Robert W. Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship, St. Charles, MO Videos

Videos by Robert W. Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship in St. Charles. Located in Harmon Hall, a new state-of-the-art facility at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Miss

PCBE 15th Annual Golf Classic

Don't forget to register your teams for PCB&E's 15th Annual Golf Classic.
See you on the greens! β›³

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Other Robert W. Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship videos

PCBE 15th Annual Golf Classic
Don't forget to register your teams for PCB&E's 15th Annual Golf Classic. See you on the greens! β›³ πŸ”— - #LUplaster

Our next degree highlight is Finance! Let's hear more about the major from Associate Professor Farooqi! #LUplaster

Our next degree highlight is Accounting! Let's hear a little bit more about the major from Dr. Nicholson, who is an Assistant Professor of Accounting! #LUplaster

As we move into the spring semester, we plan to continue showcasing some of our degree programs. First on the list is Business Administration. Let’s hear a little bit more about the major from Dr. Peluchette, who is a Senior Professor of Management! #LUplaster

We have so many great degree programs within the PCB&E that we would like to showcase. First up is Marketing. Let’s hear a little bit more about the major from Dr. Coble, who is a professor and program coordinator for Marketing!

Congrats Class of 2022! We are so proud of you and all you've accomplished!! Now go do great things! Your friends from Harmon Hall are rooting for you! πŸ¦πŸŽ“ #LUplaster #LindenGrad22 #RealExperienceRealSuccess

Take a look and learn a little bit more about our Interim Dean Molly Hudgins!