Soul School

Soul School

Soul School helps you awaken your wisdom and actualize your awesome. Follow us for daily Soul Care. Soul School is your doorway to the Divine—within you.

Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC helps you awaken your spiritual gifts, align with your Purpose, unlock your soul power, and harness your potential so you can increase your peace and generate more joy.

Photos from Soul School's post 25/11/2022

BEST GIFT EVER for your soulful friends and family … and yourself … CHAKRA STRAWS! Glass reusable crystal-powered straw helps you clear & charge your chakras and cultivate peace & wellness while saving the planet from plastic straw pollution. CRYSTAL POWERED straws come with a bamboo carrying case for protection, so you can take it with you everywhere.

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Single straws are an excellent Stocking Stuffer or Hanukkah 🎁 BUY HERE:

7-straw Chakra pack is a grand gift that’s sure to WOW 🎁BUY HERE:

Use our code at checkout 👉🏻 SELFCARE 👈🏻 to get an exclusive Soul School BONUS GIFT, a ‘how to’ crystal guidebook, written by Soul School founder, [crystalline] Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC.

CRYSTAL HEALING FOR MODERN LIFE teaches you Chakra Balancing Crystals, Crystals For Clearing Bad Energy, Combining Crystals And The Lunar Cycles, The Benefits Of Selenite, Amethyst & Rose Quartz, 5 Crystals For Manifesting Wealth And Success, Crystals To Use For Relaxation And Well-Being, and much more!

Message us a photo of your receipt to claim your copy of CRYSTAL HEALING FOR MODERN LIFE, it will be emailed to you once we confirm your purchase.

Check out the entire out-of-this world awesome line of crystal water products that include bottles, decanters, and even bowls for your pets! 🎁 🎁

Remember to use SELFCARE code at checkout for your BONUS GIFT!


Dr. Wayne W. Dyer was a sage, a wise one who spoke Universal Truths relevant to us all. This quote speaks to me. Affirm forward progress. Choose to take baby steps forward. Spiritual awakening is a process, in part, of realization, recognizing how our ego (fearful self) causes unnecessary drama, creates problems, and is prone to blaming circumstances; rather than making conscious choices.

Tune in, now, for quiet reflection, scanning recent scenarios in your life, noting patterns that repeat, hearing what you say about yourself, and your life.

Can you recognize when your ego is speaking, and when it’s your soul?

Your soul is your Truth, your authentic, empowered self, the part of you that is conscious, awake, and aware. Make a conscious choice, right now, that moving forward you will ask, “Is this my soul speaking, or my ego?”

Ask your soul to take the reigns of your life. Ask your soul to reveal the Truth to you, and show you the best choice you can make, right now. Always add “right now” to stay centered in the moment.

You are not stuck. The world is not against you. You are not a failure. Any thoughts in your head trying to convince you otherwise is your ego talking; recognize its lies and you are centered in your Truth.

The Truth is, you are awesome! Own it, today 🦄


Meditation is as simple as pausing to take several slow, deep breaths. It works best when still, which allows our nervous system to recalibrate and reboot. Moving meditation, like walking or dancing, is great when you need to clear pent up energy like anger, or worry.

Try meditating for 60-seconds today. Set timer on your phone and relax into the moment.

F O L L O W Soul School for mindfulness practices, guided meditations, and daily soul care.


Perfectionism is procrastination in disguise. The phrase, “Done is better than perfect” is a powerful truth that helped (mostly) break me of this self-defeating pattern. I resisted for a while, thinking, “No way! Whatever I do must be perfect!!” The truth slowly sunk in that while I was trying to make everything perfect, nothing was getting done; I kept delaying completion until I got it ‘just right’.

Instead of striving for perfection make a commitment to excellence, which is doing and giving the best that you can.

“Perfect” is an ever-elusive unicorn who’ll always outrun you. Stop stalling, and get to completing the things you’ve been putting off. Have the courage to fall on your face, or fail, or risk being silly. Dive into life with arms wide open and you’ll be amazed at the gifts you’ll receive!

F O L L O W Soul School for inspiration, encouragement, motivation, and support to assist you in awakening your highest self and actualizing your awesome 👑


Affirmations help clear fear and increase qualities you want to cultivate. For affirmations to work it requires more than merely reciting words.

1. To begin, set your intention, “I AM what I say I AM”.

2. Breathe deeply to center in your soul and ground your power. On exhale, release blocks (disbelief), on inhale, breathe in purifying light to open your mind.

3. Recite affirmations with emphasis and energy, commanding it to be so.

4. Declare affirmations both silently and aloud. Write down your affirmations to magnify their power and lock in the learning.

5. Repeat until you believe what you are saying, and feel it to be true.

6. Continue to recite your affirmations frequently, intensifying your believe, bringing your desires to reality.

F O L L O W Soul School for spiritual awakening processes, guide meditations, mindfulness practices, Soul Care, and more.


HOW TO MANIFEST: Seeing 11:11 is a reminder from the Universe that what you think will become your reality. It’s akin to the Universe taking a snapshot of your thoughts, saying, “Is THIS what you want to bring into your life?” Seeing 11:11 gives you an opportunity to clear worries and adjust your thoughts shifting your attention to focus on what you most desire.

When you see 11:11 (or 111) harness your full energy to focus on one specific thing you most desire to manifest; it can be a quality, like peace or joy, or a particular, like $500

KNOW THIS: We are always manifesting. Our thoughts become the things that show up in our life. But thought alone is not powerful enough to bring forth creation. We must be in energetic alignment with our desires, feeling the joy, love, abundance we desire to attract. We must believe we are worthy. We must have faith our dreams are possible.

We attract what we are. Fear attracting fearful situations. The first step in manifesting all the goodness and greatness we deserve is to release our fear— a step might need to repeat until you’ve cleansed your mind of worries. This step requires faith in a benevolent power greater than yourself.

Focusing on gratitude, literally counting your blessings, and giving sincere thanks, puts you in the mindset to recieve. Focusing on what you don’t have does the opposite, it creates lack conscious, pushing away that which you hope to attract. Give thanks that the earth will rise to support you, the Universe bends to bring your heart’s desires to life— your job is keeping your mind centered on your heart’s desires with joyful anticipation.

Inspired Action is an integral aspect of manifesting. Ask the Universe (God) to show you the way, to guide your steps, clear a path, and when possible, bring “it” to you. Quiet your mind to open to recieve Divine Guidance. Listen. Take action when nudged. Be still. Remain open. Believe.

F O L L O W Soul School for tips and tools that will elevate your conscious, raise your vibration, and align you with your soul, and Highest Purpose. Spoiler: your grandest, yet most simple Purpose is to love your life and live it to the fullest!


It’s time to wake up! F o l l o w Self-Care School for guided meditations, mindfulness practice, and Soul Care to awaken your wisdom and help you actualize your awesome.

Soul School Soul School helps you awaken your wisdom and actualize your awesome. Follow us for daily Soul Care.


Reduce stress & increase your peace and joy with Soul Care, which will quiet your mind so you can hear Divine Guidance. Your Guardian Angels are always giving you messages that will help you move forward on your Highest Path of Purpose; feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety block your reception.

Follow us for guided meditations and mindfulness practices that will bring your within to reconnect with your soul and claim your power to create a life you love. Since opening Soul School in 1990, founder, Master Certified Transformation Coach, Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC, has helped many thousands to super-size their soul. It’s your turn now.

Soul Care is the self-care you need. Coach KL will help you elevate your energetic vibration, awaken higher levels of consciousness, and move forward on your Highest Path of Purpose with Grace, ease, and joy.

Click “follow” and select “follow first” to ensure our posts show up in your news feeds.


Your soul has a message for you that you need to hear. Quiet your mind and listen. Divine Guidance will always lead you in the right direction.

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Soul Therapy™ is a totally energizing and uplifting experience 18/06/2022

What you believe about yourself determines how you feel, and informs others as to how you expect to be treated. If you convince yourself you’re a pos there’s a good chance you’ll attract sh*tty people.

No matter what you’ve done, or not done, you are worthy of love, kindness, respect, and as many chances as it takes to get the lesson. Other people might not always give you a second chance, but you must! Because life is learning, and in the process we sometimes get it wrong; and that’s okay.

Choose to let go of the past so you can create the future you desire. Letting go is often a process— start by reminding yourself what doesn’t define you, like things people say about you.

Caught in a loop of ‘coulda, woulda, shouldas’?

Working with Soul School founder, Krista-Lynn can help you break free of the past, step into the ‘now’, and center in your power. She’s helped thousands of people transform their lives in her 32 years of service, and taught millions more as an expert for top-tier publications like Women's Health, Health, Oprah Daily, USA TODAY, and many more. When your ready to elevate your consciousness and rise to the next level, Krista-Lynn will help you manifest your magnificence!

✅ F O L L O W US .us for daily SoulCare, including consciousness cleansing, mindset coaching, guided meditations, mindfulness practices, ascension activations, moon cycle processes, and more! ✅

Soul Therapy™ is a totally energizing and uplifting experience Check out! Soul Therapy™ reconnects you with the full power and splendor of your Soul! Each session is different from the next, but always, exactly what is needed at the time, in order to help you to move forward on your highest path of purpose.


Super Moon 🌝 Power Charge, prep for June 14th Full Moon 🌕 Soul School founder, Krista-Lynn Landolfi shares insights into how to best harness the power of this outrageously potent Sagittarius ♐️ Full Moon, the first of two SUPER Moons in a row giving us an opportunity to release heaviness weighing us down, to clear our mind and hearts of resentments and regret, and clear the path of our Highest Holy Purpose, so we can move forward with Grace, ease, and joy.

The old way of struggle and strife is ending No longer do we need to learn through suffering—a JOY Uprising is on the horizon! Tune in for ways you can center with soul and ascend with the rising moon.

Gaze at the full moon (preferably outside) with intention to clear and cleanse your mind of all fear and worry. This will help you experience full release, so like the Sagittarius you can connect with Cosmic Consciousness and awaken the wise sage within you.

⭐️ Send STARS ⭐️ to show your appreciation for this broadcast, which is given freely, to assist you in rising into your Ultimate Awesome — your Super Self, which is your soul set free!

Send a Blessing of a ⭐️ 1000 STARS ⭐️ ($10) and recieve a 1 card Angel Reading with Krista-Lynn, conducted privately over video on Facebook Messenger 😇


Everybody’s talking about “good vibes” — here are 7 ways to create them. Which one will you try today? (Please try one, it’ll feel good. Promise!)

When we elevate our energetic vibration through actions like singing, dancing, meditating, spending time in nature, and reciting positive affirmations, good vibes occur naturally. A shift occurs, and we are uplifted, transcending the earth plane mundane, ascending into spiritual realms where we gain clarity and awareness. And good vibes ✌🏻

Transformation is a process that requires action. Take at least one (simple!) action today to rise above the noise and connect with the small, still voice within you. (That’s your soul!)

Love to your day 💗

Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC
Founder, Soul School [est. 1990]

F O L L O W us for your daily dose of inspiration. Soul School will awaken you to higher levels of consciousness; which of course, generates those good vibes everyone’s chasing 😉


Repeat after me, I am enough. I have always been enough. The people who said I was not enough were wrong. They spoke from their insecure arrogance, their own sense of inferiority, projecting their pain unto me. I am neither too much, or lacking in any way.

I AM enough. I am filled with vast potential that I’m ready to tap, harness and activate. I am ready to unleash my awesome and share it with the world.

I am enough.

If you’re ‘normal’, you probably say mean things to and about yourself; that’s the pattern I’ve seen coaching thousands of people. It’s common to say things like, “I am such an idiot!”, or to make jokes about yourself, like, “I effed up again, I am such a loser!”

Imagine how you’d feel if someone else were putting you down, yelling at you for a simple mistake, punishing you for being human. It hurts! And repeatedly being criticizing makes you doubt yourself, it chips away at your self-esteem, and can lead to more serious issues like anxiety and depression.

Trash talk hurts and damages just the same when you say it to yourself!

Affirmations help reprogram our mind.

You are enough, that is the truth. Whatever you need to be your ultimate awesome best self living your best life is within you. Right now. When you stop telling yourself you can’t, or that you’re not _________ (fill in the blank) enough, you will start to rise into greater and grander versions of yourself.

I ask you to please repeat this simple affirmation daily and often: I am enough.

Affirm your ‘enoughness’ and you’ll soon realize you’re so much more than you’ve allowed yourself to be, do, and recieve.

Affirm you are enough and an energetic shift will happen and you’ll automatically open to recieve more.

Most importantly, when you know you are enough you can stop trying so hard to prove yourself. When you stop trying to prove your worth you will see how valuable you truly are. Cherish yourself!

Love to your day,

Krista-Lynn Landolfi, MCC
Master Transformation Coach
Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher
Founder, Soul School and Lightworker Academy [est. 1990, Self-Care.Tips

For mindfulness, meditation, ascension activations, spiritual awakening, higher consciousness, transformation coaching, and reminders of your magnificence ...

👉🏻 F O L L O W Soul School 👈🏻


“Perfect” is an illusion. Stop trying to please everyone — an impossible task — and look for ways to increase your peace.

Timeline photos 30/08/2018

Sound like you?

Me, in a nutshell. Nothing’s more powerful than a woke woman 👑 How do you center, ground, and keep your soul sparkling?

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Mindful Living & Life Coaching:


Repeat after me: I AM Whole. Keep saying it until you believe it. And please, stop trying to fill the “hole in your soul” with stuff, whether it be food, buying things, or trying to get what you need from relationships, nothing will fill you overflowing except for your own love. You are lovable, prove that to yourself today through action and positive affirmation.

Love to Your Day,
Krista-Lynn Landolfi
Founder, Soul School [est. 1990]
Founder, Self-Care.Tips
Expert Advisor, Health Magazine.


In our modern world we need money to live, so let’s stop judging people using archaic beliefs [i.e: our gifts should be shared freely] because every talent humans’ have is God-given. Blessings to the Lightworkers lifting the world with Love 🙌🏻 🌈 🙌🏻 we appreciate your Sacred service, honor your skills and thank you for making your gifts available to the masses 💗


Raise your hand if one of these is an issue for you 🙋🏼‍♀️ Let us know which one you’re ready to give up:
•Negative self-talk
•Doubting yourself
•People pleasing
•Fear of failure

You’ll lighten up when you release the heavy stuff weighing you down, fear being the biggest downer. Transcend these low-vibe ways of being with high vibrational actions like positive affirmations and mantras, mindfulness and meditation practice, time spent in nature, and doing things that increase your joy. 🚀 Joy is the highest vibration, it’s love expressed with enthusiasm.

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Today, God wants you to know that as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held. All is well, all is well, all is well.



It’s time to MAKE LIFE EASIER!! Prepare to be schooled on the irrefutable Laws of Universe, today’s lesson is about the “Law of Attraction”, which is all about energetic alignment. To magnetize an opportunity or experience we must match its vibrational frequency. In example: negativity will never create positive experiences, lack consciousness will never lead to wealth, and unhealthy choices will not create optimal health.

So, how do we transcend a lower vibration and rise into our desired reality? One healthy, positive, life-affirming choice at a time. We rise higher by appreciating what we have, expressing genuine gratitude for our blessings.

Everything is a blessing, even the sucky stuff, which serves as manure to grow us.

To align with our heart’s desire we must first get clear on what they are. Spend time daily imagining what your Ultimate Awesome life, body, career, relationships and health would look like. Let your mind run wild, envisioning every possible reality.

When what you’re envisioning feels GOOD or GREAT, declare to the Universe, “Yes, please! THANK YOU!” Then keep imaging yourself living that reality, feeling the joy of it as if it’s happening, now.

Everything IS happening, now, today’s thoughts and choices create our future.

Send blessings into your future by feeling good in the moment, right now.

“Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, "More of this, please. More of this, please." You need never again make another verbal statement of this intent, and if you were allowing your cork to float — all good things would flow to you.” ~Abraham

My take is similar to that of “Abraham”, when you’ve already got it and it’s great, declare, “More if this, please. Thank you.” When it’s seemingly outside of your realm, yet you desire it, and sense it’s a possibility, even if a stretch, declare to the Universe, “Yes, please. (Bring me this) Thank you!”

When we make “declarations to the Universe” we are actually commanding ourselves to get out of our own way and rise higher.

Ready to rise? 🚀

Take time, today and daily, to imagine the possibilities for your life, when it tickles your souls and makes your heart smile, i.e.: feels great, let the YES rise up in you, filling you with excitement, passion and joy. When you feel that giddiness rising up in you — which is sometimes masked as nervousness, since it’s an adrenalized feeling — kick sites on your desire, and with feeling, keep affirming, “Yes, please. Thank you. THIS!!! Align me, now, with THIS, or better.”

Naming and claiming a desire begins a process of unfolding, a lasso cast into the future that guides us forward, informing us as to the direction we need to head and steps we must take.

Find your Highest Path of Fulfimment. We do this by imagining with feeling; when it feels bad, it’s not for you, when it feels great, you’re on the road to fulfillment.

You deserve to live a life of deep meaning that nourishes, satisfies and fulfills you. You deserve to thrive, flourish and prosper!

Create that life.

We are here to help, comment to let us know how we can best support you 😉

Love to Your Day ❤️
Krista-Lynn Landolfi
Founder, Self-Care School
Editor-in-Chief, Self-Care.Tips
Expert Advisor, Health Magazine


Yes, please!

Inside all of us is a kid, a glorious, authentic, free, exuberant child who simply wants to LIVE, LOVE & CREATE! Your inner child wants to come out and play. Be nice, let yourself have some fun today.


Even God cannot help those who will not help themselves. Free will. You decide. Today, I encourage you to choose UP, coming through for yourself better than you did yesterday. You’re worth it, I promise!

Love to Your Day ❤️
Krista-Lynn Landolfi
Founder, Soul School & Lightworker Academy [est. 1990]




Love to Your Day ❤️

Do you have a healthy relationship with yourself? Sure, you live in your body, feeling every pleasure and pain, you hear every thought that runs through your mind and feel every feeling that moves through your body, but do you have a healthy relationship with yourself; or any kind of relationship?

On the surface, it seems a silly question to ask, yet think about it, and get honest; how often do you take time to communicate with yourself as you would a loved one, checking in to see what you need, how you’re really feeling, or otherwise inquiring to your own welfare?

When in a healthy relationship with self we tune in daily and often, whether for a quick hello, a long hug, or a heartfelt conversation. Living in a body doesn’t build a healthy relationship, you could live all your days in a home with another, and hate them every second.

Open communication and consistent care are the keys to building a loving relationship with yourself, along with nurturing, acknowledging, championing, and doing the best you can to learn and fulfill your needs.

Self-Care is an act of self-love, a way to say, I️ appreciate you, I️ respect you, I️ cherish you. Today, take some time to connect with yourself, simply ask questions and listen. Find out what you most need, right now, what you most want, the type of support that will benefit you; then take steps to provide for yourself.

Every relationship we have is flavored by the relationship we have with ourselves. It’s no wonder others doesn’t listen, or never show up for you, when it’s how you treat yourself.

If you want greater and grander love in your life start by loving yourself better.

I️ love you! But ..... until you truly and fully love yourself, even the parts you don’t like, you’ll never be able to fully absorb that love, because you won’t feel worthy. You are worthy, I️ promise. And I️ promise that the time, effort and energy it takes to build a loving, healthy relationship with yourself will be the greatest investment of your life! Start today.

You’re Worth It!
❤️ Krista-Lynn Landolfi
Founder, Self-Care School


Your soul wants your attention .... listen.

Your soul is always speaking, want to know what it has to say? Here’s how: we project outwardly what is going on within us, so listen to what you say to and about other people; there is a message in there for you.

Examples: you say to another "You don't appreciate me", or, “You’re so stressful to be around”, or “You never spend enough time with me", or, “You’ve got anger issues”, or “You think nothing I do is good enough"; in every instance, that is really your soul telling YOU that you are your problems.

We seek solutions (and salvation) outside of ourselves when, in fact, resolving most issue is an inside job. We cannot absorb the love of others until we love ourselves, otherwise we’ll always feel unworthy. Everything we seek outwardly is what we most need to give to ourselves

Remember, when you point a finger at another there are three more pointing back at you. That's nature's way of reminding us that while we project our issues onto others, the problem is always within us.


❤️ this! Where’s your heart?



In this fast paced world it's important we prioritize some ME time, so , and join Soul School & Lightworker Academy founder, Krista-Lynn Landolfi, for some stress reduction, relaxation and recharging.



I love this.

Timeline photos 25/12/2017

Merry, Merry!

Get Your Wings & Learn to Fly!

Soul School & Lightworker Academy is a doorway into the Divine. Visit us for your daily dose of Soul Food. We're here to serve: ask questions, post comments, share wisdom and let our soulful community enlighten and uplift you.

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Repeat aloud 3 times to grow into your Ultimate Self and activate the reality your desire. Recite these affirmations thr...
Affirmations help clear fear and increase qualities you want to cultivate. For affirmations to work it requires more tha...
HOW TO MANIFEST: Seeing 11:11 is a reminder from the Universe that what you think will become your reality. It’s akin to...
Soul Care is the self-care you need.
Super Moon 🌝 Power Charge, prep for June 14th Full Moon 🌕  Soul School founder, Krista-Lynn Landolfi shares insights int...
🧘‍♀️ GUIDED MEDITATION 🧘‍♀️ Watch to release stress & center in peace. Reboot your brain with one minute of mindful medi...
💜 Heart Healing 💜 release anger & upset and increase peace & joy as you watch this reel, which has been energetically ac...
Soulcare for Success
#3tobefree meditation