Dulce Orozco LMHC

Dulce Orozco LMHC

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Immune booster

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and I love working with people who feel like outsiders in their own culture.

I work with people who sometimes feel they do not belong here, there or anywhere.


🔹I am excited to announce that I have 1:1 spaces available this month.

🔹Summers are usually slow for me, people go on vacation, the sun is out in this part of the world so days are longer and many of us feel better and more energized.

🔹With fall starting things feel different. Getting back to routines, having shorter days and long lists of things we want to accomplish before the end of the year can be challenging for many of us.

🔹As a Latina small business owner, I’ve also noticed A LOT of feelings before, during and after Hispanic Heritage Month (more of that coming later…)

🔹Please remember that you don’t have to go through this on your own. If you are looking for a Latina Immigrant Therapist like me, I would love to hear from you.

🔹Asking for help is a sign of bravery 💜

🔹Schedule your breakthrough session here:


Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 08/20/2024

🔹Witnessing what is going on in Venezuela, and saying goodbye to my sister last week, made me think about all the things immigrants go through everyday.

🔹We “normalized” these struggles and many times even try not to think about them.

🔹But this is too much, eventually, we will see how harmful it can be not to talk about how all of this makes us feel.

🔹Remember that you are not the only one feeling this way and you don’t have to do it on your own. Asking for help can be the bravest thing you do!!!

🔹Taking care of yourself, not only helps you, it models to everyone around you that they can do it too.


🔹Did you know that Inside Out 2 is the highest-grossing animated film of all time?

🔹There is something so relatable about this movie.

🔹This is why I couldn’t resist co-creating a workshop about Befriending Your Anxiety with my sister and illustrator .cl

🔹This is a beautiful and powerful way to offer your employees and students a space to talk about our emotions from a Latinx perspective.

🔹By the way this would be a creative and original way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month 💜💜💜

🔹Please let me know if you have any questions. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 07/23/2024

🔷 On Saturday I had the beautiful experience of being part of the first Joyfest, how amazing is that?

🔷 Being in Community with black and brown women cultivating, nurturing and practicing joy was so empowering and inspiring. Thank you .redwood , Dr Yves Salomon-Fernandez, , everyone at and the beautiful participants that made this possible.

🔷 My contribution was a workshop on how befriending our inner critic can help us in finding more joy, and I loved it.

🔷 Thank you Mass Mentoring for this much needed, magical event


🔹Being around family members this summer can be triggering for many people.

🔹 Please know you don’t have to go through this alone, you can ask for help.

🔹Therapy with the right therapist can help you make a plan a feel prepare for challenging visits.

🔹Doing this doesn’t make you a bad person and doesn’t mean you don’t live your family. It means you love and value yourself more than before 💜 and that’s amazing.

🔹What helps you to set boundaries with loved ones?


🔹🔹Can you fall behind if you stop comparing yourself to others?

🔹So many people share this feeling with me and struggle with being stuck in it.

🔹What do you do when you start feeling behind?


🔹Have you been wanting to start with therapy but feel overwhelmed just thinking about it?

🔹I know from personal experience how overwhelming this process can be.

🔹I wrote a short article with some tips that can be helpful with this process. Type the word therapy, and I’ll be happy to send it to you 💜

🔹If you are looking for a Latina Immigrant Therapist like me, I have spaces available for 1:1 therapy.


🔹Taking time off is very challenging for so many of us, really disconnecting without giving up to the temptation to answering just one email.

🔹At the same time, not doing it can lead to frustration and even resentment towards our job, and/or our team.

🔹What can you do for the rest of the summer to take time off? Remembering that doing so is not only good but necessary to make space for creativity can be helpful.

🔹I can’t wait to explore this more together in a couple of weeks. Please join me, you can find the link in my bio💜


🔹After hearing so many people talking about feeling like the only one, I’ve been fascinated with this concept for a long time.

🔹As a therapist summer is usually a slow time for me. The sun is out ☀️days are longer 🌇and that helps many of us feel better.

🔹However, it can also be frustrating to see others having fun while you continue to feel the same way or even worse, now trying to avoid 😬all the gatherings.

🔹As a new mom, years ago, I naively believed that once summer arrived all viruses
were gone 🤣I now know that’s not the case, as a matter of fact we are going to urgent care later on for a case of pink eye 🤷🏻‍♀️.

🔹Consider this a loving reminder 💜to accept and welcome whatever the summer brings while
taking extra care of yourself if you need to.


🔹How are you doing this summer vacation managing ALL areas of your life?

🔹It’s so easy to feel like the only one.

🔹I’m looking forward to talk about this together. More info in my bio💜💜💜

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 06/30/2024

🔹This mug was a gift and it was over a decade old.

🔹When I grabbed it this happened, I was holding it on to something that didn’t help me.

🔹I immediately thought about all the beliefs we are holding on to that not only don’t serve us, but can even harm us as well.

🔹One of the beliefs I’ve seen over an over personally and professionally working with Latina leaders and people from immigrant families is: “I am the only one”.

🔹I know that unfortunately when we look around, we can feel this way; but I also know how limiting this is.

🔹This is way I created: “When you feel like the only one”. A program where we will meet virtually twice to explore this in a loving and cultural sensitive way.
You can find the link in my bio

🔹Could you please share this with one person/colleagues/friend you know that may be interested in joining me?


🔹 was my office last week.

🔹Thank you Dr.Russ Olwell for your ongoing collaboration, I truly enjoy working with your students.

🔹At the end of our “Exploring what we need around Mental Health” workshop, someone mentioned that they appreciated being around other children of immigrant, immigrants and first gen students.

🔹Creating these spaces where we can have powerful and loving conversations, is one of my favorite things to do as a Latina Immigrant Therapist.

🔹If you want to explore what your team and/or students need when it comes to mental health, I would love to hear from you.

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 06/04/2024

🔷 Gracias .boston and the Latina Summit for inviting me to participate in this event as a Latina Author.

🔷 Sharing this moment with other amazing Latinas and friends like and made this even more special.

🔷 Reading books from Latinas to Latinas is SO important. Please share what books you are reading now and remember about the Extraordinary Latinas Book series 📖✍️💜

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 05/17/2024

What thing in your life you could do with ease? 👇🏻💟

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 05/14/2024

This is why representation matters!!! ☝🏻💟

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 05/13/2024

🔹 Something that can be helpful when taking care of our mental health is to celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are.

🔹I will be forever grateful to for introducing me and talking about the “bragging bag” and how as Latinas we NEED to tell others what we’ve done. So I’m practicing this with all of you here.

🔹Last Friday I was recognized by with as an Outstanding Professional. Please consider supporting this amazing organization

🔹Thank you for this beautiful recognition Magalie Torres-Rowe and everyone that made this gala possible.


🔹For all my overtired Latina Leaders, I have a recommendation for you.

🔹In an effort to learn more about my own leadership style as a Latina and also prepare myself to help the Latinx leaders I work with in the best possible way, I completed an excellent training with

🔹 Empowering Latino/Latina Leaders: Unleashing Our Cultural Drivers™ for Success provided me with many insights that I wish you could all have.

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 03/06/2024

Gracias La Hora del Cafe 💜💜💜
Mañana nos vemos
And the best part of to share this with and


🔹This weekend I presented at Latina Empowerment and Development Conference in Harvard University.

🔹 Being around over 400 young Latinas from all over the country felt empowering and hopeful.

🔹Listening to inspiring stories from amazing Latinas like , Maggie Rivera-Tuma, Eneida Roman from , Maria Vasco from , Delmarina López, Esq., Grace Moreno and Gisell Rodriguez was powerful. I was looking forward to go to panel but our babysitter was sick so there was a change of plans.

🔹My workshop was about Mindfulness for high achievers Latinas and I love and appreciate that mental health was so present during this event.

🔹I absolutely LOVE working with Latinx young adults and adolescents this way. If you or anyone you know is interested in collaborations like this please let me know. I want more work like this in 2024!


🔷 Last week it was Diversity night at my daughters’ school. Last year it was cancelled because not enough people volunteered for it, but this year it was a total success.

🔷 My 7 and 5 y/o daughters presented a workshop talking about how we speak Spanish and Portuguese at home and taught basic words in both languages.

🔷 Sometimes we can be very fast at judging and giving our opinion when children don’t speak their parents’ first language: “que triste que perdieron el Español”…but we don’t talk enough about all the constant work and discipline we need to not speak English at home.

🔷 Therapy with the right therapist, can be a safe and nonjudgmental place to process and discuss all of this.

🔷 If you are looking for a Latina Therapist like me, I have spaces available for 1:1 therapy ✨ and can’t wait to hear from you.


🔷I took me a long time to make this change. I’ve spent the past three years experimenting with what I can do as a therapist other than 1:1 therapy, and my old website did not mention any of that.

🔷 My amazing friend and coach and the incredible helped me putting together a beautiful website that talks about all of this.

🔷 Seeing my website for the first time was overwhelming, I told Paulette that I had a “yeyo”, which is a Spanish slang for feeling lightheaded and any other symptom you can imagine. Reading about everything I have done felt very emotional. This is why I wanted to spend some time getting to know my new website and feeling comfortable with it.

🔷 But today I am ready to share it with you. I know some people may think, “it’s just a website”, but the amount of time, energy and love behind it, made it very special.

🔷 You can find the link in my bio. I would love to know what you think 💜💜💜💜


🔷 How is the first week of 2024 treating you?

🔷 Remember to be nice to yourself during this transition; it is completely fine to look for help on how to learn to treat yourself differently.

🔷 As a Latina Immigrant Therapist, helping Latinas and people from immigrant families improve their relationship to themselves is my specialty.

🔷 I do this always keeping in mind the cultural challenges we may find along the way and our biculturalism.

🔷 Raising multicultural children (Brazilian, Venezuelan and American) means that when my daughters lose a tooth, BOTH the tooth fairy and El Raton Perez visit us. Yesterday my older daughter lost a tooth, and below is a picture of a present and a note made for them.

🔷 How is your biculturalism/multiculturalism showing up today?


🔷 A a couple of year ago I collaborated with on an article called Setting Boundaries During The Holidays is Possible.

🔷 What can you do to intentionally and lovingly set boundaries these upcoming weeks?

🔷 https://christinemichelcarter.com/setting-boundaries-during-the-holidays-is-possible/

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 12/14/2023

🔷 In my work with people of color and from immigrant families, whether it is in 1:1 therapy, or working with groups, feeling different from our families is a topic that comes up a lot.

🔷 This is why I thought we could co-create a safe space to Embrace Being Different from our families together ✨

🔷 This program is a supportive space to explore a subject that impacts many of us ✋

🔷 This is not therapy, but a support group to invite new perspectives into our lives, and discuss ways to break patterns that have not served us💜

🔷 This is an online Program. We will meet through Zoom 5 times on Thursdays from 12:00 pm -1:00 EST starting February 1st, 2024.

🔷 This idea has been in my heart for a while and I am so excited to bring it to life. If you are interested send me a message or an email at [email protected], I would love to tell you more about it.

🔷 You can also find more information in my Bio.


🔹Join us for the first Latina Disruptor Series where we break down Latino cultural drivers, influences, and barriers we face in our journey to becoming our most powerful selves!

This is a safe space to learn, be vulnerable and get empowered by incredible leaders and speakers Dr. Patty Delgado from ,Marcela Aldaz-Matos, Millie Guzman, and myself ✨

🗓️ Part 1: Embracing Your Journey of Becoming a Latina Disruptor – Standing In Your Power
Thursday, November 16, 2023 | 6-7:15pm
Register: https://bit.ly/3QsBPJV

🗓️ Part 2: Latina Disruptor's Journey: Navigating Cultural Influences
Thursday, November 30, 2023 | 6-7:15pm
Register: https://bit.ly/46YcMoS

🌐 Join us on Zoom

Marie J. Robles, CPA, MBA Lynnette Perez Pízarro, BS, MBA Katrina Rojas
El Puente Institute Arka HR ALPFA Inc - Association of Latino Professionals For America Morgan St

Photos from Dulce Orozco LMHC's post 10/15/2023

🔹Have you ever heard of Fear of Success???

🔹Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking about Befriending your Fear of Failure and Fear of Sucess at the at Merrimack College

🔹I’ve been working with Merrimack College for a couple of years and I’m very grateful and appreciative at their efforts to include speakers like me.

🔹 Talking to people of color and from immigrant families about what gets in the way of us reaching our full potential adding a mental health perspective is my passion.

🔹Thanks to everyone involved in planning this event, and thank you to all the amazing students that shared their time and energy with me.


🔹Did you know that today is mental health world day?

🔹I am a therapist and a believe therapy with the RIGHT therapist can be extremely helpful and healing; however, as a Latina immigrant therapist I’m fully aware of how many people either don’t believe in therapy or are not ready for therapy for many different reasons.

🔹Maybe therapy feels like too much right now, however, please remember that you don’t have to wait for everything to feel horrible 😩to start seeing a therapist.

🔹Maybe there is still a part of you that feels you can do it on your own, because you are so good at fixing everything ✅and you are the one people go to when they have a problem.

🔹Maybe, as hard as it is to admit it, there is very tiny part of you that think you are not “crazy” and that eternal guilt you live with is a part of life.

🔹If you are ready to start or continue with your therapy journey and are looking for a Latina Immigrant Therapist like me, I am looking forward to start working with three new amazing people ✨✨before the end of the year. Please let me know if you would like to be one of them.

🔹I invite you to do something today to take care of your mental health. I went to one of my favorite places in nature 🌲What can you do before the day is over? I would love for you to share it with me.


🔹Thank you !!!

🔹 When I see other amazing nominees like , MBA, SHRM - SPC , , among so many others, all I feel is gratitude for being a part of this beautiful group.

🔹This serves me as motivation to keep going. Thank you thank you to my beautiful support network for valuing my work.


I am so excited to be joining as a speaker at the 2023 R.I.S.E. Women's Leadership Conference!

Since 2018, the R.I.S.E. (Realizing Inspiration Sustaining Excellence) Women’s Leadership Conference has produced a transformative day of talent and connectedness while fueling 1,200+ attendees with new insights and energy on today’s hottest topics. This year R.I.S.E. will once again bring together a cross-section of women and Men Who Get It for one of the most diverse women’s events leading inspirational and courageous conversations in New England. I hope you will consider joining me at this year's event! Ticket information here: https://www.risewlc.com/get-tickets/


🔹Last moth I had the amazing opportunity of sharing and co-creating a beautiful space within retreat.

🔹Working with has been such a blessing.

🔹I’ve been intentionally exploring what I can do as a Therapist other than 1:1 therapy, and now I know that collaborating with corporation for their retreats is something I really enjoy doing.

🔹When companies make time to plan retreats based on their team’s wellbeing, including mental health, and feeling seen and valued for who you are, many other things fit into place.

🔹Gracias for trusting me in this journey.

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Videos (show all)

Happy Flag day! 🇺🇸🔹Today my 6 y/o daughter who is graduating from kindergarten tomorrow had a Flag Day concert at  schoo...
🔆 Yesterday was the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month. 🔆I would love to spend more time these few weeks talking about...
There is still a lot of stigma about going to therapy when you are part of a minority group, but this is changing.There ...
#worldmeditationday #memtalhealthawareness #latinotherapist #latinotherapy
We found this surprise today 😊. If we look closely, we can find little and big surprises every day. Pay attention and tr...
Minha apresentação:
Mi presentación:
This is my introduction



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