Route 6 Guns

Route 6 Guns

Federally licensed fi****ms dealer in Torrington,CT

G***ktopus Reviews on Instagram: "I mean….It’s True Tho…. 👀 Anyone else feel this way? Let me know below 👇🏽 Like/ Follow/ Subscribe and Turn on Notifications for reviews and more content like this! • • • • • #gunfanatics #wea 02/10/2022

G***ktopus Reviews on Instagram: "I mean….It’s True Tho…. 👀 Anyone else feel this way? Let me know below 👇🏽 Like/ Follow/ Subscribe and Turn on Notifications for reviews and more content like this! • • • • • #gunfanatics #wea G***ktopus Reviews shared a post on Instagram: "I mean….It’s True Tho…. 👀 Anyone else feel this way? Let me know below 👇🏽 Like/ Follow/ Subscribe and Turn on Notifications for reviews and more content like this! • • • • • ...


Litigation is imminent!


Check out this course of fire from Hawaii. These are the standards needed to obtain a carry permit out there. Could you shoot this course of fire and pass?


Remember folks, fireworks are illegal and dangerous.

Instead, use a product like tannerite, it’s totally legal and gives you a better bang for your buck.

This Bill Would Repeal Excise Taxes on Guns and Ammo. Both the NSSF and NRA Oppose It 30/06/2022

Might ruffle some feathers with this one, but hear me out.

Pittman-Robertson is outdated and needs to be repealed.

First off, any tax used to change behavior around a constitutionally protected right is wrong. Poll taxes are illegal, and taxes on arms should be as well.

Secondly, large numbers of gun owners do not receive any benefit from the government for their tax dollars. Connecticut is not building or updating any public ranges. The state receives the money and oftentimes pushes those funds toward preservation and properties where hunting is prohibited in favor of “passive recreation”

Lastly, changes in recreation habits have led to non-taxed recreation severely impacting taxed recreation. Mountain bikers build their own trails and flaunt rules on public land without any repurcussions.

We should learn from the success of Pittman-Robertson, remove guns from the equation and implement user fees for all recreation, so that everyone who enjoys the outdoors has some skin in the game.

This Bill Would Repeal Excise Taxes on Guns and Ammo. Both the NSSF and NRA Oppose It A new bill would repeal the Pittman-Robertson Act, which is a popular excise tax widely supported by hunters and gun owners.


Going forward we will no longer accept FEDEX Express deliveries. If you have a handgun being sent to us for transfer, it must be sent either by UPS or USPS, we will still accept FEDEX ground deliveries.

The Truth About The USCCA Self-Defense Liability Policy - Attorney Marc J. Victor 27/06/2022

A lot of people sell or pitch self defense insurance. If you have or are thinking about coverage, you should watch this video.

The Truth About The USCCA Self-Defense Liability Policy - Attorney Marc J. Victor Think all firearm self-protection plans are the same? Think again! Most do not cover you if you are charged with a crime.Become a member of the Attorneys on ...

Timeline photos 24/06/2022

😂 😂 😂

In Historic Win For Gun Rights, SCOTUS Rules NY Draconian Restrictions Are Unconstitutional 23/06/2022

Huge win for freedom today!

In Historic Win For Gun Rights, SCOTUS Rules NY Draconian Restrictions Are Unconstitutional ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


The wasp spray myth is making the rounds again, so it’s time for a rerun from a few years back, with some updates:

Using wasp spray for self-defense is a persistent idea and one that has been recommended by all sorts of people, even purported experts.

They’re wrong.

Wasp spray should not be used for any purpose other than killing annoying, flying, stinging insects like wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets.

I’m not saying that because of some idea that you’ll get prosecuted for breaking federal law by using wasp spray in a manner not permitted or intended by its labeling. Let’s be real: that’s not what you’re going to get in trouble for.

The real problem with wasp spray is that it doesn’t work against humans.

Without getting too deeply into the science of wasp spray (though we can, if you like), the active ingredients are generally not toxic to humans in the kinds of concentrations we see on the consumer market. The active chemicals in wasp spray, pyrethrins and pyrethroids, work against insects and other invertebrates because they disrupt their nervous systems. Humans simply aren’t affected in the same way because of the perhaps obvious fact that we are vertebrate mammals (which is to say, not bugs, no matter how vile some people might act), and we’re much, much larger. Toxic exposure is possible for humans, but rare. To the extent that it happens, it takes a certain amount of time and repeated exposure to do any real harm. More temporary effects, like allergic reactions or irritation, do not reliably occur across large segments of the population. In the heat of an attack, it generally won’t have a fast or strong enough effect to be useful in stopping or slowing down a bad guy. It’s certainly not reliable against human beings, and there are better tools available.

Wasp spray is also not an actual weapon, and that’s not a good thing.

Using something improvised might feel less violent, not as nasty, more acceptable because it’s not a tool intended to cause harm to another person. There’s this idea that it is morally superior, even if you are hoping for harmful side effects to aid your defense, because carrying a “real” weapon might seem reserved for bad guys only. However, in order to stop someone determined to hurt you violently, then you must be prepared to respond violently. If you’re choosing a non-weapon with the intent of using it as a weapon, you are better served with an actual weapon. It will be more effective, causing more predictable disability to your attacker and be more likely to actually help keep you safe. Instead of hoping that a target’s eyes may sting for a moment because you used wasp spray, you can just about guarantee that they will if you use pepper spray, which is purpose-made to cause that physiological effect to interfere with your attacker’s vision and make them less successful in trying to hurt you. While no self-defense tool or tactic is guaranteed to work, a makeshift option like wasp spray will not tilt the odds in your favor.

Nevertheless, you’ll hear that wasp spray is great because it’s permissible just about everywhere. School campuses and workplaces are popular settings for the wasp spray suggestion because of strict no-weapons policies that may even restrict pepper spray. I am absolutely empathetic to that struggle. However, I don’t think the answer is to have something on hand that can only give false confidence. You might feel better with a “something is better than nothing” mindset, but it won’t help you if it really does nothing when you really need it, not to mention the wasted time and effort if you find that out in the middle of an attack. A better option in those types of restrictive environments is what Chuck Haggard ofAgile/Training and Consulting has suggested: the simple ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher. Spraying one of those into the face of an attacker gives you a strong, blinding, cough-inducing blast, but one that is ultimately largely harmless in most instances (exceptions abound! Don’t mistake this as an indication that it’s safe to spray someone in the face with a fire extinguisher). You’ll get a very real distracting effect that is not as dependent on an individual’s sensitivity to specific chemicals, and then you’re left with a metal canister that itself can serve as an impact weapon. If you absolutely must rely on an improvised weapon, even a small fire extinguisher far more likely to be effective than wasp spray, even in unpracticed hands.

And finally, wasp spray is not a superior option either in range or in price.

It’s true that most wasp sprays can be used from a distance of around twenty feet. However, much of that is a function of package size, and similar range can be had in larger pepper spray units too. In return for that kind of distance, you need a bigger, bulkier container - one that is going to be inconvenient to tote around and obvious when you have it in hand. Twenty feet might seem like a lot but it’s not so much further than a pocket-sized pepper spray unit like my favored brand, POM Industries, which can reach over half that distance. Those smaller units can also be palmed discreetly in high risk areas so it’s not obvious that you’re carrying it, and you’ll be less likely to drop it.

Some folks like wasp spray because it’s inexpensive and easy to buy. That’s not untrue, but a good quality pepper spray will normally run right around the same price and certainly under $20. And you can buy both on Amazon or at your local hardware store. The only exception is localities where pepper spray has some purchase restrictions, although those places tend to not make it as hard to get pepper spray as you might think. The limitations you’ll run into usually revolve around formulation and size, or requiring you to go to licensed stores or fill out forms - not ideal, but not often a difficult problem.

Clearly, my recommendation is to just use pepper spray. It’s formulated, tested, and intended for use against humans, and it works. See the links in my profile for more information about how and why. You deserve better than hoping that an improvised strategy works as well against a person as it does against an insect. And if really you can’t use a purpose-built tool like pepper spray and have the space for wasp spray, why not use something that is just as easy to have around, attracts just as little attention, and is far more likely to actually give you a chance to escape or fight back?


I am looking for an electrician, if anyone has any recommendations for a pro-2A company I’d love to speak with them.

Legally armed Iowa woman shoots violent unprovoked attacker in grocery store: Police 21/06/2022

You are responsible for every round you fire. Knowing your target and what is beyond it while under duress is critical, because killing an innocent bystander while trying to defend yourself is still negligent homicide.

If you’re going to carry a gun, you need to train!

Legally armed Iowa woman shoots violent unprovoked attacker in grocery store: Police An armed woman in an Iowa grocery store shot another woman after she was attacked without provocation, Des Moines police say. The victim acted in self-defense, police found.

Sources: Teens shot and killed following confrontation in East Hartford home 17/06/2022

Remember that you never know what other people are capable of. In this case, a disagreement turned into a violent home invasion. Thankfully the homeowner was prepared.

Sources: Teens shot and killed following confrontation in East Hartford home Two teens were shot and killed after forcing their way into a home in East Hartford, sources told Channel 3.


As the gun debate heats up, the amount of garbage being spewed is horrendous, even by those who claim to be pro-2A.

Do your research, become truly educated on the topics being discussed so that you can meaningfully contribute to the conversation. Otherwise you look like a fool to everyone who has done the work.

Mosaic Threat Assessment Systems 25/05/2022

If you have concerns about someone in your life, I recommend using Mosaic.

This is completely free, and has been used to protect domestic violence victims, public officials, and children.

The “do something” crowd is just noise, if your solution involves violating someone else’s rights, then you were never interested in problem solving.

Mosaic Threat Assessment Systems MOSAIC is a computer-assisted method for conducting comprehensive threat assessments. An effective threat assessment results when one knows which questions to ask, and then knows how to draw relevant conclusions from the information gathered.

Bridgeport man gets probation for shooting his own car as it was being stolen 22/05/2022

Another example of someone using deadly force to defend property, this time out of Bridgeport.

Bridgeport man gets probation for shooting his own car as it was being stolen A local man, arrested for shooting at his own car as it was being driven away by a thief,...


The technical term for a fight like this is a “monkey dance”. It starts off as a beef or a respect issue, and quickly escalated into physical violence. If it wasn’t for the audience situations like this tend not to turn into a fight. The best course of action is to walk away if you feel slighted or someone becomes aggressive because you have slighted them.


Have you ever thought about who can find out where you live, what your phone number is, and other details of your daily existence? For many people, it’s not terribly important who knows these things, as long as nobody gets too creepy about encroaching inappropriately. What that looks like is a little fuzzy to those folks, but they’d know it if they saw it. For some of us, it’s a bit more concrete. We may already have folks who we want to keep as far out of our lives as possible, for a variety of reasons. There might be a violent or difficult ex-partner, family member, or stalker in our pasts, or someone we fear might become one. We may have jobs or some level of celebrity that puts us at risk from people who encounter us through our work. Or we may simply want to protect our privacy from strangers so that we can feel more secure from an invasion into our personal spaces. It used to be quite a bit easier to disappear from those we didn’t interact with regularly or closely, but the digital world has made a lot more information a lot more accessible. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to make it harder for someone to track you down:

Get a post office or private mailbox. You will not be able to use the address for everything, but the more you can direct mail to a place you do not live, the less opportunity there is for your physical location to be confirmed. It may be inconvenient for you to get your mail, but you can minimize trips to your mailbox by switching to email delivery for as much as possible. You can also use the USPS Informed Delivery service so that you know when mail is delivered, or pay for a scanning service associated with a private mailbox so that you can have selected paper mail sent to you electronically.

Do not use the USPS mail forwarding service. The service will allow senders using certain envelope markings to receive your new address. Private mail forwarding or virtual mailbox services are safer, and can be used to make it appear that you live somewhere far away from your actual location. They will be more expensive, but also more flexible as you can change where your mail is forwarded to, and keep the service for as long as you like. If you must have USPS mail forwarded, consider having it forwarded to a post office box, private mailbox, or private forwarding service for an extra layer of privacy.

Limit who knows your residential address. Instead of inviting your friends over, meet them in other safe places. Don’t accept rides to or from your home, and consider using a nearby location for rideshare pickups or drop-offs. Even the most well-meaning people may accidentally let your address slip, especially if they are friendly with the person you don’t want to find you. Depending on your mutual relationships, they may be pressured to tell that person, and if they don’t know, they won’t be forced to lie or avoid answering. Some places will make it difficult or impossible for you to not provide your street address to them, so be clear that it is important that they do not share it with others.

Scrub yourself from online listings. Putting iterations of your name, location, email address, and phone number through search engines can be disturbingly enlightening. While most of the information listed on various “people finder” sites is public, it’s now much easier to find. Fortunately, almost all of the sites have an opt out or removal process. As your listings are removed, search engines will also update to remove that information. While you’re at it, make sure your social media is locked down and does not show location or other information that can help locate you, such check-ins to various places. You may also need to request removal from professional and hobby sites where you may appear.

Think twice before you make any legal filings or police reports that may include identifying information. This can become especially difficult if you are considering restraining orders, name changes, assault charges, or other important ways of involving the authorities in protecting you and your identity. In most cases, there may be a way to ensure that your contact information is not released in response to a records request. If there is not, you will need to weigh the benefit of filing versus the potential that your personal information could become publicly available. You are the only one who can determine which is the right answer under your specific circumstances.

Related to legal filings, you may want to avoid purchasing property or being an officer or owner of a legal entity. Those records are also public and often can be searched online, sometimes by just your name and without knowing where the property is located or what the entity is named. If you would like to own real estate anyway, consider using a trust or similar entity to own it; you’ll need to consult with an attorney on the mechanics of hiding your direct connection. Legal entities can use registered agent services to act as the public-facing contact. Don’t forget social and traditional media mentions too, as they may also need to be avoided or scrubbed.

Finally, for information that is already out there, see if you can change the truth of it. It can be a hassle, not to mention expensive, to get a new phone number or move to a new home, let alone change your name formally or informally. It can also be worth it, so that even if your information is found, it’s out of date. You might also create new social media accounts and carefully control who has access to the personal data and posts that you put up, or go back and delete or lock down old posts. That way, it will be more challenging to trace you over time or for you to inadvertently leave access open to someone you didn’t intend.

It is essentially impossible to completely disappear in the modern age. However, you can increase the effort necessary to find you and your contact information. Having your address and phone number appear via simple web search is one thing. Making someone jump through the hoops of individually finding and searching different public databases, paying money to get information, or having to show up in person or write a letter to inquire about records is something else entirely. Adding barriers is still worthwhile because it will discourage the mildly interested person, and slow down the motivated one, giving you a chance to know that they’re getting closer or to be able to stay one step ahead.

Attorney charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting outside of Litchfield law firm 05/05/2022

Customers tell me all the time that they are purchasing a gun for self defense.

Here’s the truth: if all you have completed for training is your Basic Pistol class, you are not prepared to defend yourself.

I’m always available to have a conversation and discuss the topic, but it is no substitute for books and classes to educate yourself on the topic.

Attorney charged with manslaughter in fatal shooting outside of Litchfield law firm Robert Fisher turned himself in to police Wednesday and was charged with first-degree...


May the 4th be with you!

The Bristol Press - Bristol woman looking at as many as 10 years in prison after admitting to acting as straw purchaser for fi****ms 03/05/2022

If someone asks you to buy a gun for them, just don’t do it. Straw purchases carry serious consequences on the federal level.

While giving someone a firearm as a bona fide gift is not illegal, in CT you still have to transfer the firearm using the DPS-67-C and DPS-3-C forms.

The Bristol Press - Bristol woman looking at as many as 10 years in prison after admitting to acting as straw purchaser for fi****ms A Bristol woman has admitted in federal court that she acted as a straw purchaser for fi****ms. ...

Army selects Sig Sauer to produce Next Generation Squad Weapon and ammo 20/04/2022

I had a feeling Sig would win this contract. The MCX action is familiar yet innovative, and I believe it would be long before others begin to copy this next generation of “mil-spec”.

Army selects Sig Sauer to produce Next Generation Squad Weapon and ammo Finally!


Game changing products don’t come around very often. We have the Phlster available to try before you buy.

Not a belly band, not a gun belt, an Enigma. Dress according to your needs, not your gun. The Enigma Express concealment system by PHLster.


"For the eleventy-seventh time, the possession of a firearm does not magically transform you into some cosmic agent of justice.

For example, take this yahoo in Victorville, CA...

Did you catch that? Some dudes grabbed some shoes from his shoe store and took off running. He ran out into the mall behind them and, realizing he wasn't going to catch them, just started blasting at the fleeing shoplifters. His bullets hit a little girl and put her in the hospital.

Luckily he didn't kill her, so he's only being charged with attempted murder instead of the whole enchilada, and frankly he deserves it. Any sympathy I had for dude evaporated when he threw down in the middle of the mall for no good reason.

Deadly force is only justifiable when there is the immediate, otherwise unavoidable, danger of death or great bodily harm to yourself or another innocent person.

Literally non of those preconditions were met here.

This guy ain't on my team."


The ATF rule change is going to wreck havoc on the gun world. You’ll need a background check and have to pay a transfer fee for an upper receiver. The rule takes effect in roughly 60 days, so now is the time to get what you need before the change takes place.


Some of the best advice when it comes to buying a gun. The first suggestion might be the overstock or the high margin special order. It’s why we put such an emphasis on training and not just making a sale.


John is really doing some great work, both on his channel and at the range.

Too often, we see people purchase based on visuals, marketing, or anecdotes from friends and family. This post really goes to show that details matter, and the importance of vetting a gun before a class or carrying it for self defense.

Today I taught our one-day Evidence-Based Pistol Skills class to a great group of students. As always I kept track of which guns students shot, and which of those guns had problems.

If a gun has a problem in class and it isn’t just a l**e problem, it’s probably a 1911.

If it’s a 1911, it’s almost always a Kimber.

Now, this particular Kimber is a Polymer Pro Carry. So not a 1911, a double stack 9mm 2011. In 150 rounds it had one feedway stoppage. It also, under time pressure, failed to fire after the student gripped a bit low and the grip safety sear failed to engage, making his gun dead. Thankfully it’s just a range exercise and no harm done, but honestly issues like this make me stay away from this brand in particular and grip safety guns in general.

The rest of the class was a mixture of G***k, HK, Beretta, and one high quality Springfield TRP 1911. they all were wildly unremarkable in their reliability. One G17 did, legit, have iron sights hitting noticeably high and left…like 6” at 15 yards. That’s a rarity indeed, but it was a reality today. Student found out his gun had a challenge and will get it to the gonsmif.

Please don’t just buy a pistol and carry it to defend your life. Vet it carefully. MINIMUM I require 400 rounds of various range ammo and 100 rounds of the defensive ammo I will carry in it with zero malfs I cannot immediately identify as shooter or ammo induced before I will trust my life with it, and that’s only for brands and models known far and wide for reliability and quality control.

Hope your Saturday is great and you got some practice in this week!


Videos (show all)

I get people want to support their favorite brand or gun rights organization, but projecting a message on your car is mo...
Mom always said you needed to spend more time reading, and she was right.Shooting is so much more than the physical act ...
Looking back on some of the drills I ran in 2020, I’ve been able to smooth out a lot of the bumps seen here. Video analy...
Had the opportunity to shoot USPSA this week with a great group of folks. Looking forward to competing more in the futur...
Some quick thoughts on what it really means to train for a fight:
Some days we need to celebrate the little wins over the big ones. I’m currently working on completing the Refractor Kill...
Quick video of me running a drill. Can you guess who’s taking the video? Hint: The name of the drill is the Tri-Lambda.
Review of my experience at Sig Sauer Acadmey
A quick update on our next big move!
Doing some reloading and answering customer questions!
We went out to the range today to test the new Glock 44, and we had 3 takeaways:•This gun even loaded is exceptionally l...
American Legion Plymouth Post #20 has some amazing guns for their 2020 gun raffle! Check out the Sig Sauer p938 Legion, ...
