Comforts of Home Midwifery & Tyler Placenta Encapsulation, Tyler, TX Videos

Videos by Comforts of Home Midwifery & Tyler Placenta Encapsulation in Tyler. Mercy Eizenga LM, CPM offers homebirth and birth center births in Tyler, Texas. Homebirth is availa

We have moved! Our office is now inside The Tyler Birth House. Come visit us for a free consultation.

Other Comforts of Home Midwifery & Tyler Placenta Encapsulation videos

We have moved! Our office is now inside The Tyler Birth House. Come visit us for a free consultation.

I came across this video in my files the other day. I originally posted it about 2 1/2 years ago, but she had birthed the year before that. This client found a very creative way to try to patiently wait for her baby to come. What did you do to occupy yourself while waiting on baby?

Your Water Birth Questions Answered

Reasons to have a homebirth

Doulas Vs Midwives - What's the difference?

Choosing a Midwife