
ThermApproach provides full body and breast Thermography. Our mission is to empower. Serving MI & OH Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging of the Breast and Body


Thank you to Dr. V for sharing about Auria with the Breast Health community!! Listen to this 16-minute podcast! I'm excited to join in raising awareness for at-home screening!

Thank you to Dr. V for letting us share about Auria with the Breast Cancer Conqueror community!! We're excited to join in raising awareness for at-home screening and encouraging breast health education and advocacy.

Listen to the podcast >>>


Scientific Study Finds Incidence Of Breast Cancer Reduced By High Consumption Of Walnuts, Pecans And Almonds: ๐ŸŽ€โค๏ธ๏ธ


Everyone should know about this! More details + scientific references at the link. ๐Ÿ™‚


Real food is best! ๐Ÿฅฆ

Just four half-cup servings of weekly was enough to be linked with a remarkable 40% less risk for premenopausal , according to a recent observational study from the USA. Broccoli was also the most powerful of all the cruciferous vegetables in this study, easily outperforming cabbage and cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Yes, this green super vegetable is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin B-6 and calcium. But its true anticancer secret sauce is sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant thatโ€™s highly toxic to cancer cells. Broccoli is so powerful that it was shown in a clinical trial to reduce markers of damage in humans! All this for just 20 calories per delicious serving.
Source: Pubmed ID 15113959 + see comments



A recent study from the USA found that women with had 27% less risk of death when they ate two servings weekly of strawberries. Yes, are rich in vitamin C, anthocyanins (which make them red) and ellagic acidโ€”all of which are known cancer fighters. But this delicious fruit also has uniquely high levels of a powerful antioxidant called fisetin. Fisetin was highly toxic to breast cancer cells in a test tube, killing up to 70% of them in 48 hours. It also suppressed their invasion ability (in a test tube) by an incredible 79%. Strawberries are delicious in cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, salad and your favorite smoothie. All for just 49 calories per serving!
Sources: Pubmed ID 33188079, 29749427, 30108501 + see my comments

The Clinical Entrepreneur: 180: What They Don't Want You to Know About Thermography with Ashley Houchin 03/05/2024

The Clinical Entrepreneur: 180: What They Don't Want You to Know About Thermography with Ashley Houchin Ever wondered if there's a better, less stressful way for your patients to keep an eye on their breast health rather than the traditional mammogram routine? ๐Ÿค” ย  Mammography is thought to be the gold standard for evaluating breast health but unfortunately, thereโ€™s a dark side that the medic...

Timeline photos 02/29/2024

Thermography sees breast health regardless of dense breasts!

Mammography: Is it the best breast cancer screening tool? 02/28/2024

Another great article from Dr. V, she is always such a good resource for us.

Mammography: Is it the best breast cancer screening tool? Mammograms can't diagnose dense breast tissue, the method can increase risk, and there are safer breast cancer testing options.


This Valentine's Day treat yourself!
Schedule your breast Thermogram ๐Ÿ’

Photos from HerScan Breast Cancer Ultrasound Screening's post 01/18/2024

The mobile breast ultra scan clinic will be in the Toledo area on these dates:
Friday February 2nd, Tuesday February 6th
Wednesday, March 6th, Friday, March 15, Friday, March 29
The Ultrasound and the Thermogram - a dynamic duo for breast health! Schedule with HerScan!


Thermogram vs Mammogram
Great information to keep in mind.

๐Ÿ“ŒThis is as simple of an explanation as I can give:
A mammogram and thermogram are two completely different tests. A mammogram is a test of structure. They are looking for a mass or tumor that is ALREADY there.
A Thermogram is a test of physiology. They identify changes in heat patterns that indicate something could be forming.


Food is medicine, especially when youโ€™re fighting breast cancer.

At the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, youโ€™ll learn from world-renowned nutrition experts how to fuel your body with the right foods to support your healing journey.

Register for the summit today and learn how to:

๐Ÿฅ‘ Choose the right foods to boost your immune system
๐Ÿ“ Reduce inflammation
๐Ÿซ Detoxify your body
๐Ÿ‰ And more!

Take advantage of this opportunity to take control of your health and healing! Register for the summit today!

Lazris & Rifkin's Risk-Benefit Characterization Theater 01/07/2024

A good, short, science, video about the numbers associated with Mammography.

Lazris & Rifkin's Risk-Benefit Characterization Theater Mammograms are said to cut the risk of dying from breast cancer by as much as 20 percent, which sounds like an invincible argument for regular screening.Two ...


Do you know why BREAST THERMOGRAPHY for women is so useful...? Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible with breast self-examination, physician palpation or mammography alone.
Every woman has her own thermal pattern (normally symmetric) that is accurate and static throughout her lifetime. Any changes to a normal 'thermal fingerprint' caused by early cell changes (pathology) will become increasingly apparent, so it's recommended to start monitoring health early. Monitoring changes over periods of time with DITI is the most efficient means of identifying subjects who require further investigation.
And DITI is a non-invasive test so there is no contact with the body of any kind, no radiation and the procedure is painless. The scanning system merely detects and records the infrared radiation that is emitting from the patientโ€™s body. To find your local clinic visit:

Victoria Bailey Thermography Health and Wellness in Franklin, TN 12/27/2023

Victoria Bailey Thermography Health and Wellness in Franklin, TN Using cutting-edge thermography studies, expert Victoria Bailey helps you understand and visualize your pain for effective treatment. A Certified Natural Health Professional and Enzyme Specialist in the Nashville, Tennessee area, Victoria Bailey, CCT, CNHP, LDHS, provides support and education on br...


You can watch this incredible eye opening documentary--in which I am interviewed--at for no charge!

The Breast Kept Secret (2020) 12/27/2023

This informative video is worth watching!

The Breast Kept Secret (2020) Are mammograms the biggest scam ever perpetrated in medical history? Doctors, scientists and advocates warn women of their alleged grave harm.


โœจ Thermography stands on its own, as ONE MORE modality available, to aid in breast cancer preventionโœจ

Proactive health on point! 's early warnings lead to early actions. ๐Ÿšฆ๐Ÿ”

๐Ÿ’กBarb and Sue travel to multiple locations in Minnesota and Rice Lake, WI, for thermography services, making it convenient for you! Visit to explore all the locations, or feel free to reach out here, and I can pair you up with the closest location for you. Don't see a location close to you in the MN/ NW WI area? Contact us, and let's figure something out!


๐Ÿ”ฆ Did you know that varicose veins and blood clots can be detected through thermography? ๐Ÿ”

๐Ÿฆต Varicose Veins: These twisted, swollen veins are more than a cosmetic concern! They can be a sign of underlying venous issues. ๐Ÿฉบ

๐Ÿฉธ Blood Clots: Silent yet potentially life-threatening, blood clots are often symptomless. Early detection can be a lifesaver!

Take charge of your well-being and protect your most valuable asset. ๐Ÿ’ช

Barb and Sue travel to multiple locations in Minnesota and Rice Lake, WI, for thermography services, making it convenient for you! Visit to explore all the locations, or feel free to reach out here, and I can pair you up with the closest location for you ๐Ÿ™‚


Always good information from Dr. V

Dry brushing has certainly received some strokes of popularity lately.

However, the practice has been around for centuries. It comes from ancient practices dating back over 5,000 years, to stimulate circulation and blood flow.

Almost all historical civilizations documented the use of dry brushing for health and beauty, including Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, Romans, Native Americans, and Chinese.

But do you want to know how to do it right?

Read the full blog to find out now:


๐Ÿ“ŒHow is Thermography different than Mammography?
Short answer: Mammography is a test of anatomy, meaning that it is looking for a disease that is already there. Thermography is a test of physiology, meaning it is looking for changes that indicate a disease or mass could potentially happen. Thermography can detect diseases 7 to 10 years before they are visible on a mammogram.

Long answer: Anatomy and physiology are two things that make up our physical bodies. Though they work together, they are very different!
The study of anatomy deals with the structure of the human body. In anatomical medical tests, structural issues are looked for, such as fractures, tumors, kidney stones, torn ligaments, and abscesses.

Anatomical tests are only half the story; you must also look at physiology!
Physiology is the study of the body's function. In other words, how is your anatomy functioning? There are only two medical imaging tests that evaluate physiology: Thermography and PET scans. To perform a PET scan, a radioactive tracer is injected into your body. *Not a particularly safe test to run without justification. Thermal imaging is a safe and radiation-free test that can reveal if your body is not functioning properly. A thyroid anatomical test might look fine, and your blood levels might be "in the normal range," but a thermogram will show if the organ isn't working properly --overcompensating? Overstressed? and so on.

If necessary, thermography can also justify further testing. Different thermal patterns correlate with different anatomical problems (tumors, broken bones, torn ligaments, etc.) Where there is a problem, there is a PHYSIOLOGICAL response (pain, inflammation, angiogenesis, vessel dilation, nerve dysfunction, etc.). Using thermography, you can get answers by examining the other half of your body's story!

๐Ÿ“Œ Visit to explore all the locations or feel free to reach out here, and I can pair you up with the closest location for you ๐Ÿ™‚


๐ŸŒธBreast tissue is different for everyone. It's a combination of fatty tissue, fibrous tissue, and glandular tissue. Dense breast tissue - a common and normal condition, refers to having more glandular and fibrous tissue compared to fatty tissue.

However, dense breast tissue can pose a particular challenge when it comes to breast cancer screenings like mammograms. Since dense tissue and tumors both appear white in imaging, sometimes dense breasts can mask cancer within mammograms, making it harder to detect.

Considering this, thermography can be a beneficial alternative or supplementary screening tool. Thermography uses infrared imaging to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues. This technology provides unique advantages, especially for those with dense breasts, as tumors emit more heat due to increased blood flow.

When it comes to your breast health, it is essential to know your breast tissue composition and discuss your screening options with your healthcare provider. Thermography could potentially provide clearer, more accurate imaging for those with dense breast tissue.

Did you know that Barb and Sue travel to multiple locations in Minnesota and Rice Lake, WI, for thermography services, making it convenient for you?! Visit to explore all the locations or feel free to reach out here, and I can pair you up with the closest location for you :)


Red cabbage may be two superfoods in one. It has all the cancer-fighting indole-carbinol and isothiocyanates of green cabbage, but it also has an incredible 470% more antioxidants thanks to its red coloring. Red gets it color from the same compoundsโ€”anthocyaninsโ€”that make blueberries blue, and it has 29% more! Besides being powerful , anthocyanins are also potent cancer fighters. Recent meta-analyses have shown that people eating diets rich in anthocyanin had 22% lower risk of colorectal and significantly lower risk of death by heart disease. So the next time youโ€™re at the grocery store, why not opt for red cabbage rather than green?
These studies can be found at Pubmed 30277799, 30589398


Discovering a hormonal imbalance, especially the aggressive dominance of estrogen, is like finding a puzzle piece that needs careful placement. ๐Ÿงฉ

But fear not! With determination and the right strategies, you can embark on a journey of healing and rebalancing. Here are some avenues to explore:

๐Ÿง˜ Lowering Stress: The first step is taming the stress dragon. Stress management techniques can be your best friend, helping you find peace amidst the chaos.

๐Ÿฅ— Eating for Hormonal Health: Your plate becomes your ally. Choosing foods that support hormonal balance is pivotal. It's like a tailored menu for your well-being.

๐ŸŒฟ Detoxifying Your Environment: Banishing toxic xenoestrogen chemicals from your surroundings and body is essential. Think of it as creating a clean, safe haven for your health.

๐ŸŒฑ Natural Hormone Support: Natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, like natural progesterone, can be a game-changer. It's like finding the missing pieces of your hormone puzzle.

All of these components form the bedrock of the 7 Essentials Systemยฎ.

And here's a pro tip: Kickstart your journey with the 7 Essentials Systemยฎ Hormone Clearing Bundle. It features DIM Balance, Estro Clear, and Brocco Power in one convenient bundle.

Ready to take the first step on your path to healing and rebalancing?


About 95% of ALL cancers have inflammation in common, and it impacts all stages of tumor development, including initiation, progression, and metastasis. Chronic inflammation also creates an inviting environment for cancer (and most major dis-eases) to develop and grow due to immunosuppression. Clearly, inflammation is something you should be hyper-aware of when on a healing journeyโ€”and it IS something you have control over!

Inflammation damages cells and DNA, opening the door to infection, illness, and even cancer. โ€œAnything that causes inflammation will cause the DNA of a cell to replicate faster,โ€ says Dr. Brad Mons at City of Hope. โ€œThe more your cells replicate, the higher chance you have of cancers developing.โ€

In 1863, Rudolf Virchow made the connection between inflammation and cancer. He suggested that the โ€œlymphoreticular infiltrateโ€ reflected the origin of cancer at sites of chronic inflammation. However, it wasnโ€™t until recent times that most Western medical doctors and researchers started taking the link between inflammation and cancer seriously. It is finally impacting prevention, treatment, and education. This blog briefly explains why you should be proactive in reducing your inflammation levels. For a deep dive, please read my book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, as I discuss decreasing inflammation in all areas of your bodyโ€”such as teeth, mind, adrenals, breast, and in each of your cells.

Today is the day to take charge of your healing by learning about inflammationโ€”and then take real actions!

To Read the Full Article:


43% of all women aged 40-74 years have a dense breast diagnosis. This should sound the alarm because one-third of all breast cancers are found in women with increased breast density in over 50% of their breast tissue.

This is a heavy issue for people with dense breasts as mammograms do not work as well since the density may hide a tumor. Even in normal breasts, by the time cancer is detected via a mammogram, breast cancer could have been in the body for an average of 6-8 years. This is why I use safe and effective options for dense breasts, such as thermography, The SonoCinรฉ Ultra Sound AWBUS, and The Cancer Profileยฉ.

BUT it does not mean breast cancer is inevitable. You can decrease dense breasts. I highly recommend that you are PROACTIVE with PREVENTION and REVERSAL.

Keep on reading to learn the truth about why women get dense breasts and how to reverse it.

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Harmony In Life 5747 Main Street
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