Kalyani Yoga

Kalyani Yoga

Group yoga classes can be intimidating. Private lessons give you the time to ask questions and modify each posture to find greater comfort in your body.

All lessons are custom designed and tailored to your specific needs and goals. Kalyani specializes in creating customized yoga practices designed specifically for your body. Everybody can enjoy yoga! Private lessons allow you to learn how to keep your body safe and feel better. Increase your comfortable range of motion, gain more strength and flexibility and get relief from stress and tension. Wan


Woo Hoo!!! Today's the day...

So excited to take some much needed me time. A whole week of meditation, learning and growing, surrounded by like minded people.

Photos from Kalyani Yoga's post 17/07/2024

Yesterday felt magical from start to finish. Woke up to a rainbow on my way to work. Great sessions on LPI, then the dolphins came out to play on our ride home and I capped it all off with a great Warriors at Ease class.

Teaching my last class this morning then I'm off for a month!
I love Summer!

Trauma-Informed Yoga: How it Heals, Benefits, and Poses to Try 11/07/2024

I totally agree that every yoga teacher should be trauma informed. I got trained to help military and first responders. After getting trained, I quickly realized that every student that comes to class has experienced trauma and deserves a safe place to practice.

I'll be at the Level 1 & 2 Warriors at Ease Training in Texas in September.
Want to join?


Trauma-Informed Yoga: How it Heals, Benefits, and Poses to Try For many people, typical yoga classes or poses can be triggering. Trauma-informed yoga aims to do no harm and help you heal.

widgets.insighttimer.com 10/07/2024

Want help with meditation, insomnia, anxiety, healing and more? Follow me on Insight Timer "Kalyani Jen Tobin"


Pause And Reset | Insight Timer 08/07/2024

Pause And Reset | Insight Timer Take a moment to reset your day. Wipe the slate clean and begin again with greater clairty and energy to face all challenges. “Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, is known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, Frequency of Transformation. It is known for its powerful transformation effects on human body ...


Excited for today!
Self Care Sunday...It's not too late, you can join us.

Explore your practice in a whole new way. Proprioception plays a huge role in Blindfold yoga. Receptors in our skin and muscles, tell our brain where our body is in space and what it is doing. A healthy proprioceptive system is important for a high level of body awareness. Like anything else proprioception gets stronger with practice. 💪🌟

Tap into your inner guidance and feel more aware, more confident and have some fun!


Trust Your Inner Guidance- Blindfold Yoga and Gong Bath ✨💜

I am so excited to bring this practice here to the Keys. Blindfold yoga is usually only found at yoga retreats and festivals. 🕉

It's one thing to close your eyes during practice but to remove the option of opening them is a whole different matter! It's normal to feel a little vulnerable at the thought. But that feeling melts away, as you cultivate the feeling of safety within the space. You will be given ample time to breathe all that tension out. All instructions are clear and concise, and your comfort (and fun) is my top priority. 💕

This practice will deepen your technique and your connection to your self. Embody Pratyahara like never before. Pratyahara means withdraw of the senses. When we remove our sight, all other senses heighten, so we experience our practice in a whole new way. ✨🌿

Enjoy renewed confidence and self acceptance. Blindfold yoga is a personal challenge that involves a lot of inner work. We remove self judgement, let go of competition and face our fears instead of walking away from them. When we do that, they loose their power over us. In this sense, Blindfold yoga has a liberating effect. 💫🙌

Class ends as you rest in stillness and allow the healing vibrations of the gong wash over your mind and body. At that point you will be so far from distraction that it will be easy to slip into a quiet calm and let the flow of thoughts and breath move through you while you remain comfortably steady in that place where thoughts and distraction stop and unity begins. ☮️💞

Join me for this fun way to expand your practice and explore your inner world.
Space is limited for safety. Please pre-register so you don't miss out.

Register here: https://www.keywestyogasanctuary.com
More about me: www.KalyaniYoga.net


Are you ready to let go of stress and feel better? Join us tonight...


Mother Nature helped out tonight with my Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath class. Adding her rumbles of thunder to the healing vibrations of the gong. Then gave us this gift on the drive home.


It's not tool ate to sign up for tonight's class...

Warriors at Ease classes are designed to give you tools to down regulate your nervous system. Each class will give you evidence based practices to use when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. So you can set down the heaviness of stress and tension. Gain greater mental clarity and build resilience.


Don't let the name fool you...

If you are stressed out, overwhelmed and over worked, this class is for you. Warriors at Ease classes are a great way to learn how to build a yoga practice to help you calm stress, deal with pressure and feel better in your body. Without anything that may stop you from going to a yoga studio. No Sanskrit, no chanting just movement to warm up, gentle stretches and breathing to relax and let go.

If you have heard about the benefits of yoga but just haven't tried it yet, this is the way to learn. All classes are evidence based and trauma informed. In every session you will learn techniques to down regulate your nervous system and handle the stress of your busy life.

Join me...


Are you ready for some relaxation?
Join me...

✨Gentle Mindful Flow + Yoga Nidra + Gong Bath = The Perfect Friday Night 🌙✨

We've got two Healing Frequencies and Yoga Nidra workshops with Kalyani !!!

Healing Frequencies and Yoga Nidra is a offering that begins with a very short gentle flow, just to prepare our bodies for deep rest and healing. Then in a extra comfortable position, we allow the body to melt away from the mind.

Come reclaim your power and experience healing on multiple levels. This offering reduces stress, improves sleep, increases mindfulness and intuition, reduces anxiety, improves mood, relieves both emotional and physical pain and improves immune function.

Two Available Dates: Friday, June 7th or Friday, July 5th from 6-7:15pm

Each Workshop is $35.

Limited Spaces Available.

Visit our website to learn more and book your spot today! DM if you have questions.

Warriors at Ease Mindfulness Meditation with Music by Healing Rest 26/05/2024

In honor of Memorial Day, please accept this gift and pass it on.
They will never be forgotten...

“As people take the opportunity afforded them by the long weekend associated with Memorial Day, it is important to remember why the day exists. For me, the day reminds me of friends lost and the horrors of war. At the same time, it reminds us all that while the day-to-day events of the world often paint a picture of gloom and doom, we still live in a place where heroes are among us. While these brave souls have passed in service, their memory is honored on Memorial Day to remind us that we had the privilege of existing on the same plane as them, even if it was only for a moment.” David Daly

Warriors at Ease Mindfulness Meditation with Music by Healing Rest Melt into a peaceful meditation designed to enhance your awareness of the sounds around you and the sensations within. Experience your ability to become aware of both simultaneously. This awareness will assist you in releasing tension from your mind and body. Using the breath as a primary anchor of....

Photos from Key West Yoga Sanctuary's post 24/05/2024

If you haven't seen how beautiful it is at Key West Yoga Sanctuary, this is your chance...It's like a secret oasis in the middle of Key West. Come check it out!


Friends in AZ or close by...

Full-Ride Scholarships are available for Warriors at Ease Level 2 Training!

Are you a yoga teacher and an Arizona veteran passionate about yoga and empowering your community?

Warriors at Ease has FULL-RIDE SCHOLARSHIPS available for our Level 2 Training in Tucson, Arizona (July 12-14, 2024)!

This program equips you with the skills to effectively teach yoga to the military community, aiding them in managing stress, improving well-being, and finding healing. The deadline to apply is June 15, 2024.

For more information, contact us at [email protected].


New Pop Up Classes Alert...

We are offering two very special pop up classes in June and two in July at the beautiful Key West Yoga Sanctuary.

Please help us by sharing this with all of your Military and First Responder friends. We know the need it there, but can we reach the people that will benefit most from these custom designed practices? We need your help in spreading the word.

This class is designed to be comfortable for military and first responders to regulate the nervous system and perform more effectively. Learn how to balance the stress of the job with evidence based, proven techniques. But ALL are welcome! Never done yoga before? Great! This class is for you.

We will be following the Resilient Warrior Curriculum. Which includes:
-The Importance of Sleep
-The Practice of Gratitude
-Attention Training
-Developing the Witness
-Healthy Habits and Goal Setting
-The Anatomy of Stress and Trauma

**You do not have to be affiliated with the military or first responders to attend.

We can ALL benefit from learning tools to down-regulate our nervous system.


I've been certified "Trauma Informed Yoga" for the military since 2016 and with Warriors at Ease since 2019. I'm thrilled to now be a part of the faculty bringing the healing practices of yoga to military and first responders. Being a military spouse, these programs are very near and dear to my heart.

Check them out...


Happiness is rolling out of bed and "working" in your PJ's. 😍

Photos from Kalyani Yoga's post 04/05/2024

Woo hoo!! 🎉 Coldest yet for this Florida girl...
50 degrees for 7 minutes. Feeling good! ✨🥶💖


Take just 15 minutes to pause your day, regulate your nervous system and regain control. Shine the light of awareness on different places to come fully into the present moment. Learn a powerful breathing technique to quickly overcome anxiety and step back into your power. Re-awaken the Peaceful Warrior with the assistance of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music.

741 Hz Music Benefits:
Increases mental clarity
Reduces anxiety
Creates a protective barrier against negativity
Helps with chronic aches and pains
Frees us to speak our truth
Releases anger, jealousy, negativity and guilt

This meditation was designed specifically for our nations heroes (military, first responders and medical professionals) THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!
But EVERYONE can benefit from this quick and simply nervous system reset.

Image: “Serene and concentrated young man keeping his hands put together by bent head” By Pressmaster
Music: 741Hz Ascension Frequency Meditation By: U-Music


Take just 15 minutes to pause your day, regulate your nervous system and regain control. Shine the light of awareness on different places to come fully into the present moment. Learn a powerful breathing technique to quickly overcome anxiety and step back into your power. Re-awaken the Peaceful Warrior with the assistance of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency Music.

741 Hz Music Benefits:
Increases mental clarity
Reduces anxiety
Creates a protective barrier against negativity
Helps with chronic aches and pains
Frees us to speak our truth
Releases anger, jealousy, negativity and guilt

This meditation was designed specifically for our nations heroes (military, first responders and medical professionals)
But EVERYONE can benefit from this quick and simply nervous system reset.

Image: “Serene and concentrated young man keeping his hands put together by bent head” By Pressmaster
Music: 741Hz Ascension Frequency Meditation By: U-Music

Inspired by my Warriors at Ease and YogaFit for Warriors Training.
Please follow me for more meditations like this:
Spotify "Healing Rest"
Insight Timer: Kalyani Jen Tobin

Facebook: Kalyani Yoga

Photos from Kalyani Yoga's post 27/04/2024

Lunch break from training means a quick cold plunge. Warm clothes to warm back up and a nice warm lunch. On to more learning...
Warrior at Ease Retreat Leader Training.


Day 1- Warrior At Ease Retreat Leader Training. Loving it! 💖 It's great when a training actually feels like you are on a retreat. Plus meeting and connecting to other people that are also passionate about helping Veterans is so amazing. Looking forward to the next two days, learning and growing. ✨

Photos from Key West Yoga Sanctuary's post 26/04/2024

Want to learn what all the hype is about?! Take it from me, someone who didn't get in my pool unless it was 90+ degrees. There is power and healing in learning how to safely explore the cold. My body now craves it! Hard to believe, but when it makes you feel so good, you get hooked. Although I don't know Aaron, I do know the lengths you must go through to be a certified WHM Instructor. You will be taught properly to keep you safe.

Reduce Inflammation and Stress
Improve your Sleep, Mood, Circulation & Immunity
Relieve Sore Muscles & Swelling
Increase your Energy

Mark will be there.🙂 I'm in Warrior at Ease Retreat Leader Training all weekend or else I would be there too.

It's not too late to sign up!


“The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart.” – Anthony T. Hincks

I love the sweets sounds as my sweet little island wakes up every morning. (even the Tokay Geko) 😂

Take a moment to just stop and breathe. Simply slow down for 1 minute. Breathing slowly and deeply in and out of your nose. Cultivating Gratitude for this whole new opportunity to start over. Create your day to flow with ease. Be open to the guidance of where you are meant to be, what you are called to do. Yesterday is done, tomorrow isn't here yet, savor this gift of the present moment.

☀️ 🙏


Full Circle Moment...✨
Sunday I was fortunate enough to go to Amanda's Gentle Yoga and Sound Bath at Key West Yoga Sanctuary. Where she reminded me that the first time she played a crystal bowl was a few years ago, when I was one of her facilitators in her Yoga Teacher Training. What a blessing to be the tiny spark that blossomed into a beautiful, inspired, connected and healing practice that many will benefit from. If you get the chance, go see her. You will be happy you did. 💖✨



Latest meditation released. You can find the full meditation on Spotify "Healing Rest" and on Insight Timer under Kalyani Jen Tobin.

This powerful yoga nidra session is infused with Reiki energy to assist you in healing your mind and body. 417 Hz Solfeggio frequency music is used to clear out all lower vibration thoughts, beliefs, emotions and past trauma. The body is always trying to tell us what our emotional set point is, what subconscious tape we have running in the background. In this meditation, we will uncover the messages from the body, the emotional seeds, that contribute to our back pain. Through awareness we can consciously change our thoughts to get out of the body's way of healing. This is Quantum Healing. Inspiration comes from Louise Hay’s book "You Can Heal Your Body." This meditation is 44:44 in length to call in the love, support and guidance of your angels.


Take just 5 minutes to Melt tension out of your mind and body. Enjoy the healing 741 Hz frequency, which is effective in reducing anxiety and stress. It acts like a natural tranquilizer that calms the mind and releases tension from the body. Imagine sending all of your worries to Mother Earth. Give her your stress and tension, your anger and frustration. Then welcome healing energy into your mind and body. Come back refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of your day.

Image: “Italy, Lago Viverone at sunset” by: Estend61
Music: “741 Ascension Frequency Meditation By:UMusic

Quickly Melt Tension With 741Hz by Healing Rest 19/04/2024

Take just 5 minutes to Melt tension out of your mind and body. Enjoy the healing 741 Hz frequency, which is effective in reducing anxiety and stress. It acts like a natural tranquilizer that calms the mind and releases tension from the body. Imagine sending all of your worries to Mother Earth. Give her your stress and tension, your anger and frustration. Then welcome healing energy into your mind and body. Come back refreshed and ready to enjoy the rest of your day.

Image: “Italy, Lago Viverone at sunset” by: Estend61
Music: “741 Ascension Frequency Meditation By:UMusic

Quickly Melt Tension With 741Hz by Healing Rest Take just 5 minutes to Melt tension out of your mind and body. Enjoy the healing 741 Hz frequency, which is effective in reducing anxiety and stress. It acts like a natural tranquilizer that calms the mind and releases tension from the body. Imagine sending all of your worries to Mother Earth. Give....

Photos from Kalyani Yoga's post 18/04/2024

Feeling accomplished...
Beautiful ride into "work". One yoga session, one meditation session, home to cold plunge and completed my first 9 hours of online training with Joe Dispenza. 23 more online hours to go, getting ready for my one week Intensive with him in Denver this July!! Never stop learning and growing.

Exciting things are being created, I can't wait to share...

Videos (show all)

I've been certified "Trauma Informed Yoga" for the military since 2016 and with Warriors at Ease since 2019. I'm thrille...
Peaceful Warrior Meditation
Peaceful Warrior Meditation
“The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart.” – Anthony T. HincksI love the sweets sounds a...
Full Circle Moment...✨Sunday I was fortunate enough to go to Amanda's Gentle Yoga and Sound Bath at Key West Yoga Sanctu...
Meditation To Remove The Emotions That Cause Back Pain- Yoga Nidra
Take just 5 minutes to Melt tension out of your mind and body. Enjoy the healing 741 Hz frequency, which is effective in...
Preview  "Healing Frequency Meditation For Pain"
Advanced Prana Healing
