Wild Apothic Hair

Curl Specialist
Dry cutting technique

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 08/08/2024

I told myself I would say less on the internet during August (Mercury retrograde 💥📣) , you know let the smoke 🚬 die down.

But then I remembered I was a bad bitch and weave my own density 🪭😎


🪽Listen I know I ruffle a lot of feathers
& the truth is
I’m never going to stop 🐉

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 07/27/2024

Happy Birthday 🎈my beautiful seventeen year old boy ♥️♥️

17 orbits around this galaxy and each one growing you more and more into a man. 😭


The 70’s 🌸 called and want to know how you keep your curls soOo groovy 🌼

Well let’s tell ‘em Angels ☎️

🪩 Healthy hair trims every 3-4 months
🌞 A high quality shampoo and conditioner (that’s your heaviest hitter, make it count). My personal fave 👉🏻 .us
⭐️Cleansing the scalp and hair at least ✌🏼twice a week. Utilizing a double cleanse to ensure all the gunk is gone 🕺🏼
💋Don’t rinse 🚿 out all of your conditioner (this only works with water soluble ingredients), you want the curls to feel silky but not too slippery.

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 07/19/2024

♥️ Treat me like fire 🔥 🔥🔥

Speaking of warmth ; what happens when our bodies carry too much heat? Oh she knows a thing a too about trapped anger ♈️ that poison kills the soul ( and cells).

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine a yang imbalance could be the culprit 🧐. Have we been doing too much? Physically, mentally, emotionally on the go go go 💨💨 . When do we have time to just be? The be-ing, our yin, is where we slooow doown + recharge.

If we don’t create space in our daily lives to process these emotions out of our bodies and systems they get trapped and turn into inflammation (ughhh), agitation (rude), and the worst of all 🥁🥁 a swirl of energetic fish in a barrel ready for the taking by any old body. Yuck ! Who wants to be leeching their precious energy out to greedy gremlins feasting off of fears and anger. Umm I’m sorry I didn’t realize we are living in Bog of Eternal Stench. 🧌

Can you direct me to Earth’s first oasis ⛲️🌿?

IDK about you but I like to feed the beast inside myself and starve the ones out there trying to keep us scared and small. HA no thank yeww 🤠

Sooo whatever shall we do to reduce the heat >> Bitch stop moving, learn to receive for once ✨😎👌🏼.
Allow, flow, feel, process, let that s**t go.

Maybe you don’t need to pound the pavement, perhaps a walk in the grass (sans headphones 🎧 😱) will do.

Whatabout a return to :

How long can we suspend 🤸🏼‍♀️ in the waters (emotions 🖤) before we can release and trust ourselves to swim and not drown 🤍

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 07/14/2024

🧡Believe it : We deserve better.
💛Own it : We create better.

{Christopher Walken voice}
You’re talking to my country all wrong. Do it again and I’ll start a god damn revolution. ❤️‍🔥

Welp now you’ve awaken the sleeping dragon 🐉 and honey I just wanted to slumber *sighs* but alas I guess I’ll get on with my dharma.

To invoke the power within all of you. We have it, they want it, don’t leech it, learn how to cherish and protect it.

Seriously dive into that shadow work faster babe, we need you. ❤️

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 05/31/2024

I know I know get out the pitch forks. We all can’t wait to throw out a label 🏷️, makes us feel comfortable right ? If it fits into a box I can understand it better. But what if that mindset is keeping us small and disconnected?

I’ll tell you something right now curly hair doesn’t discriminate ✌🏼 it chooses only the strongest of souls to circulate it’s beauty through this orbit.

Don’t let sections in the store or charts on the internet box you into a category you are meant to live beyond.

Do you know 🌈 if you have dense coils you can style with a foam, and if you have beachy waves you can style with a cream?! It all comes down to the composition of the product and your individual hair needs / desires.

Fluff around and find out , you might just find a desire to live outside the box ⚰️

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 04/25/2024


I’d like to offer into evidence all of decay we wish to no longer carry::

🤍 The “why don’t you just brush your hair” ringing lines in our minds & pony tail tie massacres.

♠️ The OMGS did you see what she posted !? You should hear what I say, acid spills on her tongue’s neon pathway.

🐇 The ‘Here let me sell you’ ahh a a liquid canary. He doesn’t float but he does sink!

🎩 The old if you stay it gets better trick.

I enter into justification::

♥️ I choose my path, my vision, my self expression.
✴️ I am worthy and so is my frizz.
🌕I don’t apologize for taking up my righteous space.

Turn your saddest story into regrown marrow 🦴

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 04/18/2024

Profound right ? 🌮

It’s that simple. Don’t compare your wild and beautiful curls to some manufactured product. 👽

Don’t be so damn hard on yourself. If that worked it would have worked by now huh ? 🌱

What grace can you give yourself? 🫖

What compassion can you allow to creep in between the judgements? 🧘‍♀️

Do more of that babe.
Be your own best friend. 🫶🏼

We have enough trolls 🧌


I don’t need to tell you that life has some pretty dark days sometimes.

I used to have this mentality that if I showed up everyday to face the world with bright eyes and a wide smile that somehow the pain I had inside would lessen.

I later learned that the only way out was through. That I had to peer into the dark and allow my eyes to adjust over time. That stuffing my suffering behind a upbeat facade was keeping me behind barbed wire and denying those I come in contact with a chance to connect. To feel seen, heard and human.

Although I am a beacon of light and warmth and I chose to show up as such each new day we can not deny this human experience is not an easy one. I think we have such a deep desire to connect with one another because of it.

It started last April when I lost my uncle. Traumatic and heartbreaking. Painful to watch my family ,who knows pain all to well, endure it again like a dog damn visitor that just wont stop knocking. I endured and taught a class two days later at work. And then another class two weeks later. Never stopping to process or check in with myself. I thought I could be a machine and outrun it. Or I tried.

In the months, and I mean every month, that followed for the next year one catastrophe after another. Blow by blow, it felt like this storm would never run dry, that I would never catch my breath again.

I was blindsided, betrayed and discarded like a piece of trash by a group of people I had no energetic business being tied to. Why did I bleed myself dry for people who are drilling hole in the boat and crying SOS. It hurt like hell. More pain I carried but buried. I can’t tell the world, I can’t show them how much pain I have ingested and spat back out as a delectable treat. That’s what I do right ? Alchemize. Turn pain into power. Anger into compassion and hurt into warmth.

The tricky thing about this human body is that it never forgets. It keeps the score, stores it for a later date. When you are quiet it announces that it’s time to tend to the wound. Mine wasn’t a hush tho, boy did it scream. And come December it was done giving warning signs it was a head on tackle, pin and match.

For the last four months…

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 04/02/2024

Just a little shaping 💫💫💫

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 03/29/2024

You have to admit in any galaxy 🌌 curls are the superior culmination 🛸


💎On the rare and very special occasion I cut & color non curly hairs 🩵🤍


🌷Why I cut curly hair dry :
-because it will look like shh🤫it if I cut it wet 🤷🏼‍♀️

🍄Cutting curls dry in their natural state gives us the most accurate and connected shape possible. Curly hair cuts are a visual art form 🖼️ you have to see it 👀 to cut it ( or in most cases not cut, what you leave on the head is just as important as what you take off. And no, not every curl gets cut 🤯)

🪷Every head of curls has multiple curls patterns within it. Each curl is like a snowflake ❄️, unique . They all contain a different footprint. Although the shape will be connected in the end, each section might need a different technique of cutting to get the pieces to fall together.

🌻Once the hair is wet and stretched with a comb the blueprint is erased and we out here cutting blind. No thank yew 🤠

🪺Wet hair lies. 🥀 Rude but true. Cutting curls dry allows us to better predict how much spring back (shrinkage) we are going to experience, so your one inch haircut won’t turn into losing five. 😭

Connection ✔️
Shape ✔️
Foundation ✔️
Cute ✅✅✅

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 03/04/2024

The towering list of all the things we “need to be “ can take a hiiiike.

Showing up on social media is a drag at times but we aren’t supposed to say that 🤐

The algorithm is like the pythagorean theorem at this point in my mind. Dumb, useless and hardly serves the point.

If it isn’t dripping with truth, authenticity and beauty I don’t want to bother with it.

Can we get back to art of it all? Before the pressure of taking on the role of an actor, comedian, director and PR animal set in.

Whatever expectations we put on the leaf 🍃 flowing down the river or the lizard 🦎 sunbathing on the rock ☀️ you can find me in that energy.

can you tell it’s almost Aries ♈️ season ?! 😈😈

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 02/28/2024

Your purpose is greater than the fear that limits you.

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 02/09/2024

To thy own self be true 🩷

Having the opportunity to create a private and sacred space is just one of the many blessings that have emerged from the struggles of 2023. Boy am I ever so thankful 🙌🏼

I’ve always known if you give a body a warm place to rest peace and healing will naturally occur. What I didn’t realize is the light I pour out I would received 100 fold.

Conversations are currency to me and they hold more value than gold lately. I am honored and in awe that I get to interact with so many amazing people of my community every day and call it a career.

I notice, like in nature, there is a thread of commonality that runs through us all. Connecting us and if we tap in empowering us.

This current theme is DEEP healing, we’ll actually deep ass suffering that has lead to immense healing. If you have been feeling like you are walking on rocky ground, sharp and unsteady (since about December) just know you are not alone. The collective has been shoved into the depths so we can extract the rot out (omg thanks Pluto 🙄). You know that feeling you get after you w**d your garden or clean up from dinner or tidy up a cluttered space ? The relief 😮‍💨 and fresh energy that can fully surge through without bumping into the piles of crud in the corner? It’s like that. A clear surface in its readiness to hold new contents. And in my house that lasts about 30 seconds- enter husband and kids - but none the less a renewal. A countertop that held yesterday’s leftovers today holds new and exciting possibilities ( or candy 🍭 wrappers and homework papers). But it’s there, potential.

You are the same way. If you have been through hell baby come close I know the place well . ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I’ve got reserved seating and a cocktail named after me 💅🏼. We can bask in the warmth together and know that if we continue to pour light into ourselves it has no other option than to spill out into the world around us.

Lay your struggles down and let’s see if we don’t share one or more of the same 🫶🏼👇🏻.

Afterall we are humans not machines. We should be honored as such.


How do I put this politely?

F**k oils 😌
F**k these brands trying to separate you from your money only to sell you problems and disappointment 😇

OIL and WATER do NOT mix baby love, kind of like whatever the government tells us what to do imma do the opposite of that 🇺🇸

Curls need water to thrive, just like you and I. They don’t need a product of oils, butters or silicone just like we don’t need an entire pot of coffee on an empty stomach during a gerd flare up 😉

Here’s the screws and nails: you apply oil (yes that includes a product containing oil not just in its raw form) to your curls and the result will look like : frizz without definition, dehydration, lack of body/ structure, spending hours trying to get your hair wet but the second you step out of the shower it’s already dry 🫨. Sound familiar?

Oil repels water meaning it can not pe*****te to offer any real benefit and in turn creates a barrier so the good stuff stays locked out ! Damn if only I had carried around a spray bottle of oil in my 20’s bar escapades… could have saved me some headaches 🥳.

But alas we could argue until the cows 🐮 and chickens 🐓 came home about ingredients and “ molecular light weight” buzz tags (and believe me I do with these brands 😈) but the point is they can’t sell you water, or freedom, or power you already possess that s**t. 🌊🌊

So how do we know what to buy and look for?! Educate yourself on ingredients. Why does the ingredient list read like a bill trying to be passed to Congress?! Is there some mess in here I shouldn’t be entangling myself with ?

I’ll be back with another post that actually helps you break down what to look for 🧁

In the meantime let me know your questions and struggles below 👇🏻

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 01/19/2024

No curl advice today but maybe some soul 💛 regeneration.

I hope you find the warmth between the ice.
I hope peace finds you in moments of overwhelm.
I hope you remember you are safe and lean into self love.


2024 Let them eat cake and choke on it ✌🏼

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 12/29/2023

Twentytwentythree absolutely broke me.

And to honest I wanted it all to crumble. Thank you Pluto 🌑 giving me the chance to allow it all to die so it can be reborn.

An extraordinary painful process that hit me like a tidal wave. But the more we run the taller the droplets accumulate.

I know it’s been a heavy year for a lot of us. One we didn’t see coming, navigating those dark waters that seem to never hit land.

The good news is the ugly process of shedding and purging is lifting through surrender. The knowing that we don’t know it all and every year is a lesson. Some of these years we have the tools and others we spend the entire twelve months searching for the hammer.

The greatest action we could choose is to be gentle with ourselves. Take it hour by hour, shower by shower. Bring our warmth back to ourselves and allow the world to be loud without our vocals. It really does become an echo chamber rather rapidly. Is that the energy we want to see multiplied?

After every dark night the sun does rise but this year was designed to teach us we can find solace in the abyss.Through the confusion there will be clarity.

The only way out is within.
Safe travels 🔥

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 12/05/2023

🕯️Let the light in.

We can be whatever the hell we want to be 😱 and I’ve always hated to be stuffed into an algorithm of prepackaged hashtags and repetitive reels. How many tutorials do we need? How many more bottles could fit into my countertop wasteland of bulls**ttery “Buy Me’s”. I rather just be frizzy 🤯 and raw. { watch out she’s going off grid now}

We are both : the glossy filter and the dingy corner ripped photo. We got layers honey. Although some of us choose to parade only the spotlight moments I’ve always preferred the feeling after the show. 🎪When the lights go down and there’s popcorn on the ground. The air still buzzing and bright but that tinge of sadness that’s it’s over. Give me the entire range of emotions- sometimes in the span of 50 seconds! ( just ask my hubby 😉).

I would still choose it all. Madness and stillness. Who am I to try to control the Devine chaos & order of the cosmos ? - said the Aries ♈️ . Oh the same applies to the hair 🌪️➿

What a cycle of death and rebirth we experience every season. But without the darkness yadayda.. we can’t feel the light. That warmth; that’s reminds us regardless of what is spoken to us on a screen there is vast hope available to us. Twenty One Pilots said “fear will lose”. And I mean I can attest a catchy melody is all I need to magically transmute some hilariously timed memes into my empire of art. Thank you Swifty.

And I know, I know only in the coldest of times have I learned to build my own fire 🔥 ! On occasion, and only because what kind of full bodied woman would I be if I revealed my glow but hid my ink?

So here you go in the bleak of December, ah distinctly, I remember tis’ the fear you choose and nothing more. 💛

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 12/01/2023

iiiii know ! I know !! Not a curly photograph 😱 but I. Just. Can’t. Help. It.

A textured short cut is just vibing for me right now 🫨



Meet me in the ✨afterglow✨


🥮Gingerbread Latte☕️ Yesssss please !! IDK about you but this time of the year makes me want to rename every person I see into a sugary confection 🍭🧁🥧😍. “Come here my little sweet dumpling, oh Hi pumpkin, you look radiant and glowy like a golden glazed bunt cake !”

But oddly something has me aching like a tooth sore.

I’m sure we are all over being sandblasted with Black Friday “deals” ( didn’t anyone catch that these sales weren’t really saving us money) 🧐.

The season of giving can feel like the season of depleting if we are fastening to the pressure of media marketing.

This holiday season has really inspired me to lean more into what would actually make me and my family happy. For myself I like a good paper routine; glossy nails 💅🏼, hair highlighted (omg if you saw my roots right now 🖤🤣- - it’s on my list !), soft skin care, relaxing candles and invigorating essential oils to keep me balanced and healthy during a hectic passage of time. 🥰🥰For a our family a homage to our childhood roots is the headliner. Baking cookies in the kitchen, taking midnight walks in the snow ❄️(don’t worry it’s coming), perusing vintage stores admiring the craftsmanship of collections you could never replicate on Amazon.

My belief this season is not to get swept away in the chaos but rather manifest my own magic ✨💫🌟 of feeling good inside my mind and body.

{ I’ve heard it all from you in my chair ! After months “I’ve waited too long, wow I really needed this!” Don’t forget yourself during this time. Fill your cup first- moms I’ll looking at you ! 🧡 Let the overflow 🥂🍾 fill their vessels after it floods yours.}

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 11/17/2023

❤️‍🔥It’s never too late to start over and heal ❤️‍🩹. My favorite saying lately is “I’ve built it before I can rebuild it again”. 💪🏻

Incoming stitch…(is that how the cool kids say it?) .. hair extensions cause DAMAGE. Every single type causes damage. The constant weighted pressure on a sensitive strand is like asking a ballon to carry a skyscraper 🏙️. Sure Jan.

As a natural stylist I see a lot of misguidance in the industry which leads to client frustration and a never ending cycle of hating your hair and fighting to get it to be something it’s not. If you were equipped with the tools to truly nurture you hair well the beauty industry wouldn’t be a billion dollar 💵 scheme. So you want to constantly fork over money to satisfy an itch or do you want to eliminate the origin of the scratch?

Instant gratification is a massive theme in our world today I get it but all worth wild things take time and care.

You don’t eat the fruit 🍎 the same day you plant the seed 🌳.

I’ll let you in on my trade secret for curly hair success:

I assign a benefiting shampoo & conditioner paired with a styling routine that fits into the lifestyle and that’s it! 😉 No crazy tictack water bowl 🥣 trickery or Deman damage brushing here. Even with the extreme damage in the above photo the only additional step in her routine will be a deep conditioning treatment twice a month. Consistency breeds the best results 💡

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 11/14/2023

🌙THINGS I’VE {known} &(re) LEARNED while foraging my own way…

💛Fully commit to being the villain in someone else’s story if it means to be the hero in your own.

🌕Protect your peace (at all cost) and it will protect you ☮️.

🍋Never hold back your the growth of your wings, let them break the mother fluffing ceiling 😇

🌻The people who won’t understand aren’t destined to go to the next level with you.

🧡Healing the parts you keep hidden away produces the brightest parts you are yet to know.

🌈 It’s not all about sunshine and rainbows sometimes they just need to be told a thing or two 🪄

🔮Karma is : : the clients in my seat, the vibes as a treat, me getting more of me 🖤

Photos from Wild Apothic Hair's post 11/09/2023

🌳 We don’t create nature, we are nature 🌿

🧡Nurture it and it shall nurture you.

The easiest way to have happy healthy hair? A simple at home care routine.

Cleanse, condition, detangle, style x 2-3 times a week and you’re golden baby 😎

Look for nutrient dense products as in leaf/flower extract, aloe, water.

Avoid heavy dehydrators like Shea butter, coconut oil, seed oils/ butters.

Keep it light 💦 keep it shiny ✨


♥️Tis’ the damn season👠



Tired of cancel culture? Bored of the war drums humming the same song since the 60s?!


🪄Here’s the magic to break the spell 🪄

- Be unapologetically YOU. Not what social media mirrors back to you. Not what the mob silenced you into. YOU witch. Get into it

♥️ Transmute fear into knowing and self trust.

🤬Speak. And don’t fu***ng hold back.

💋Never apologize for your perspective. A wide variety is what makes up a beautiful tapestry.

👹 Don’t get caught up in diluting your happy hormone sensors by mindlessly scrolling through false idols propaganda.

🐍 DO sn**ch your entire ass power back and never look back.

🦠 Mind your body, tend to your soul.

🐊DARE to be all you set out to be in this one tiny life.

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Videos (show all)

Since it’s New Year’s Eve it’s only natural to ✨SHINE ✨So let’s talk about it.  Technically curly hair doesn’t have any ...
🕯🖤 ⚰️  Bewitched the shag 🔮
When your hair be G L OW I NG 😎🥂☀️⭐️
When that color melt comes out natural AF 😎
Chasing those Vanilla Carmel Waterfalls





1620 York Road, Suite 20
Timonium, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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