Michael Kelley Worship

Equipping the saints for the the power and glory of God that is here and coming, until it transforms


Sinners are simply pre-Christians who don’t know who they are yet.
That is extreme false identity.

For me to laugh, scoff, make fun and derade them is to CURSE our harvest. WE ARE ACTUALY BEING CHRISTIAN BULLIES(actually there is no such thing)

Christians (or so called Christians, for to be christian means we are transforming to be Christ like) do this often.
What I am calling out, is this. If I do this, I am cursing my harvest. My harvest being the precious fruit of the earth.
If I am doing this (pointing my finger at me….you receive this however you like) I AM NOT READY TO RECEIVE THE PRECIOUS FRUIT OF THE EARTH THEREFORE NOT READY FOR REVIVAL OR AWAKENING.

This is NOT Christ like and it’s time to CALL EACH OTHR out on our stuff.
I love you all but please please STOP cursing your harvest. Let us call those things that aren’t as though they were!

As more and more of the love of God is perfected in me, He is chastising (disciplining) me and pruning me so that the fruit I bear becomes greater and looks just like Him.

If I dwell (abide) in Him and the revelation of who He is (His words) dwell (abide) in me, I can ask WHAT I WILL, and it shall be DONE unto me.

Ok here’s what I’m asking. I’m asking for my Jerusalem (my hometown) then I want Judaea (my state or greater region around me) then my Samaria ( this could be my nation) then the world. Jesus, that’s all I want. I just want to world to know YOU!
So everyone, join me in a new movement. Let’s stop cursing our world which is our harvest. Let’s stop letting bitter water flow from our fountain and let the springs of living water flow.

I believe YOU want the same I do, because HE is the answer. Not our ridicule and words of judgement.

Let’s use our mouths to speak words of faith over our communities, cities, regions, nations and the world. He needs our faith not our opinions

Love you all


So many times we are in a hurry to blast fb with negative things. I just want to give my JESUS a SHOUT OUT!

Jesus thank You for your angels who have constant guard over me, Sally and ALL my children! Melissa, Jennifer, Seth, Elizabeth, Joshua, Joslyn, Breanna, Brandon, Aaron, Steven, and Gary. (Cyndy not my daughter lol. My sista)
Over the last year we’ve had incident after incident where these, my family have had times when things happened, and it could have been much worse, but MY JESUS! Has kept my precious family! (I pray for all of them all the time)

Last night Josh and Elizabeth were in a bad accident. Car totaled, both rushed to the hospital in paramedics units, but after we/they/all of us prayed, and they were checked out, only bumps and bruises. Car can be replaced.

Thank You Jesus! You’ve been so good to us.

Presently Sally and I are out of town, and could not be there. Thank you to everyone who jumped in and helped. But my praise and thankfulness goes to my KING! He’s the best. He’s amazing. He’s wonderful.

I could of received a phone call with a report of my little girl and precious son (in love) either dead or really bad trauma. But not with the One who watches us and guards us.

Just wanted to blast fb with some glory giving to my King!
Jesus I love You with all my heart!

I invite you to rejoice with us and give Him the glory!!!!


Paul had grace on his life, of whom was the LEAST, that he should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ; and to make all men SEE the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world had been HID in God!

The fellowship of the mystery (same Greek word as in 1Cor 14:2) is when a man prays in an unknown tongue for edification, he has entered into the fellowship of the mystery!
That fellowship reveals the hidden MANIFOLD (multifaceted) wisdom of God.
Reveals the Logos! Jesus! C’mon!


If we think our problem is others or circumstances, then we still don’t know Him enough. He is the Prince of Peace....seek Him! Don’t seek to fix your problems.....seek HIM.....He will reveal to you how complete you are IN HIM....then no person or circumstance can stop you!!


Sally and I saw Jesus Revolution for the first time today. I started crying from the first scene. My heart was blessed as relationship stood up in the face of religion and would not be swayed. I cried through many parts and how Holy Spirit was able to help people overcome the plan of the enemy so far. But, with every awakening or revival comes a plan from the enemy carefully and strategically aborting something that doesn’t seem important at first, but the sad part is it usually aborts complete transformation.

Thus, came the denial of the moving of the Holy Spirit and the gifts. I was overwhelmed when the gifts started manifesting, but knew in my heart there would be a price to pay for Lonnie’s obedience to yield to Holy Spirit. I knew that the next thing to come was a ‘pushing through’ to receive the fullness of God in the area of the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, and also the gifts moving the land.

Smith Wigglesworth had a vision of the last great awakening, he said that the gifts of the spirit were manifesting in the earth at an unprecedented rate. Even emptying hospitals. I can’t talk for others, but I hunger after the move of the Holy Spirit and gifts like the book of Acts and more. Some feel like that is seeking God’s hand. Let me say, that I seek His face and His hand is included. I just want Him. Please be assured I am not judging this movie or movement, but all I am saying is there is more than what the church has presently. Our Father desires for His glory to cover the earth, and there are a bunch of us that have plans to yield to what the Father desires, part of that is destroying the works of darkness. One problem the church has on that subject is we have labeled some of those works, as works of the Father. That thinking comes from the mind of Adam and is the enemy of God. If you’re like me, and I choose to believe you are, you are in hot pursuit of HIM! Let’s stay focused on Him and receive everything He has already provided for us. Revival and awakening are two of those things!!!

Disclaimer: this is simply my ‘take away’
You can post your ‘take away’ on your page.

I think you know what I mean ❤️❤️🔥🔥


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! (Read to the end for the finale!)

We will be either merging this page with Transformed Church fb page or if fb won’t let us merge we will be deleting this page within the next 30 days.
Everything we have been blessed to walk in, all the ministry and all the worship, has brought us to this time!

We are the Transformed Church, and everything will posted on that page and also our website. Soon to be launched!

So many exciting things happening right now!

FYI. The ‘Transformed Church’ fb page started as The Edge in 2014.
Apostle Everett Whiteside, (a dear brother that has walked with us through the thick and thin for over 30 years) prophesied that The Edge would not just be a ministry but would become a movement.

This prophetic word is presently coming to pass.

We left Louisville, OH in 2016 to join Trinity Gospel Temple in Canton.
We became Sunday Nights in Canton.

In 2018 Apostle Dana Gammill and Cathedral of Life merged with all of us, and for the next three years we had an amazing time with this awesome ministry! Many services, events, and much life was with this wonderful group of people (the Gammill’s are family and always will be!) we then became ‘Synergy PM’

At the end of 2020 Holy Spirit instructed us to move into a time of family, community and ministry that we had yet to experience. Stepping into this time, has been completely different than anything ever before. So much that in January, of 2021 I tried to do it the way I ‘thought’ God wanted us to……well, of course that didn’t work and I received correction, repented and made quick changes, and God was so faithful to begin to open doors.

We now pastor 4 house churches, still travel a little, but mostly within the 4 counties God has given us.

From March until October, we were part of a service, ‘Transformation Night’ at Light in the Valley in Sugarcreek. This was in partnership with my son and daughter in the Lord, Eli and Roxie Troyer. Along with Brennan and Hailey Mullet who also faithfully served(we’ve adopted them also! )
In these transformation nights many lives were changed. Many filled with the Holy Spirit, many healed, many set free, many have grown from these nights through the teaching and the worship.

We have made Cross Connection Church (Strasburg) our home church and we do serve there when we are not scheduled elsewhere.

We have also partnered with Jimmy and Tina Lovejoy, pastors of ‘The North Gate’ (Streetsboro) Pastor Anthony Scott (Toledo) and Nathan and Hannah Howell, (worship leader/evangelist) to be a part of Ohio Family Gathering. These are times of pure Holy Ghost moving and transforming lives of many different precious people. These family times are usually once a month.

Bless you all. Be sure to follow ‘Transformed Church’ fb page to keep following us.

In the month of December we will be at:

Faith Harvest Church Dec 5th
9464 East Lincoln Way
Orrville, OH 44667
18th Anniversary!!!!

Cross Connection Church Dec 12th
840 S Wooster Ave
Strasburg, OH 44680
We will lead worship

Gateway Church Dec 19th
1287 Massillon Rd
Millersburg, OH 44654
Special Christmas Worship (this will be for all generations!)

The North Gate Dec 23rd (Time TBA)
9278 Market Square Drive
Streetsboro, OH 44241
Special Communion and Worship time

The North Gate Dec 31st (time TBA)
9278 Market Square Drive
Streetsboro, OH 44241
New Years Eve Holy Ghost service!


In January of 2022!
We will be launching a Saturday evening service which will be held at Cross Connection Church, Strasburg. More to come about that in future posts!


Enjoy your family on Sunday night. We will see you soon !


Hope to see you all at Field of Freedom this weekend


Going to be a powerful time!!!


See you all tonight!
Light in the Valley Chapel
4150 Township Rd 162
Sugarcreek, OH 44681


The FIGHT OF FAITH is not fought against circumstances.....the FIGHT OF FAITH IS FOUGHT INSIDE YOU, (Dave Roberson)
to change the part of YOU that does not BELIEVE.....TO BELIEVING! ...... circumstances are NEVER our problem! People are NOT our problem!
Our problem is whether we BELIEVE what He said is truth and we let.....yes I said LET THE HOLY SPIRIT BECOME OUR TEACHER THAT LEADS US AND GUIDES US INTO ALL 'THAT' TRUTH.


So excited about this!

We will be at our Ohio Family Gathering again! The last two times was off the chain. Holy Spirit was able to do many amazing things! I pray that all of you can make it! It will be life changing! God is bringing together churches from all over Ohio. The last two times, besides The North Gate, and our tribe, Toledo and Columbus there, also and popped in! All of it has been powerful!


1287 Massillon Rd, Millersburg OH 44654
Come and join us for worship and celebrating our freedom! First of all, freedom ‘in Him’ and thankful that we still live in a free nation!


See you tonight!

Join us tonight at and let’s worship the King!


Join us tonight!

Join us tonight and let’s worship the King!


Join us for an intense night of worship!

Come out and join us for our Worship Gathering! Can’t wait to see you all!


Come join us at The North Gate June 12, @6:30 PM. Our team will there with our North Gate family! Last two times, Holy Ghost did mighty things! He’s bringing sons and daughters together to bring the kingdom forward!


Flight delayed in Denver. Asking Holy Spirit if there is anything I’m suppose to be doing 🔥

Also have been going through all my friends and deleting those that I don’t know personally. If you are one that is following me, and our ministry, you can follow on my ministry page, Michael Kelley Worship. There are a lot of new people in our area that are receiving from what God has us doing right now in the Amish community, and as these precious people are ministered to, I want to leave room for them.

This is such a different season and what He has us doing is not the usual.

I am returning from the His Outpouring Revivals of Wyoming. Many things happened. Several born again, many set free, even of su***de spirits, many healed and many lives changed forever. Many drove 4,5 and 6 hours (some more than that) to be in these meetings. All I can say is we went, He came, He changed so many .....even including the ones who were leading it! Gillette, Cody and Casper will never be the same.

I also received some clearer direction while I was there.

My goal is to get as many lives transformed from the world and from religion, and into thinking, acting, and responding just like our Father!

Father I pray that the church becomes one even as You and Jesus are one!

Holy Spirit, we invite You to be in control! We want to co-labor with You the same way Jesus did when He walked on the earth as a man with the DNA of the Father in Him!


The more I know Him, the more I realize that organized religion has been acceptable to an extent, but get ready. He’s getting ready to pour (really it’s that we’re [the remnant] are getting to receive) the next awakening! Let’s not find ourselves sitting somewhere waiting on Him when in fact He is waiting on us to go into the highways and hedges.

God needs us all. Not just pastors teachers apostles prophets and evangelists. He NEEDS the church to come forward and BE THE CHURCH! Stop depending on your pastors to do everything for you. Seek Him and know Him! You’re called to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils! I think most would agree.

Let’s stop being confused by politics and by things around us. Honestly I am disappointed with so many posts about what the devil is doing ! Y’all wasting your precious energy and time talking about the enemy and the people he is using instead of interceding. Stop cursing our harvest!
Start speaking life. Just because they aren’t ‘ biologically related’ to us we write them off and mock and make fun! God is not pleased with this. We MUST allow a baptism of love to transform the way we think. Just think of it this way, every time (not just on fb but also in our everyday life) we are talking and speaking about what the enemy is doing, WE ARE NOT SPEAKING WORDS OF FAITH AND KINGDOM! And we are allowing the devil to employ our mouths!

Let’s put our money where our mouths are. Let’s preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils......we are sons and daughters of the most high! Let’s act like it. Let’s BE THE CHURCH!


So many esteem the teachings of men above the revelation that only comes from Holy Spirit. This is why our belief system is so messed up. We have a deeper relationship with men and women who claim to teach 'the Word' than we do with Holy Spirit who is the ONLY one who can REVEAL the Word (Jesus) to us.
Some Christians would rather listen to someone talk about Holy Spirit than to talk TO HIM. Talking to Him is what brings transformation. Talking to men only sirs us up to talk to Him. Sometimes talking to men, or listening to them, only brings more confusion.
I choose Holy Spirit to be my teacher. He never lies, and He never gets confused.


Join us at The North Gate tomorrow at 6:30! We will be joining and entering into a time of worship!


Join us for worship and some Holy Ghost flow! this Saturday


We will be ministering at The North Gate with Pastors Jimmy and Tina Lovejoy! This Sunday at 10AM. We are anticipating great things from Holy Spirit!



Obedience really comes out of relationship. It is hard to obey, when you are just trying to ‘do’ what He says in His law instead of really knowing Him, through His Spirit (Who reveals the law).

It is easy to obey the voice of the Father when you have an intimate relationship with Him.

In a ‘relationship’ with Him, we’re having a relationship with who He is. He is love, so therefore His love is touching and changing us from glory to glory.

The ‘want to’ to please Him and obey Him actually comes out of the transformation that happens through His love touching and changing us.

So many believers get born again and then continue to live their life ‘as best as they can’ by reading the law and trying through self will and determination to obey what is written.
God never designed us to be robots to just hear commands and then obey. He created us in His image to be able to have relationship and carry His DNA.

When Jesus responded to satan’s temptation to Him, He didn’t just say ‘It is written’ out of some words He read out of a scroll in the temple.....Jesus spoke those words out of a place of life, a place of the Father’s DNA that was alive and ‘life’ on the inside of His spirit.

Sometimes our words are empty and have no life, because there is no ‘believing’ being mixed with the words coming out of our mouths.

Hebrews says ‘they did not receive’ and the reason they did not receive is because the word ‘they heard’ was not mixed with faith.

The ‘word’ is not just some bible that we read in order to make ourselves feel better about ourselves, like we did our deed for the day......the Word is JESUS, ALIVE, POWERFUL, SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD.....SHARP ENOUGH TO DIVIDE WHAT IS SOUL AND WHAT IS SPIRIT......
The WORD (Jesus) becomes the very DNA inside of our spirit that declares ‘It is WRITTEN’ to devils when they come to tempt us and it is The WORD ALIVE IN US THAT SETS US FREE!

So, obedience to the Father is birthed out of relationship of who Jesus is to us! Something I pray all the time, “Holy Spirit, please show me the relationship that Jesus has with the Father”, for I know in that relationship is everything I need to walk, live, speak, exist as a son!

When we speak The WORD (Jesus) every demon in hell should tremble. Every sickness should leave, the dead should be raised, and the poor in spirit should be transformed.
When we speak and declare with words of faith and declaration, atmospheres should shift.
Cities and counties should be changed! Our neighborhoods should be changed!

The entire corporate structure of Heaven is waiting for our words of authority filled with faith to be spoken so Holy Spirit and even the angels will be free to perform the will of the Father on our behalf in this earth!
We are God’s answer on the earth! He is waiting on us!

Make ‘Him’ your life! Take steps into His presence today to begin to hear what He is saying and most of all, in His presence is the fullness of His love. The love that will transform us from glory to glory into that same image.......the image of Jesus the first begotten!

P.S. felt this in my spirit, ‘some will not read this, because they’re too busy with life.....we want everything short, instant, mind blowing, microwave results.......faith grows from a seed, into a sprout, into a little tree then into a full size mustard seed tree that shades your whole garden.....

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1612 Tuscarawas Street W
Sugarcreek, OH

Opening Hours

6pm - 7:30pm

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Sugarcreek, 44681

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113 W Main Street
Sugarcreek, 44681

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1006 West Main Street
Sugarcreek, 44681

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Sugarcreek, 44681

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