To all My Seniors,
Congrats on making it this far.I can only imagine how all of you must be feeling....
Here are thoughts i hope will help with this week
I wrote a really good phrase which I think might be helpful to all of you.
Perfection is imperfection waiting to happen and Imperfection is perfection waiting to happen.
I also wanted to share my thoughts about this week for whatever value it might have..
I think this week is not only to demonstrate what you know but also for inner reflection. To think about how far you have come in the Art and where your journey will take you.. Pat yourselves on the back My Seniors…..Your Journey is awesome so far and know you represent our art with excellence!!

Another thought came to mind..
"Kintugi living
Practice ‘Kintugi’ Living.
Kitugi is an ancient Japanese tradition where if something breaks, they fill the cracks with valuable substances such as gold, silver, or platinum. These damaged goods then become unique and even more valuable. This art can inspire the way we see ourselves and our lives. Instead of looking at your cracks as something to be ashamed of, see them as something that makes you valuable and different from the rest.
One final thing to share.
I copied this from a site looking for more inspiration to share.
Life is a never-ending journey of learning, experiencing and understanding. If we didn’t have any obstacles or challenges that we had to work through, then there wouldn’t be anything stopping us from achieving our goals. In fact, these struggles are what make life worth living because it’s how we grow and learn to adapt and change.
Well there you have it..
Soo Bahk…
Best wishes to all.
Dave Douglas
Hi Sean,

I hope you are holding up okay. The week is almost over for you. I know you will be finishing strong, with energy and grace.

Keep up the good work.

We are proud of you here at Camas Karate.

All the best,
Helen Bagnall
Oulashin BSBN,

Never underestimate the difference you make just by being yourself. You lead by example. Your courage inspires. And your willingness to step into each hard thing shows the students who follow a path their dreams could take too.

Sending strength and endurance as you finish out this week!

The Persingers

It is so amazing to see all the things you have accomplished thus far. You are truly an inspiring person and you deserve all the greatness that comes your way. I am really thankful that I have been able to train with you all these years. Wishing you a wonderful finish!

Soo Bahk!
Mira Dean

To Wyatt BSB,
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

Sent from Debby Brnich

Dear Master White,

You've been a great instructor. I’m always inspired by your forms and demonstrations in class. I know you've got what it takes to succeed in your test this week. You have the I-ne, fortitude and skill to carry through the challenges of things week. Please be assured that I am rooting for you!

All the best,

Hello Oulashin Bu Sa Ba Nim,
You are almost done, dig deep, finish strong!
"With Courage we will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble" (Kashavan Nair).
Soo Bahk!

In Moo Duk Kwan,
Ms. Glickfeld

To Menendez Sa Bom Nim:
Go get em , Dad! Love Joey, Jillian and Jake

To Sean Oulashin BSB:

Dear Sir,

I wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you this week, and supporting you. You have amazing skill, and have no doubt that you are doing well!

Susan Mitchell

Gibbons Sa Bom Nim, Fittanto Sa Bom Nim, and Hall Bu Sa Bom Nim,

You got this, home stretch! Congratulations on coming so far, and wishing you a strong finish to an amazing week!

Soo Bahk!
Esther Lum

Photos from Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation's post 11/10/2022

KS Gilady Sten,

You're almost there, stay strong and enjoy your final hours of training and friendships.

See you in New Jersey!
Congratulations to everyone

Ria Zazzarino
Chu's Academy of Martial Arts
Gillette, New Jersey

This Soo Bahk Bird has some heartfelt messages for those working their butts off this week down in Oklahoma!
P.S. Be sure to drink lots of water!

All Best,

To all candidates:
고생 끝에 낙이 온다
Go-saeng kkeut-e nag-i on-da
At the end of hardship comes happiness.
Finish strong! Let your light shine for each and everyone of you are the Moo Duk Kwan! This is your time, your moment, your karma!
Soo Bahk!
Steven Lemner

Good Luck Menendez Sa Bom throughout the rest of your test !! Have a great demonstration for the Kwan Jang Nim.

We are thinking of you!!

Soo Bahk

Respectfully -
The students of
Hwang Karate of Harrison

Dear Master Menéndez
I wish you good luck on your test. Remember to have yung gi spirit and in neh! You are going to do amazing and I hope you succeed on your test. Remember us back home because we are all cheering for you.
Danila and Daniel!
_________________________________You got this! Believe in yourself that you can do this just think of it as your orange belt test and you will be able to successfully do the test. -Javi P.S you're a great teacher.

Good Luck Master White From Aj

Good luck on your test from sebi

To Master White,
Sending positive energy, strength and endurance. An abundance of peace to let you know you are in the right place at this moment. Gigantic thank you from Mr. Klervo Auguste, for over a decade of training, instruction and Master mentoring. You are not alone...be encouraged and you are already successful. Mr. Auguste and Family


I would like to wish all the Ko Dan Ja candidates the best of luck this week. I so wish I could be part of this shim sa, especially with the amazing group that is in attendance.

I truly hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. Master White, do your best and be well. The staff and students are asking about you and wishing you all the best!! Come back and share your knowledge of the Shim Sa!

Soo Bahk Everyone!
Paul Del Sordo Sa Bom

To all the 2022 KDJSS Candidates, and especially, D. Townsend SBN, S. Fittanto SBN, C. Estey KBN, M. Wyatt BSBN, S. Fishman KBN, J. Menendez SBN, Dr. M. Levinson, Dr. K. Levinson, J. Camp KSN, O. Gilady-Sten KSN

The hardest part is over. Enjoy the banquet tonight.
You only have two and a wake up to go. You got this!

“This is 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
And 100% reason to remember the name.” – Fort Minor


Tony Le

I have been mentally tracking the training regimen that you have been following. My Spirit is with all of you, especially the REGION 8 candidates.
We have a variety of levels working for their next rank this year.
I trust Dr. Bowen is savoring the experience as well as Dyer Kyo Sa.
To the great women, I cheer Gibbons Sa Bom Nim and Fittanto Sa Bom Nim.
I was told that our region was well represented in the TAC and visitors. Thanks for that!
Keep up the enthusiasm and vigor.
Then have a little fun at the banquet as well.
And Finish Strong!!
In Moo Do, Andy Hamer

Gibbons Sa Bom Nim,

You are such a beacon of light in Soo Bahk Do. I am so proud to have you in our region! Your hard work and perseverance make you a wonderful role model, and I'm so glad you have the opportunity to showcase your talent and skill this week. Though I'm not there in person, know that I am cheering you on in spirit!

Soo Bahk! Esther Lum


Gibbons Sa Bom Nim, I'm sure you are in your groove and your strong energy and steady attitude is a welcome addition to your group.

Fittanto Sa Bom, knowing you, you are also in your element with your strong techniques and Moo Do. Keep Moo Do'in!

Townsend Sa Bom, I know you still have that big sunshine smile on your face and are tackling each day with positive energy and strong results. All the while, I'm sure gathering material for the banquet. Proud to share the line with you!

Oulashin Bu Sa, How's the glasses holding up, did they get sideways during the kicking class? Have you come across any Hot Wheel cars left behind from the MWM group? (inside jokes). I'm proud to see you grow into your own. Empty the tank on Friday and leave it on the mat.

I'm with you all in spirits and sending good positive vibes.

Soo Bahk!
Chuck Holland

Gibbons Sa Bom Nim, Kenyon Sa Bom Nim, and Cooper Sa Bom Nim,

It was great to get to meet you all in person/see you again this weekend! You three are a huge inspiration and I'm so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to train with you! Sending lots of positive energy your way!

Fittanto Sa Bom Nim,

You are a really great leader and practitioner and I'm always excited when I get the chance to train with you, be it in-person or virtual! It was great to see you this weekend, and I look forward to training with you more during YLP!

Mr. Lee and Dyer Kyo Sa Nim,

I'm so glad I got to be there for the first few days to cheer you on in person! You are both great to work with and I always enjoy getting to train with you. I'm excited to see how you advance and grow after this week!

To all the candidates, visitors, proctors, and officials,

Thank you so much for all the time and effort you are putting into advancing our art as well as yourselves! It was an honor to spend the weekend with you all, and I'm wishing you all the best of luck and the best of training!

Soo Bahk!
-Carolyn Kelly

To Kelly Sa Bom Nim and Maxam Kyo Sa Nim,

It was truly an honor to be there with you for the first few days of the test, and I couldn't be prouder of either of you, nor more excited! Training with you is an absolute joy and privilege, and always pushes me to become a better practitioner. Now is the time to push yourselves, learn everything you can, and know that all of us back here in Region 7 are cheering you on with the utmost confidence! Enjoy the week, enjoy the training, and enjoy the people around you!

"You've got what it takes, but it will take everything you've got."

"Seize the time, live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again." -Jean-Luc Picard

In Moo Do,
-Carolyn Kelly

SBN Andrew Cotsones and SBN Jeremy Spence

Keep going! #1!

Keep going! give it all you got! You can do it!

You ROCK! I hope you do good!
-From Adelle

Keep going you are doing AMAZING

You can do it!

You're doing awesome! I believe in all of you! It takes a lot of courage to test for such a big test.
-From Hannah Raborn


You got this! Remember you're great! You're going to rock this test!
-from Zion

I want to wish all of you good luck on your test and that you can do it. try your best and have a good time,
-Love Jackson Day

Great job! Keep it up! You can do it! See you soon!
-Schrum family

I believe in you. You have a lot of courage. I believe you are strong deep inside. Good luck.
-By Henry Maass, Love Henry

You are good at Soo Bahk do!
-Love, Irissa
You both are exceptional martial artists. You definitely lead by example.Thankfully you both are much better in the art than I at writing encouraging words! You got this!
Soo Bahk!
-Susan Barton

Knock out that test! Awesome stance!
-Ayden Eranzo

Congratulations for you tremendous accomplishment of making it this far! All the best in your testing., You've got this!
-Heather Day

Sa Bom Nim Christy Cooper

KEEP training hard. You're doing great.
-JKN Jackson Kelley

You got this!
-Clayton H**p

Let's go! Fighting Spirit!!
-Chuck Kohler E215508

Good luck Master Cooper. Hope you do well!
-Kayden Cody

Best of luck. I hope you have fun and do great!!
-Karmen Cody

You got dis. I hope you pass.
xoxo Coda

Master Cooper....Hope all is going well. Keep your head up and stay focused on the good, I'm sure you're going to kill it.
-Aaron Cody

Doing Great!
You got this!
-Anna Pode
Hello Everyone,

From mentors inspiring me to train as a 4 year old SBN Shermerhorn and SBN Bartolacci thank you! I still look up to you as you are still training and staying the course, guiding the way! Soo Bahk!

SBN Gibbons thank you for your support and guidance during my testing. You paved the way for me and I followed you without fail. Continue showing us the way of Moo Do as you have always done!

SBN Townsend you have always supported the Moo Duk Kwan. You've always been kind to me and my wife. Best of luck sir!

SBN Fittanto you have inspired me in many ways from being an amazing practitioner and guidance to fighting for your life and winning! You are amazing. You've got this!

Kyo Bom Nim White as a partner of mine growing up we had many challenges competing against one another! I know you will be successful!

To my Loving wife! SBN Constable! You are the strongest person I know! I have no doubt you are representing our studio with pride! You have 2 wonderful kids that miss you at home and a third kid who's acting like he knows how to keep them in line. Hurry up already!!! These kids are destroying the house and we are running out of food fast lol. I Love you and look forward to seeing you soon! You got this! P.S. House is fine by the way, don't be scared to come home.

SBN Wyatt and SBN Menendez you both have been very good friends and supported our events for as long as we've been running our studio! I have seen you both set the pace for others to follow and look forward to seeing you as my seniors again! I know you are supportive of my wife and she is there for you guys as well!

Lee, and Chung KSN. Stay strong, you have some trials ahead of you! We have been through some wonderful moments together! They made unforgettable memories! That is what you are doing right now: cherish these moments and bond with your group! They will need you!

Continue the path everyone!
Soo Bahk!
Ian Constable

All Candidates:

It was a pleasure to meet so many new friends. Best of luck with the rest of your training this week!


Ian & John Kim

Hi -

Good Luck this week!! I know you’ll be amazing!! Stay strong.


Sa Bom Nim Christy Cooper

Good luck on the test Master Cooper.

Good Luck! We are all rooting for you!
-Karen Kohler

Good luck at KODANJA SHIM SA!!

Good luck on your test. Hope you do well. do a great job on your test! Have fun!!!
-From Reigan

Good luck on your test Sa Bom Nim. Have fun!
From: Paige

Hope you do good on your test!
-love Kooper

I hope you are enjoying every moment of your Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa journey. You are amazing and we are sending you lots of positive energy. Soo Bahk!
-Stacey Johnson

Good luck dad, you got this! We love you!
Jillian & Jake

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Springfield, 07081

Moo Duk Kwan HQ Moo Duk Kwan HQ
20 Millburn Avenue
Springfield, 07081

Moo Duk Kwan HQ is open for in-person training Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morn