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Mental Health

Lets Go!

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Mental Health
Lets Go!

Adults care about race more than our youth do. That's the problem. #youthdevelopment #youthdevelopmentprogram #youthempowermentexpert #youthworker #youthworkers #teachers #teachersfollowteachers #teachersmatter

Education is one of the keys to reduce the school to prison pipeline. #youthdevelopment #youthdevelopmentprogram #youthempowermentexpert #youthworker #youthworkers #teachers #teachersfollowteachers #teachersmatter

We have to get them before the system gets them. #youth #YouthEmpowerment #youthdevelopment #youthleadership #YouthMentor #teachers #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #mentoringmatters #blackyouth #blackyouthmatter #blackyouthfacts

Know what you are up against and plan accordingly. No youth is impossible to reach. #planaccordingly #teachersmatter #youthworker #youthworkers #YouthMentor #YouthEmpowerment #youthdevelopment #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers

Working with our youth is not for the weak. We don't get to pick their friends, community, or household dynamics. #youthdevelopment #youthdevelopmentprogram #youthempowermentexpert #youthworker #youthworkers #teachers #teachersfollowteachers #teachersmatter

I am in motion!

What if you are not reaching new levels because you are being loyal to the wrong people, places, and things?

You can't change or fix anything by running from it. #change #runner #mindmatter #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalillnessrecovery #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #mentalillness #process #enjoyit #mindful #whatsnext #journey #transparent #motivation #motivational #selfimprovement #dontworryaboutothers #focusonyou

Our goal should be the root of the Problem, not the Problem. #goal #problem #mindmatters #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalillnessrecovery #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #mentalillness

I took the HARD route by breaking the cycle. #breaking #breakthecycle #process #enjoyit #mindful #whatsnext #journey #transparent #motivation #motivational #selfimprovement #dontworryaboutothers #focusonyou

Being emotionally intelligent is not a sign of weakness. #mindmatters #mentalhealthblogger #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalillnessrecovery #mentalhealthwarrior #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #mentalillness

We can't heal if we are always grieving. #chicago #heal #grieve

Knowing the role of mental health, it is not the component but one of many. #mentalillness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #tiktok #giveaway

Most people want to talk and criticize without doing the work. I got 20 years in the game. #work #years #game #yearsinthegame #tiktok #airdrop #giveaway

We've created this mess in our culture. #culture #create #mess #created

Some people call it acting funny. I call it protecting my peace. #peace #acting #act #protect #protectmypeace

I blockout the hate by focusing on them. #hate #theymatter #wontstop #proofisintheresults.

Mentoring and coaching urban youth is not always fun and games. It gets real. I have to remember why I am out here grinding. #mentoring #youth #coaching #game #urbanyouth #grind #grinding

I have young men looking up to me to fight for them. I can't get caught up in politics. #men #man #politics #caught #looking #lookingup