
Mommy 🎀 UPK Teacher 📚 Keto AF for the last 3️⃣ years. XOXO 💋



Nothing like hot soup on a drizzly Fall afternoon! 🍁

I like to eat my soup with crushed Quest chips for a little crunch 🤌 I found this DELICIOUS low-carb tomato soup at WalMart and it’s sooo yummy.

Hot and steamy deliciousness! 🍜




Just another simple meal prep for work! Ham and Swiss roll-up (I like to nuke these at work so they’re melty and yummy!), some hard-boiled eggs, and my homemade Cut Da Carb tortilla chips with salsa, and a little mint chocolate chip keto candy 🍬

Super simple. 🙂



Absolute truth! 💋




This was so fast and easy. Just used a zero-carb tortilla from ALDI USA, placed it in a bowl to form the shell and air-fried it until crispy. Sautéed some ground Turkey and taco seasoning and added my fave toppings and it was deeeeeeeelish!




Did you know a Starbucks PSL has FIFTY carbs??

Ordered this on Amazon and toss it in my cold brew with a splash of heavy cream and real talk, it was the BEST tasting pumpkin spice SF alternative I’ve come across.

Cheers basic betches! 🍁


Photos from KetoBetch's post 09/26/2023


Flu season is here, ya’ll.

Going back into teaching has hit my immune system like a ton of BRICKS. Strep, into a sinus infection, into norovirus. This is why this Betch has been m.i.a. from posting. 🤧

This bone broth has been LIFE. I crave soup when I’m sick and most canned soup is packed full of carbs and sodium. This has been so soothing for a sore throat and perfect for when you’re too bed-ridden to make your own soup from scratch. Also like to dip my grilled cheese into it. 🔥




Ayo! I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days! Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I know I haven’t posted much lately since I’ve become a
WorkingMomBetch💋 but that’ll soon change once life shows down.




Let’s be honest, sometimes after a few too many there’s something so satisfying about a juicy fast-food burger. This absolutely scratched that pig-out urge! 🐷

NOT low in calories but packed with protein and low in carbs.

Double quarter pounder with cheese, no bun, side of Big Mac sauce (also surprisingly low-carb).

Hooray for stretchy pants! 👏



MealPrepBetch 💋

Another day, another packed lunch.


Photos from KetoBetch's post 09/13/2023


Made some crunchy low-carb Big Mac tacos in the air-fryer with some cheese fries from ALDI USA tonight.

Did NOT disappoint 🤌🍔🌮


Photos from KetoBetch's post 09/12/2023


High Protein/Low-carb bfast & lunch ✔️

Today’s salad was a crunchy icerberg chicken-bacon-ranch combo and it kept me full til dinner!

Being back at work, I DO miss my elaborate Keto creations but am finding that it doesn’t have to be complicated to be healthy! 💋


Photos from KetoBetch's post 09/08/2023


What is it about a hot and steaming bowl of soup that’s soooo comforting? 🥣 🥣🥣

Most canned soup is PACKED with carbs. I’ve been on the HUNT for a quality canned Keto-friendly soup and this one soooo hot this was delicious!

Paired with a ham and swiss sandwich for dipping made with Extraordinary Bites keto bread (which thanks to Helen Jones I’ve discovered to be the BEST tasting keto white bread.)

Also threw some Parmesan Whisps into my soup for a little crunch.

SOOOOO comforting and yummy!


Photos from KetoBetch's post 09/07/2023


Got this cute little salad container to bring to work from Amazon! Kept my leafy greens fresh and my toppings nice and cool.

Arugula ✔️
Strawberries ✔️
Walnuts ✔️
Blue Cheese ✔️
Red onion ✔️
Red Peppers ✔️
Hard boiled egg ✔️
Balsamic ✔️

Perfect combo of salty, savory, sour, and sweet! 🥗




First day back in the classroom and was up late prepping for my daughter’s first day in Kinder so I had to snag a super-fast lunch on the go because I was STARVING and in need of meaty sustenance 🤌

Wegman’s bacon burger, no bun, American cheese with light ketchup, mustard and mayo, onion, pickles…medium rare.

Man o’ man did this hit the spot! 🍔


Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/30/2023


Been slacking on my probiotics lately and maintaining a balanced gut is SO essential for overall quality of life. Especially during cootie season. 🦠 Been reading about this concoction and decided to make it more palatable so it didn’t feel like a chore and I could actually ENJOY IT. This was surprisingly tasty once I added the cinnamon and monk fruit. Thinking next time I’ll make it hot and sip it and add a little SF honey! 🍯

First thing in the am ☀️
Every morning before food ✔️
On an empty tummy ⚠️

1️⃣ 8oz of water
2️⃣ 1 TBSP organic apple cider vinegar
3️⃣ 2 cranks Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
4️⃣ Pinch of cinnamon
5️⃣ (Optional) 3 drops of organic monk fruit sweeetener




These last two weeks have been CRAZY. Settling into a new job after being a stay-at-home-mama for 5+ years. My daughter starting Kindergarten. House projects. Ran myself through the ground and got myself sick. 🤒

Nothing like a homemade KETO chicken soup from scratch to soothe the soul 🍜

…Recipe to follow in the comments tomorrow once this tired Betch gets some rest.




My new favorite Starbucks order! This was just the right amount of sweetness and felt like SUCH a treat with only a few carbs!


Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/28/2023


Morning babes! ☀️

Went on a road trip this weekend and was craving a Starbucks sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich so I improvised! I had already packed my favorite Keto sandwich thins, so I ordered my sammich and swapped the English muffin for my own! Saved myself about FORTY carbs doing so. FORTY! 🤯🤯Tasted identical without all of the carbs and soooo hit the spot with my iced coffee 👌




ANYTHING Mint + Chocolate is the SUPERIOR combo 🤌 Fight me on that!

Now these… 🤤

Gotta hand it to Slimfast..they’ve certainly evolved and have hopped on the keto train just in time 💚🍫



Life has been CRAZY busy since I started a new job so apologies for not posting the last few days!

Tried this Quest pizza last night…


I had high hopes for this given that I am straight ADDICTED to their chips but the pizza tasted like cardboard and was super bland.

So far the best frozen keto-friendly za I’ve had is the “Life Cuisine” cheese pizza. SO much better! Don’t waste your monaaaay, honaaaay 🍕



Spicy Hot-Ham, Swiss, and Egg 🍳🍞

It’s always so tough to get that PERFECTLY cooked oozy egg on a hot and savory breakfast sandwich so I tried something a little different…and it was indeed PERFECTION 🤌

1️⃣ Butter the outer side of two slices of Keto bread (I used the Arnold seeded keto bread…SO much more flavor than most) It’s great for grilled cheese/toasting.
2️⃣ Place in air fryer, butter side down on a piece of greased parchment paper or a liner.
3️⃣ Layer swiss, ham, and more swiss.
4️⃣ Air-fry at 370 for 4 minutes, flip and air-fry for another 3 mins at 370 (or until desired crispness is achieved)👌

While your sandwich is cooking and you have about 2m left, fry your egg! I make mine in my mini-dash because it’s ALWAYS the perfect amount of ooze and way less messy. 😋

1️⃣ Heat up your mini dash skillet by plugging it in. Once light goes off, it’s ready!
2️⃣ Spray with a little avo oil.
3️⃣ Crack your egg carefully onto skillet.
4️⃣ Close and let it cook for about a minute. I usually then check it and give it maybe 15 more seconds, tops.
5️⃣ Take out your sandwich, open it up, and slide your egg between the two slices adding salt and pepper.

* Optional: Add your sauce! I mixed together mayo and Tapatio hot sauce and it was soooo yum!

I will DEF be making this again!




Marinara & Mozz Baked “Ziti” 🍝

Just a few ingredients and so simple.

My guilty-pleasure cheat used to be a decadent, saucy, cheesy bowl of baked ziti. I used to layer it…pasta, cheese, sauce x3 😅 Last night the hormones took over and I just HAD to recreate it to scratch the itch but make it Keto-stylie. It was SO FILLING and satisfying and within a couple hours my tummy was flat and I was hungry again! 🤯

This is a HIGH VOLUME, low-carb, low-calorie meal and it’s soooo good.

1️⃣ Slice your spaghetti squash in half, de-seed, add oil and spices and bake face-down on parchment paper for 40 mins @ 400 degrees.
2️⃣ Heat your low-carb marinara sauce. (you can make yours homemade but I’m lazy 🙃…ain’t nobody got time for dat!)
3️⃣ Sauté some veggies (optional) I kept it simple with onions, garlic and mushrooms.
4️⃣ Once your squash is done, scrape out the meat to make your noodles.
5️⃣ Remove your noodles then add your cheese to the squash, then layer noodles, cheese, sauce, noodles more cheese, more sauce etc. a few times until you’ve reached your desired level of cheesiness 🤌 (I also added some a little salt and garlic salt on top of each cheese layer)
6️⃣ After your last layer of sauce, add your veggies and another layer of cheese
7️⃣ Broil until bubbly
8️⃣ Dig in!

This meal was a total pig-out but instead of derailing my entire diet, it came with a lot less guilt! 🐷

Just look at that cheesy-stretch! 🤤

Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/13/2023


Heyo from the gorgeous Finger Lakes!

Started off my day with this little keto-friendly treat…this ChocZero Marmalade was SO. FREAKING. GOOD.
Put it on top of my Keto Thomas Bagel thins with a little cream cheese and washed it down with cold brew and a splash of HWC & ChocZero Sugar-Free Vanilla syrup.

Sunshine craving and sugar craving satiated ☀️🍭


Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/12/2023


A few goodies I just received from Amazon! So important to have easy grab and go healthy snackies to maintain consistency. 💪

I’ll let you know how they are!



Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/11/2023


1G CARB-WONTONS?! Say whaaa?! 🤯

Spicy Sesame beef “Chow Mein”
stir-fry 🥡 with a side of deeeeelicious low-carb cream cheese wontons 🥟

Now THIS dinner was FIRE! 🔥

Chow Mein “Noodles”
1️⃣ Pre-Heat oven to 400.
2️⃣ Slice spaghetti squash in half lengthwise and scoop out innards / discard.
3️⃣ Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil and make sure they’re completely coated on the inside along with salt and pepper.
4️⃣ Bake face down for 40 minutes.
5️⃣ When done cooking, scrape the inside out of the squash to form “noodles” with a fork.
6️⃣ I added a little butter and sesame seeds to mine to compliment the flavor of the stir-fry.

1️⃣ While your squash is cooking: In a large pan or wok, sauté onions and garlic for a few minutes.
2️⃣ Toss in all your veggies and sauté to your liking. I used broccoli, mushrooms, and bell peppers.
3️⃣ Toss in your sliced beef and cook until done.
4️⃣ Spice it up with a little soy aminos and sesame oil and set aside.

Cream cheese Wontons:
1️⃣ Pre-heat oven to 350 (or you can use you air-fryer but will need to adjust for time)
2️⃣ Using Cut Da Carb flatbread, cut two sheets into 12 equal squares.
3️⃣ Grease a muffin tin with avo oil.
4️⃣ Create your filling by softening a block of cream cheese and mixing in some chopped green onion with a sprinkle of salt.
5️⃣ Scoop out one teaspoon full of your filling and place right in the center of each square.
6️⃣ The fun part 🙂: form your wontons by folding each corner into the center and applying a little pressure. This will make them easier to shape using the cream cheese as the glue.
7️⃣ Place each wonton in the muffin tin.
8️⃣ Give them each a little spray with your avo oil.
9️⃣ Bake until golden! Mine took about 15 minutes and I pan-seared them after for a couple minutes to get them a little crispier.
🔟 Serve with aminos or whatever kind of dipping sauce your little heart desires!

Side-note: I’m thinking the wontons might be a little more golden in the air-fryer so I’ll try that next time but MAN OH MAN these were just as good as any take-out if not BETTER 🔥



WalMart haul! Jackpot! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I’ve never really shopped at WalMart. Until now! I’ve been missing out. It is a Keto Mecca! I went in for the new Keto Thomas Bagel thins because they’re sold out online and only sold at WalMart and got the last four! Ayo! So I then decided to search “Keto” on WalMart’s website and found some SERIOUS gems that you can’t find anywhere else. SO many goodies! 🔥 Zoom in to take a look 👀

Like a kid in a candy store! 🤩🤩🤩

Mason Schultz


Part Duex ✌️

Gonna continue this pesto kick and keep the recipes rolling!

Pesto eggs-in-a-basket! 🪺

1️⃣ Using keto friendly bread, spread pesto generously on each piece
2️⃣ Hollow out a hole in the middle of each slice. I used a shot glass.
2️⃣ Line your air-fryer with a liner or parchment paper and spray with oil.
3️⃣ Place both pieces in the air-fryer and crack an egg in the center of each slice.
4️⃣ Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle your favorite cheese on top. I used mozzarella.
5️⃣ Air-fry at 350 for about 8-9 minutes for runny eggs, 10+ for med-harder yolks.
6️⃣ Remove from the air-fryer, add a little more pesto and dig in!

Side Note: This original recipe called for bagels, but I improvised with keto bread. Make sure you use a Keto bread a little on the thicker side for a little more crunch / flavor 👍 I just ordered some keto friendly BAGELS (yep, you heard that right!) and am gonna give this another go once they arrive! Stay tuned! 🥯




Cheesy pesto-eggs with roasted cherry tomatoes and fresh basil on a low-carb tortilla in the air fryer 🍅🌿

You guys…This is by far the BEST breakfast I have EVER made. I am
NOT exaggerating! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

1️⃣ Line your air-fryer with a liner or parchment paper and spray with avo oil
2️⃣ Place a low-carb tortilla in it
3️⃣ Create a “ring” of cheese around the tortilla
4️⃣ Crack two eggs in the middle
5️⃣ Add sliced tomatoes, fresh chopped basil, and drizzle a little pesto all around
6️⃣ Air-fry for 8 minutes on 370
7️⃣ Carefully remove and add a little more pesto and INHALE 🍴

You can fold this in half or roll it up like a wrap but I just grabbed a fork and went to town! The eggs were runny and PERFECT. My Gyaaaaaad, SO GOOD!




Cheesy Bacon Ranch Broccoli 🥦

No clue why I haven’t posted this sooner! Its so simple that I feel silly even posting it as a a “recipe” but It’s been a go-to that’s such a quick, filling, and scrumptious snack that it’s def worth it!

1️⃣ Air-fry a few strips of bacon @ 350 for 5-7 mins. Can sub for turkey bacon but in THIS dish I prefer the good stuff!
2️⃣ While the bacon is cooking, steam your broccoli in a bowl. I microwave mine for 2-3m, covered to maintain a little crunch.
2️⃣ Remove from microwave and immediately sprinkle some shredded cheese on top, cover with a plate to melt cheese for a few mins.
3️⃣ While cheese is melting, crumble your bacon.
4️⃣ Add bacon to broccoli and cheese and sprinkle on a little Ranch seasoning, salt, and pepper. I also drizzled a little bit of ranch dressing on top to satisfy a craving but it’s not totally necessary.

Note: You could also add some green onions, or a squeeze of lemon to give this a little kick rather than ranch. Or even some shredded chicken and alfredo to make it a meal. 🔥





Breakfast bowl in the air-fryer! This one’s for you Sarah Beth 🍳

1️⃣ Spray a bowl with oil then line it with your fave low-carb tortilla
2️⃣ Crack two eggs into the tortilla bowl
3️⃣ Add whatever veggies/protein/spices you like. I used sweet peppers, red onion, and green onion
4️⃣ Air-fry at 350 for about 10m or until egg is desired consistency
5️⃣ Remove from air-fryer and add in some shredded cheese
6️⃣ Return to air-fryer for another 5m until cheese is bubbly

This concept is SO cool, I can’t wait to try it with more creative ingredients. But for the first go, I kept it simple to make sure I can get it right.

This was EGGcellent 👌




What I order at Starbucks:

1️⃣ Double espresso on ice
2️⃣ Splash of heavy whipping cream
3️⃣ Pump of SF Vanilla

The artificial sweeteners in Starbucks syrups are probably not the healthiest compared to what I used at home but in a pinch 🤷🏼‍♀️👌


Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/07/2023






You asked! I answered! Gary Currier Eduardo Scolari Together By My Side, LLC

1️⃣ Sauté ground turkey (or protein of choice) with Taco seasoning (I used low-sodium to account for a bloaty belly)
2️⃣ Line air-fryer with parchment paper (or liner) and spray with cooking oil of choice (avo has a higher smoke-point)
3️⃣ Layer: Mexican cheese, protein, and more cheese, and another tortilla
4️⃣ Spoon out enchilada sauce, more cheese, and toppings of choice. I used roma tomatoes, black olive, and red & green onions
5️⃣ Air-fry @ 380 for 5-8 mins
6️⃣ Transfer to a pan (I used a personal pizza pan from ALDI)
7️⃣ Broil until bubbly and brown
8️⃣ Transfer to a plate and top with sour cream, shredded lettuce, and taco sauce

Y’all…I had less than two slices and I was STUFFED. This was INSANELY good.

This is SO low-carb, guys. I used Aldi ZERO-carb tortillas, light sour cream, veggies, and given the portion size with the sauce and toppings…STUFFED. 🫢

I think next time I make this, I’d crisp the toetillas a bit more ahead of time but even as is…BANGER meal 🤌



What are your favorite WalMart keto-friendly snacks, condiments. and staple foods?

I have yet to venture outside of my local grocery stores / Target and keep hearing that there are a bunch of yummy options at WalMart that you can’t find anywhere else.

Please and thank you!




75 cals ✔️
0 carbs ✔️
Refreshing and delicious ✔️

If you know me you know I love my low-carb white claws… 🌊🍒 but if you plan to have a few, the carbs do add up.

This sugar-free juice is one of the few on the market that is:

Aspertame free ✔️
Corn- syrup free ✔️
Carb-free ✔️

That means it doesn’t spike your insulin and kick you out of ketosis 🤘Could def add a squeeze of fr sh lemon and some muffled mint or strawberry to add a little twist. 🍓

*Side note: Keeping the typo! 🤌😅

Bottoms up! 🍹


Photos from KetoBetch's post 08/04/2023


This isn’t even technically a recipe but worth the post!

1️⃣ Crumbled up a Peanut Butter Quest cookie (which btw…SO GOOD 🤤)
2️⃣ Tossed it in a bowl and nuked it for 45 seconds
3️⃣ Topped it with frozen truwhip (cool whip alternative without all of the cancerous Corn Syrup)
4️⃣ Drizzled a little ChocZero Maple-Pecan syrup

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude 🔥



The first step is admitting you have a problem…🙃




1️⃣ Line your air-fryer with a liner or parchment paper and spray with avo oil
2️⃣ Place a low-carb tortilla in it
3️⃣ Create a “ring” of cheese around the tortilla
4️⃣ Crack two eggs in the middle
5️⃣ Add whatever additional toppings you’d like. I just used ham and banana peppers but you can use veggies and get creative!
6️⃣ Air-fry for 8 minutes on 375
7️⃣ Carefully remove and add any additional sauces you’d like

This was AMAZING. Just listen to that sizzle! 🔥




Starbucks dupe!

Keto Vanilla Chai Latte ☕️
So simple but worth the post!

I was so sad about the idea of having to give up one of my absolute FAVE drinks at Starbucks until now!

A grande Starbucks Chai Latte has a whopping 46g of carbs compared to this which tastes JUST as good but only contains 1g carbs from the half & half! Also an added bonus is that it’s half the caffeine which is great for peeps with anxiety such as myself ✌️🧠

1️⃣ Chai Black tea bag (or loose leaf)
2️⃣ Splash of half & half
3️⃣ Dash of cinnamon
4️⃣ 2 TBSP of ChocZero Vanilla SF syrup


Could even add a little pumpkin spice to the mix or make it iced with sweet cold foam 🍁


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Videos (show all)

WorkingBetch💋First day back in the classroom and was up late prepping for my daughter’s first day in Kinder so I had to ...
SickyBetch💋These last two weeks have been CRAZY. Settling into a new job after being a stay-at-home-mama for 5+ years. M...
BreakfastSammichBetch💋Spicy Hot-Ham, Swiss, and Egg 🍳🍞 It’s always so tough to get that PERFECTLY cooked oozy egg on a h...
PastaBetch💋Marinara & Mozz Baked “Ziti” 🍝Just a few ingredients and so simple.My guilty-pleasure cheat used to be a deca...
Easy-cheesy eggs in a basket, keto-stylie! 🍳🥯
PestoBetch💋 Part Duex ✌️ Gonna continue this pesto kick and keep the recipes rolling!Pesto eggs-in-a-basket! 🪺 1️⃣ Using...
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Made the TikTok viral Creamy Feta Pasta Bake with sweet cherry tomatoes Keto-friendly with Spaghetti Squash 💋 Topped it ...
Finally tried immi low-carb high-protein ramen and lemme tell you…🤯 This was absolutely INCREDIBLE!  XOXO 💋
I fry a perfectly oozy egg without butter or oil in less than 2m with this little guy. 🍳 (And make pancakes…and hot pock...
Brunch! ☀️ Runny fried-egg 🍳& avo 🥑 tostada on a zero-carb air-fried tortilla with a dollop of sour cream and drizzle of...
Chocolate and PB homemade “ice cream”!🍫🥜🍦 Just mixed in a little warmed up Peanut Butter into a low-carb Vanilla yogurt ...



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