patricemetcalfmusart Videos

Videos by patricemetcalfmusart. Director of Music Ministries at St. Mary's in Wrentham, MA Private Vocal & Piano Instructor

Blessed feast of the Immaculate Conception! #immaculateconception #catholic #mass #christian #hailmary #hailmarygentlewoman #musicdirector

Other patricemetcalfmusart videos

Blessed feast of the Immaculate Conception! #immaculateconception #catholic #mass #christian #hailmary #hailmarygentlewoman #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet "Come, Follow Me" It's wonderful to work with great guitarists! #catholic #catholicmass #churchmusic #musicdirector

Hope everyone had a nice Halloween! And, happy All Saints! #iwanttowalkasachildofthelight #churchchoir #churchmusic #catholic #catholicmass #mass #allsaints #hymn #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet "Here I Am to Worship". We have some talented youth at St. Mary's! #contemporary #contemporarychristianmusic #catholic #mass #church #praiseandworship #musicdirector

Another #sundaysnippet of the ceiling because I apparently need to get a phone stand. #ihavelovedyou #churchmusic #churchchoir #catholic #mass #musicdirector

A #sundaysnippet of the ceiling because my camera fell over. 🙈 Oh St. Mary's - what a nice ceiling you have! "The Summons" #thesummons #catholic #mass #catholicmass #church #churchmusic #christiancontemporary #musicdirector

Not from my first weekend at St. Mary's, but the first #sundaysnippet from St. Mary's on social media. "On Eagle's Wings" #oneagleswings #catholic #mass #churchmusic #musicdirector

Snippets from the 2023 St. Anne Novena. #novena #novenatostanne #novenatosaintanne #saintanne #stanne #catholic #mass #church #churchmusic #christiancontemporary #agnusdei #musicdirector

Happy 4th of July! Featuring Doris's choir binder. #4thofjuly #july4th #americathebeautiful #choir #churchchoir #catholic #hymn

#sundaysnippet "Beautiful Savior" On this dreary and kinda chilly Saturday at the Vigil Mass, you can still hear the congregation singing along. #beautifulsavior #hymn #churchmusic #catholic #mass #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" and can we please pause a moment to admire Donna's shirt? That's it choir - we have a new dress code: cat shirts for everyone! #joyfuljoyfulweadorethee #joyful #hymn #churchmusic #choir #adultchoir #musicdirector #catholic

#sundaysnippet "Taste and See" So this is actually a recording from Corpus Christi 2 weekends ago. Following this Mass we had a Eucharistic procession. What did your church do for Corpus Christi? #corpuschristi #catholic #mass #tasteandsee #churchmusic #praiseandworship #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet A little clip from the choir singing for Pentecost a couple weeks ago. "The Servant Song" #pentecost #hymn #churchmusic #churchchoir #choir #servant #musicdirector

Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day! #mineeyeshaveseentheglory #memorialday #catholic #hymn #patriotichymn #mass #churchmusic #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet This weekend we celebrated the First Communion for our young children. Two kids from our Children's Choir enhanced the liturgy with their beautiful voices. #jesuslovesme #jesus #firstcommunion #catholic #childrenschoir #choir #churchchoir #churchmusic #hymn #musicdirector

Congratulations to the youth in the area on their Confirmation this evening! It was great to sing with the combined choirs from the surrounding Catholic churches for this event. #confirmation #catholic #ascensionthursday #ascension #musicdirector

#sundaysnippet We're back outside for Mass in the Pavilion on weekends! #thedayofresurrection #easter #catholic #mass #hymn #churchmusic #sacredmusic #musicdirector

We had our last 5:30 Youth Mass of the season this past Sunday. Until September/October! #icanonlyimagine #imagine #youthmass #lifeteen #catholic #christian #churchmusic #praiseandworship #musicdirector

It has been a very busy month for me with assignments for school, so I haven't posted in awhile. This is a snippet from the late night Easter Vigil this year. It was wonderful to have many members of the music ministry come together for this. #sundaysnippet #christthelordisrisentoday #easter #eastervigil #catholic #hymn #churchhymn #churchmusic #musicdirector

It's Holy Week. 🌴 #palmsunday #allglorylaudandhonor #lent #holyweek #catholic #church #churchmusic #hymn #sacredmusic #musicdirector