ASAP Fitness

Get Fit. Live ASAP


ASAP Fitness is excited to bring to you…


ASAPalooza is our version of the CrossFit Open - An In-House Competition starting on September 16, 2024 🏋🏼‍♀️

Save The Date 📆

- September 16, 2024
- September 18, 2024
- September 20, 2024

PHASE 2 : In-House Competition at ASAP Dixon on September 28, 2024

We highly recommend turning on your notifications for on Instagram 🔔

ASAPalooza is something you don’t want to miss. 🤩


ASAP Fitness is excited to bring to you…


ASAPalooza is our version of the CrossFit Open - An In-House Competition starting on September 16, 2024 🏋🏼‍♀️

Save The Date 📆

- September 16, 2024
- September 18, 2024
- September 20, 2024

PHASE 2 : In-House Competition at ASAP Dixon on September 28, 2024

We highly recommend turning on your notifications for _asapfit_ on Instagram 🔔

ASAPalooza is something you don’t want to miss. 🤩


Join our team! Message us for more information!


We would like to congratulate one of our own Jhauna Dyer for her HUGE accomplishment of making the CrossFit Games AG Semifinals 🎉 Her hardwork, dedication, and committment has gotten her this far and now it’s only up ⬆️ Continue the grind Jhauna, more success is coming!!


Have you signed up for the Spring 2 Fit Challenge starting on Wednesday? 💪🏼

Who? Anyone can sign up for Spring 2 Fit, an Individual Challenge! $50 for a Member at ASAP Fitness and $350 if you’re not a Member at ASAP Fitness

What? Spring 2 Fit is a 6 Week Challenge that will begin on May 1, '24 and end on June 11, '24!

Weekly Nutrition Check-Ins: Every Friday, a Coach will review your progress and go over the Weekly Blueprint Printout with you!

Weekly Knowledge: Gain valuable insight with content that will highlight the importance of nutrition and exercise!

Individual Challenges: Engage in a Weekly Challenge designed to enhance your aerobic capacity by accumulating calories, miles, or reps!

Q & A with Coach - Feel free to reach out to a Coach anytime for assistance or motivation during the Spring 2 Fit Challenge!

Where? ASAP Fitness - Of course!

Why? $500 Cash Prize! 🤑



Have you signed up yet??? To learn more about the blueprint ask a coach at your gym.

Photos from ASAP Fitness's post 02/03/2024

Good luck to the ASAP athletes competing at the today!


We want to take a moment to express our gratitude to our members who make our gym such an incredible place. 💪🏋️‍♀️

We are truly blessed to have such an incredible group of individuals who are committed to their fitness journey and strive for personal growth every single day.

We love how you support each other, cheer each other on during workouts, celebrate PRs, and keep each other accountable and having fun! Thank you for creating a culture of positivity within our gym that makes everyone feel like they are welcomed and belong.

Thank you to our coaches who go above and beyond to support, motivate, and challenge our members to be better everyday. Thank you for sharing your expertise, passion, and genuinely caring for every single person that steps into our gym. We couldn’t do it without you.

We hope you have a great Christmas as we head into the new year. Let’s continue to push boundaries, set new goals, and crush them in 2024!

Photos from ASAP Fitness's post 11/02/2023

We need your help! Who had the best costume?

1. Optimus Prime
2. The Anthony’s
3. Officer Manny
4. The Steph’s
5. Cruella De Vil
6. Miss Trunchbull


Who needs a happy hour when you can have a healthy hour? The 5:45pm crew getting after it join us! 💪🏋️‍♂️




Many of you have probably seen the devastation in Lahaina caused by fires in Maui last week. Over the last 8 years, Anthony, Bri, and many other ASAP members and their families have been dropping into the local CrossFit in Lahaina whenever they were visiting Maui.

Tom and Janelle, the owners of Lahaina CF, said their gym and house survived, but many of their members lost everything in the fire. Their community is hurting, and Tom has started accepting donations which they are directly distributing to their members in need. This isn’t through some big organization where you don’t know where the money is going.

After speaking with Tom, we would like to set up a way for our ASAP Family to help our friends and their community.

Here’s some different ways you can help!

1. This Friday 8/18 we will be doing a workout dedicated to Lahaina CrossFit in each class.

Here is the donation link to Tom's Venmo

2. If you can’t donate at this time, please share the link/post to help raise awareness.

3. Jump Ship CrossFit out of Honolulu has put together a shirt they are selling to support Lahaina CrossFit. All proceeds are being sent directly to Tom.

If you have any questions please ask your coach!

Thank you so much for helping.


Congrats Hannah and Leo! You set a great example are going to make great parents!!


🌱 Week 3 of our Partner Nutrition Challenge is here, and we're focusing on creating balanced meals that include protein, vegetables, and healthy carbs! Today, I want to share some valuable tips and tricks to help you stay on track and avoid unhealthy snacking during car rides, day trips, and weekend outings. Let's dive in and make mindful choices together! 💪🥦🍚

1️⃣ Plan Ahead and Meal Prep: Preparation is key! Before heading out, take some time to plan your meals and snacks for the day. Prepare a variety of nutritious options that include lean protein, colorful vegetables, and carbs. Pack them in portioned containers or snack bags, making them easily accessible when hunger strikes. This way, you won't be tempted to reach for unhealthy options on the go.

2️⃣ Healthy Snack Options: Snacking is inevitable during long car rides or day trips. Instead of relying on convenience store snacks, stock up on healthier alternatives. Choose protein-rich options like beef jerky, Greek yogurt, or hard-boiled eggs. Pair them with pre-cut veggies, fruit slices. These snacks will keep you satisfied and energized while avoiding unhealthy temptations.

3️⃣ Stay Hydrated: Sometimes, we mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. Stay hydrated throughout the day by carrying a refillable water bottle with you. Infuse it with flavors like lemon, cucumber, or berries to make it more enjoyable. Drinking enough water will keep you feeling full and help you make mindful choices when it comes to food.

4️⃣ Mindful Eating on the Go: It's essential to practice mindful eating, even when you're on the move. Avoid eating while driving or walking as it can lead to mindless consumption. Take a moment to sit down and enjoy your meals. Savor each bite, paying attention to flavors and textures. By slowing down, you'll feel more satisfied and less likely to overindulge.

Stay committed to your goals, and remember that each choice brings you closer to a healthier you. Let's support each other and share some ideas to stay on track during busy days. Together, we can make balanced nutrition a sustainable lifestyle!

Photos from ASAP Fitness's post 05/29/2023

Honoring those who served and who gave the ultimate sacrifice!

Thank you to everyone who came out to suffer today!


Week 1 Partner Nutrition Challenge

The first week of any new can be both exhilarating and challenging. It's a time of adjustment and adaptation as you transition into a new way of fuel your body. While it's tempting to allow small slip-ups or deviations from your plan, let me assure you that striving for 100% perfection during this week is highly important. Here's why:

Building Momentum: By adhering strictly to your nutrition plan in the first week, you build a powerful momentum that propels you forward. Each day you successfully adhere to your goals, you strengthen your commitment and deepen your resolve. It creates a positive feedback loop, where your dedication fuels your motivation and vice versa.

Solidifying New Habits: Consistency is key when it comes to forming healthy habits. By maintaining unwavering discipline during the first week, you condition your mind and body to accept your new eating patterns as the norm. It lays the foundation for sustainable change and ensures that healthier choices become second nature as the challenge progresses.

Overcoming Initial Obstacles: The first week often presents the toughest hurdles. It's when cravings may be at their peak, and your body adjusts to new portion sizes or different types of foods. By staying 100% committed, you prove to yourself that you can conquer these initial obstacles, and they will become easier to overcome as time goes on.

Boosting Confidence: Achieving a perfect first week instills a sense of accomplishment and confidence within you. You'll experience firsthand that you have the strength and determination to overcome challenges and adhere to your goals. This newfound confidence will fuel your motivation throughout the rest of the challenge.

Setting the Tone: Remember that the first week sets the tone for the entire nutrition challenge. It establishes the standards and expectations you've set for yourself. When you approach the initial week with unwavering commitment, you send a powerful message to yourself and those around you that you are serious about making a positive change.


Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey and achieve jaw-dropping results?

Our 21-day fat loss program has everything you need to make it happen, and it's only $47! 💥🔝

With our program, you'll get:

💪 Full access to all of ASAP’s locations as well as full access to every class which is led by an expert trainer to push you to your potential.
🥗 Nutritional guidance, meal plans, and recipes to optimize your eating habits and fuel your body for success.
🏋️‍♂️ A 30-day ab program that will help you sculpt a toned core and boost your confidence like never before.

Say goodbye to unwanted pounds, hello to a fitter you! This is your chance to transform your body and crush those fitness goals you've always dreamed of achieving. Don't settle for mediocrity, take action now and invest in yourself! 💯💪

Limited spots available, so DM us to claim your spot today and join our fat loss program for just $47! 💰💥

We are excited to get you started on your journey to a happier you!



Showing up is half the battle. Every time you show up, you're making progress. Every rep, every set, every sweat-soaked workout is getting you one step closer to your goals. So don't give up, and don't let a setback throw you off track. Keep showing up, keep pushing yourself, and keep trusting the process - because consistency is the key to unlocking your full potential!


Don’t use only one metric to determine your progress! Don’t just use the number on the scale, try tracking your performance goals. Increasing your reps in an AMRAP, decreasing your time in the mile or benchmark workout, etc. What small goals are you working towards?


Friends who sweat together, stay together! We might look like we're in pain during those WODs, but really we're just bonding over our shared suffering. And let's be real - nothing brings people closer than collapsing in a puddle of sweat together after a brutal workout. What workout has kicked your butt the most?


Feeling grateful for our members. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, we want you to know that you're part of our ASAP family. We're here to cheer you on during your PRs, pick you up when you're feeling down, and celebrate all of your victories - big or small.

So let's keep crushing our workouts, supporting each other, and building an amazing community together!


Consistency is key to reaching your fitness goals. Try scheduling your workouts into your calendar or have someone to keep you accountable. How do you stay consistent?


Hey ASAP moms, finding time for yourself can be tough when you're juggling a million things at once. But we've got you covered! Our workouts are designed to maximize your results in the shortest amount of time, so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. Plus, we welcome kids to our gym, so you can bring the little ones along and never miss a workout!


5am got a drop in surprise from coach


Having a support system makes all the difference when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Lean on your ASAP community! Not only are you getting support from others in class, but the coaches are always here to support you in and out of the gym, in all aspects of your fitness journey.


Getting discouraged because you're not seeing results quickly? Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. Set realistic goals that are achievable in the short term, and celebrate each small victory along the way! What small win are you excited about?


Let’s talk about the third macronutrient, fat! Just like protein and carbs our body needs some fat in our diet! We use it for energy, to absorb vitamins, and to protect our heart, hormones, and brain health. For years we’ve been told that eating fat will add inches to your waistline, raise cholesterol, and cause all sorts of health problems. But now we can see that not all fats are equal.

“Bad” fats, such as artificial trans fats and saturated fats, are a big contributor of the unhealthy things all fats have been blamed for:
weight gain ❌ clogged arteries, an increased risk of certain diseases, and such.
However, “good” fats such as unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids have the opposite effect. In fact, healthy fats play a huge role in helping you manage your moods, stay on top of your mental game, fight fatigue, and even control your weight.

Some healthy fats examples would be things like:
- fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, or herring
- Seeds and 🥜
- Avocado 🥑
- Certain oils like olive, avocado, or canola oils
Some sources of fat we should try to limit would be:
- Fatty meats 🥓 and cheeses 🧀
- Fried foods🍗
- Pastries 🥐
- Margarine 🧈
- Hydrogenated oils, even if labeled as “trans fat free

Some key takeaways from all of these lists:
⬆️ increase healthy unsaturated fats
⬇️ decrease saturated fats as able, but don’t need to completely eliminate since they do have some benefits
🚫 try to remove trans from your diet most of the time.

Fats are the more complicated of the three macronutrients, so if you’re struggling to find a good balance in your lifestyle, reach out to us! Any of our coaches would love to guide you towards a healthier diet and lifestyle!


Carbohydrates: everyone’s favorite food group or favorite macronutrients to pick on. People ask all the time when signing up if they have to eliminate carbs from their diet, and here’s the cool part: you don’t! 🎉

Carbs are life, or energy to be more precise.
Our bodies have a priority system when it comes to creating energy from food. Carbs 🥖- Fats 🥑- Protein 🍣

Most fitness activities the average person will perform benefit from consuming carbohydrates frequently in their diet because quite simply, you’ll have more energy to actually workout!

And to address the elephant in the room, yes you could go on a high-fat 🧈 ketogenic diet which drastically lowers or even eliminates carbs from your diet. However, unless your doctor says to, it is not necessary beyond preference.

The best diet is one you’re likely to stick to, so if the thought of saying goodbye to things like:
- fruits 🍉
- breads 🥐
- rice 🍚
To much to bear… remember we can practice moderation instead of elimination. If you have any questions or need some help, comment below or DM us if you’d like a bit more 1-1 help!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



906 Tommydon Street
Stockton, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 8pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 8pm
Thursday 5:30am - 8pm
Friday 5:30am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 11am
Sunday 8am - 11am

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