Cross and Resurrection Fellowship

Cross and Resurrection Fellowship

I will stick to the old rugged cross.


Sarah's WOMB was DEAD, unable to produce a baby. Sterility prevented fertility. BUT GOD ..... !

Romans describes Jesus' death as an AGONY. The Greek word, 'odin' for agony, means pain, but specifically the pain associated with BIRTHING. So when Jesus died, He actually gave birth to something, viz. the Church.

So, the TOMB of death , became a WOMB of birthing. Where one thing died, something else was born.

Sarah's womb was a tomb, producing nothing at all. But God transformed her DEAD internal condition into one that gave birth to some great, her son Isaac.

Abraham did not consider the deadness of Sarah's womb, when believing God for a promised son. He perceived of his wife's internal tomb as God's womb to bring forth Divine promises and purposes.

May you be encouraged today, that what aspects of God's promises seem dead, lifeless, infertile, unproductive, unyielding and sterile, that God's Word is able to transform sterile tombs into fertile wombs. You faith in God and His Word is powerful to alter conditions that result in death, into conditions that produce life.

This is the essence of RESURRECTION POWER! This was factored into Abraham's faith. It must also be an essential component of your faith! The resurrection power of the Spirit of Christ must pulsate in and through your FAITH in God now. SEE life, and not DEATH!

You do not have a lifeless tomb; you have have a fertile womb!




My dear friend, let me share with you the good news of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. He died and shed His blood for you and me, so that we may be saved and have eternal life. Through His sacrifice, we have been delivered from an empty way of life and set free from the power of sin and death.

In 1 Peter 2:24, it says "He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed." This means that we no longer have to be slaves to sin and its consequences, but can live a life of righteousness through Christ's sacrifice.

Furthermore, 2 Peter 1:4 tells us that through Christ, we are partakers of God's divine nature. This means that we can experience the fullness of God's love, joy, peace, and all His other attributes in our lives.

So my friend, let us not take for granted what Christ has done for us on the cross. Let us embrace His sacrifice and live a life of righteousness, knowing that we have been delivered from an empty way of life and are now partakers of God's divine nature. May this truth motivate and inspire us to live our lives fully for Him.THE GRAVE CANNOT HOLD HIM MORE THAN 3 DAYS.


1 Thess 5:19 warns us not to QUENCH the Holy Spirit.

As powerful and authoritative as the Spirit is, His might actively at work in our lives, can be rendered powerless by our attitude and behaviour.

The word ‘quench’ in the Greek is sbennumi, and menas to “extinguish, to supress or stifle”

Specifically this word is used in the Greek language to extinguish a raging fire or to put out a burning light. The Spirit, symbolically is represented to us in the Bible as both fire and light. Fire is a powerful force and denotes the extremely energised and highly potent activity of the Spirit. It also alludes to the purifying effects of the Spirits in us. Light brings illumination and highlights the revelatory effects and guidance the Spirit brings in us.

To QUENCH the Spirit is to stifle and supress Him, like casting water on fire to DAMPEN it, so as to completely extinguish it.

May you and I by our attitudes and behaviour not quench, dampen, hinder, repress, stifle or suppress the precious Holy Spirit, and in so doing prevent Him from exerting His fullest potential influence of FIRE and LIGHT in our lives

Side note: May I encourage you to the read the context in which this verse is located – 1 Thess 5:12-28. Read the preceding and proceeding verses and isolate specific things which Paul highlights could QUENCH the precious Holy Spirit.


John.12.13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!Blessed is the King of Israel!" (NIV)



Be careful not to be the reason someone will fall into temptation.

While we teach the church to resist the devil, please don't be the devil

While we pray "Lead us not into temptation ", please don't be the temptation.

In a generation where indecent dressing have received endorsement from those that matters even in the church,

It's pertinent not to join the evil trend because you may be planting an evil thought in the heart of a brother who we are trying to help conquer immorality.

David wouldn't have fallen for Bathsheba if Uriah covered his roof.
Why would Uriah bring his wife to an apartment whose bathroom has no roof?

You are trying to conquer lust and you visit the page of that lady who always post indecent pictures, brother!!!!!
Cover your roof!!!
You the lady, why posting such?
Cover your roof!!!

You come to church wearing something revealing and when corrected you flame up that they are religious, you, can't you see that your roof is opened?
Please, cover your roof?

Mathew Chapter 18 verse 6 says "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


Praise the Lord 🙏 this morning blessed Sunday!

Acts 13:16-22 📖 King David made several big mistakes in his life. Yet he was called a man after God's own heart and was mightily used by the Lord to lead the Israelites. What set him apart was the priority he placed on his relationship with the heavenly Father. David delighted in knowing God and sought Him earnestly. Writing, `My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land,` he declared that God's love was better than life. He went on to pledge that he would praise the Lord all his days (Ps. 63:1, Ps. 63:3-4).

David viewed life from a God-centered perspective. In his writings, he marveled at the Lord's creative power in the world, relied on Him for protection and strength, and proclaimed allegiance. He also prayed fervently and frequently, lifting requests in the morning and expectantly awaiting a response (Ps. 5:3). At night he'd continue communing with God (Ps. 63:6). Both actions—praying and meditating on God's character—fueled his trust in the Lord. His faith sustained him throughout life: when he was a shepherd boy protecting sheep from attacks by wild animals, a young man defeating the giant Goliath, and the nation's anointed leader escaping King Saul's murderous plans. Whatever his circumstances, he sought the Lord and gave priority to their relationship.

The psalms reveal David's desire to know the Lord and be known by Him. He sought God's guidance through prayer and had a heart for Him. Jesus invites us to draw near and spend time learning from Him (Matt. 11:28-29). Have you made following Christ the priority of your life?


1. *Conception stage*.
We conceived the idea of what we want to become in our lives. It was with great passion that we conceived.

2. *Incubation stage*.
This is the stage of being trained, tested and preparation. Many have given up at this stage and they killed their vision or dream. They lacked the Grace to pass the tests. Father we pray that You Grace them more to pass the tests.

3 *Delay stage*.
Father this is the most frustrating season because it makes many think that they're forgotten. It's a near death experience where we become forgotten by people even the Spiritual fathers and mother's. Everything looks not in favor of you. Many have quit their dreams because of delay and they forgot that *delay is not denial*. There are many people in wrong marriages, relationship, businesses, jobs, only because they failed to wait on You. May the Lord help us to pass this stage and be Victorious.

*4. Renewal stage*.
After the long wait, God always comes to renew us. He named Jacob, Israel after wresting with the Angel. Things begin to unfold. Father help us to wait until You renew us again.

*5. Birthing stage*.
This is the stage where the visions becomes a reality. Good marriages are born. Good ministries are born. Businesses in line with the God are started. Father we desire to reach to this stage in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

*6. Ex*****on stage*.
The vision gets moving and there's nothing to hinder it from being executed. Even demons can't hinder it's growth.

*7. Posterity stage*.
The battle is won even for the next generation. We experience alot of easiness. May God help us through His Holy Spirit to mentor others in our areas of success. We can't be successful without a successor. Help us to raise others as we've grown in our dreams. Those in intercessory calling, may we raise, train and mentor others to succeed in the ministry. May mentorship and sonship be in the heart of every visions that we have.



YOUR SUCCESS, BREAKTHROUGH AND FULFILMENT OF YOUR DREAMS AND HEART DESIRES IS THE PRODUCTS OF DECISIONS YOU MAKE TODAY..they may be not pleasing, but enforce it, even if it takes tears,ridicule, shame, pain etc...go! Do it.

For the results in your future depends on the decisions you make today.

Refuse to be caged and suffer to maintain status quo..
Break the cage by radically making that decision, it matters alot.
Your life is not tied to anyone, only to your God.

When you fail in life friends reduces, followers unfollow you and those who depended on you look for other ways to survive.
You become nothing to them anyway.

So Listen 👂👂👂
There comes a time when you have to make a decision, where you say enough is enough....
Trample down those questions that keep lingering in your mind and heart beating so intensely 🤔_
"Am i going to do what i feel is good for me or i continue fearing how people who sorounds me will say, judge me or take me???
“Am I going to stick with my convictions???
"Am I going to be who God made me to be??
"Am I going to let the approval of people crowd my decision???
"Am I going to let their opinion determine my destiny?”

I suffered with these for too long...🤔
Till i realized through experience as age taught me all those questions doesn't matter, what matters is your decisions, convictions that keep pushing you from inside but you keep on resisting! Resisting! Because of fear! Fear to please people.

So If you suffer from People's approval addiction, if you're still stuck in people's validation_this is a wake up call.

If you’re not confident in who you are and you need people to validate you, you’ll always shrink back and let them control your future.
It takes boldness.
Everyone won’t understand,
Not everyone will approve your decisions.
You'll loose friends, followers and trustees, but with time you will attract and gain new friends, followers..

You will go through rejection, criticism, your name will be tarnished, some foundations will be destroyed because of that critical decisions you make but just begin

Many will misunderstand you, and have wrong information about you...but don't Listen to critics, focus on your convictions.

People will try to discredit you.
Even the ones that used to cheer you on, may now find fault.
People's disapproval should mean nothing to you....God doesn't call a press conference to announce what he wants to do with your life-Listen to God alone,draw your solace on the fact that you'll stand before the Lord and give account of your life.

For life is a journey, it is a process and not static, we live in a World of new adventures.
Believe in yourself and make decisions that prepares your future greatness and success.

Your tomorrows breakthrough, your SUCCESS is a product of decisions you make today.

Fear to make critical and radical decisions has made many live wrong life, die premature, hang on
Wrong carriers, Wrong marriages,
toxic relationships, Same boring situations, Wrong businesses.
And finally they die poor, frustrated, defeated, empty with unfulfilled dreams, visions, and destinies.

Stand up to be counted before it's too late,chase the destiny God ordained you even before the foundations of earth were laid.

I pray for you today...
May God help you
May God mercy on you
May Holyspirit always help you, guide and convict you into truth.
In Jesus Name!



Today, I would like to encourage someone to TO KEEP GOING!

So many things in this life can derail, discourage or even stop you from progressing but God's desire is for you is to make progress ALWAYS. Regardless of any circumstances, situations, or issues in life, don’t stop moving, keep going.

The account of Peter comes to mind when the Master bid him to walk on water; Peter started moving forward to reach where Jesus was. But Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off His goal, Jesus. If he had kept his eyes on the Master, he wouldn’t have been overwhelmed by the billowing waves and tempest (Matthew 14:25-31).

The same thing happens to many today when they allow themselves to be overwhelmed by problems and circumstances of life, instead of looking ahead, they begin to sink.

Jesus, our perfect example; showed us that He was never distracted from moving forward. Even when things were hard, for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the Cross, despising the shame to get the results He wanted in His life. He didn’t care what people thought about Him or what they said; He never looked back.

1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life….” When life gets hard, don't quit, keep pushing. It is those who get to the end that are rewarded.

I pray that God will help you to keep moving regardless. Don’t be moved by hard times and circumstances, Keep Going!

Hebrews 12:2 AMP
Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith...He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.... Keep going.


Hello morning; Happy new week
Today I would like us to learn from Exodus chapter 3
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” — Exodus 3:14
As Exodus 3 opens, we find Moses in a most extraordinary encounter, standing next to a burning bush wrestling through his doubts with God.
Where else do we see God revealing Himself, or His will, accompanied by fire? See Exodus 13:21, Exodus 15:7, Exodus 19:18, and Malachi 3:2–3. What does Hebrews 12:29 say about God?

Why would God choose fire? Because throughout Scripture, God presents fire as purifying and refining. It separates the impurities and leaves what is valuable. Friend, when God brings or allows the fiery furnace of discomfort in our lives, it does not burn indiscriminately. It burns intentionally, to make us more like Him. We can trust that it is always for our refinement and never for our destruction. God knew Moses was about to walk with God’s people through some serious refining.
God also knew Moses lacked what He needed to step into His assignment. So, the fire was dramatic. Necessary. A powerful reminder of who God was, who Moses was, and who God was calling him to be.
In Exodus 3:11, Moses, who had been hiding as a fugitive for 40 years, questioned God’s assignment. Moses asked Who am I that I should go... and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” God simply replied I will be with you. — Exodus 3:1
It is interesting that God doesn’t build up Moses’ confidence. He simply gives Moses a promise. He affirmed that He would be with Moses, and he asks for more assurance. Who exactly is it that will be with him as he returns to Egypt
God then gives Moses a special revelation of who He is. God gives Moses a new name to call Him. God says, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Though the meaning of this name is not completely certain, one possible meaning is “I will be to you all that I AM.”
How I love this name God has given Moses in the midst of the fear of the unknown! God knew what lay ahead for Moses. Moses did not. Through this name, God promised to be EVERYTHING Moses needed. Everything Israel needed to ensure that the nations around them knew that the Israelites’ God was the One True God.
I will be with you. — Exodus 3:12
We need to ask where, or to whom, do we look to fill our longings? More specifically, we should pause and ask, in what or whom do we place our faith? In the things of this world? In idols, as the pagan nations did? In making a name for ourselves, like the ones who built the tower of Babel? Or do we place our faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? In Israel’s God? The One True God?
Friend, God, who is our great “I Am,” fulfills every longing of our hearts. Jesus carries this truth forward into the New Testament as He declares His many magnificent names. He is the Bread of Life sent so we never need to hunger or thirst again (John 6:35). He is the Light of the World so we never have to walk in darkness again (John 8:12). He is the Good Shepherd who will lead us so we never feel anxious, fearful, lost, or alone again (John 10:11). He is the Resurrection and the Life who guarantees abundant life here on earth and forever in Heaven with Him (John 11:25).
May God bless you,Shallom.


There some invitations you shouldn't honor no matter what you're given- You should never go in dry places(This is places or churches with huge gathering but the Holy ghost is not there).Any place without the Holy place is a dangerous place to be. The bible says that when unclean spirit leaves a man, it goes walking in dry places...DRYNESS ATTRACTS DEMONS. The latter kills but it is the spirit that gives life. Samson uniqueness was who He was ,whenever you change who you're to please others you lose the reason for your being.



Chittagong Division