Topsham Trailriders ATV/Snowmobile Club, Topsham, ME Videos

Videos by Topsham Trailriders ATV/Snowmobile Club in Topsham. We've been hitting the trails since 1999 as a state recognized ATV and Snowmobile club with over 16 miles of ATV trails and 30 miles of Snowmobile trails in Topsham, ME. Our club is a proud member of ATV Maine, Maine ATV Coalition and MSA!

Today was another hot one but we didn't let that stop us from doing a little bit trail work earlier this evening! Thank you to 6 individuals who took time out of their day to help us prepare the portion of the trail that we call the "Race Track" for our 25th anniversary night ride scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 20th.

Here is the event link for all of the additional details:

Hope to see many of you there!

Other Topsham Trailriders ATV/Snowmobile Club videos

Today was another hot one but we didn't let that stop us from doing a little bit trail work earlier this evening! Thank you to 6 individuals who took time out of their day to help us prepare the portion of the trail that we call the "Race Track" for our 25th anniversary night ride scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 20th. Here is the event link for all of the additional details: Hope to see many of you there!

Yesterday, Topsham Trailriders participated in the 2024 Moxie Days Parade in Lisbon. Despite the heat we had a great time with the many many spectators that came out to watch the parade. We would like to extend a thank you to Riverside Trailriders Lisbon, ME for their help yesterday! A reminder that we are hosting our 25th Anniversary night ride this coming Saturday, July 20th in Topsham registration begins at 4:30 pm. All are welcome to join us!

TTR's Father's Day Bridge Making Weekend
I know that I said this before but I continue to be amazed by the volunteers who regularly attend our work parties. We had a bridge that needed to be built over a brook crossing and to minimize trail interruption we opted to make this project a weekend build. Our fantastic and very generous volunteers showed up in full force on both days to get this task completed! I can't thank everyone enough for giving up time during your weekend and especially on Father's Day nonetheless to get this done! #volunteersrule #helpingneighbors #blazingtrails #topsham #topshammaine #topshamtrailriders #maine #ATV #snowmobile

25 Years of Topsham Trailriders
Topsham Trailriders is gearing up to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! We will be hosting a night ride on Saturday, July 20th - navigate to the event we've created with all of the additional details! To help celebrate this major milestone we've created a digital store with 25th Anniversary gear available for purchase. Please navigate to the store to order yourselves TTR anniversary gear! This is the direct link to the store: Please note that you may order any item and have it either delivered to your home or arrange a pick up with the business. To ensure your clothing arrives in time please order it no later than Friday, July 5th. Please note that the club will not be picking up any orders so please plan accordingly! Help Topsham Trailriders celebrate 25 years! We would love to see you in July or on the trails wearing your TTR gear!

House in the Woods Benefit Ride
Yesterday, Topsham Trailriders and Oxford Trail Ryders hosted a benefit ride for House In The Woods located in Lee, Maine. House in the Woods is an organization that creates a therapeutic, recreational, and educational retreats for our nation's U.S. armed forces and their families. We would like to thank everyone who joined us yesterday and helped raise funds for this organization. Our day began when we received a personal phone call from Mr. Paul House himself reaching out thanking both clubs for faciliating this ride! Thank you Paul for reaching out but please know it was our absolute honor and privilege to be able to this for the veteran's that House in the Woods supports! With nearly 50 machines in attendance it gives us great honor to announce that we were able to raise $820.00 for House in the Woods! Thank you again to everyone for supporting this event! #mainetrailriders #maineatvcoalition #1 #veterans #veteransupport #freedom #mainesnowmobileassociation #atvmaine #helpingneighbors

House in the Woods TTR Promo
Topsham Trailriders and Oxford Trail Ryders will be fundraising for a great cause and we want you to join us. The ride scheduled on Saturday, June 8th will be raising funds for House in the Woods located in Lee, Maine. Topsham Trailriders and Oxford Trail Ryders will be fundraising for a great cause and we want you to join us when we ride Oxford! The ride is scheduled on Saturday, June 8th and will be raising funds for House in the Woods which is located in Lee, Maine. To help the clubs prepare for this event we ask every participant who will be joining us for the ride pre-register for it by clicking on the link below: On Saturday, June 8th - Check In for the Ride will begin at 2:00 pm and the cost for the event is $10.00 per person. The drivers meeting will be held at 2:45pm and the ride will depart at 3:00 pm. There will be no food along the route so we are asking folks to pack a picnic to enjoy during the ride. All riders who join us during any of our events have their machine properly registered. We also ask our younger riders who join us to be wearing a properly fitted helmet as well as in compliance with all applicable laws. If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting Jenny Little at 207-837-7328.

Topsham Trailriders & Oxford Trail Ryders Trail Work Party 5.18.2024
Shout out to the volunteers who braved today's weather and participated in the Oxford trail work party. The crew got a lot accomplished in prepartions for our House in the Woods event scheduled for June 8th! This is what it is all about clubs helping clubs! #maineatvcoalition #mainetrailriders #veterans #veteransupport #freedom #volunteersrule #mainesnowmobileassociation #atvmaine #helpingneighbors #blazingtrails #topsham #topshammaine #topshamtrailriders #maine #snowmobile #ATV


Topsham Trailriders Trailwork Party
Over the weekend Topsham Trailriders held a HUGE trail work party. During the work party we worked heavily on the access trail leaving the West side park and ride! We are happy to announce that when our trails do open we have been able to restore the access trail connection from the West side park and ride. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the over 25 volunteers who showed up on Saturday! It is because of your hard work we were able to get so much accomplished! We would also like to extend a sincere thank you to the landowner for providing us with lunch! It was very much appreciated by the crew! #1 #mainetrailriders #volunteersrule #mainesnowmobileassociation #atvmaine #helpingneighbors #blazingtrails #topsham #topshammaine #topshamtrailriders #maine #snowmobile #ATV

A shout out to the American Legion Post 202 of Topsham for a successful kick off to their 2024 Winter Classic Softball Tournament fundraiser. Topsham Trailriders was invited to setup a table as part of the Veterans Expo being held inside the Legion today! We are in awe of all of the folks who turned out in support our Veterans! Congrats to all of the teams who braved the elements today and you should be proud of yourselves! Good luck to the teams returning to play tomorrow!

Today was a great day to get out on the trails to clean them up before the next big storm! Thank you to the members who joined us because any and all help is greatly appreciated especially this time of the year! Reminder that Topsham Trailriders has their monthly social night this coming Thursday night at Sea Dogs in Topsham at 6:00 pm! All are welcome to join us!

Topsham Fair SkiJoring 2024
A shout out to Topsham Fair SkiJoring for another successful event! They could not have had better weather for the event which brought out many spectators as well as many participants. Topsham Trailriders loves that we were able to be part of this fantastic event but we are only one small part of the team that pulls this event together! Thank you to the event coordinators for all of their hard work and thank you to the Topsham Trailriders members who joined in the fun today! Count us in for 2025!

Given the forecast we've had this week it has required Topsham Trailriders to spend a few extra nights at the Topsham Fair track prepping it for tomorrow's Skijoring event. As you can imagine the Topsham Fair has had to haul snow onto the track throughout the entire week. I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to our Trailmaster Charlie, Jon, Marie, Leon, and Mike for the time they have spent at the track this week! Here is a video from earlier this week! Hope to see many of you there tomorrow supporting the Topsham Fair!

Earlier this week, we held our annual Christmas party at the Fairground Cafe. It has been 16 years that we have been holding our Christmas party at the cafe and each year they out do themselves. Thank you to Sarah and crew for making the even such a hit! A HUGE thank you to the 30 plus members who joined us. I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did! It was another great night with good company and good food. I would like to extend a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! Thank you for making this year such a great one but cheers to 2024 being a stellar year for Topsham Trailriders!

Earlier tonight, Topsham Trailriders held their monthly meeting. Our meeting covered a lot of material from appointing our board positions for next year to honoring all of our dedicated members who have helped TTR this past year! And no surprised we had a little fun too! I am happy to announce that the following folks were voted in by the Board during our meeting this evening: Student Representative - Evan Curtis Assistant Trail Master(s) - James Belanger (Winter) Sam Bulmer (West Side) Brad Hoskins (East Side) Trail Master - Charles Parkinson Ride Coordinator - Mike Little Landowner Relations - Matt Nixon Membership Chair - Dan Parlin Congratulations and thank you for your willingness to step up to help TTR. I look forward to working with each and every one of you. Tonight, Charlie and I had an opportunity to thank our members past and present who have helped TTR significantly this year. I hope you enjoy the video that we've put together. Thank you to all the folks who joined us tonight! It is was another jammed packed meeting and I can't wait for our Christmas party on the 13th of December!

Yesterday, Topsham Trailriders hosted a trail work party. It certainly was a beautiful day to be outside while helping the club build bridges. I can't thank the volunteers enough for taking time out of the Sunday to join us. Because of the many volunteers who showed up all of the bridges were created and set into place yesterday! Kudos on a job well done! A sincere thank you to the landowner who opened up their home to the club! You made us feel right at home!

Topsham Trailriders participated in the Trunk or Treat facilitated by the Parks and Recreation Department of Topsham. There may have been a chill in the air but seeing the smiles on the kids faces makes it all worth it. Thank you to the members who braced the elements this evening! Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween!

Yesterday, Topsham Trailriders hosted their last ride of the 2023 ATV riding season. We held our annual food drive event and had over 30 machines in attendance. We appreciate all who joined us and hope you had a great time. In the end, our food drive was a success! We were able to raise funds as well as collect nonperishable food items for the local food bank. We will be dropping everything off and will post an update at that time. We've had a great ATV season and will soon begin planning our 2024 season. We love meeting new folks and hope to see many of you at our annual meeting this evening beginning at 6:30 pm at the Exhibition Hall on the Topsham Fairgounds!

Topsham Trailriders Trail Work Party 10/14
Thank you to the Topsham Trailriders club members who joined us today during the trail work party. It had been a while since we visited our West Side so today's work party was very much needed. The trail crew was preparing for the upcoming last ride of the season which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 29th at 10 am. The crew did an amazing job today and because of their hard work the last ride of the season is looking better and better provided the weather cooperates! Additional details will be posted about this ride so continue to check back.