Henderson Park Community Garden

Henderson Park Community Garden is located in Tucker, GA. http://www.hpcgtucker.org We officially became a DeKalb County Community Garden on April 20, 2010.

Henderson Park Community Garden is located on part of the seven-acre parcel adjacent to the Henderson Park soccer fields. We have 52 plots available for rental and 4 plots that are grown for a local food pantry. All our plots are currently rented but we maintain a waiting list for openings. Please contact us to have your name added to the list.


We have a new page!
HPCG Tucker

Come join us over there!


This Sunday 2 - 4pm
Garden Stewardship Workday!
Bring your gloves and help us clean up around the blueberry bushes.


Thanks to board member Andrea, we have an Instagram page! Check it out and be sure to watch the short video on the compost pile!



It will be sunny and chilly for our garden workday tomorrow - Saturday 3/18 10am - 12pm. Perfect w**ding weather!! The ground will be soft and we won’t be sweating. Come join us!


It is a beautiful day to work in the garden!
Come join us today, Sunday March 5, 2 - 4pm for our second Garden Workday of the year!


Garden work day Today!
Saturday 11/12
10am - 12pm


Garden Work Day today!
10am - 12pm


Garden Workday
Sunday, Oct 16
3 - 5pm


No rain for us, so we will pull w**ds.
Garden Workday Saturday, Oct 1
9 -11am.


It is garden workday weekend! The weather will determine if we gather Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon. More soon!


Woo Hoo!!! We are having a Garden Work Day!!
9 - 11am

Photos from Henderson Park Community Garden's post 14/06/2021

It's back!!! This mimosa tree looking w**d (Chamberbitter) is starting to invade our garden again. We fought hard against it the last two years, but the war is not over and we have to keep fighting it this year.

Chamberbitter starts out looking kind of sweet and harmless, but it is NOT! Once it gets big it makes hundreds of little seeds all along its stem, and they scatter when the plant is pulled up. The roots are thick and will choke out other small plants or seedlings. The only defense is to pull it up when it is small and has not yet made seeds or developed a strong root system.

Many of us have this w**d getting started in our plots. PLEASE, let's get it all pulled up ASAP. You have to pull each individual plant up by the roots - another of its evil tricks. Get rid of it while it is small and your crops will thank you later. After you have pulled the w**ds, please put them in a lawn bag and not in our compost pile. Thanks!


Garden Members, Don't Forget - Come ask your questions tomorrow morning!


For current garden members who have questions about gardening, come get your answers on Saturday March 13 at 9am!!
We are very excited to have a gardening expert from the Wylde Center coming to HPCG to answer our gardening questions and help us make our plots more productive. See flyer below.


Current garden members - If you want to keep your plot for 2021, your renewal form, City of Tucker form, and rental fee need to be postmarked by this Thursday - 12/31. Forms are on the About page of the website.


Every spring long time garden member and former board member Herm Donatelli grows rows of the most beautiful onions. Many gardeners ask him where he gets his onion starts.
His reply: I buy them from Dixondale farms. You can find them online at dixondalefarms.com to order or request a catalog. Their website has great info on growing onions. They have been a great company to order from for the past several years.

Dixondale Farms Onion Plants - We Know Onions! Shop for the best onions in the world. Short Day, Intermediate Day, Long Day, Vidalia, Texas Supersweet, Red Creole, White Bermuda, White Granex, Yellow Granex, Sweet Red, Candy, Soup and Salad, Sweetest, Growing, and Sweets


We hope you are all well. Things are changing daily, but so far it is fine, if you feel good, to be outside working solo in the community garden.

Weeding, digging, and planting are great stress relievers, and, as long as you stay away from other gardeners and sanitize your hands after touching the lock, tools, etc, there is no reason right now to stay away from the garden.

However, in light of our current need to limit groups to less than 10, we will be offering a task list for the work day crew members instead of all getting together this coming Saturday for a work day.

For those of you who have attended the work days so far and those who cleared the w**ds from your zone - HUGE THANKS!

Stay tuned for information about our 10 Year Anniversary Picnic currently scheduled for April 25.

Stay safe and we will update as needed if things change.

The Board of Directors


It's beautiful weather for a Work Day!
Tomorrow/Sunday 3/1
2 - 4pm
Join us in the garden as we clear empty plots and put fresh wood-chips down on the paths.


2020 Gardening season has officially begun!

Renewing members: if you haven't checked on your plot in awhile, please get them cleared of w**ds and prepped for planting ASAP!

Our first 2020 Garden Workday is this Saturday. 2/15, 10am - 12pm. These cooler days make for the most comfortable work days, so wear layers, bring your gardening gloves and come help us get our garden ready for the new season.


Gonna be sunny and chilly so wear layers when you join us at tomorrow’s garden work day.
Saturday 11/9, 10am - 12pm.


A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who attended the Compost Education Workday - YOU ALL DID A FABULOUS JOB !!

This coming Sunday, Oct 20 is our next workday 3 - 5pm. We will be w**ding, so bring your gloves!


It is happening! The annual HPCG COMPOST EDUCATION WORKDAY

Next Saturday, Oct 5, 9 - 11AM

Come learn all about turning garden scraps into the best dirt for growing healthy crops.

We will turn and rebuild the compost piles and harvest the black gold dirt that we have been making over the year.

Those who attend get first dibs on the compost to nourish their plots!

The weather is supposed to be beautiful, so bring your gloves and come learn about making dirt!


Beautiful day tomorrow for our last workday of the spring. Join us 9 - 11am.


Gonna be sunny and hot during our workday 3 - 5pm today. Be sure to wear a hat and sunscreen and bring some water.


Because of Memorial Day weekend these May Garden Workdays are back to back.

We will continue (and hopefully finish) wood-chipping the paths this Sunday afternoon, 5/19, 3 - 5pm.

Don't want to deal with wood-chips? No problem! We always have lots of w**ding to do as well. Hope to see you Sunday!


The rain held off, we will be working in the garden 9 - 11 this morning. Come join us!


As of now tomorrow's workday is still on! Saturday 9 - 11.


We are making great progress on getting all the garden paths freshly covered with wood-chips. Come help us at our garden workday this Saturday 5/11, 9 - 11am.



2723 Henderson Road
Tucker, GA