SVANY Svavars

Ég mun verða með á þessari síðu : - fræðslu / innlegg og svör við spurningum varðandi einhverfu.


With The In-Sync Village – I just got recognized as one of their top fans! 🎉


“Það sem allir kennarar vita er að besta leiðin til árangurs í skólastarfi er að gefa sér tíma til að þekkja og skilja hvern nemanda vel,höfða til styrkleika og áhuga hvers og eins, skilja mismunandi þarfir vegna skynjunar, þörf fyrir einstaklingsmiðað skipulag, og að lokum aðgengi að spennandi námsefni sem höfðar til ólíkra námsleiða hvers og eins.
Það sem yfirvöld skilja ekki er að ef kennarinn hefur fleiri en 18-20 nemendur í hverjum bekk er þetta í raun alls ekki mögulegt. “


Flourishing Homes & Families. ❤

Photos from The Autistic Teacher's post 09/03/2024



"The main reason we are finding more autism is simple: Clinicians are getting better at spotting what was always there." There is no autism epidemic. Anyone who claims otherwise is selling something, is a conspiracy theorist—or both. -SR

[image: Square graphic with a pale pink-grey background.

In the center is a red kidney-ish shape dotted with black and white four-pointed stars, and a black megaphone at the bottom.

In the center of the red shape is a white speech bubble, with text reading,

"The main reason we are finding more autism is simple: Clinicians are getting better at spotting what was always there."


Small black text under the speech bubble reads, ""]


The Everymom ❤️


“Einhverfir eru ekki vandamál - heldur er það samfélagið, sem veit ekki hvernig eða hvað á að gera til að efla þátttöku þeirra.”


Mikilvæg skilaboð - ❤️


"Most autism research focuses on children, leaving big gaps in understanding Autistic adults. We need to know more about their lives, how they experience quality of life, independence, daily activities, and feelings of loneliness, mood, and mental health. By better understanding the needs and lived experience of Autistic adults, we can focus research and policy actions on the areas that are most important to this population." A recent report from Autism Alliance of Canada.

[image: Graphic with a white background. The top and center are filled with a red word balloon graphic.

Inside the word balloon is all-caps white text reading, "Most autism research targets children so we don’t know enough about the needs of Autistic adults.
We have to refocus autism research priorities on adults’ lived experiences to expand autism resources and policy in areas that include and benefit autistic adults."

Small black text at the bottom of the page reads, "" and ""]


✨ In the CPS model, the problem solving is collaborative and proactive. ✨


Love this clip 💕😍


“Aðstæður og umhverfi sem börn læra mest í
er þar sem þau upplifa öryggi,gleði og samþykki.”


“Það þarf einstakan sérkennara sem skynjar og skilur þarfir nemandans án þess að hann hafi sagt eitt einasta orð.”


Skemmtilegt 🥰


So true! 🙌


With Revelations in Education I Dr. Lori Desautels – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉


With Neurodivergent Rebel – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉


Lesum og lærum hvernig á að bregðast við nýjum rannsóknum og þekkingu - bjartari framtíð fyrir börnin okkar ❤️takk Mona Delahooke ❤️

Thinking and research evolves over decades, as clinical/systems & practices wait for more evidence to come in. I grew weary of witnessing children in schools & agencies treated with methods backed by old research/thinking, and that's why I wrote Beyond Behaviors. We can't shift a paradigm until we define what it is, many people don't know that there's a new way to view children, a way that's not taught in traditional university settings. The "old paradigm" rests on research conducted decades ago, with a certain focus. (Simple cause/effect). Newer models that consider the complexity of human development, attempt to hold that complexity. Sharing this often felt like swimming upstream, but the relational joy we discovered behind the labels was the proof I needed to talk about the need for a shift across systems of education, mental health, and medicine.

Neurodivergent nervous systems and sensitivity profiles 08/06/2024

Neurodivergent nervous systems and sensitivity profiles Our individually unique nervous systems and sensitivities develop and evolve over the course of our lives. 85% of neurodivergent adults often or always feel overwhelmed and misunderstood, and over …

The Science of Belonging and Connection 08/03/2024

Að tilheyra skiptir máli fyrir okkur öll - og hefur áhrif á andlega heilsu okkar allra - þetta er frábær grein ❤️

The Science of Belonging and Connection Feeling like you belong in school is critical to academic success—and there are research-backed strategies that educators can deploy, says Stanford psychologist Geoffrey Cohen.


An updated image of how stress behaviors impact behavior, learning and emotional and social health and wellbeing!


How should we support babies who are likely to be autistic, before they get a formal diagnosis? Well, when autistic researchers asked autistic parents, it turns out those parents want early-in-life approaches to help them understand and support their children, NOT suppress kids’ autistic behaviours.

Article here: -SR

[image: Photo of a smiling white baby reaching towards the camera.

Overlaid text reads,

"How should we support babies who are likely to be autistic? Well, when autistic researchers asked autistic parents, turns out those parents want early-in-life approaches to help them understand and support their children, NOT suppress kids’ autistic behaviours.



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Svany Svavars.

Svanhildur Svavarsdóttir er talmeinafræðingur, sérkennari og sérfræðingur í boðskiptafræðum barna með einhverfu. Hún er TEACCH advanced certified consultant og starfar í Arizona í Bandaríkjunum þar sem hún sinnir kennslu, ráðgjöf og uppbyggingu kennslu fyrir einhverfa. Svanhildur hefur áratuga reynslu af þessum málaflokki og er hafsjór af fróðleik um einhverfu. Fyrirlesturinn er opin öllum þeim sem hafa áhuga.

Hér að neðan eru linkar á viðtöl og greinar,

Videos (show all)

LAUSNIRNAR eru samtalið og samvinna
Umræður um Verkblindu -   dyspraxia á ensku
Hvernig byrjum við
Úr baráttu í velgengni!  From struggle to success!
Dr. Ross Greene -  gives advice :)
Góðar bækur eftir Sigrúnu Aðalbjarnardottur og Árný Elíasdottur
Hér er Ingibjörg Björnsdóttir doktorsnemi og þýðandi að útskyra hugtökin : Cognitive Empathy (Hugræn samkennd) Affective...
Karólína Gunnarsdóttir þroskaþjálfi,sviðstjóri á búsetusviði Akureyrarbæjar :)
'Aslaug Melax leikskólasérkennari og einhverfu ráðgjafi hja Skólaþjónustu Akureyrarbæjar.




4690 S Lakeshore Drive Tempe AZ
Tempe, AZ
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