Pegas Life

Pegas Life

Social fundraising for the people
✨Dreams come true here✨ 💯 Happiness doesn't go out of style.

from 🇷🇺 to 🇺🇸

The hardest thing is to start acting, everything else depends only on persistence.

😇 We create value.
🙌 In the dark, go head for the stars.
💫 Only forward.
💫 Conquer the peaks with me.
💫 It's never too late to set a new goal or pursue a new dream.
💫 It's not always easy, but it's worth it.

🔗 Contact us [email protected]

Dogsparadise club, organized by Tatiana Efremova 01/07/2021

Dogsparadise club, organized by Tatiana Efremova Guest Animal Shelter Construction We are building the first guest animal shelter in Russia. Yo… Tatiana Efremova needs your support for Dogsparadise club


Marry Christmas!


What else to consider when starting crowdfunding
While campaigns can be very different, there are a few basic principles that it makes sense to follow in order to get things done:

Prepare well. People won't want to invest in a project that seems too abstract and too little thought out.
Come up with a separate strategy for each social network. Copy-paste tactics won't work.
Shoot an energetic and understandable video about the project.
Facebook is not a substitute for a web page. Create a landing page from which the media can learn all the information they need.
Tell a story before asking for money. Explain to people why they need to help you.
Don't forget about updates. Keep up to date with what is happening, post project news regularly.
Don't be afraid to speak in the first person. Tell us about the startup team and your motivation.


🤔 Video or Photo? 🤔

A video message is one of the main elements of a crowd campaign, but it is often neglected and just a photo is put on the blank. If the collection is targeted, that's okay. But if the project is more systemic, requiring an explanation, it is better to spend time and make a video. According to our observations, projects with high-quality video, as a rule, are twice as likely to be successful.
Not all people like to read long texts - some find it easier to watch videos. Moreover, the video can further reveal the potential of the project. In fact, the video is the most creative part of the campaign, where we can show ourselves, our team, and our charges.

Video influences not only packaging, but also promotion. Appeals just in the format of a talking head, when the leader of the organization talks about the project, work well. Video content finds reach faster on social media than text with a photo.


GoFundMe Guarantee Policy
1. Introduction. Nearly all GoFundMe fundraisers are accurate and funds are delivered and used for their stated purpose. In the rare occurrence of misuse, the GoFundMe Guarantee (the “Guarantee” or “Policy”) ensures that donations and donors are protected. Most conflicts are not actual misuses of the GoFundMe Platform, and organizers work to answer questions and resolve donors’ and beneficiaries’ concerns quickly. But if your issue is not sufficiently addressed, then we are here to help.

2. For Donors. Donors may receive a refund (or other resolution as described below) when they make an online donation via the GoFundMe platform (“Platform”) to a Covered Fundraiser¹ and the organizer or beneficiary (if one exists) of the Covered Fundraiser commits a Misuse.

For purposes of this Policy, “Misuse” means any of the following:

The organizer does not deliver funds to the Intended Beneficiary²(as defined below);
The fundraiser’s content is inaccurate with respect to a material fact about the organizer, beneficiary, or purpose, which GoFundMe determines is the principal reason upon which a reasonable donor would rely in making a contribution; or
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In the event of Misuse, as determined in our sole discretion, we agree to send you the undelivered funds (up to $25,000 per beneficiary), exclusive of offline donations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, GoFundMe may elect, in its sole discretion, to refund donors in whole or in part in lieu of providing you with payment. All resolutions are decided by GoFundMe in its sole discretion, and all of its determinations are final.

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Fundraisers where you did not incur the expenses for which the fundraiser raised money;
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Allowing someone else to withdraw campaign donations;
A personal disagreement with or dislike of the organizer or beneficiary; and/or
A court order has directed delivery of a fundraiser’s donations to the Intended Beneficiary.
4. Submitting a Claim. To make a claim under this Policy, you must meet the following criteria:

You did not in any way cause, contribute to, participate in, or induce the Misuse, whether directly or indirectly;
You notified the organizer of your concern, allowed at least 72 hours for the organizer to address your concern, used reasonable efforts to try to remedy the circumstances of the Misuse before submitting a claim (e.g. you may ask the organizer for evidence of proper use or distribution of the funds), and the organizer either failed to respond or refused your request;
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You must not have already filed a chargeback nor received a refund for the same donation.
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You must be clearly identified by the fundraiser’s content as a beneficiary of the Covered Fundraiser;
You must not have received all of the funds raised by the fundraiser, exclusive of refunds, offline donations, and any other applicable payment-processor or third-party fees;
You submitted a claim within one year of the fundraiser’s creation date;
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12. Questions. If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us.
1 Covered Fundraisers are personal GoFundMe fundraisers created in every supported country. Charity fundraisers, including but not limited to those created through PayPal Giving Fund, are not covered by the GoFundMe Guarantee.

2 For purposes of this Policy, “Intended Beneficiary” means a person(s) or organization(s) other than the organizer clearly identified in the fundraiser’s content and understood by a reasonable donor to be the intended recipient of the funds raised.

I got 3 out of 5 right! Can you do better? 12/06/2020

✍️ test for startup

I got 3 out of 5 right! Can you do better? Take the quiz “QUIZ: CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN READINESS TEST.” and find out how smart you are!


Do you know what is the most difficult thing in fulfilling desires?
- Ex*****on?
- No, the belief that they can come true. No desire can come alive until you give him the wings of faith!

Dream American trip, organized by Tatiana Efremova 12/06/2020

For an example of a company on the platform GoFundMe, you can familiarize yourself with my dream) People tend to dream . Someone dreams of a new house on the ocean shore . Someone dreams of a new car instead of a collapsed Mustang. Someone wants to help homeless animals. Someone has idea but don't have money for project. Nothing in this life comes easy. To achieve your goals, you need to make certain sacrifices - to spend your energy, time, limit yourself in anything. Sometimes there are moments when you want to give up everything and give up your dream. In moments like this, remember how much you will gain if you move on and how much you will lose if you give up. The cost of success is usually less than the cost of failure.
The keys to happiness are dreams that come true.

Dream American trip, organized by Tatiana Efremova In childhood, almost everyone dreamed of traveling around the world. For some, this circular rout… Tatiana Efremova needs your support for Dream American trip


Russia has two large crowdfunding platforms, and Boomstarter. They are more specialized either in social projects, or finance the release of music albums and books, but the "Business" section has now revived there as well. The number of registered users on each site varies from several thousand to tens of thousands, and people are ready to help if they are emotionally involved in the situation. Crowdfunding is not an investment, it is rewards. Typically, a future product is offered in exchange for funding.
My project Pegas Life works on the GoFundMe platform . Here it is not required to send the implemented model after the implementation of the projects . but due to the security policy of this American platform, it is required to update the project as funds are received. Therefore, after each withdrawal of funds, you are required to send updates in the form of text ,thanks , photos and videos of the project .


How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign
⚡️1. Look at your idea from the outside
Assess your project soberly. Who is it for? Why is it interesting? Would you support him yourself?

⚡️2. Assess your resources
Consider if you can do it yourself or if you need a team. You have to not only bring your idea to life, but also come up with a promotion strategy, communicate with investors

⚡️3. Consider all expenses
Calculate as accurately as possible how much money is needed for the implementation and marketing promotion of the project. Include shipping charges, if applicable. Depending on the weight, quantity and destination of the parcels, this amount can be very small or very impressive. And then add the crowdfunding platform fees, money transfer costs, and taxes to the total.

⚡️4. Tell a story
Why do you need money? Better not just dryly state your idea, but tell an interesting story. Then people will support you.

⚡️5. Communicate with investors
When the fundraising begins, do not sit idly by. Connect with potential investors online and offline. Share the news and look for reasons to remind yourself. Maintain interest in you and your project throughout the campaign.
And remember the statistics: if in the first week the project collected 25% of the required amount, then, most likely, it will be possible to collect it completely.


💥Project categories 💥

⭐️ Business⭐️⭐️ Design⭐️⭐️ Fashion⭐️⭐️Sport⭐️
⭐️Films and videos⭐️⭐️Food⭐️⭐️Health⭐️⭐️Music⭐️
⭐️Theatre⭐️The photo⭐️⭐️Games⭐️⭐️Editions⭐️

⭐️Idea for a million⭐


How small businesses can raise money with crowdfunding?
Business is going through hard times. Every sector of the economy is trying to find a way out. For startups that have begun to experience difficulties in attracting venture capitalists and changing funding conditions, crowdfunding may be such an option. But this tool can be useful not only for the venture capital industry, but also for all small and medium-sized businesses.
In crowdfunding, it is important to properly produce a project. It works best at such sites when entrepreneurs do not just ask them for help in a difficult situation, but talk about the intangible value of the business. In return for help, it is also better to offer not various discount cards or deferred bonuses, but to be more original.


Hello, guests of my page, people who know me or want to know) my name is Tatiana!
I was born in the most beautiful city on the planet - St. Petersburg, it is often called the second capital of the Russian Federation. Since 2019 I have been living in the United States of America and you know I was amazed by this country with its power. here is a treasure trove of resources for citizens. you just need to know how to use them. any person can be successful here. you only need perseverance and health.

In the spring of 2020, my husband and I set up a company called Pegas AMZ LLC and begin consulting companies on various business issues. unfortunately, the Pandemic took everyone by surprise and I started to pay attention to ordinary people, organizations that donate to completely different projects. I started to research this question thoroughly and came across the GoFundMe crowdfunding platform. Oh my God! I said to myself) how many people had the opportunity to realize their project or dream. how many people received tremendous support and help in their trouble. how many organizations helping someone or something have received investment. it's global!
Any penny was a contribution! This is a satisfaction in life when you can personally help. Russia has many platforms to help and fundraise for various purposes, but Russia is significantly different in mentality from the Americans. and why not give an opportunity to Russian projects and foundations to have a chance for additional funds. so the idea of ​​organizing the Pegas Life project arose.
GoFundMe is primarily a charitable fundraising platform. GoFundMe has helped many families raise money for cancer treatment for children, funded the restoration of public parks and reserves, and even helped send a World War II veteran on a trip around the world.GoFundMe has a zero tolerance fraud policy. Therefore, in cases where the site receives evidence that the collection of money for treatment is carried out with a fraudulent purpose, it blocks this campaign, and all the collected money is returned to donors. If the fraud is discovered after the money is transferred to the fraudster, GoFundMe will make every effort to return it to donors, including legal action against the improperly collecting money.

In general, despite different approaches to statistics, GoFundMe is a large crowdfunding platform where people can raise money not only for treatment, but also to fund other projects.

Potentially interested contingent of the Pegas Life project:
- citizens who, on the platforms available to them, could not implement the idea / project or assistance /
-residents of countries that, according to the policy of the American platform, cannot conduct their company
-Millions of ideas and projects


It is known that in terms of the scale of charity, Russia is far from being in last place, but in terms of the number of people involved in philanthropy, it has always lagged behind. Does this state of affairs change somehow?
Indeed, in the World Giving Index, which shows the level of development of philanthropy in different countries, Russia occupies a low position.
Participants are asked three questions about their behavior in the past month: have they donated money to charity, have volunteered, and have helped a stranger who asked for help.
At the same time, the top ten most active countries are not necessarily rich: together with the United States and New Zealand, for example, Myanmar is located there.
Also, people often don't know where to start. Or they are embarrassed to help, because "I cannot help much, a trifle is not serious." Any help is really important.
The reasons why young people help in the West have been researched: they are fairly standard and not very different from the motivation of adults. If you look at American and English studies, young people, like adults, say they want to help because of an inner need - helping others is a joy. People also help because they trust specific funds and believe that their efforts will not be in vain. Another of the motives is personal reasons, certain situations that they have experienced themselves and want to help others survive.

in 2019 I moved to live from Russia to America.
it was here that America opened my eyes to the fact that nothing is impossible.
that an ordinary person can, by his care, help absolutely strangers, often for free.
Is Crowdfunding a donation or investment?
Crowdfunding – A method of raising capital through the collective effort of friends, family, customers, and individual investors. ... Donation-based crowdfunding – Any crowdfunding campaign in which there is no financial return to the investors or contributors.
Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective effort of friends, family, customers, and individual investors. This approach taps into the collective efforts of a large pool of individuals—primarily online via social media and crowdfunding platforms—and leverages their networks for greater reach and exposure.

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