Cyanide School of Dance and Yoga

We are a judgment-free dance school for those looking to explore joyful movement. We offer dance technique, performing arts, and yoga classes for all levels.


No Classes THIS Week! See you next Week!


Vamp! One Burlesque training Program Invoices are Out. Please check your email and make sure you received an invoice from me to reserve your spot in the class. This class is currently sold out and if you missed your opportunity the next semester will begin in January 2025. Congrats to all the new Baby Burleys on your new journey!


Today in Gentle Yoga Level 2. Our affirmation is, " I will persist in happiness. " Our focus pose is Boat pose Navasana and Prayer twist pose Parivritta Utkatasana. We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 36.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.


Today in Gentle Yoga level 2, our affirmation is, " I am grateful. " Our focus poses are Pyramid pose Parsvottanasana and Triangle pose Utthita Trikonasana. We will be studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 35.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today in Gentle Yoga level 1, our affirmation will be, " I am powerful. " And we are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 22.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!



Event Timing: September 11, 2024 7pm
Event Address: 3957 Park Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States, Missouri
Room 5

Class are Wednesday Nights at 7pm $80 for 4 weeks $25 Drop In

Have you ever wanted to learn Burlesque? The Vamp! One Program is roughly 6 to 8 months long program teaches you everything you need to know from basic dance techniques, to how to dance in heels, to making the audience eat out of your hand all culminating into a final graduation performance and graduation ceremony.

Payment must be made before the day of class. Sign up before August 28th and receive the early Bird discount of $70. Link will be in comments.

📷 Inferno Imagery


Today in Gentle Yoga Level 2 our affirmation will be, " I am confident. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 34. Our Focus poses are Reverse Warrior- Viprita Virabhsdrasana and Standing forward bend Flat Back- Ardha Uttanasana

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Stay in gentle yoga level 1 our affirmation is, " I will live in the present. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 21.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


My beginner Burlesque Class start Sept 11th and there's only a few spots left. Register today before the class is sold out. The next class won't happen until Jan '25. This is an intensive 6 to 9 month program that teaches you everything you need to feel confident and elegant on stage.

One of the things I absolutely love is how in every image from this group act we are all in synch. This is my advanced group Les Chat Femmes and this act has very complicated choreography including picking up chairs and dancing with them. We spent months drilling this routine and it definitly shows!

📷 Waterbearer Photography


In Gentle Yoga Level 2 Our affirmation is, " I am kind. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 33. Our focus poses are Crescent Lunge Anjaneyasana and Roadrunner Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


I have a lot of people reach about taking classes and are nervous about trying Yoga but are scared that they are not fit enough for my classes. When I say my Tuesday Night class is Gentle I mean it is truly very gentle and mediative. In 2015 I sustained a really bad back injury while performing at Six Flags. I looked everywhere for a gentle class that I could use as part of my recovery program and I could not find what I was looking for. It was this need that inspired me on my YTT journey. There are lots of amazing Yoga class out there by great Teachers. My classes are specifically geared to be calming, soothing, and restorative. Link before is a video I made so people could get a preview of what my classes are like.

AND Because I know starting new things is scary. I am offering a buy one get one bring friend special on all my yoga classes. Video Linked in comments.


My Vamp! Beginner Burlesque Program is filling up FAST! I only have a few more slots open and it will be sold out. Once this class is full the next opportunity will be Jan 2025! Link will be in the comments.

📷 Waterbearer Photography


Today in gentle yoga level 1. Our affirmation is, " I move forward. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 20.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today is the first day of my Poi Class.

Did you know?

Poi is a tradition of The Māori People of New Zealand?
The ball and string is used in traditional dances and rituals by femme identifying people. The male identifying people would use them as a training device for martial arts to prepare them for battle.

During the New Zealand land wars, in the 1860’s, poi were utilized as a non-violent, religious and spiritual messenger.

After the wars, poi became a key element in kapa haka (Māori performing arts) and also took on the role of attracting tourists. It’s still very common today to see poi being used in kapa haka, and many international (and local!) tourists are delighted and impressed by these performances.

While it’s clear to see the styles of poi we see in flow arts today have been heavily influenced by traditional Māori poi, there are similarities between flow poi and elements from other cultures too. Take the bolas/boleadoras, for example. These are an indigenous South American weapon, used by the gauchos of Argentina, consisting of stone balls attached to long ropes. These balls and ropes are whirled like a sling, then thrown near the targets legs in order to entangle them. In fact, until the early 2000’s, parts of the world were calling flow poi ‘bolas/boleadoras’.

The style of poi spinning we see today has been influenced by club (juggling clubs) swinging - a technique where the juggler twirls and swings the clubs around their head and body instead of tossing them like traditional juggling. When swung quickly, the clubs resemble spinning poi. This technique emerged out of Persia and Egypt and was a popular form of exercise in the 19th century – it was even included in the first modern Olympic games but shrank in popularity when team sports gained traction.

In 1946, a Samoan knife dancer, Freddie Letuli birthed modern day fire spinning using techniques borrowed from fire eating. Letuli watched a Hindu fire eater and was intrigued, so asked to borrow some of his white gas. Letuli wrapped a towel around the blade of his knife and created the ‘Flaming Sword of Samoa’ which became a massive hit, and he went on to perform across the globe.

It’s believed that fire poi originated in Hawaii in the 1950’s as a tourist attraction, perhaps after seeing a performance by Letuli.


📷One Eyed Wolf photography


I totally forgot that Richard Whatley made this video of me! Link in comments! 🖤🖤


Today in gentle yoga level 2. Our affirmation is, " I am legendary. " We will be studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 32. Our focus poses are camel pose Ustrasana and eagle Pose Garudasana.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today, in gentle yoga level one are affirmation is, " I am brilliant. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 19.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Pre Registration for the Vamp! One Fall Semester is OPEN!

Have you ever wanted to learn Burlesque? The Vamp! One Program is roughly 6 to 8 months long program teaches you everything you need to know from basic dance techniques, to how to dance in heels, to making the audience eat out of your hand all culminating into a final graduation performance and graduation ceremony.
Class are Wednesday Nights at 7pm $80 for 4 weeks $25 Drop In

Event Timing: September 11, 2024 7pm
Event Address: 3957 Park Ave, St. Louis, MO, United States, Missouri
Room 5

Link to register in the comments.

📷 Waterbearer Photography


Today is the last day for the Early Bird Special!
Sign up today and save! Poi Spinning Workshop Learn to go with the Flow!
Registration link will be in the comments.

📷One Eyed Wolf photography

Photos from Cyanide School of Dance and Yoga's post 07/29/2024

V***n Cabaret 📷 Waterbearer Photography


If you are thinking about the Poi Spinning Workshop Learn to go with the Flow! the cut off for the early bird special is 7-29 so sign up now and save!

I had some questions about what kind of practice poi to bring. Last year I had some lovely poi made by Joanne Rohe-Nichols she currently making more for me. If I can get them in time I will have them available for sale. However, I recommend picking up something like these pictured below. I can't guarantee I will have Jo's Poi in hand in time for classes.

I will have a few pairs to lend out during class from my personal inventory.

You can also make a pair with long socks and tennis balls which is where the name sock poi comes from. I will attach a youtube tutorial link in the comments.


Today in gentle yoga level 2 are affirmation is, " I am healthy. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 31. Our Focus Poses are Deer Pose Mrigasana and Happy Babby Pose Ananda Balasana

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today in gentle yoga level 1 are affirmation is is, " I am grateful. " We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 18.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.
July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today, my burlesque students are returning to the studio after having the last week off. We will be reviewing previous skillsets and starting the process of building solos for upcoming fall/ winter program.

I'm running a buy one get one bring a friend special on all my yoga classes for the Months of July and August. So if you wanted to try it out you can now split the costs with a friend.

Poi Spinning Workshop Learn to go with the Flow! Intensive will start Tuesday August 6 at 7pm and go through August 27. ( $80 for 4 weeks $70 before 7/29)

Save the date Beginner Burlesque Classes Start 9/11/24!

📷 One Eyed Wolf photography


Today and Gentle Yoga level 2 are affirmation is, "I am capable." Our focus poses are frog pose - Mandikasana and pigeon pose Kapotasana and we are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 2 Vs 30

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.

July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Today in Gentle Yoga level 1 are affirmation is, "I feel optimistic." We are studying Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch 1 Vs 17.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.

July/August Buy One Get One Bring A Friend Special!


Poi Class registration is UP! ⛓in the comments!


Cyanide School of Dance and Yoga Announcements!

For July and August for the Yoga classes Only! Bring A Friend For Free! You can split the cost of class with your friend or they can try the whole session for free. Either way works for me.
Summer is quiet for classes and my hopes is to introduce classes to friends.

Are you looking for a truly Gentle Yoga class? A Yoga class that brings attention to Yoga philosophy and it's roots? Are looking for class that is geared towards all bodies and abilities?
Join me for a Self Care session!
Gentle Yoga Level One is 6pm on Tuesdays
Gentle Yoga Level Two is 6pm Wednesdays
Always at the Wonderful Utopia Studios $25 Drop In/ $80 for 4weeks.

Returning Burlesque Students starting Monday July 22nd all the burlesque students will attend the Monday at 6pm through 8pm class for advanced group work and solos. ( The Burlesque student fee is discounted to $50 as a group performance pay)

Poi Spinning Intensive will start Tuesday August 6 at 7pm and go through August 27. ( $80 for 4 weeks $70 before 7/29)

The New Beginner Burlesque Class will start Wednesday September 11th at 7pm. ( $80 for 4 weeks $70 before 7/29)

Any questions please let me know. I offer a $200 all access pass for three classes or more.
As always my classes are truly gentle, body positive and diet culture free. Join me for a self care session to help soothe the mind, body and soul.

📷Waterbearer Photography


No Burlesque classes today as I am giving everyone the week off to recover for the show. I will be in the studio rehearsing for my performance at Walk With Wings: Benefit Variety Show I'm doing this Saturday at the Greenfinch.

Look at this Amazing Picture of Les Chat Femmes! Everyone is killing it!
📷 Waterbearer Photography


About Friday! I've spent the last two days recovering!

Thank You for another packed HOUSE and all the support for the Cyanide School of Dance and Yoga Scholarship Program! Your continue support means so much to me and my students!

Huge Thanks to my production team Rocky Andreotti, Sammi Cheeseman, and Su Keptner-Jones. I literally could not put on these shows with out you! For all the late nights, conference calls, emails and thousand and one thankless tasks that go into producing a show of this caliber.

To Our Guest Headliners: Farris Maiden and Justin Alexandrai Thank You for bringing your skill, talent and hard work to our stage! I absolutely loved your performances and am so inspired to see what you will do next!

D'vine Riot: you are my back bone, thank you for always holding my hand when I have stress freak outs! You have grown so much as a performer and I am so proud to not only call you a friend but a fellow artist!

Kourtney Kismet: Hot damn! You are total fire ball! You just keep getting better and better and I can't wait to see what you decided to work on next!

Amethyst Von Tramp: You took to the stage like a fish to water! I loved watching your grow this last year. Your sensuality and grace is beautiful to watch!

Vic Vulgar: My Darling friend I am soo soo soo proud of you! You took the bull by the horns and braved the arena! You have more strength and courage than you give yourself credit for. Watching you emerge from your shell has been an honor and privilege!

To My V***n Kittens: Momma is so Proud! You've worked for the last 7 mos for this and you killed it!

To My stage Kittens: Obscure and Anna Thank You for running you butts off all night! I don't think they were still for single second from back and for from the venue and up and down those stairs.

Thanks to Joel Lovins For running sound! You are a total pro and it definitely shows. When sound is done perfectly it gets often overlooked.

Thank To Waterbearer Photography for doing our Photos and Video! I can't wait to see all the amazing phots you will have!

Lastly Huge Thanks to The Crack Fox for being such an amazing venue. Every time I perform there it's like coming home.

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3957 Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO

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