Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright Videos

Videos by Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright. As a healer, I guide and clear you to become your true self and create a life you love from your beautiful heart. ❤️Self-development & empowerment. Transformational Retreats, Energy Healing, Online Courses, Books, Yoga, Empowerment Coaching

Work with Master Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor, Elizabeth Wright to navigate through to the next level on your spiritual journey

Other Spirit Works - Elizabeth Wright videos

Work with Master Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor, Elizabeth Wright to navigate through to the next level on your spiritual journey

People are signing up for the Soul Reset Retreat in Carrillo, Costa Rica September 1-7. Register before June 21st and save $200 on this women’s spiritual retreat. https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/platinum-group-retreats/

Do you want to be living a different life than you are right now? Do you feel like something more is meant for you? The Soul reset retreat this September 1-7 near beautiful Carrillo Beach, Costa Rica. Peel Away the stress to access your inner joy. Find Bliss with daily yoga breath, work, and meditation. Spend time on the beach or by the pool to relax, reset, and renew. Registration is now open! Go to my website https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/platinum-group-retreats/ for all the details. Set up a time to talk with me and let’s get you registered! Early bird special is available until June 1.

I had an adventure today, I walked many miles to find a private beach. Pura vida ❤️

In an email from a new client. "I want to thank you again for the healing session yesterday. What you do is a gift and a blessing." This why I do what I do. It really helps people who are suffering to feel better. Energy healing is not "woo woo". It opens vital channels to feed energy into our centers (chakras) so that our entire being: mind, body, emotions and spirit are balanced for optimal health and well being. Book an in-person or phone session with me here https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/book-appointments/

The online Energy Healing course will open up a whole new understanding of who you are. You are a powerful creator! Certificate available upon completion. Catch the sale while it lasts! Energyhealingteacher.com.

In case you missed the interview Ch 5 did a couple of months ago on my energy healing business - here it is!

Become certified as an energy healer. Learn how to channel light from source through you into the chakras or energy centers to heal and rebalance your energy. Register for my online course at Energyhealingteacher.com. It’s on sale now through March for $499.

I've just reached 1K followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Our Self Worth comes from being creations of the Universe. Watch the video and align to the truth to become empowered.

Becoming Your True Self Course
Register for my Becoming Your True Self in the New Year and give yourself the Gift of a New You! As an energy healer & hypnotist, I guide you into your self to excavate the parts of you that need healing and help you to integrate the different aspects of your self. We clear out old blocks and alter the patterns that are sabotaging your life. You connect with your Higher Self and learn about who you are as a multi-dimensional being. As you come into alignment, you naturally attract to you the people and situations to create your dream life. I'm a skilled practitioner who has already been through this process which is why I can support you in your transformation. Check out the video and click on the link below for more details. https://www.energyhealingteacher.com/becoming-your-true-self/

Video on Loss being a necessary part of our journey to becoming our Creator Self. On my YouTube channel Beth WRight - Creating Heaven on Earth 🌍