Traditional Hapkiyusul

Traditional ​Hapkiyusul is a martial arts dojang tracing its lineage to Daitoryu Aikijujutsu.

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 09/03/2024

We walk along different paths in life. For instance, a carpenter walks a particular path while a chef walks another one and a doctor yet another one. This is my 2nd wooden sign project this year, and I realize with certainty that the path of a wooden sign maker is not for me! 🙂 I'll stick to the path of martial artist.

At the same time, what I call ‘the last sign I’ll ever make,’ was made with a lot of thought and consideration. From top to bottom, it holds the images of Kim Yunsang Dojunim, Choi Yongsul Dojunim, and the true power holder of the dojang, my wife, Lucille, respectively. It also encompasses the beginning, middle and end of Hapkiyusul’s most representative kal-neoki technique.

Through this, I hope to convey and emphasize the deep spirit and skills passed down from master to disciple, and that this is not a practice simply about competing and winning against others, but a practice about survival and self-actualization.


Congratulations to everyone who tested, passed, and received the first dan (degree) certification this last Friday!

It was also wonderful and an honor to have Master Jarrod Taylor to visit and train with us! It was a great opportunity for all of us to learn and develop in our practice.


Happy 4th of July!

We are open with regular class schedule today :)


What is Hapki (Aiki)?

The topic of today’s blog is hapki (aiki), which is very difficult to explain and have people understand through writing. It is something that can only be understood through experience.

So, instead of writing about theory, I want to share my experiences as I felt them through my master, Kim Yunsang Dojunim.

The first time I experienced hapki from my master was about two and a half years into training Hapkiyusul. Until that point, I had no chance to receive techniques from Kim Yunsang Dojunim. I only watched in awe and could only guess at the experience.

One day, Kim Yunsang Dojunim came over and told me to bend my elbow and hold my arm to my chest; to resist as best as I could. He would be doing the kal-neoki technique on me. Remember, I was in my 30’s and had trained seriously for 20 years in martial arts. He was a smaller, 80 year old man. I had my doubts. Could he actually unfold my arm and do the technique (which I was ready for because he told me!)? My suspicion led me to fold my arm, fist to my chest and resist with all my might to see if what I saw was real.

He came over quietly, placed one hand on my elbow, the other on the back of my fist, and at that moment I felt waves of energy enter my body. And in the next moment, an odd sound came out of my mouth as my arm began to be unfolded; the rest of my body uselessly limp. Dojunim did not move very quickly nor did I feel any pain. But there he was unfolding my arm and doing the kal-neoki technique. It felt as if my entire mind and body were under a spell, 100 percent controlled by Dojunim.

“Whoa!” Is this hapki?

This is only one example. Dojunim showed us hapki in many different forms, from the most basic of techniques to very advanced ones. It didn’t matter if I made contact first or he did. But at the moment of contact, I lost control of my body. Sometimes, I was thrown into the air, other times, it felt as if I were being dragged into the earth, my body crumpling like a piece of paper. There were times I laughed uncontrollably and times where tears would fall down my face. The most fascinating instances were when my body would stiffen, immovable as if I were hypnotized, unable to lift a finger or even breathe. Yet, oddly, I would feel absolutely peaceful, even in the most uncomfortable of positions.

When I was a young kid, I enjoyed watching Chinese martial arts movies. In those movies, there were scenes when a guy would quickly press a few pressure points on the other guy and the other guy wouldn’t be able to move. After experiencing Kim Yunsang Dojunim’s hapki, I realized that those scenes weren’t solely the made-up imaginings of the director–that these scenes were inspired by the real stories and skills of actual martial artists of the past.

To take it even further, I want to elaborate the idea of “contact.” It’s easier to envision neutralizing an opponent when the contact involves someone grabbing Dojunim’s arm or torso. However, Dojunim could throw a person even when that contact point was his hair or even ear. This even extended beyond his physical body to the sword. If the tip of Dojunim’s sword and the tip of an opponent’s sword struck, at that moment, the opponent would not be able to move let alone move his sword, and Dojunim would be able to strike if he wanted.

This might sound fascinating and even fantastical. But if you think about this carefully, Hapkiyusul can actually be a terrifying martial art. Imagine if, long ago, someone were to meet this kind of master in battle. Without a single chance to fight back or even resist, the person would have no choice but to face and accept death right then and there.

On June 23, 2021, Kim Yunsang Dojunim passed away leaving his disciples a lifelong two syllable assignment: hapki. Both Choi Yongsul Dojunim and Kim Yunsang Dojunim showed everyone the infinite potential that resides within all of us. Because I’ve experienced Kim Yunsang Dojunim’s hapki, I have absolute conviction that everyone has the potential to do hapki. At the same time, I don’t believe everyone can reach that same level of hapki as shown by the two Dojunims because, in order to do so, you need to practice the correct teaching, have the correct mindset, and more than anything else be absolutely, almost scarily, persistent in training and never give up.

I am able to do hapki at my own level, which is very good and much better than others, but at this moment, it is nowhere near my master’s level.

What does make me unique, though, is that I know that one day I will reach the same level as Kim Yunsang Dojunim. Every single day, without fail, I keep my promise to my master by training and preserving the original form and depth of this martial art called Hapkiyusul.

photo credit: Kookje Shinmun


Does ‘hapki (aiki)’ still exist in Japan?

TRANSPARENT POWER by Tatsuo Kimura is a book I recommend my students to read. This book contains the reasons why Hapkiyusul is such a unique and valuable martial art.

When I first encountered the book, I was honestly very surprised that there was someone in Japan who could do ‘hapki’. I believed that after Takeda Sokaku passed away and Choi Yongsul moved to Korea, that the line of hapki had ended. However, it seems that Yukiyoshi Sagawa was able to reach the highest level through immense effort. He is an astonishing martial artist.
I don’t believe he did hapki simply because it says so in the book. It is through my experience of hapki through my master Kim Yunsang, that I could recognize the details that could not be expressed if one truly did not understand hapki. This martial art contains many secrets.

The only qualm I have about the book is that Yukiyoshi Sagawa was written as if he were the sole successor; Choi Yongsul is not mentioned in the book. I do understand the political distrust between Korea and Japan. However, truth should supersede politics, especially if one has reached such a lofty state.

The hapki of my master Kim Yunsang, who was the disciple of Choi Yongsul, matches or may even be better than the hapki described of Yukiyoshi Sagawa. The proven skill of Kim Yunsang makes it clearly evident the lineage of Takeda Sokaku and Choi Yongsul.

photo credit: Shukan Bunshun


In Aikido, the concepts of tai sabaki (body management/movement) and atemi (strikes), and in modern Hapkido, atemi and pain causing techniques are used to make an opponent lose balance.
In Hapkiyusul (Aikijujutsu), hapki or aiki is used to neutralize one’s opponent.

Hapki is difficult to recognize from the outside. It is through physical contact that you begin to understand hapki.

- definition from "Transparent Power" by Tatsuo Kimura


Hapkiyusul (aikijujutsu) techniques are unique, in that, through practice, they can be used on ANYONE despite their size or strength. Because it ISN'T about muscle power. Learn more at

Here is a demonstration clip from the 2022 APCC Lunar New Year Event.


Learn Hapkiyusul today! For more information, visit


Kim Yunsang Dojunim used to share anecdotes about Choi Yongsul Dojunim. He used to say that Choi Yongsul Dojunim's skills felt otherworldly and not human. To me, Kim Yunsang Dojunim was no human either.


Traditional Hapkiyusul is not a commercial dojang. The mission of the dojang is for practitioners to develop and realize great value from deep within through persistent martial arts practice and to pass this on to future generations.

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 02/20/2024

After two and a half months of trials and tribulations, we finally finished the HAPKIYUSUL sign for the dojang! Here are some photos of the process including the first version where we used the wrong paint and had to start over (plus our kids said it looked like a chocolate bar🤦).

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 01/28/2024

Thank you to all family and friends who support our students in their training!

We held our annual demonstration event in appreciation yesterday where we shared a little bit of what we are practicing and ate delicious food together!


We are happy to announce that Master Jarrod Taylor, Chongjae of Hapkiyusul Global, will return this July to host a seminar at our dojang.

Master Taylor is a senior master, having trained under Kim Yunsang Dojunim for more than 20 years and one of two who received the highest dan from Dojunim.

When he visited last year, I felt Kim Yunsang Dojunim’s (who was also my master) legacy of ‘hapki (aiki)’ through his techniques. After his visit, I felt more motivated and more than a little provoked to train even harder, adding a morning training routine to my schedule.

From now until we welcome Master Taylor, we will train even more diligently to experience a more fruitful seminar.

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 01/03/2024


As we move into the new year, Traditional Hapkiyusul in Tacoma also has a new logo.
The diamond shape plays homage to the Aizu (Takeda) Clan, whose lineage our martial art follows. The green rectangles represent the tatami style mats we train on today.


These are two of our students in the youth class. The student on the left just tested and received his blue belt. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Our belts (white, yellow, blue, and red) are not easily earned. It takes more than a year to be ready for the blue belt test. Youth classes are not easier than the adult classes or “recreational” in nature. All students at the dojang, no matter how young or old, train diligently in MARTIAL ARTS, and it is very meaningful when a student can move to the next rank.

Because of this, these two may look young, but their skill and strength are significantly higher than meets the eye.

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 12/17/2023

When my master, Kim Yunsang Dojunim, was about 70, a martial artist who was an 8th degree Aikido master, held a 5th degree in Daitoryu Aikijujutsu and an assistant director in the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Headquarters, came to visit from Japan. In a match of skills, the Japanese master was not able to resist or counter any of my master’s techniques nor did his techniques have any effect on my master. The master from Japan went back and wrote about his experience in a popular Aikido magazine (posted here).

There is a tendency to think that in order to truly learn hapki (aiki) based martial arts, such as Hapkiyusul (Daitoryu Aikijujutsu), Aikido or Hapkido, one must learn from a Japanese master. And that the form that spread to/through Korea is not legitimate or without substance.

However, looking at the form, training, and lineage is important. The Hapkiyusul (Aikijujutsu) that passed down to Choi Yongsul Dojunim from Takeda Sokaku, to Kim Yunsang Dojunim from Choi Yongsul Dojunim is unfathomably deep.


We have classes Monday through Saturday. For class schedule and fee information, click here:


What is so special about Hapkiyusul (Aikijujutsu)?

It is true that, no matter the activity, you will become better at it the more you learn and practice. However, there are very few physical activities in which you continue to get better as you get older. Peak performance usually occurs at a younger age.

Hapkiyusul is one of those rare activities, where practice deepens regardless of age. Both Choi Yongsul and Kim Yunsang Dojunims proved this, as they were known to continue practicing with their young disciples and easily throw the strongest of them even in their advanced years.


This week, we are only closed on November 23rd for Thanksgiving. Regular schedule for all other days!


One day, during training, Kim Yunsang Dojunim stated, “We don’t have to train this hard if our purpose is to harm others.” It’s easy to harm, anyone can do it.

He continued, “The purpose of Hapkiyusul (Aikijujutsu) is to save my life AND the life of the person attacking me. However, this is very difficult and why we sweat and train everyday - to reach this lofty state of martial arts.”

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 11/06/2023

My mentor, Kim Yunsang Dojunim, stated that in training, being steady and consistent is most important and that we continue to train until our last breath.

These photos are of a student who started training at the age of 88, and after 3 years tested for his 1st degree certification in front of Dojunim. I was his partner for the test.

Upholding the spirit of steady and consistent, Traditional Hapkiyusul is open on most holidays, including this Veterans Day (both Friday and Saturday).


This month marks my 10 year anniversary practicing Hapkiyusul (Aikijujutsu). This time seems both long and short. For the last 10 years, I trained 6 days a week without fail. There is a
profound difference in my body.

Before then, I trained in modern Hapkido along with a couple other practices for more than 20
years. And I can confidently say that it is the what and how you practice that makes all the
difference. No matter how long you practice, if the correct practice is not done, then, hapki (or
aiki) cannot be achieved.

Hapkiyusul is a practice to achieve the highest level in martial arts, hapki that exactly follows the
training and lineage of Takeda Sokaku. It is through this exact methodology that hapki can be
achieved, proven through Takeda Sokaku and his lineage of successors, including my master,
Kim Yunsang Dojunim.

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 09/04/2023

We were honored to welcome Chongjaenim Jarrod Taylor for 2 weeks in August. He is a senior master who trained under Kim Yun Sang Dojunim for more than 20 years and one of two who received the highest dan from Dojunim.

During his visit, students had a unique opportunity to train with a highly skilled master.

Furthermore, 3 Traditional Hapkiyusul members in addition to 1 practitioner from New Jersey tested and received their first degree certification! Another practitioner from Germany tested and received his 3rd degree certification! Congratulations!

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 01/22/2023

In celebration of Lunar New Year, we held a great class followed by a little demonstration for families and friends. Great job today, everyone. Let's keep working hard.


We are open today.

Happy 4th!


We are open and will have classes tomorrow for Presidents' Day :)

Photos from Traditional Hapkiyusul's post 02/20/2022

Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to support!


If you've ever been curious why we call ourselves a "traditional martial arts" dojang, please read Master Han's 2nd blog topic "Traditional Hapkido vs. Modern Hapkido." It has just been posted at


Traditional vs. Modern Traditional Hapkido vs. Modern hapkidoJanuary 17, 2022한국어(English Translation)[Hapkido Yongsulkwan Traditional Martial Arts] is what is written on our dojang sign. That’s right, I teach traditional hapkido. And the reason I emphasize traditional is because apart from the Yongsulkwan line...


We are open today :)


We are open throughout December on our regular schedule (open 12/24, 12/25, and 12/31).

We are closed January 1st.

Happy Holidays!!

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Videos (show all)

Hapkiyusul (aikijujutsu) techniques are unique, in that, through practice, they can be used on ANYONE despite their size...


1214 S 56th Street
Tacoma, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 5pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday 5pm - 8pm
Wednesday 5pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 5pm - 8pm
Friday 5pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 9:30am - 12pm

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