Vitality Yoga

Vitality Yoga

Andrea, ERYT-200, YACEP, 500-RYT is a yoga instructor and Master Reiki Practitioner

Andrea specializes in working with clients in a small group or one-on-one capacity in order to personalize sessions.


Even the simple life isn't so simple anymore. It seems like nearly every one of us is overstimulated. It's no wonder so many of us feel tired, foggy, fatigued, or just downright off.

As a highly sensitive person, I get overstimulated pretty easily. My daily breathing exercises, yoga practice, and Reiki help me tone and calm my nervous system, allowing me to go about my day with a clearer mind, more focus, and ease in my body.

Here's a simple exercise you can try right now:

+ Sit or lay down comfortably, place hands on belly
+ Close your eyes
+ Inhale to a count 3, 4, or 5 (whatever feels easiest)
+ Exhale for longer than you inhaled, eventually twice as long
+ Repeat 5 times

Visit the link in bio to book in-person or virtual sessions and discover how breathing exercises and yoga can transform your day. ☀️

Photos from Vitality Yoga's post 04/06/2024

Nature is celebrating the diversity of her children with us this morning. She's been hanging this rainbow in our yard for over an hour now. 🫶🤗


Photos from Vitality Yoga's post 23/05/2024

Happy belated National Rescue Dog Day!

We're a little late posting because Rosie (11) had oral surgery last week. She had a body infection from dental issues. Despite brushing every night and putting on enzymatic gum gel daily, vet says genetics reared its ugly head. Her bone is recessing, which led to 20 teeth going bad.

The good news is, a week post-surgery she's back to her old self. Her black, wire hair is shiny. She gets excited about food and walks again. She's not cowering in the bathroom half the day. And she is alert, sassy, and a menace to society. Just the way she was meant to be! 🤗

Pepper (9), our sweet boy, is his happy-go-lucky self. He's my sous chef, confidant, walking buddy, lovebug, and tenderhearted protector.

In addition to all the hugs, cuddles, hikes, puppy play dates, and homemade treats they get, there isn't a day I don't verbally tell them how much light they bring into life just by being here. Truly. In the last couple of years alone they have saved my life on more than one occasion. 🙏

🥂 To the animal pals who love us warts and all and who deserve to be treated like the angels they are. 💚


Dogs. Trails. Trees. Sun. Breath. Repeat. Santosha.


The Joyful Chemistry of Playful Yoga 🧘‍♂️✨

Have you ever noticed how younger children live in a space of exploration, curiosity, and playfulness. This allows them to marvel at everything and incorporate imagination and play into their discoveries. It also boosts their immune systems!

When we infuse play into our yoga practice, we’re not just having fun; we’re also catalyzing a positive chemical reaction in our brains. Engaging in playful activities during yoga can increase the secretion of mood-enhancing hormones, including endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These “happy hormones” are known to boost our sense of well-being, elevate our mood, and reduce stress and anxiety. So, by being playful on the mat, we’re not only enriching our practice but also nurturing our mental health. Let’s roll out our mats and let the good vibes flow!

Come play on the mat with me Monday, April 15 at 9 a.m. Sign up at 🧠💖


Pranayama’s Impact on Mental Health 🌬️💆‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️ Breath is the bridge between the body and mind. Pranayama, or yogic breathing, has been shown to significantly impact mental health by calming the nervous system, reducing anxiety, and enhancing concentration.

While there are numerous types of breathwork, many of them are quite simple and beneficial for most people. For me, breathwork is incorporated into all my activities. My favorite thing to do is breathe in nature's exhalations.

Here’s a little practice I do when I go hiking and each night before bed to downregulate my nervous system.

• Close your eyes.
• Follow your breath in and out without controlling it.
• Listen to the sound within your body.
• Bring your attention to any other sensations of breathing.
• Resist the urge to qualify them or make judgements.
• Now, see if you can slowly extend the exhale a little longer.
• If you’re comfortable doing so, count your inhales and exhales.
• Extend the exhales so that they are a couple of counts longer than the inhale.
• Continue this until your exhales are twice as long as your inhales.
• Breathe a few more cycles in this way then release the work and breathe normally.

Breathing with intention, like many things, becomes most effective when practiced regularly. Just a couple of minutes a days few days a week can build on positive effects.🍃✨

NOTE: If you feel agitated at any time, go back to breathing normally. You can always pick back up where you left off. With breathwork, less is often more.


✨ Unleash your inner artist through yoga! This week, I’m sharing how creativity blooms in my practice. From painting with the colors of breath to sculpting the body’s expression, every asana is a masterpiece.

Asana doesn’t necessarily have to conform to traditional practices. The beauty of asana is that whether we are easing into the trust of gravity through restorative poses, working tissues at a deeper level through yin, or building strength, flexibility, and balance through yang, it has the power to boost health. Our bodies are vessels of energy and they must move in order to support us. But that movement can be initiated from a place of playful intention as much as it can be from a place of technical intention.

My personal practice is fluid. While I believe it’s important to approach asana and breathwork with attention to alignment and technique, I also believe it can be beneficial to incorporate play, exploration, and curiosity into a practice. That’s why my yoga practice takes place as much off the mat as it does on the mat.

You’ll often find me “striking a pose” while cooking dinner, cleaning my house, reading a book, gardening, watching movies, playing board games, or doing just about anything, really. I’d love to learn if and how creativity supports your yoga practice. Comment below!

Want to support a creative practice? Join me on the mat and let’s cultivate beauty together. Classes Mondays at 9 a.m. and Wednesdays at 5 p.m.


A Practice for Every Body

Yoga is not just a practice, but a journey of self-discovery that is accessible to all. Whether it’s through the dynamic flow of asana practice or the gentle rhythm of breath observation, yoga meets you where you are. It’s not about the complexity of the pose, but the connection to the moment and to oneself. Every body is a yoga body because yoga is about embracing your unique journey and finding balance, both on and off the mat. 🌱💖


Did you know that Downward Facing Dog pose was originally created by a group of yogis who wanted to communicate with canines? Legend has it that they believed mimicking the stretch of a dog would allow them to tap into the wisdom of man’s best friend. 🐕✨

Just kidding! While that’s not true, the real history of Downward Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is just as interesting. This iconic pose, which resembles a dog stretching, has roots in ancient traditions and has been a part of the Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) sequence for centuries. Representing both strength (balancing weight in both hands and feet) and surrender (it’s often used as a restorative pose in dynamic asana practices), the pose is a testament to yoga’s power to stretch and strengthen both body and mind. 🙏💪

So, this April Fool’s Day, let’s celebrate the playful spirit of yoga and remember that every pose has a story, even if some are just a bit more… ‘tail’-wagging than others! 😆🐾


🙃✨ Flip Your Frown Upside Down with Yoga Inversions! 🧘‍♀️💫

Feeling a bit topsy-turvy? Let’s turn that mood around—literally! Get upside down with yoga inversions and watch as your day lifts off. 🚀

Inversions are not just fun; they’re backed by science to boost your health! By flipping over, you’re increasing circulation, giving your heart a little break, and sending fresh oxygen to the brain. This can lead to improved alertness and energy levels. Plus, inversions can stimulate the release of those feel-good endorphins, making you feel like you’re walking on sunshine—even if you’re standing on your hands! ☀️🤸‍♂️

The rope wall is one of my favorite ways to get upside down. Removing the need for balance and avoiding pressure on the wrists or neck, the rope wall is gravity's best friend.

So, next time life feels a bit dull, remember: a headstand a day could keep the blues away! Get on the rope wall with me. Group classes begin April 15. Sign up at the link in bio.


“Bloom where you are planted.” This timeless wisdom reminds us that while we may not choose all the circumstances of our lives, we hold the power to thrive within them. 🌼

It’s about making the best of where we are right now, nurturing our inner strength, and growing in unexpected ways. Just as the lotus flower flourishes is mud, a most unlikely place for such vibrancy, so can we find beauty and purpose in the midst of challenge. 🌺

Let’s celebrate our resilience and the vibrant blooms of success that come from choosing to grow, no matter where life plants us.


🎙️✨ Tomorrow’s Exclusive Chat Alert! 🧘‍♂️🔬

Join me as I sit down with the fabulous Bettina McBee to discuss the unique blend of living life as a dyslexic magazine editor and accidental yoga teacher with a love for science and the esoteric. 🌟

I’ll be diving into how embracing my inner “anchovy” has been a surprising advantage and sharing insights on why living a paradoxical life is not just okay, but incredibly enriching. 🐟♻️

Don’t miss out on this candid conversation about defying expectations and redefining success. See you there!


Expand Your Perspective with Yoga 🧘‍♀️✨

Our moods are often a reflection of our perspectives, which in turn are sculpted by our actions. When we find ourselves caught in a narrow viewpoint, our emotions can feel constricted, and life seems less vibrant. 🌫️

But there’s a powerful way to widen our lens: through movement and yoga. 🌟 By moving our bodies, we shift our hormones, which in turn, shifts our perspective. Yoga is a particularly potent form of this transformation. It’s not just exercise; it’s a mental reset. 🧠💡

As we flow through asanas and do them in different ways, we’re not just stretching muscles—we’re expanding our minds. Yoga allows us to step away from the intellect and immerse in the physical experience. This immersion leads to a ‘reboot’ of the mind, quieting the chatter, reducing stress hormones, and enhancing the hormones that activate our parasympathetic nervous system—the one that tells us to rest and digest. 🌿🕊️

A study from the National Institutes of Health confirms this, showing that yoga practitioners experience significant reductions in stress and improvements in their overall well-being.

So, roll out your mat and let your practice be a journey of perspective. See the world with fresh eyes and a calm spirit. Join me for Vitality Yoga's first group class of 2024 on April 15 at 9 a.m. Sign up at the link in bio.🌐👀


I'm buzzing that just one week from now I'll be chatting with my good friend during her radio show Bettina's Buzz on Santa Cruz Voice. Join us as we talk about embracing our "inner anchovy-ness," how yoga has helped me embrace the salty-sweet elements of myself, and why I believe in creativity saved my life. It'll be juicy and fun. I hope you'll join us!


The Unseen Light We Cast ✨💖

Sometimes, we’re unaware of the light we carry within us, the gentle glow that touches lives around us. It’s there, in the warmth of an embrace we offer to someone in need, in the simple kindness of a door held open by a stranger, in the vibrant blossoms of our garden nurtured by our care, and in the rich flavors of a meal lovingly prepared. Each act, each moment, is a reflection of the light we emit, illuminating the world in subtle yet profound ways. Let’s take a moment to recognize the beauty we create and the paths we brighten, simply by being ourselves.


🎙️✨ Catch My Live Interview on Bettina’s Buzz Radio Show! 🌟🧘‍♀️

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be joining my soul sister Bettina McBee on Bettina’s Buzz for an exclusive interview! Tune in to The Santa Cruz Voice Saturday, March 23 at 11 a.m. PT as we dive into the world of yoga, explore the intricacies of life, and discuss the transformative power of creativity. It's not often that I'm on this side of the interview. I'm tickled to join a roster of interviewees, including Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Michael Hampton of Parliament Funkadelic, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and sculptor Richard MacDonald. Don’t miss out on this heartfelt conversation about the practices that nourish our souls and spark our imaginations. Set your reminders and be part of the journey!


🌟 Embrace Your Yoga Journey: Every Body is a Yoga Body 🌟

At Vitality Yoga, we believe that yoga is for every body, regardless of age, size, or flexibility. Your body is your temple, and yoga offers a path to honor and nurture it. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or stepping onto the mat for the first time, there's a place for you here.

Let go of comparison and judgment. Embrace the unique beauty and strength of your body. Together, let's celebrate the diversity of human experience and the transformative power of yoga. Join us at Vitality Yoga, where every body is welcomed, cherished, and celebrated. 🧘‍♀️💖🧘‍♂️

Congress: Support regenerative agriculture - a key solution for our climate, health, and water crises! 13/10/2023

Are you familiar with Ahimsa? It means "nonviolence" in Sanskrit. In yoga, we honor Ahimsa through mindful practices. This often translates into our life off the mat as we learn to be present and walk through life with more awareness. So what does this have to do with agriculture?

For generations, industrial agriculture has stripped our soils of vital nutrients and life. Monoculture, poor watering practices, tilling, etc. have released so much carbon into the air that it has significantly changed our habitat? Humanity has injured nature, including ourselves, in this process. But there is a solution! We can implement regenerative agriculture, which is not a new concept to nature.

What is regenerative agriculture? In a nutshell, it's agriculture that supports healthy soils and promotes polyculture (diversity of plants and animals) so that nature does most of the work. This leads to less water usage, highly nutritious food sources, and carbon sequestration (taking carbon out of the air and putting it in the ground where it belongs). By following regenerative agricultural practices, we honor Ahimsa and protect rather than injure the planet.

Sign this petition to support efforts to move American agriculture to a regenerative model.

Congress: Support regenerative agriculture - a key solution for our climate, health, and water crises! This year, Congress will write our next farm bill, shaping the next 5-7 years of American agriculture policy. Governing everything from the way our food is produced, to how it is distributed and consumed, the farm bill determines the entirety of our food and ag system, but currently it supports indu...


It's official, I've been bitten by the retreat bug and plans are underway for 2022! That may seem like a long way off, but the wait will be worth it.

I've got some juicy yoga potions brewing for partner work, aroma yoga, and a hands-on Ayurvedic cooking experience where you will learn to cook a delicious, hearty meal that satisfies your dosha! Oh, yeah, this is gonna be fun. Stay tuned. We'll be much more active on on here and IG moving forward as we keep you updated . There may even be a scholarship opportunity ;-)

Yoga for Improving Agility: The Big Picture 03/06/2021

Staying agile is essential for being able to do what we love and what we must. How does yoga do this? Yoga is magic, that's how! Asana requires the brain and body to function in unique ways that build a repertoire for healthy movement. Read on for some sequences that will set you up for success.

Ready to start your yoga practice or take it to the next level? Book a session and we'll build a personalized practice just for you.

Yoga for Improving Agility: The Big Picture by Nina Le Tennis by Charles Lapicque Agility is the ability to move easily through a series of positions while you stay balanced and in con...

Tipsy on Life

Vitality Yoga is the result of decades of wellness research and yoga practice by its owner, Andrea Stuart. As a 500-RYT Yoga Alliance Yoga Instructor, Second Degree Reiki Practitioner, and Wellness Docent, Andrea helps people become tipsy on life, becomign the happiest, healthiest versions of themselves.

Vitality is the result of taking care of the whole self, inside and out. It happens when our deepest needs are met on a physical and emotional level. It’s not about following a strict regimen, trend dieting, reading a library of “self-help” books, or taking myraid “life improvement” courses. It’s about creating a life that works for you, one small step at a time!

Andrea’s dream is for people to realize their inherent purposes and to support them in creating a lifestyle that helps them bring it to life.

Videos (show all)

#throwbackthursday 12-year-old me begins a yoga practice that will shape the woman she becomes . . . including starting ...
🙃✨ Flip Your Frown Upside Down with Yoga Inversions! 🧘‍♀️💫Feeling a bit topsy-turvy? Let’s turn that mood around—literal...
🙃✨ Flip Your Frown Upside Down with Yoga Inversions! 🧘‍♀️💫Feeling a bit topsy-turvy? Let’s turn that mood around—literal...
Happy 11th birthday, Rosie! So much love for you. Now let's dog into your banana cream cake. 🤗🤤
You can only get hard work done when you have a little giggle.#upstartannapolismagazine #annapolisartsdistrict #visitann...
