Mrs. Delaware American Videos

Videos by Mrs. Delaware American. Mrs. Delaware American celebrates empowering women of all ages. Mrs. Delaware American will compete

Pageant prep!

In full pageant prep getting ready for Mrs American in less than 2 months!! Yes, that is an umbrella I’m walking with to make sure those shoulders stay back! The little tricks they teach you at Barbizon Chique are so helpful to give you a confident walk!! Thanks Lindsey McGraw! You know what they say, practice makes…..progress. 😜 ❤️

#happy #crown #beauty #confidence #purpose #selfworth #mrsamericapresents

Other Mrs. Delaware American videos

Pageant prep!
In full pageant prep getting ready for Mrs American in less than 2 months!! Yes, that is an umbrella I’m walking with to make sure those shoulders stay back! The little tricks they teach you at Barbizon Chique are so helpful to give you a confident walk!! Thanks Lindsey McGraw! You know what they say, practice makes…..progress. 😜 ❤️ . . . #mrsdelawareamerican2022 #mrsamericaofficial #wearefamily #youarebeautifulproject #barbizonchique #mrsandmisspade #pageantqueen #pageantlife #happy #crown #beauty #confidence #purpose #selfworth #mrsamericapresents