First Wave Wellness

First Wave Wellness

Lifestyle Blogger and Health Coach for the 50+ Community We explore together what conditions may be contributing to your unhealthy behaviors.

We provide health coaching and fitness programs to individuals who want to reach their health goals through mindset and behavior change. First Wave Wellness practices a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected. What makes us really different at First Wave Wellness is our hands-on approach with personalized wellness programs designed for you.


With summer just around the corner, I thought it would be a great time to break out one of my favorite bbq side dishes that are easy to make, high in protein, and delicious! These healthy deviled eggs are a favorite in my household. Make sure to use the best eggs possible as you will notice a difference in the taste and texture of your yolks. If you like your deviled eggs sweet, this recipe includes a tip on adding pickled relish and garnishes.
👉Head on over to our latest blog and check out this month's recipe redo! Click Blog in bio link🔗


Yes!!! This is such an important lesson. Last week I quoted about setting boundaries and this includes letting go of individuals that bring negativity and stress to your life. Instead, find people who lift you up and bring sunshine into your life. I know this is a touchy subject because some of these 'negative' people may include family and that's a tough nut to crack. I always suggest giving it space and keeping it light with these individuals. If you allow them to rent space in your mind they will take over your life and get you easily sucked back into that negativity. Remember, it's their issue, not yours and you do have a choice on whether to be a part of it or to stay at arm's length. Pray for these individuals and speak your truth if they are willing to accept it. You are allowed to live a healthy life and that includes the people who are in it. It's tough love but well worth the effort.❤️


Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s out there today! I feel blessed to be part of this group.❤️


What is gratitude? The appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself; it is a general state of thankfulness and/or appreciation. Not surprisingly, many studies connect gratitude with a sense of overall well-being.⁣ Practicing gratitude can flood your brain with those feel-good chemicals, like serotonin.
Here are a few ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life:
👉Call a friend or family member and let them know how much they mean to you.
👉Notice good things, look for them, appreciate them.
👉When you think of a negative thought, try to see the positive side of the situation.
👉Live mindfully, not worrying about the past or future.  
What’s your favorite way to express gratitude?⁣


Have you considered using a coach to reach your health goals?
First Wave Wellness is all about holistic health and wellness. We know that it takes more than just a change in your nutrition to improve your overall health. We take a look at all areas of your life so that we can collaborate and create a health coaching plan based on your goals. We'll work together to identify the things you enjoy doing, things you look forward to, and help find ways for you to include them into your life regularly while also addressing your nutrition needs. I⁠f you are curious to know what we do and how we do it give us a call, we want to hear from you.


Building boundaries is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself and your relationships.
How often do you prioritize yourself and your goals? We often put the needs of others before ourselves out of a sense of obligation, duty, kindness, and while this is often coming from a place of love, it might not always be healthy. We need to set boundaries so that we can protect our energy, time, and spirit as well.
Putting yourself first isn't selfish, it gives you the energy, peace of mind, and a positive outlook to be present with others and be there for them. When you're happy, you can give more of yourself.


When you take a shower, visualize washing away your stress and anxiety. Concentrate on how the water feels against your skin. Envision the power of the water washing away your negative thoughts. Let it all go down the drain. It's amazing how much lighter and clearer you will feel.


Lofty goals can feel overwhelming. 😅 Here are 4 tips to stay consistent on your path. What methods do you find most helpful to achieve your goals? Share with us in the comments!


It's time to take a different approach to the 'calories in and calories out' idea. Calorie counting don't always yield uniform results. How your body burns calories depends on a number of factors, including the type of food you eat, your body's metabolism, and even the type of organisms living in your gut. You can eat the exact same number of calories as someone else, yet have very different outcomes when it comes to your weight. What to do instead?
1️⃣Focus on diet quality. Cut down on or eliminate processed foods and focus on choosing unprocessed foods, including lean meats, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables in their natural form.
2️⃣Exercise regularly. Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Moderate exercise is done at a level where you can talk, but not sing.
3️⃣Sleep soundly. Poor sleep quality can lead to weight gain, as can a sleep schedule that is out of sync with the body's natural daily pattern, known as circadian rhythm.
4️⃣Reduce your stress levels. Controlling stress can help you keep excess pounds at bay.
5️⃣Seek help. We are experts at helping others lose weight in a natural way based on holistic principles. Learn more about First Wave Wellness and receive a complimentary consultation with IIN health coach, Jackie Day.


If there was something you could do every day to boost your focus and productivity, increase energy, reduce stress, sleep better, maintain a positive outlook, and support whole-body health, wouldn’t you do it?⁣⁣ Welcome to meditation.🧘🏻‍♂️
I used to think I didn’t have time for meditation but now I know I don’t have time NOT to do it—it’s become the main ingredient in helping me manage all of my other many responsibilities and passions. And, it's a great way for me to connect with my spiritual side.🙏⁣⁣
There are so many resources out there to get started on meditating such as apps and videos online. Get started on a healthier path today with meditation.


Which affirmation resonates with you the most right now? Share in the comments. 


Stay in the present moment, rather than focusing on challenges that may or may not arise in the future.


🌰Tree nuts contain fiber which helps improve the health of the gut microbiome, helping to prevent cancer. Tree Nuts also prevent diabetes and insulin resistance, which can also cause cancer. 
⁣🌰Nuts also contain other great benefits like omega-2 fats found in walnuts and almonds help lower bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Almonds also deliver minerals like copper and manganese, along with antioxidants such as vitamin E. ⁣Both contain magnesium which can lessen the chance of sudden heart attack. 
🌰A pack a day can keep the doctor away. 


It's that time of year when the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases their report regarding the pesticide contamination found on the 47 most popular fruits and vegetables being sold in the market. They call the list of the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, the “Dirty Dozen” while those with the least amount of pesticides based on their study make their way to the “Clean 15” list.

According to EWG’s study, the crops on the Dirty Dozen list still have potentially harmful pesticides on them even after you have already washed, peeled, or scrubbed them during food preparation. EWG recommends buying the organic variety of the crops found in the Dirty Dozen list. Meanwhile, they stipulate it is relatively safe to purchase the non-organic kind of crops that are listed in the Clean 15.

👉Download your copy today at or check out our latest Facebook story.


Oh yes, who is feeling this with me today? As of late, I've been challenged with a few opportunities that may change the course of my career and although I'm a bit timid on trying something new, I'm sure not going to let the challenge push me from exploring them. You have one chance at this life. Are you going to idly sit by and watch or participate?


Being physically active outdoors around trees, plants, and bodies of water brings substantial dividends.
🍃Outdoor walking creates greater improvements in mood, revitalization, positive engagement, enjoyment, and intent to exercise in the future.
🍃Outdoor exercising is more restorative than indoor workouts — and this predicts a higher frequency of physical activity.
🍃Postmenopausal women have less worry/frustration when walking outdoors and feel the exercise is more enjoyable than walking indoors.
Revitalizing and restorative? More motivation? Increased enjoyment? ✅ Green exercise offers all these and more — in addition to mental/emotional improvement.
2 hours/week in nature is recommended for health and well-being, but more is even better. If going to a park or trail isn’t possible, just viewing awe-inspiring images or videos of natural places is beneficial— but getting out to experience them with all senses works best.


April 7 marks the celebration of World Health Day. This year, WHO is calling for action to eliminate health inequities, as part of a year-long global campaign to bring people together to build a fairer, healthier world. Health inequities are preventable with strategies that place greater attention on improving health equity, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. The path to building a fairer and healthier world means removing the roadblocks along the way. 
Celebrate World Health Day by taking care of your health. Give the gift of health to yourself and a friend for free!
Contact us for a complimentary health coaching consultation.


You are where you are based on the decisions you've made - good or bad. When it comes to your health, what are you willing to change to make yourself not only healthier but happier?


This is heavenly...


April is Stress Awareness Month and since stress is a normal part of human existence it’s important to arm ourselves with knowledge so that we recognize when stress rears its ugly head.😤
One of the most effective ways to deal with stress is to learn how to silence the mind. Did you know that meditation is one of the most popular methods of achieving this quiet?🧘🏻‍♂️
We also recommend getting plenty of sleep, exercise, and eating a well-balanced diet. If you need some help in de-stressing, contact us for a consultation. We are here to help!


Many people are focused on increasing their intake of vitamins and minerals due to coronavirus. No surprise here as studies have shown that certain nutrients may help strengthen your immune system's ability to fight the virus.
If you are eating a well-balanced diet full of whole foods these micronutrients may be sufficient. However, a supplement may bridge the gap for any deficiencies.
In our latest article, we take a deeper dive into what vitamins and minerals are and which ones you should consider taking once you reach age 50 and beyond.
As always, consult a doctor before adding supplements to your regimen as they may interact with certain medications you are taking.
👉Check out our latest article now in our Healthy Living Blog.


I'm happy to help get you where you want to be. If you are serious about reaching your health goals this year contact me for a complimentary consultation. I will be your accountability partner and will work with you to create a plan that will fit your life so you can be healthier and happier.


I just had to share this quote because it describes me so well and is worth sharing that slowing down has a different meaning to those who are still driven to get up and work every day.


Yes, you can eliminate the dreaded, dried-out, lackluster ‘sugar face!’ The easiest way to keep sugar out of your system is to not eat it in the first place. Eating whole, natural, sugar-free foods is key. The more fresh, organic, unprocessed, non-genetically-modified foods you pack into your diet, the less sugar can sneak in, and the healthier your body will be. Here are 6 tips to try:
✅Skip the breakfast carbs. Yes, you need to bypass those doughnuts, bagels, and muffins and opt for more protein and healthy fats like eggs and avocado.🥑
✅Ditch the drinkable carbs. You know them - soda, fruit juices, sweet alcoholic drinks.
✅Stay hydrated. Thirst can sometimes mask as a food craving, so stay hydrated with plenty of water, straight up or with citrus slices, herbal teas, or seltzer water.💦
✅Swap sugar for spices. Add natural sweetness from vanilla beans cinnamon, nutmeg, and coriander to name a few.🥥
✅Snack on low-sugar fruits and nuts. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries are delicious portable snacks, as are raw, unroasted walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts.🫐
✅Distract yourself. Cravings usually will pass in 10 – 20 minutes. When they come up, shift the craving energy with a few simple deep breathing exercises, a walk around the neighborhood, or do a few yoga poses to get the blood flowing. 🏃🏼‍♀️


Health is about so much more than just eating healthy and working out. How do you feel about your career? What do your relationships look like? Are you passionate about anything outside of work? Do you have a spiritual practice? The energy you put into all of the areas of your life have a profound impact on your health and how you feel.⁠
As a holistic health coach, I look at all areas of your life so that we can collaborate and create a health coaching plan based on your goals that address each of these areas, not just your nutrition. We'll work together to identify the things you enjoy doing, things you look forward to, and help find ways for you to include them into your life regularly. ⁠
Today, I challenge you to take time to connect with yourself through journaling and take notes on how you feel about each of the categories listed in the chart above. How are you doing in each area? Which ones do you want to focus on more? What nourishes you-- not just your body, but also your mind and spirit? ⁠
Let's work together on getting YOU where you WANT to be. 
Pic source: Institute for Integrative Nutrition


Yesss! Growth can be this simple and lately, I've found myself growing a lot. How about you?


Studies show that if your friends are eating healthy and exercising, you are more likely to do the same. Friend-power is more powerful than willpower so pick your tribe carefully.

Healthy Fish Taco Bowls 16/03/2021

It's and I have a great taco recipe for you! This healthy fish taco bowl is both Paleo and Whole30 as we have substituted the taco shells with cauliflower rice. If you still prefer hand-helds, you can use lettuce wraps as a substitution for those unwanted carbs. The fish tacos are drizzled with homemade chipotle lime dressing (which I've included) or mango salsa for a flavorful weeknight dinner or lunch. Check out our latest recipe redo in our Healthy Living blog.

Healthy Fish Taco Bowls This month's recipe makeover, Healthy Fish Taco Bowls uses fresh fish (of your liking) which can be grilled or fried in a pan using simple ingredients. Both Paleo and Whole30 approved!


I did this myself, by removing dairy from coffee and oatmeal by switching to almond milk and then came removing sugar. 
Breaking our goals down into micro steps is essential to staying motivated and sticking with them over the long-term.
Need some help? Contact us for a complimentary health coaching consultation.


Any form of exercise, from aerobics to yoga, can act as a stress reliever. Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. A 30-minute workout session five days a week will do the trick. Who wouldn't want to benefit from these direct stress-busting benefits?
✅Pump up those endorphins (the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters).
✅Protect your body from harmful effects of stress.
✅Improve your mood
✅Take your mind off your worries and focus on your body.
And let's not forget these added benefits:
💪Stronger muscles and bones
💪Stronger immunity
👍Lower blood pressure
👍Boost levels of good cholesterol in your blood
👍Improve your blood circulation
👍Improve your ability to control weight
😴Sleep better at night
😀Improve your self-image

Videos (show all)

Self-care is important. When going through stressful times, it may be easy to reach for an unhealthy snack or a glass of...
A simple but yet important message to follow. Many people, including myself, are struggling to figure out what their nex...
Are you a yo you dieter? If so, you are at greater risk for heart attacks and strokes. Why? This is due to the fluctuati...
Primary foods feed us but they don’t come on a plate. Everything we consider as nutrition is really just a secondary sou...
LAST DAY TO SAVE!🤑Get your garden containers for 10% off using code WAVE10Patent self-watering container, no weeding, no...
SPRING FLASH SALE!🌷Get your garden containers for 10% off now thru April 23rd!There is plenty of room for flowers,🌷fruit...
Good morning!!☀️During these incredibly challenging times let’s be there for each other.Create a small community with fr...
Are you ready to ditch the resolution and focus on long-term, sustainable changes?🙋‍♀️ Focusing on your health isn't a s...


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Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30