All Family Law Group, P.A. Tampa Divorce & Family Attorneys

All Family Law Group, P.A.  Tampa Divorce & Family Attorneys

Top rated Tampa Divorce, Family, Paternity, Child Custody, Child Support, Stepparent and Relative Adoption Attorneys trusted since 1997. Se habla Espanol.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and discuss options. Our objective is to provide professional and informed representation in the most expeditious and economical manner possible in consideration of each client's circumstances. Amicable settlement is the ultimate goal, if it is possible, to avoid the financial and emotional cost of litigation. We are experienced and responsive


Co-Parenting with a Narcissist | (813) 672-1900

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: A Delicate Balance

Co-parenting with a narcissist presents unique challenges. Their manipulative tendencies and lack of empathy can make cooperation feel impossible. But don't lose hope.

Here's what the data shows:

· 6% of the U.S. population displays narcissistic personality disorder traits. (National Institutes of Health)

· 75% of children raised by narcissistic parents report emotional distress. (Psychology Today)

· High-conflict divorces involving narcissism are 2.5 times more likely to result in custody battles. (Journal of Child Custody)

Strategies for Successful Co-Parenting:

· Set clear boundaries and stick to them.

· Limit direct communication; use email or a co-parenting app.

· Keep a detailed record of all interactions.

· Focus on your child's well-being, not winning arguments.

· Seek therapy or support groups to manage emotional stress.

· Consult with a family law attorney for legal guidance and protection.

Remember, co-parenting with a narcissist is a marathon, not a sprint. Prioritize your child's emotional health, protect yourself from manipulation, and never underestimate the power of professional support.

We understand the complexities of co-parenting with a narcissist. Let us help you navigate this challenging situation and advocate for your child's best interests.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Under What Circumstances Can Alimony Be Modified in Florida?


Gray Divorce Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Gray Divorce: A Growing Trend in Uncoupling

Contrary to popular belief, divorce rates aren't just rising among younger couples. In fact, "gray divorce"—divorce among couples over 50—has doubled since 1990. Here's the breakdown:

· The divorce rate for those over 50 has doubled since 1990. (National Center for Family & Marriage Research)

· 25% of all divorces in the U.S. are gray divorces. (Pew Research Center)

· Women initiate 66% of gray divorces. (Bowling Green State University)

· The median length of marriage for a gray divorce is 24 years. (U.S. Census Bureau)

Reasons for Gray Divorce:

· Empty nest syndrome

· Financial independence of women

· Increased life expectancy

· Changing societal norms regarding marriage

Unique Challenges:

· Division of retirement assets

· Impact on Social Security benefits

· Emotional toll after a long-term marriage

If you're considering a gray divorce, it's crucial to seek legal counsel from an experienced family law attorney. We understand the unique challenges of gray divorce and can help you navigate this transition smoothly.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at

ThreeBestRatedⓇ Award Winner Lynette Silon-Laguna, Family Law Group, P.A. Celebrate Continued Growth And Success In 2023 09/09/2024

ThreeBestRatedⓇ Award Winner Lynette Silon-Laguna, Family Law Group, P.A. Celebrate Continued Growth And Success In 2023 Lynette Silon-Laguna, Esq., a leading family law attorney and her team of attorneys and legal staff at All Family Law Group, P.A. is recently felicitated with the 2024 ThreeBestRatedⓇ Award Of Excellence for providing exceptional family law services to the Tampa Bay community. She is proud to anno...


Pet Custody Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Pet Custody Battles: More Common Than You Think

Divorce is tough on everyone, including furry family members. In fact:

· 68% of U.S. households own pets. (American Veterinary Medical Association)

· 1 in 4 divorce cases now involve pet custody disputes. (American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers)

Unlike child custody, pets are often considered property in the eyes of the law. However, the emotional bonds we share with our pets are undeniable. This leads to heated battles over who gets to keep the beloved Fido or Whiskers.

Factors courts consider in pet custody cases include:

· Who adopted or purchased the pet?

· Who primarily cared for the pet (feeding, walking, vet visits)?

· Who is best equipped to provide for the pet's ongoing needs?

· The pet's well-being and happiness in each home.

The good news is that more courts are recognizing pets as more than just property. Some states now allow for shared custody arrangements and even pet support.

If you're facing a pet custody dispute, it's crucial to have an experienced family law attorney by your side. We understand the emotional significance of your pet and will fight for a fair resolution that considers your furry friend's best interests.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


What Factors Should Be Considered in Florida Child Custody Decisions?


Divorce in the Digital Age | (813) 672-1900

Divorce in the Digital Age: Social Media's Unseen Influence

In today's hyper-connected world, social media plays an increasingly significant role in divorce. Here's what the data reveals:

· 70% of divorce lawyers report using social media evidence in court. (American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers)

· 66% of spouses admit to snooping on their partner's social media during divorce. (Divorce Magazine)

· 25% of divorces are directly influenced by social media activity. (Law Technology Today)

· Facebook posts are the most common type of social media evidence used in divorce cases. (American Bar Association)

How Social Media Impacts Divorce:

· Evidence: Posts, photos, and messages can be used as evidence of infidelity, hidden assets, or parental unfitness.

· Communication: Online interactions can escalate conflict and damage co-parenting relationships.

· Reputation: Negative comments or revealing photos can harm one's image and impact custody decisions.

· Mental Health: Constant exposure to an ex's online activity can hinder emotional healing.

Protect Yourself:

· Be mindful of what you post online.

· Adjust your privacy settings.

· Avoid discussing your divorce or ex on social media.

· Consult with a family law attorney for guidance.

We understand the complexities of divorce in the digital age. Contact us today for expert legal advice and representation.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Happy Labor Day!!

All Family Law Group Updated Post - September 2024 09/01/2024

All Family Law Group Updated Post - September 2024 Happy Labor Day🌟 View as Webpage Call Now for a FREE Consultation - 813-672-1900   Hello Lynette, September 2024 If you are in need of family, divorce or criminal law representation, contact us. We h


Home Schooling Legal Challenges in Custody Cases | (813) 672-1900

In custody cases, homeschooling can become a battleground. Courts prioritize the child's best interests, considering:

· Academic progress

· Curriculum quality

· Socialization opportunities

· Parental agreement

Disagreements over homeschooling can escalate custody disputes, with one parent questioning the child's education or social development.

If you're homeschooling and facing a custody battle, seek legal help to:

· Prove the effectiveness of your homeschooling

· Defend your right to choose your child's education

· Negotiate custody arrangements that support homeschooling

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


What is an Aggressive Florida Divorce Attorney?


Child Custody and International Travel | (813) 672-1900

Planning a trip abroad with your child after a divorce or separation? Don't get caught off guard by legal hurdles.

Key Considerations:

· Custody Agreement: Review your custody order carefully. It may have specific rules about international travel.

· Consent: If you share custody, you might need written consent from the other parent.

· Passport: Ensure your child's passport is valid and you have all necessary documents.

· Destination Laws: Research the custody laws of the country you're visiting. They might differ from your home state.

When in Doubt, Seek Legal Advice:

Consulting a family law attorney is crucial. They can:

· Interpret your custody order

· Help obtain necessary consent or court orders

· Advise on potential legal issues abroad

Don't let legal complications ruin your family vacation. Plan ahead and protect your rights.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at

Celebrating Excellence: Lynette Silon-Laguna Win the 2024 ThreeBestRated Award! 08/26/2024

Celebrating Excellence: Lynette Silon-Laguna Win the 2024 ThreeBestRated Award! Join us in celebrating Lynette Silon-Laguna, Esq. and the dedicated team at All Family Law Group, P.A. as they proudly receive the 2024 ThreeBestRatedⓇ Award...


Family Law and Disability Rights | (813) 672-1900

Disability & Family Law: Your Rights Matter

Disability doesn't disqualify you from having a family or enjoying your parental rights.

Here's what to know:

· Custody: Courts consider the child's best interests, not the parent's disability. Having a disability doesn't automatically mean you can't be a good parent.

· Support: If you have a disability that affects your earning capacity, child or spousal support calculations may be adjusted accordingly.

· Discrimination: It's illegal to discriminate based on disability in family law matters.

Need help?

If you're facing discrimination or challenges due to a disability in your family law case, an attorney specializing in disability rights can advocate for you.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


What Are the Steps in a Florida Stepparent Adoption?


Protecting Your Business During a Divorce | (813) 672-1900

Divorce can be financially devastating, especially if you own a business. Safeguard your hard work with these tips:

1. Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreements: These contracts outline ownership and division of assets in case of divorce.

2. Separate Business & Personal Finances: Maintain distinct bank accounts, credit cards, and records to avoid commingling.

3. Accurate Valuation: Have your business professionally appraised to determine its fair market value.

4. Consider a Buy-Sell Agreement: This contract outlines how a business partner can buy out the other in case of divorce.

5. Consult a Lawyer: An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complexities of business division during divorce and protect your interests.

Don't let divorce jeopardize your business. Be proactive and plan ahead to secure your financial future.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Substance Abuse and Child Custody | (813) 672-1900

Substance Abuse & Child Custody: A Parent's Nightmare

Substance abuse can jeopardize your child custody rights. Courts prioritize the child's well-being, and substance abuse raises serious red flags.

Factors Courts Consider:

· Severity: Is the abuse occasional or chronic?

· Substance Type: Alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription misuse?

· Parenting Impact: Does substance abuse impair your judgment and ability to care for your child?

· Recovery Efforts: Are you actively seeking treatment?

Possible Outcomes:

· Sole custody to the other parent

· Supervised visitation only

· Loss of custody rights

If you're struggling with substance abuse, prioritize your child's safety. Seek help and demonstrate your commitment to recovery to improve your chances in court.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


What Should I Do If My Spouse is Hiding Assets in Florida?


Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Cohabitation Agreements: Protecting Your Future Together

Living together without marriage? It's becoming the new norm. But unlike marriage, there are no automatic legal protections for unmarried couples.

That's where cohabitation agreements come in.

What are they?

A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that outlines how you and your partner will handle finances, property, and other important matters during your relationship and in case of a split.

Why are they important?

· Protect Your Assets: Clearly define who owns what and how shared assets will be divided if you separate.

· Financial Clarity: Outline how you'll share expenses, debts, and financial responsibilities.

· Avoid Disputes: Having a written agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and costly legal battles down the road.

Cohabitation agreements provide peace of mind and security for your future together. Talk to a family law attorney to learn more and create an agreement that works for you.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Contempt of Court Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Contempt of Court: Don't Ignore Court Orders

Ignoring a court order can have serious consequences. It's a legal term meaning you've disobeyed or disrespected a court's authority.

Why It Matters:

Court orders are legally binding. They ensure everyone follows the rules and respects the judicial process. Violating an order can undermine the entire system.


· Fines: You could be ordered to pay money to the court.

· Jail Time: In some cases, you could be jailed for contempt.

· Other Sanctions: The court might impose other penalties, like community service or loss of privileges.

Types of Contempt:

· Civil Contempt: Usually involves disobeying an order to do something (e.g., pay child support). The penalty is meant to encourage compliance.

· Criminal Contempt: Involves disrespectful behavior towards the court (e.g., disrupting a hearing). The penalty is punitive.

If You're Facing Contempt:

Get legal help immediately. An attorney can explain your options and help you resolve the situation.

Remember: Obeying court orders is essential to protect your rights and avoid further legal trouble.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


How to Enforce a Child Custody or Support Order in Florida


Property Division Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Divorce & Property: Who Gets What?

Splitting up assets and debts in a divorce can be messy. Pennsylvania follows "equitable distribution," meaning a fair split—but not always equal.

Here's what to expect:

· Marital Property: Anything acquired during the marriage is typically subject to division.

· Separate Property: Assets owned before the marriage or received as gifts or inheritance are usually separate.

· Factors Considered: The court looks at income, contributions to the marriage, earning potential, and more to decide what's fair.

Don't leave property division to chance. A knowledgeable divorce attorney can protect your interests and ensure a fair outcome.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at

All Family Law Group Updated Post - August 2024 08/01/2024

All Family Law Group Updated Post - August 2024 View as Webpage Call Now for a FREE Consultation - 813-672-1900   Hello Lynette, August 2024 If you are in need of family, divorce or criminal law representation, contact us. We have helped thousands


Do Fathers Have the Same Rights as Mothers in Florida Custody Cases?


Parental Alienation Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Parental Alienation: Fighting for Your Child's Heart

Is your ex turning your child against you? It's a painful situation, but you're not powerless.

Parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse, and it's not okay.

If your child is being manipulated into rejecting you, take action:

Document Everything: Keep records of anything that suggests alienation (conversations, behaviors, etc.).
2. Seek Legal Help: An attorney can guide you through your options, which may include modifying custody orders or seeking court-ordered therapy.

Remember, your child needs BOTH parents. Don't let alienation destroy your family.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Common Law Marriage Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Common-Law Marriage: "Married" Without Saying "I Do"?

Living together? Calling each other "husband" or "wife"? In some states, you might be in a common-law marriage without even realizing it.

Common-law marriage is a legal status acquired by couples who live together and present themselves as married, even without a ceremony or license.

But it's tricky!

· Only a few states recognize it.

· Requirements vary, but usually involve cohabitation, intent to be married, and publicly presenting yourselves as a couple.

· It carries the same legal rights and responsibilities as a traditional marriage.

If you think you might be in a common-law marriage or are considering it, it's crucial to understand the legal implications. An attorney can help you navigate the complexities and protect your rights.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


What are the Steps in a Florida Paternity Action?


Domestic Violence Attorney | (813) 672-1900

Domestic Violence & Child Custody: Safety First

Experiencing domestic violence? Your child's safety is paramount.

Pennsylvania courts prioritize the child's well-being, and a history of abuse is a significant factor in custody decisions.

Don't suffer in silence. Seek legal help immediately.

A protective order can help ensure your safety and that of your child. In custody cases, the court may limit or even deny the abuser's access to the child.

Remember, you're not alone.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at


Child Custody Lawyer | (813) 672-1900

Child Custody: Protecting Your Child's Best Interests

Navigating child custody can be overwhelming, but understanding the basics is key:

· Types of Custody:

o Legal: Who makes major decisions (education, healthcare, etc.).

o Physical: Where the child lives and spends time.

· The "Best Interests" Standard: Courts prioritize the child's well-being above all else.

· Factors Considered: The child's age, relationship with each parent, stability of each home, and the child's preferences (if old enough).

· Custody Agreements: Can be created by parents or ordered by the court.

Remember, child custody is about more than just "winning." It's about creating a stable, loving environment for your child to thrive.

Need help navigating this complex process? Contact [Your Law Firm Name] today. We'll fight for your child's best interests.

For More Information and a FREE Consultation please call (813) 672-1900 or visit us online at

Tampa Bay Divorce Family Law Firm

Since 1997, the experienced and top notch attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A. have focused on legal matters affecting families and we have provided our clients with effective solutions related to the following practice areas:

• Divorce and Family Law

• Stepparent/Relative Adoption

• Name change

Videos (show all)

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist | (813) 672-1900 Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: A Delicate Balanc...
Gray Divorce Lawyer | (813) 672-1900 Gray Divorce: A Growing Trend in UncouplingContrary to popula...
Pet Custody Lawyer | (813) 672-1900 Pet Custody Battles: More Common Than You ThinkDivorce is tou...
Divorce in the Digital Age | (813) 672-1900 Divorce in the Digital Age: Social Media's Unseen Inf...
Home Schooling Legal Challenges in Custody Cases | (813) 672-1900 In custody cases, homeschooling ...
Child Custody and International Travel | (813) 672-1900 Planning a trip abroad with your child aft...
Family Law and Disability Rights | (813) 672-1900 Disability & Family Law: Your Rights MatterDisab...
Protecting Your Business During a Divorce | (813) 672-1900 Divorce can be financially devastating...
Substance Abuse and Child Custody | (813) 672-1900 Substance Abuse & Child Custody: A Parent's Nig...
Cohabitation Agreement Lawyer | (813) 672-1900 Cohabitation Agreements: Protecting Your Future T...
Contempt of Court Lawyer | (813) 672-1900 Contempt of Court: Don't Ignore Court OrdersIgnoring a ...


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