Dr. Lindsay Fox

Helping women overcome infertility with Eastern Medicine and holistic health. Thank you for checking out my page!!

I am a licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist practicing on Kent Island- just 15 miles outside of Annapolis. My passion is treating women's reproductive health and fertility. I have focused training and education in working with women undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatments such as IVF, IUI and timed in*******se. Some other conditions that I love to treat include painful periods, endo

Acupuncture combined with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists improves endometrial receptivity and pregnancy outcome in patients with recurrent implantation failure of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer - PubMed 06/11/2024

Acupuncture was shown to improve endometrial receptivity in patients with repeated implantation failure. A small but promising study in the realm of acupuncture and IVF!

Acupuncture combined with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists improves endometrial receptivity and pregnancy outcome in patients with recurrent implantation failure of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer - PubMed Acupuncture combined with GnRHa improves the endometrial receptivity of patients with RIF of IVF-ET, thereby increasing clinical pregnancy rates and improving pregnancy outcomes.


We are so excited to add to our team! Looking for an acupuncturist with a shared love of women’s wellness. Ideal candidate is team-oriented, enthusiastic and passionate about this medicine. Please email CV/cover letter to [email protected].


The raffle for our Open House features incredible prizes from some of my favorite local businesses. Be sure to check out our open house this Friday and shop pop-up shop, permanent jewelry by and complimentary one-question Tarot readings with

Featured in our raffle baskets:

✨ a rose quartz or moon stone stack from

✨ 60-minute Functional Nutrition consultation with .aspirations

✨5-class pack and headband from

✨ organic facial with

✨Salt cave session for 2 from

✨16 Training sessions + 2 in body tests, with
(Value- $224)

✨half hour reflexology session with .wellness

✨1 hour Tarot reading with psychic-medium

✨ 2 bottles of (of course)

✨New Patient Visit

Make sure you stop in to sign up for the raffle and say hi to your favorite acupuncturists as we celebrate our new space!!


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It has been such an honor serving this community and such an amazing compliment to be voted "Best of" the Eastern Shore. We are so grateful to grow and be recognized by our beloved patients. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

What's Up Media's Best of Eastern Shore 2023 01/06/2023

We would love your vote in the What's Up Eastern Shore's magazine's "Best Of" category for Acupuncture! We are so fortunate to have formed and amazing community here on Kent Island and your vote means the world to us!

What's Up Media's Best of Eastern Shore 2023 What's Up Media's Best of Eastern Shore 2023


What a year it has been! I am always so amazed at how much can change in one year.

January 1st marks moving full time to Fox Acupuncture from my very comfortable job in annapolis. It was a very scary endeavor and one that I never thought I’d make.

My goal was to have 30 patients on the schedule my first week. I walked into my first full week with 46 patients on my schedule. I felt as if the universe was confirming my decision.

So naturally, as I’m smoothing out kinks of running a business and managing patient care, insurance billing, laundry (so. much. laundry) and starting to find my flow, I find out I’m pregnant. While my husband and I were overjoyed, having a baby and running a business that requires you to be present to work, is not an easy endeavor. Not to mention, I felt a deep pang of grief for my patients that have been trying to conceive and how I would have to inevitability tell them my news.

In all this, I somehow found Dr. Joni. Again, feeling like the universe has my back (thank you ). She stepped in and took such amazing care of my patients and clinic while I was on leave and is staying on to continue the growth of Fox Acupuncture. I can’t even articulate how grateful I am to her and I am even more excited that she is officially offering Acu-hypnotherapy in the new year.

When I hired Dr. Joni, I said to her, “this job is amazing because I really have the best patients ever”. Two weeks into my mat leave, she texted me saying, “you really do have the best patients ever”

I am eternally grateful to all the patients who made Fox Acupuncture a success this year. You are always what keeps the wheels in motion for our growth and success as a small business. Not to mention, working with you as a provider is still my greatest passion.

Thank you to anyone who supported Fox Acupuncture. And a special shout out to my constants: , my brother and sister in law, and my mom- who also may be the only one to read this post in its entirety and point out all my grammatical errors.

Can’t wait to take you all on this next journey with Fox Acupuncture.

Happiest of New Years and see you in 2023! 🍾🍾🍾🍾


I am so excited to announce that has added an amazing practitioner to the team! Dr. Joni is a seasoned acupuncturist and herbalist and shares my passion for women’s reproductive health! She will be starting in October and stay on after my leave. This will open up clinical hours as well as reduce wait times for new patients! Her schedule is currently live! Check out her bio at foxacu.com and get on her books!


One of the most common questions we get asked from our IVF patients is “What foods should I be eating?” ⁣

We love this question because in Chinese Medicine, food is medicine and one of the controllable things for families going through IVF. We understand that the process of IVF can be long, traumatic and many patients report feeling no sense of control in the whole process. It’s understandable why so many people ask what more they can do to help the process. ⁣

One general rule that you will hear a lot from your TCM practitioner is the recommendation for warm/cooked foods. The reason for this is we want to unload as much work as possible on your digestive processes. By focusing on cooked foods, your body doesn’t have to work as hard to assimilate the nutrients and you will have less issues around gas, bloating and constipation. ⁣

So here’s a quick run down of some common foods to incorporate while you’re going through your IVF cycle. You can start eating this way well before your stim drugs/retrieval/transfer but this gives you an idea of foods to incorporate. Please be sure to talk to your TCM practitioner about other foods that they might recommend for you specifically. ⁣

- Cabbage: Cabbage is very high in a phytonutrient called DIM (diindolylmethane) which can help mediate excess or metabolized estrogen. This is wonderful while Stim’ing, we recommend cooking cabbage in broth, lots of salt and sipping through out the stim process. ⁣

- Bone Broth: warm, nutrient dense, and a nourishing way to stay hydrated. ⁣

- Sweet potatoes: super nutrient dense! Also a decent source of Vitamin A, although look to beef liver and salmon as well! ⁣

- Dark Leafy greens: same idea as cabbage. Just make sure they are cooked as raw spinach, kale, collards can be hard to digest! Also, high in folate! ⁣

- Animal protein: making sure you get adequate protein in your diet is essential during this time. We very rarely recommend vegan/vegetarian diets during this time. ⁣

(Continued in comments!)


It’s important for me to let you know personally that I am leaving Meadow Hill Wellness at the end of the month and will be pursuing my venture full time Dr. Lindsay Fox] on Kent Island. ⁣

As I look back at my tenure at Meadow Hill, I can’t help but feel a tremendous sense of gratitude. My patients have always made my job fun and rewarding. Importantly, the walls of Meadow Hill have seen and heard many miracles. It truly has been a special place to work all these years. ⁣

I am so so grateful for my Meadow Hill family and for you. My patients. Who have honored me with the gift of joining them on their journey, who cried with me and trusted me with their deepest concerns and stories. I hope we all stay connected in some fashion and I leave you in the very capable and healing hands of the other providers at Meadow Hill. ⁣

With so much love,⁣


Dr. Lindsay Fox] ⁣

Photos from Dr. Lindsay Fox's post 10/19/2021

A little Chinese Herbal medicine magic 🌿 Patient presented with this nasty bruise after an ATV accident. I saturated a bunch of cotton balls in Evil Bone Water and taped them over the bruise while she cooked with her needles in. The results speak for themselves- the bruise lightened in color and sensitivity. I love this medicine. ⁣


I did a thing today!!

I officially signed a lease for an Acupuncture space on !! ⁣

Before you freak out- no, I am not leaving Meadow Hill Wellness. I will still be there Monday through Thursday with my same schedule. ⁣

But starting in a couple of months (depending on how long construction and insurance credentialing takes) I will be working Fridays and occasional Saturdays on Kent Island for my own practice. I will be located in the Chesapeake Business Park in Stevensville. ⁣

Feel free to follow along on my journey at to see the construction and transformation of the space!! ⁣

Scheduling will be available online soon! ⁣

Thank you for all the love and support (especially from my family) over the years. I am so excited for this new venture! ⁣

Special shout out to for the help and support finding a perfect space. ⁣

Photos from Dr. Lindsay Fox's post 01/25/2021

I should be .... but when your patient brings in this chunk, there’s no work getting done.


The education never ends. ⁣

⁣ ⁣


So very thankful. ⁣

To all my patients. ⁣

To my family. ⁣

Who share the very highs and lows of their life with me. ⁣

Who allow me to celebrate their good news. ⁣

Ands who let me sit with them in their grief. ⁣

I’m so very grateful to do this work and share your journey. ⁣

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. 🍽⁣


I often get asked how those little tiny needles can help regulate hormones, or ease digestion, or alleviate pain? The truth is, those itty bitty needles are quite magical for a myriad of physiological reasons but they are just one tool in our ever growing toolbox that we use to help your body heal.

Acupuncture treatment is not just the insertion of needles. It’s dietary, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations. We also implement manual therapies such as moxibustion, cupping, tuina and E-Stim. This is why TCM treatment takes consistency and time. Regular treatment allows us to make adjustments to your herbs and treatment protocols to best serve you on your healing journey.

I also pride myself of making deep connections with my patients so they feel comfortable to share anything that may be causing a block to their treatment.

It is truly a whole-systems approach to the body… not just itty bitty needles.


If you know someone who has experienced the loss of a pregnancy or infant, please reach out to them and offer your support. ⁣

If you know a women who is in the thick of fertility treatments, send her a card or bring her dinner. ⁣

If you know a family who, despite their best efforts, could never conceive a child, reach out them. ⁣

The grief of losing a child, no matter what phase, is something that is carried forever. The weight of the grief may change and evolve, but the trauma always remains. ⁣


We are here for you if you need some acupuncture, CBD or herbs to regulate your system after last nights debate. ⁣

(Yes, I had to needle myself this morning before I started patients. I am also covered in tacks to get through this election season. Your acupuncturists need treatment too!) ⁣



I woke up thinking about you. Wait. That sounded creepy, hear me out—⁣

I know you have your beta test this morning, and I know this two week wait has been the longest and hardest one yet. ⁣

I know this is your last Frozen embryo and I know how hard you worked for it. ⁣

I know that every time you walk into the fertility office, you get heart palpitations and fight back tears from the trauma that resurfaces every time you walk in there.⁣

And I know the time you spend today on my Acupuncture table, you will be anxiously waiting for your nurse to call you with your results. ⁣

Is it healthy for me to obsessively worry about all my patients? Probably not. But I’m human. And I am so lucky that many of you trust me to join you on this journey. Know that I am here for you, obsessively worrying with you. No matter what today brings— I am here. ⁣

Timeline photos 08/10/2020

These messages never get old. ❤️⁣

Timeline photos 07/29/2020

I am so fortunate to have been raised by a strong woman. ⁣

I continue to surround myself with strong women.⁣

And I am so so so fortunate to work with strong women every single day. ⁣

() () ⁣

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

Because other voices are so much more important right now.

Timeline photos 05/29/2020

Guess where I was today!?!⁣

Meeting with everyone to ensure that our opening is as safe as possible for our patients and our staff. Things will look different , but we are so excited to create a safe space for everyone! See you Monday!! ✌🏻⁣

Timeline photos 05/22/2020

Can I get an amen 🙌🏻⁣

Timeline photos 05/19/2020

Our offices are opening back up June 1st and you can call now to book for the month of June! Things are going to look a little bit different at since we are taking lots of precautions to make sure that everyone stays safe but we can’t wait to see you guys! Can I get a 🙋‍♀️ if you’re pumped to get needled soon!?⁣

Timeline photos 05/15/2020

Soaking up this sun while devouring this book by . ⁣

Her book seeks to educate us on the power and innate gifts of our menstrual cycle and how to live in alignment with your weekly hormone fluctuations. ⁣

What if our cycle could be used as a tool to guide our food, lifestyle, relationships and even professional choices? What if staying in sync with our cycle meant easier daily flow of life and knowing how to nourish our body, mind and spirit during each phase? I am living for the messages in this book!! ⁣

In Chinese medicine, we use the women’s cycle as a barometer for a lot of our treatment principles. Each week of the cycle requires different fluids and organ systems to be healthy in order for your hormones to stay balanced. That’s why when coming in for fertility or hormonal help, we often recommend weekly sessions and always ask into where you are currently in your cycle. ⁣

Knowing our bodies rhythms allows us to connect deeply to ourselves and by connecting to ourselves, we are reminded of how truly powerful women are. ⁣

This. Is. Empowerment. ⁣

Timeline photos 05/14/2020

Soon. ⁣

Timeline photos 05/09/2020

Anyone else in awe of how completely unbothered nature is right now?⁣

I’ve become obsessed with plants with variegated leaf patterns. How gorgeous is this lemon lime philodendron? ⁣

Timeline photos 04/28/2020

One of my patients messaged me this last night and I thought it was pretty funny. Anyone else feeling like they will need ALL the acupuncture points when this is over?? 🙋‍♀️⁣

Timeline photos 04/27/2020

Anyone else concerned about their dogs mental health when all this is over?? Moxa is loving having her mama home a little too much. ⁣

Timeline photos 04/24/2020

Obviously this post could really be a book, but in an effort to not be overwhelming during this time, I thought I would compile a simple, easily implemented list of things that you can do while quarantining to help unload environmental toxins that adversely affect your egg health. This way, when your IVF and acupuncture treatments resume, you will have a jump start on preconception prep! ⁣

{DISCLAIMER: If you are experiencing feelings of anger, guilt, depression, anxiety, please know that these emotions are totally valid during this time. This list is not meant to make you feel guilty. If you can’t muster any of these, no worries. Tend to yourself, listen to your body, rest, and I am here if you need me.} ⁣

🌙 Telehealth consults. I am still offering virtual consults for herbal prescriptions, nutritional guidance and acupressure. These sessions are based on your individual imbalances and needs and can be done online via FaceTime or Skype. This is great time to implement herbs while you are awaiting your fertility treatments. DM or email me for more info!⁣

🌙 Evaluate your plastic situation and start transitioning to glass and stainless steel storage options for your food. Amazon has great glass meal prep options! ⁣

🌙 take a deep look at your skincare products and start switching in cleaner beauty products. Avoid things like parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, and sulfates, in your products. These things can mimic estrogen in your body and disrupt your hormone balance not to mention have been linked to certain inflammatory conditions. I’ve been totally digging for skincare these days. It’s clean, affordable and really effective! ⁣

🌙 Add green vegetables to every meal. Think: spinach in eggs for breakfast, leftover grilled asparagus with your lunch and chopped kale mixed into your pasta sauce for dinner. ⁣

🌙 Increase antioxidant consumption: matcha tea, berries, (I actually love to add goji berries to my matcha tea!) lemon in your water, and pecans to name a few. ⁣

🌙 try at least 5 minutes of meditation every day. Stress can adversely affect every aspect of your hormonal health.

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155 Log Canoe Circle
Stevensville, MD

Opening Hours

Tuesday 1pm - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 1pm - 8pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm

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