Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright

Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright

As a healer, I guide and clear you to become your true self and create a life you love from your beautiful heart. ❤️Self-development & empowerment.

Transformational Retreats, Energy Healing, Online Courses, Books, Yoga, Empowerment Coaching Energy Healer & Teacher, Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Author, Yoga Teacher, Channel, Certified Hypnotist

Photos from Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright's post 04/08/2024


Calling all who are interested in the participating in the Soul Reset Retreat September 1-7 in Playa Carrillo, to register now! Registration closes in 11 days. Please read more and sign up here! https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/platinum-group-retreats/


If you are interested in a retreat with me in Costa Rica, but are unable to attend the September retreat for whatever reason, I ask that you please message me to let me know which months in 2025 are best for you to attend. Thank you, I look forward to hosting your divine retreat experience in this beautiful country.


Tonight’s storm before the heavens opened!


Check out this amazing meditation to align you to the Lion's Gate Portal!


Lion’s Gate Portal - Set Your Intentions to Create 29/07/2024

The Lion’s Gate Portal is open! Set your intentions for whatever you wish to experience.

Lion’s Gate Portal - Set Your Intentions to Create As a powerful being of light, you have the ability to create whatever you choose. The Lion’s Gate portal is now open from July 26 to August 12 when the blue ...


Retreat Time!

Join the women's retreat this September 1-7 in Carrillo, Costa Rica.

I'm your host, Elizabeth Wright. I am a Master Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Yoga Teacher and Soul Guide of 20 years. I serve to support you in becoming your authentic self.

To become authentic, we learn to accept all of ourselves, including our flaws and the emotions that we are taught are unacceptable, to embrace our wholeness.

Once we accept the reality of who we are, we can actively work towards true inner change to create the life we truly desire.

It all begins with a reset. Unplug, unwind and let go. Join me and other like-minded women in daily yoga, breath work and meditation. Group energy healings, massage, beach time, snorkeling, horse back riding and more.

You will shed layers of stress and let go, heal and create time to listen to your soul speak to you.

Register now - Registration closes August 15. I look forward to welcoming you to this all-inclusive retreat (excluding airfare) in dreamy Costa Rica.


Photos from Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright's post 25/07/2024

The Lion's Gate portal opens tomorrow July 26th - it's a powerful time of transformation as the earth's sun aligns with Sirius, also known as our spiritual sun, and the pyramids of Giza. It closes August 12.

A few years back, on August 7th, in the peak of the portal, my kundalini activated and in my mind's eye, I was transported over the pyramids and the Sphinx, which were bathed in a golden glow. It was an incredible 2 hour event.

I'm fasting to prepare for the Lion's Gate this year which is a very powerful year since it's an 8 year. 888 - August 8, 2024 - is considered the peak of the portal where we receive light codes from the Spiritual Sun to further activate our DNA and our light bodies so that we may fully embody our soul self - our Christ consciousness. Once we merge with our GodSelf, our inner Sun, we radiate that light and love to all and walk on this earth as our Higher Self embodied.

I've been walking this path since my awakening in 2002 - 22 years and with every step, I receive new understanding and guidance. All the darkness we encounter is to help us break through to higher consciousness.

We are eternal souls who come to earth to evolve through thousands of lifetimes so that we can merge back into the oneness of our true self - unconditional love of Source. It's a wild ride!

Our earthly identity is but one drop in the ocean of our Soul Self. We are galactic beings and as a multi-dimensional being, we have powers granted to us from the Creator. We use our powers for good. To help others. To serve. To love. This is the spiritual path. Not everyone is awakened to this and not everyone is walking this path. Each soul is having its own journey for whatever it needs in this lifetime.

So if you're reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about of think I'm absolutely nuts, I actually understand you. Before my awakening I would have thought this was crazy, but having walked the road and had the experiences I can tell you that this is truth.

Once you're on the path, you can only move forward, there is no going backward. We continue to shed the false layers and come further into alignment of our true self - the unconditional being of love. All the pain of the past is worth it to know yourself as a being of light and love.

Blessings on your path!

Photos from Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright's post 23/07/2024

I haven't posted about the liquid collagen in a while because I haven't had it for a couple of months and boy am I missing it! A friend of a friend is bringing me 5 bottles on Friday - can't wait! I'm still having it delivered to a U.S. address and getting people to bring it because it can't be shipped directly to me. So if you're coming this way, please let me know!

It really is the best hydrator and internal lubricant for the body - working with skin, hair, nails, eyes, connective tissue, ligaments, bones, gut health and joints. Collagen is a vital protein our body needs and the older we get, the less we naturally produce. The liquid version is the most absorbable and hydrating - way better than powder.

Here's an example of before and after below.

If you want to get juicy from the inside and say goodbye to dry, send me a message!


Which are you choosing? ❤️

Accept Your Light and Your Darkness to Become Whole 18/07/2024

Accept our Light and our Darkness to Become Whole

Accept Your Light and Your Darkness to Become Whole Spirit Work's July Newsletter 2024   Spirit Works July Newsletter 2024 Embracing Our Light and our Darkness to Become Whole Greetings Beautiful Elizabeth, There is a common misperception with spiritua

The Dark Night of the Soul will end 18/07/2024


The Dark Night of the Soul will end If you are walking through a cycle of darkness where you are meeting many challenges, otherwise known as your spiritual winter, just know that it will end an...


Sensitive people tend to react strongly to events and can often create a mountain out of a molehill. When we learn to change our perception and not allow people's actions to harm us, we avoid being harmed. I'm not talking about abuse, but the lesser offenses that we can brush off and not let in.


I'm feeling extremely honored and on-purpose these days as more and more people are choosing to work with me in my business, Spirit Works. I realize many people don't actually know or understand what it is that I do, so I thought I'd post about it to explain it as my work has changed over the years since I founded my company in 2007.

Firstly, I am a Master Energy healer, Channel and Spiritual teacher. I work over the phone with people from all over the world as distance is not a barrier. We schedule sessions every week or two weeks or every month, depending on your needs.

In these sessions, I connect with our Higher Selves, our I AM Presence, God and our Teams of Light. My Team of Light works directly with my client to help clear their energy field in myriad of ways such as clearing energetic attachments to people that may be draining their energy or keeping them stuck in certain relationships. We only clear non-beneficial energies. There are countless other clearings that I can attend to from this lifetime and others.

The result is that a person feels anxiety and stress levels decrease and depression lifts. You will feel calmer and more present in the moment. You will feel clearer and more aware. As old blocks clear, you will be able to access your creative energy. As you stop resisting, you will feel more in the flow and be able to manifest more easily.

I send energy into each energy center (chakra) to open and balance it. As I go into the chakra, I am able to see what is causing blocks within that chakra and I guide my client to the time in their life when a certain event or trauma took place that caused them to create a false belief or perception that is causing them to be out of alignment with their true self. We clear it together through a discussion that allows the person to access the emotion they repressed at the time and feel that emotion so it can release. Once the person re-connects with that part of them that has been fragmented and stuck in that time, we are able to integrate that aspect of them so they feel more whole.

I help to integrate the light and the dark within. I help people unpack their trauma and turn it into love. That is what alchemy is and we are alchemists.

I do soul retrieval, past life clearings, entity clearings and I can help remove trapped emotions that are causing physical disturbances. I offer practical guidance around lifestyle so the person can make changes to their habits which support a healthy lifestyle.

As a person aligns their perception with the truth of who they are, their eternal soul self, they begin to experience themselves as the light of their soul.

I have a YouTube channel with educational videos to support the transformation to Becoming Your True Self. I have an online Energy Healing Course for people who wish to learn how to master their energy and help others heal. I have guided meditations for people to listen to which help relax, de-stress and align. I offer Retreats in Costa Rica to help you connect with your beautiful heart and reset so you can heal and align with your true self. (Next Retreat is September 1-7!)

The inner work takes time and dedication and requires you to be patient, compassionate and loving with yourself as you change into the person you are at your essence. I accompany you as you learn how to love yourself unconditionally.

Not everyone can afford my rates so I can work with your budget.

This is the most important work we can be doing on the planet at this time during this massive planetary shift. As each one of us transforms and comes to know ourselves as the beautiful light we are, we lift others up with our frequency and vibration.

Turn everything into love. I invite you to work with me, please check out my website here. https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/


Sundays = Peace ☮️🩷


Who are you giving your power away to and at what cost?

Photos from Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright's post 05/07/2024

In 7 weeks, from September 1-7, I'll be leading a women's retreat in Carrillo, Costa Rica. I am looking forward to a week of yoga, meditation, and time in nature to connect to my soul and the wonderful women who will be joining.

I love leading retreats, I feel like it was something I was born to do. After the opening ceremony, where I call in the Goddesses, I can feel them surrounding the group to help our intentions come to life.

Just spending time by the ocean in Costa Rica is healing in itself. Adding in daily yoga, breath work, group healing meditations, women's circles, journaling, massage, dance and local wildlife activities will make this retreat extra special. Our female chef is happy to accommodate your needs. I can't wait!

I know for myself, getting away from my daily life and focusing on what my soul wants to experience is valuable. We all need to practice extreme self-care and have fun at the same time.

Call me on 315-352-3352 and let's get you registered so you can experience this life changing retreat.


You will begin to notice your dreams starting to coming true…


I have been feeling huge upgrades coming in since the solstice. Life is magical again!


Leave behind your day-to-day routine, connect with your heart and soul, expand your consciousness and access a higher vision.

This September 1-7, join us in dreamy Costa Rica for a week-long immersion with yoga, community, healing, nature and fun at the Soul Reset Retreat.

Join Master Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Soul Guide and Author, Elizabeth Wright on this nourishing and transformative journey.

What you want, wants you. Your heart knows the way...



I am so blessed and grateful! Repeat this mantra all day🦋

Photos from Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright's post 27/06/2024

Yesterday the day bristled with the most electrical and magical energy! We had a huge thunderstorm that released an amazing amount of electricity. It was the most magnificent thunderstorm I've ever been present with.

Thunderbolts are connected to Uranian (planet Uranus) energy of sudden changes which is akin to things happening "out of the blue." Then I received the messages in the photos from spirit.

On the winter solstice of 2012, I began an initiation and that cycle is finally complete. I felt a new, positive cycle begin on the Solstice - June 20, 2024. It began because I have dropped all resistance to reality.

I felt shifts within my mind that hadn't happened till now. I felt my mind working properly - all of a sudden, I was able to master my thoughts to go in the direction of positivity to overcome all doubt and negativity. Our mind represents our masculine self and our heart represents our feminine self. When both the mind and heart are working together in union, we have the opportunity to create the best possible reality.

The path before us can change at any time depending on what our soul needs to learn. Obstacles, loss and challenges can be put on our path to help us grow. Once we learn our lessons and apply our new-found wisdom, those obstacles and challenges can transform into blessings.

We are here to learn how to play the game of life, master our selves and turn everything into love.

We are powerful creators. Whatever you are going through - remember it is for you. And no matter how long it takes, 1 year, 3 years, 12 years, stay the course. Continue to surrender, do the inner work and make the internal changes you need to make. Know you are loved...no matter what.

Blessings on your path!


This year, 2024, is a karmic year, which means all kinds of wrongs will be put to right. The release of Julian Assange points to that.

We will begin to see a lot of things falling into place for those people who are true. And for those of you who have been waiting for the tides to turn, good news, they are turning!

Equally, we will see the false people be brought to Justice, and the crimes they have committed against humanity.

As above so below. Much has changed in the higher realms and we will see this reflected down here on earth. The light has won! 🌟☀️🌈

Power Places on the Earth 24/06/2024

There are places on the earth that give us power. Each person will feel powerful energy coming from a place that will indicate to them that this is a power center for them. We can draw from this energy as we build our light body on our Ascension path.

Please like, share and subscribe to my channel.

Power Places on the Earth There are places on the earth that give us power. Each person will feel powerful energy coming from a place that will indicate to them that this is a power c...

Our Story

Vibrational Energy Healing, Energy Healing Courses, Yoga Classes

Videos (show all)

Work with Master Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor, Elizabeth Wright to navigate through to the next level on your s...
People are signing up for the Soul Reset Retreat in Carrillo, Costa Rica September 1-7. Register before June 21st and sa...
Do you want to be living a different life than you are right now? Do you feel like something more is meant for you? The ...
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In an email from a new client. "I want to thank you again for the healing session yesterday. What you do is a gift and a...
The online Energy Healing course will open up a whole new understanding of who you are. You are a powerful creator! Cert...
In case you missed the interview Ch 5 did a couple of months ago on my energy healing business - here it is!
Become certified as an energy healer. Learn how to channel light from source through you into the chakras or energy cent...
I've just reached 1K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗...
Our Self Worth comes from being creations of the Universe. Watch the video and align to the truth to become empowered.
Becoming Your True Self Course
