Endotype Formula

Endotype Formula

The Endotype Formula™ is the most comprehensive personality profiling system developed.


Discover how to use your unique human design to level up your social media game in the latest episode of the Raving Coaches podcast! Tune in now to unlock your full potential.


What do you do?


❓ When Are You Success in Your Coaching Business? ❓

Recently this question was asked in a group I am a part of. People mentioned income levels, lake houses, improving a certain number of lives, achieving a level of recognitions.

Well when I thought about it, I had to start with why I am a business owner. I have a business to support myself and my kids. To me success is being able to do that. It is also about being able to LIVE; really live. Meaning play, vacation, go fishing, travel. 🏖️🎣

So here's is the question for you to consider... What if success isn't something that exists only... OUT THERE?

When I:
Live on the lake
Own my home debt-free
Fill all my workshops
Take all the dream vacations I want .. then I'll be successful.

What if measuring success by these distant goals, may always make us unsuccessful? What if feeling successful must come before all the bonus extra results that I desire? 🤔

What if asking myself, "Do I have what I need today?" and a YES answer is success we can puff our chest out, dance in our living room about, or celebrate with each other? 🎉💃🕺

Let's redefine success together! Celebrate the small wins and cherish every moment.


Hey there, looking to level up your social media game and attract more clients to your fitness or health coaching business? Alison McLean, a business coach for wellness entrepreneurs, shared some valuable insights on utilizing social media effectively. From engaging content to personalized interactions, Alison emphasized the importance of being social and specific in your messaging to stand out and attract your ideal clients.

Alison's advice on steering conversations towards tangible results and being unique in your messaging resonates with the need for clarity and authenticity in branding. By honing your brand voice and crafting compelling content, you can create a dynamic online presence that drives engagement and conversions. Remember, it's all about finding the right balance between being informative and relatable while showcasing your expertise and personality.

If you're struggling to convert social media engagement into actual clients or need help refining your brand messaging, it might be time for a brand alignment checkup. Laura Holliman, the host of the Raving Coaches podcast, offers a no-cost assessment to help you identify areas for improvement and elevate your brand presence. Don't let your social media efforts go to waste – let's work together to make your coaching business shine online!

Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/71z5aLOgQooLSEmLMMvOhy?si=gO31ThodRQu1gpOIkZ2wig


Discover the power of social media in growing your coaching business with Alison McLean. From engaging content to effective messaging, learn how to attract and convert clients online.


If you are a business owner, how do you celebrate your Friday wins?

Today after I got another opportunity to work with a coach on their branding, I told my son, “Cookie are for closers!”

“So we get cookies?!?”

We already had cookies this week … but sure! Thank you Auntie Cordelia McGregor and Miss Angela. These are some great cookies

Photos from Endotype Formula's post 23/05/2024

Coaches ... don't fall into the trap of the thoughtful helpers. EveryDAY I get helpers making offers in my inbox. WHY? Because someone is buying them.


They are even commenting on posts where I specifically warn about them!

If you do not have clients right now it is time to get back to basics. Is your foundation strong? Are you talking to people?

‎The Business Ownership Podcast: Identity Aligned Branding - Laura Hulleman on Apple Podcasts 15/05/2024

What a blast talking with Michelle on her Business Ownership podcast.

What is branding?

Why should you care about your branding?

Does your branding make you money?

‎The Business Ownership Podcast: Identity Aligned Branding - Laura Hulleman on Apple Podcasts ‎Show The Business Ownership Podcast, Ep Identity Aligned Branding - Laura Hulleman - May 1, 2024


What do you do as a coach when there are lots of things you are good at? You have developed skills in multiple areas. How do you narrow your niche?

It is so important to build our work NOT on what we CAN do; but what ONLY we can do. This is the difference between zone of capable and our zone of genius.

When it comes to coaching, clients have options. There are lots of capable coaches in any area (life, relationship, wellness). But if you operate from your genius, and infuse that into your marketing properly, you will be the ONLY ONE your clients want to work with.

There are a lot of ways to start narrowing to your genius. The Endotype quick quiz is designed to help coaches narrow down to their genius.

Have you taken it yet?


What’s a Business Best Friend?

It is actually one of my superpowers. I used to think it was believeing in you before you could believe in yourself. I used to think it was being a cheerleader for my clients.

I realize now it is so much more than that. In my world a best friend is going to tell you when you have spinach in your teeth. They are going to tell you when that shirt is inside out. They are going to invite you to coffee and ask, “Are you sure you want to move that fast with this guy? What’s going on.”
And at the same time a best friend respects you enough to know that your decisions are your decisions to make. They don’t expect you to do things their way.

Well a business best friend does the same thing. If your branding isn’t working they will let you know. They they think you are getting distracted by “busy work” instead of business work, they ask about it. A business best friend, will ask tough questions that make you think, but always support the choice you make for yourself. And will cheer you on every step of the way.

I would like to be YOUR business best friend. I am opening up a very special program for a few coaches in the next couple weeks. If you have wondered what it would be like to work together, or have your branding done by me, now is the time to reach out for details. Send a message or drop a comment below.

Shout out to one of my oldest business friends. Last week Angela and I connected to get all the swirl of ideas out of her head and onto paper in a make sense way. After 2 hrs masterminding she is clear on her next few steps.


What is the difference between a good answer to "What do you do?" and a great one? (watch the video to hear Melissa's)

There are three things you need to know.

1) what are your unique superpowers. As a consultant, coach, healer, there are a lot of people who do similar things. What makes you unique is your Endotype Formula superpowers. Do you know what they are?

2) You need to know your client perspective. How you see your work is not as important as how your client sees it; at least for marketing

3) You need to know the three problems your clients have right now. What is the deep inner problem they have? This one you more most likely to know .. AND it is the one you should NOT talk about in your marketing. It is the root or unknown problem; this is the one your clients don't even know is their problem yet, but you keep wanting to market to it.

What are the other 2 problems? Join my challenge next week and find out.

May 6-10th at 11am central
Together are going to construct for you a powerful new answer to What Do You Do?
Don't miss it!


Which Jen would you want to work with?

How important to you is having a powerful and unique answer to "What do you do?"



Here you are once again on social media, shouting into the endless void. You have an amazing coaching program, and huge heart for helping others, and tangible results you can point to ... but ... NOBODY IS LISTENING. No one is asking you any questions, no one is signing up for a discover call, NO ONE is purchasing your coach programs.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Continuing to post on social media with the same old, same old thing you have been saying, isn't going to change your results. At some point we need to stop and ask, "Is what I am saying the problem? Am I the problem?"

I am not sure you are 'the problem', but your marketing might be. I see too many coaches talking about what they do from their own perspective, or like they are talking to other coaches. "I help 40 year old women to find their next stage of life using Positive Intelligence."
"Ahhhh" the other coach responds, "Tell me more about Positive Intelligence."
These interactions are giving coaches the false impression that their What I do statement is working.

When we talk with our peers in the industry, using coach jargon is totally fine. Talking to prospective clients is a totally different thing. Coach jargon and buzzwords don't interest your ideal clients. You know what they are DEEPLY interested in? Their own problems. They would invest any amount of money and time if they REALLY thought you were going be able to solve their problem.

Did you know every one of your clients actually have 3 problems?

For the sake of your marketing, you NEED to know what they problems are. During my 5 day "Stop Saying You're a Coach Challenge" you will identify your clients 3 problems and then turn that information into a powerful and unique "What I do" statement. This new statement can inform all the rest of the marketing that you do.

Your future clients WILL listen if you start talking about their problems. Get registered right away>>>> https://www.endotype.com/challenge

Photos from Endotype Formula's post 16/04/2024

Do you ever find yourself in the hot sweats while introducing yourself at a networking event. As a coach, why is it so hard to summarize what we do? When you only get 30-60 seconds to say the magical thing that will make future customers want to talk with you more, what do you say?

"What do you do?" is an invitation to introduce your powerful and unique work. But are you filling your answer with buzzwords, jargon and name dropping your certifications?

empowering, confident, stressed, overwhelmed, transformation, intuitive, authentic

NLP, ICF, Human Design, Enneagram, etc.

You can create a better "What I do" statement. I have a 3 step system to help you create a statement that will turn heads in your direction. Join me for the Stop Saying You're a Coach Challenge. May 6-10; 11am central.

Jessy recently experience this system. She said, "This was the breath of hope, the reignition that I needed."

What will this challenge do for your business?



Join me on the Raving Coaches podcast for a special episode featuring hot seat coaching sessions with coaches just like you! Learn how to craft a powerful "what do you do" statement that resonates with your ideal clients.


Stop Saying You're a Coach - 5 Day Challenge 11/04/2024

Coaches! Join the "Stop Saying You're a Coach" Challenge!

🌟 Are you ready to build a powerful coaching business? 🌟

The secret is you have to do it your way. You have to brand, create messaging and market in a way that is totally unique to you. The first step is a great “What I do.. “ statement.

In this 5-day challenge, we will identify the 3 problems your clients have. Not knowing these problems is holding you back from successfully selling them your coaching.
Recently I took Melissa through the same activities you will get to do during the challenge. Her initial answer to “What do you do?” was..
"I am a mindset and transformation coach. I help people transform their lives so that they can build and live a more fulfilling life by digging into their subconscious minds and creating the neural pathways required to get to where they're seeking to be. "

After guiding her through my process, her new answer is …
"Are you sick of walking through your life with this mask of perfection, pretending to having it all together and be joyous in your life, while you're actually fearful that you're going to drop the ball at any given moment, people will see you for who you really are, and it will implode your life to such a degree that you can end up homeless on the side of the road? Here's the good news. We can change that without you having to get any more certifications, do any more courses, or spending any more money on the things that don’t work."

Amazing! Think of the impact this challenge can have on your coaching business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with your true calling and attract your ideal clients.

📅 Challenge Dates: May 6th - May 10th 🔗 11am central Register now to secure your spot as a VIP participant and unlock the potential within you: https://www.endotype.com/challenge

It’s time your marketing is as great as you are!

Stop Saying You're a Coach - 5 Day Challenge Join our 5-day challenge to boost your coaching business. Learn to articulate your unique value and attract your ideal clients effectively.


In honor of Autism Awareness month we have a special conversation for you. Samantha Foote discusses her journey as a music therapist and how she started a coaching practice to help parents of neurodivergent children.

She highlights the challenges parents face in understanding and parenting neurodivergent children, emphasizing the need for education and resources. Samantha also shares the impact of sensory meltdowns and the amazing idea of creating playlists for emotional regulation.

If you know me, you know this episode is special to me. Please consider sharing this episode on your social media to spread awareness of Neurodivergence.


Celebrate with me a clients success while you see more of what I do.

If you are worried your marketing may not be working schedule a Brand Alignment Check-up with me https://www.endotype.com/Check-up


Your client Niche matters way less than you think it does!


What are the industry buzz words in coaching?

Photos from Endotype Formula's post 16/03/2024

Your branding and messaging are so important as a coach. It attracts your clients, draws them into your offer and helps you close the sale.

But don’t forget those great branded photos. This is where i see a lot of people lose their brand in favor of the style of the photographer. Find a photographer who has a diverse style or can capture your brand style well.

Shout out to Teresa Romain, Danielle Burken and Abbey Miller!


"What do you do?" my dad asked me. Maybe you don't really know what I and the Endotype Formula have been doing either.

Brand Alignment Check-up 07/02/2024

Just scheduled another coach for a Brand Alignment Checkup. Woot!

One more coach will know if their marketing is working or if their marketing is off because their brand is not in alignment. Funny how such a small problem can create such a huge issue in the marketing of a business.

If you want to make sure your branding is work for you, instead of against you ... I would be happy to offer you a Brand Alignment Checkup too. No cost .. just amazing info you can use to improve your marketing

Brand Alignment Check-up During your Brand Alignment Check-up, we'll meticulously examine your branding and marketing efforts. We'll explore the visual elements, messaging, and overall customer experience you provide. Our goal is to identify opportunities for improvement and streamline your strategies, so your brand becomes...


Marketing can be a pain in the RAS!

Have you ever wondered why your “word of the year” works so well? Did you know there is science behind it.

The science behind it is the same reason your MUST dial in your marketing message; AND that message must be crafted through the eyes of your clients.

In fact it is the same science that I have been trying to teach my young adult son. He is 19 and new to setting his own life goals. In school they were set for him. Expectations were given, and he achieved. Now he is being put into the drivers seat and he must choose the destination. Scary times for him.

So on our road trip I began to teach him about the RAS. At one point on our trip he said, “there has to be a Nissan factory here. There are so many of them on this highway.” It was a strange conclusion to reach, but I then started to notice the cars around. There was a mix of car brands, so I began to point them all out. Why was he seeing Nissans and not them? His RAS was working.

The RAS (reticular activating system) is a filter in your brain stem between your senses and what comes through to your conscious awareness. It makes decisions on what information makes it through and get processed. Our brain is not always processing every piece of sensory information; it simply can’t. So you are not aware of ALL the things you see, hear, smell, taste or feel. If you were the overload of information would shut you down.

In the case of my son, we have a Nissan, and he was sitting in front of the Nissan logo on the dash. He went from thinking about our Nissan, to seeing only the other Nissans.

We practiced it again at the beach today. I told him to pick one type of obscure shells to collect for the first half and hour. He said, “Let’s look for only shells that are together still.” Within 15 minutes we had more than we could hold. There were millions of shells all along that beach but over and over we saw only the connected ones.

It was a great life lesson for him in settings a specific goal. Suddenly you will see all the opportunities that will take you there. It is why the word of the year works. It focuses your attention on opportunity, circumstance and lessons all connected to that word.

So how does it effect your marketing?

Well friend your clients right how have a challenge or problem they are looking to solve. Their brain is focused on - here’s the important part - what THEY think the solution is. We often focus our marketing on what WE think the solution is. If that is the case for you, your ideal clients are completely filtering you and your offers out, the same way my son’s brain was filtering out all the Ford, Mazda, Tesla and myriad of other vehicles. He not only filtered them out but had made up a story of why there were so many.

What are your clients filtering for, and bonus points if you know what the story they are making up is. Knowing these two things is power when crafting your marketing.

Videos (show all)

Ready to transform your social media presence? Discover how to align your marketing efforts with your unique human desig...
The Permission of 24 Hours
What do you do?
Discover the power of social media in growing your coaching business with Alison McLean. From engaging content to effect...
Why don’t more people buy coaching? Check out this truth bomb from my mom!!  #manifestingabundance
If I invited a handyman to fix my window and he started waxing poetic about his hammer, I would be freaked out and ask h...
What is the difference between a good answer to "What do you do?" and a great one? (watch the video to hear Melissa's)Th...
Which Jen would you want to work with? How important to you is having a powerful and unique answer to "What do you do?" ...
Join me on the Raving Coaches podcast for a special episode featuring hot seat coaching sessions with coaches just like ...
