Trinity Channel

Trinity Channel

The Trinity channel is a Christian broadcasting Network that preaches the message of Hope and Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ globally through media.

We are none denominational Christian Ministries reaching out to the Aramaic People groups scatered in the west in multiple languages through different platforms.


❤️✝️تأمل عن الحرب الروحية و الأرواح الشريره✝️🙏⛔️

في لحظة مثيرة للقلب، تجنب دونالد ترامب محاولة اغتيال حيث انفرطت رصاصة بجواره بفارق بضعة بوصات فقط. تبدو فرصة فراره المدهشة كما لو أنها تتحدى كل الظروف، مشيرة إلى وجود قوة عليا تعمل على الأرض. لم تكن هذه الحادثة المذهلة مجرد حظ سعيد - بل كانت تظهر كفرصة عميقة للتدخل الإلهي، تبرز سيادة الله، وغرضه، وقوته الفائقة.

يتكشف هذا السرد المثير كرواية حديثة عن الخير مقابل الشر، حيث يرشد يد الله بوضوح ويحمي ترامب ضد القوى المظلمة المتلاحقة. يصدى بأسطورة الأبطال الكتابية المختارين لأدوار حيوية في نسيج الحدث التاريخي للإنسانية. تعتبر هذه القصة تذكيراً قوياً بالمعارك الغير مرئية التي تدور خلف الكواليس، حيث تشكل إرادة الله مصائر الأفراد والأمم على حد سواء.

وأثناء تأملنا في هذا الحدث الملهم، نُذكر بوجود الله الثابت وحمايته في وجه المحن. إنها تقف كمصباح أمل في عالم يتعرض للظلمة، حيث تسعى قوى الشر إلى زرع الفوضى والدمار. يعتبر فرار ترامب المعجزي شهادة على حب الله الدائم وعزمه اللاهتزازي على حماية شعبه في وسط الفوضى والشك.

In a heart-stopping moment, Donald Trump narrowly dodged an assassination attempt as a bullet whizzed by him, missing by a mere inch. The sheer improbability of his escape seemed to defy all odds, pointing to a higher power at work. This incredible event wasn't just a stroke of luck—it felt like a profound act of divine intervention, showcasing God's sovereignty, purpose, and unmatched power.

This gripping narrative unfolds like a modern-day saga of good versus evil, with God's hand unmistakably guiding and protecting Trump against the dark forces at play. It echoes the timeless tales of biblical heroes chosen for pivotal roles in the grand tapestry of human history. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the unseen battles being waged behind the scenes, with God's providence shaping the destinies of individuals and nations alike.

As we reflect on this awe-inspiring event, we are reminded of God's unwavering presence and protection in the face of adversity. It stands as a beacon of hope in a world besieged by darkness, where the forces of evil seek to sow chaos and destruction. Trump's miraculous escape serves as a testament to God's unfailing love and His unyielding commitment to safeguarding His people in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty.

Photos from Trinity Channel's post 14/07/2024

فقط في البلدان العربية والإسلامية


the prophet Haggai rebukes the people of Israel for neglecting the reconstruction of the temple of God while they were focused on building their own houses.

**Haggai 1:2-4 (NIV):**
"This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘These people say, “The time has not yet come to rebuild the Lord’s house.”’ Then the word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai: ‘Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?’"

The prophet Haggai goes on to urge the people to prioritize the rebuilding of the temple, emphasizing the importance of putting God's house first before their own. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing spiritual matters and dedicating time and resources to the worship of God.
القصة التي يوبخ النبي حجي شعب إسرائيل لإهمال إعادة بناء هيكل الله بينما كانوا يركزون على بناء منازلهم الخاصة.

حجي ٢: ١ - ٤
"هكذا يقول رب الجنود: 'يقول هؤلاء الناس: "لم يحن الوقت بعد لإعادة بناء بيت الرب." ثم جاءت كلمة الرب عن طريق النبي حجي: 'هل حان الوقت بالنسبة لكم لتعيشوا في بيوتكم المبطنة، بينما يبقى هذا البيت خرابًا؟'"

ثم يحث النبي حجي الناس على إعطاء الأولوية لإعادة بناء الهيكل، مؤكدًا أهمية إيلاء بيت الله الأولوية قبل بيوتهم الخاصة. تعتبر هذه القصة تذكيرًا بأهمية إيلاء الأولوية للأمور الروحية وتخصيص الوقت والموارد لعبادة الله.

Photos from Trinity Channel's post 06/07/2024

Next Friday

Photos from Trinity Channel's post 30/06/2024

ترقبوا غداً الاثنين: انطلاق اليوم الاول من ماراثون الدفاع اللاهوني لأسبوع كامل وباللغتين على قناة الآرامية مع احتفالات القناة للذكرى التاسعة عشر
& Apologetics marathon 19th Anniversary ‏ABNsat
From July 1st to July 5th


second Mission Conference


New Marathon


The Crusade in India for all religions: Muslims , Hindus and Christians
He is very popular India 🇮🇳 Evangelist

Photos from Trinity Channel's post 06/06/2024

what are the most TWO rejected and banned religious books internationally throughout history are the following? Check it out.
THE 38 countries:
Saudi Arabia
North Korea
Two of the most rejected and banned religious books internationally throughout history are:
1. **"The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie**: While "The Satanic Verses" is not a religious text in the traditional sense, it caused significant controversy and backlash due to perceived blasphemy against Islam. The book's fictional elements and exploration of religious themes led to widespread bans, protests, and even death threats against the author.
2. **The Bible**: Different translations and interpretations of the Bible have been banned & restricted in various historical contexts. For example, during the Inquisition, certain versions of the Bible were banned by the Catholic Church to control access to religious teachings and interpretations.


⛔️🛑 The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) raids on caravans: attacks, spoils, captives, and properties.

Analysis of the strategies of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Battle of Badr and their impact on the outcomes:

The ethical aspects of the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the companions in dealing with property and warfare.

The social and political impact of the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the Battle of Badr.

An analysis of the Prophet Muhammad's stance in the Battle of Badr: strategic directions regarding attacks, properties, warfare, and the ethical aspects of the Prophet and the companions. The actions of the Prophet, such as road-blocking against the properties of innocent non-Muslims and attacks on these caravans, are highlighted.

Key details of the Battle of Badr and the significant victories of the Prophet:

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indicated that the lives, wealth, and properties of non-Muslims are not sacred unless they have a security pact. An Islamic preacher rejects the idea that all battles led by the Prophet were defensive or retaliatory, citing the Battle of Badr as an example. He explains that Muslims attacked caravans to reclaim their stolen wealth, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) understood that the properties of non-Muslims were not sacred. The preacher emphasizes that during the Battle of Badr, the Prophet was given a choice by divine revelation through the angel Gabriel to either take a caravan or face a large army, which ultimately led to the Battle of Badr.


الصور المؤلمة للحرب في غزه، إلى متى يا رب ؟


✝️✝️ Recommendation message for learning lessons from the Life of TOP six great Bible characters ❤️❤️:

1. **Introduction:**

The lives of prominent biblical figures such as Moses, David, Noah, Paul, and Joseph offer a wealth of wisdom and inspiration that transcends time and speaks to the hearts of individuals across generations. These characters, through their triumphs, struggles, faith, and devotion, provide valuable lessons that continue to resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds. By reflecting on their journeys and the divine guidance that shaped their lives, we can glean profound insights that can guide us on our own paths of faith and spiritual growth.

2. **Recommendation Message:**

As we reflect on the lives of Moses, David, Noah, Paul, and Joseph, let us be inspired by their example and strive to embody their virtues in our own lives. Let us cultivate a spirit of faith, obedience, and service, trusting in God's perfect plan and seeking His guidance in all that we do. May we find strength in times of adversity, humility in times of success, and grace in times of need, knowing that God is faithful and His purposes are sure.

Let us embrace the lessons learned from these biblical characters, sharing their wisdom with others and seeking to live lives that honor God and reflect His love and grace. May we be encouraged by their stories to persevere in our faith, to seek forgiveness and offer grace, and to trust in the providence of God's plan for our lives. May we be inspired to follow in their footsteps, walking with courage, humility, and devotion on the path that leads to eternal life and fulfillment in Him.

3. **Comprehensive Summary:**
Moses, known for leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments from God, exemplifies the virtues of faith, obedience, and perseverance in the face of adversity. David, the shepherd-turned-king, showcases the complexities of human nature, from his victories on the battlefield to his moral failings and eventual repentance. Noah's obedience in building the ark and trusting in God's promise amid the flood underscores the importance of faith and divine guidance in times of trial.

Paul's transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a devoted apostle highlights the power of redemption and the boundless grace of God. Joseph's journey from betrayal and slavery to a position of power in Egypt illustrates the themes of forgiveness, resilience, and the providence of God's plan. Each of these figures offers a unique perspective on faith, service, perseverance, and the transformative power of divine intervention in the lives of believers.

By studying the lives of these biblical characters, we can draw strength and inspiration from their experiences, learning from their triumphs and setbacks, their faith and doubts, their obedience and struggles. Their stories serve as beacons of hope and guidance, reminding us of the enduring power of faith, the importance of seeking God's will, and the transformative impact of living a life dedicated to service and obedience to Him.


Two decades ago, we embarked on a humble endeavor known as ABN

Over the past 20 years,
we have witnessed God's love, grace,
and blessings guiding us, fortifying us,

and enabling us to progress and grow in
our mission to extend and build in the kingdom of God
for his will to be done, here as in heaven

Our journey began more than 20 years ago,
in the basement of our home,

then progressed to our garage, and eventually to a single room
in a small church basement, for the local metropolitan Detroit communities.

Later, and a few years ago,
our vision and ministry

have been multiplied and increased to lead people
into a deepening relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ,

across North America, the Middle East, Africa,
Central Asia, and SouthEast Asia.

Thanks to the guidance and protection of our Lord,
this incredibly influential ministry is still expanding with greater
effectiveness and success than it has ever had.

We are so thankful to the Lord for your prayers
and generous financial offerings over the years.

Your brother and sister in Christ,
Dr. Bassim and Haifa Gorial

Photos from Trinity Channel's post 03/05/2024
Photos from Trinity Channel's post 03/05/2024

⚠️⚠️⚠️The Mark of the Beast⛔️⛔️⛔️

🔥🔥🔥 5 THINGS about the MARK of the BEAST ||| BEWARE, THEY'RE NO LONGER HIDING - The Leader of the New Would order

5 THINGS about the MARK of the BEAST:
Here are the top five points about the mark of the beast, and the top 10 advices to be aware AND how to prepare for the dark time when everyone will be forced to accept the mark of the beast:

An artistic interpretation of the Mark of the Beast at the end times, depicting the enforcement of a mark on the right hand or forehead to participate in society, with a focus on allegiance to the Antichrist, the inability to buy or sell without the mark, and a sense of deception and fear through smoke and a system of dictatorship.

1. The Antichrist will enforce a system where individuals must take a mark on their right hand or forehead to participate in society. This mark represents allegiance to the Antichrist and without it, people will not be able to buy or sell

2. The exact form of the mark is unknown, but it could potentially be a small digital chip or an RFID tag that can be implanted under the skin. This aligns with the scriptural reference in Revelation

3. Christians are warned that there will be persecution during the reign of the Antichrist, and believers will face difficult choices such as worshipping the Antichrist or losing their lives

4. The world will see a great evil like never before during the reign of the Antichrist, with widespread idolatry, open blasphemy against God, and people falling away from God

5. The ultimate defeat of the Antichrist will come when Jesus Christ returns, leading to the battle of Armageddon. Jesus will defeat the Antichrist and his followers, establishing his reign as the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords

Here are the top 10 advices to be aware and prepare for the dark time when everyone will be forced to accept the mark of the beast:

1. Stay rooted in your faith in Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible to discern the signs of the times

2. Be vigilant against deception and stay firm in your devotion to Christ, even in the face of hardships and persecution

3. Guard your heart against unbelief, which denies God's power and glory, and trust in the Lord's sovereignty

4. Listen to the voice of God and avoid hardening your heart to His calling, remaining sensitive to His leading

5. Pay close attention to the truth of the Gospel and do not drift away from the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially in a world filled with false doctrines and deception

6. Seek a deeper relationship with God through prayer, scripture reading, and fellowship with other believers to strengthen your faith

7. Be prepared to face challenges and possible isolation for refusing to bow down to the Antichrist and holding onto your faith in Jesus

8. Stay informed about current events and global developments to recognize potential signs of the rise of the Antichrist and the enforcement of his mark

9. Foster a spirit of discernment and wisdom through prayer and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit to navigate the times of tribulation

10. Keep your focus on Jesus Christ as the ultimate victor over evil and place your trust in His power to guide you through the dark times ahead


النهايات المأساوية للعشره 🇮🇷⬛️🇹🇷
المبشرين بالجنه الاسلاميه من الخلافة الاسلامية
بعد وفاة النبي (ص) ⬛️🇹🇷🇮🇷

🛑🛑جرائم الخلافة الإسلامية من اجل المناصب والحكومات والسبايا وملذات الحياة تحت غطاء نشر دين الإسلام وإطاعة الله🛑🛑

✝️✝️✝️المسيح قال كل من يأخذ بالسيف، فبالسيفِ يُهلك⚔️🗡️⚔️
These ten companions were close
companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and he gave them the glad tidings of Paradise during their lifetimes. They were known for their piety, dedication to Islam, and their contributions to the early Muslim community.

🇸🇦عمر بن الخطاب:
تم اغتيال عمر بن الخطاب، خليفة الإسلام الثاني، خلال صلاة الفجر في المدينة المنورة في عام 644 ميلاديًا على يد أبو لؤلؤة، عبد فارسي. كان عمر يقود صلاة الصبح عندما هاجمه أبو لؤلؤة بسكين. أصيب عمر بجروح خطيرة وتوفي بعد أيام قليلة من جراء الجروح. تم القبض على أبو لؤلؤة وفيما بعد انتحر.

🇹🇷عثمان بن عفان:
تم اغتيال عثمان بن عفان، خليفة الإسلام الثالث، في عام 656 ميلاديًا خلال تمرد في المدينة المنورة. احتجزت مجموعة من المعارضين، الذين كانوا غير راضين عن حكم عثمان، منزله وقتلوه في النهاية. استشهد عثمان وهو يقرأ القرآن. أدى اغتياله إلى أزمة كبيرة في المجتمع الإسلامي ووضع حدًا للفتنة الأولى (الحرب الأهلية).

🇮🇷علي بن أبي طالب:
تم اغتيال علي بن أبي طالب، ابن عم النبي محمد وزوج ابنته، أثناء صلاته في الكوفة في عام 661 ميلاديًا على يد عضو من الخوارج. ثوار الخوارج عقدوا آراء متطرفة واعتقدوا أن علياً انحرف عن مسار العدل. أُصيب علي بسيف مسموم أثناء صلاة الصبح وتوفي بعد يومين من الجرح.

🇦🇫طلحة بن عبيد الله:
كان طلحة بن عبيد الله أحد أصحاب النبي محمد الذي قتل خلال معركة الجمل في عام 656 م. كانت معركة الجمل نزاعًا بين القوات الموالية لعلي بن أبي طالب والقوات التي تدعم عائشة وطلحة والزبير. شارك طلحة في المعركة وقتل خلال القتال.

🇵🇰الزبير بن العوام:
كان الزبير بن العوام، رفيق بارز آخر للنبي محمد، قد قتل أيضًا خلال معركة الجمل في عام 656 م. كان الزبير ابن عم علي وكان يدعم في البداية عائشة في معارضتها لخلافة علي. شارك في المعركة وقُتل خلال الصراع.

1. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq
2. Umar ibn al-Khattab
3. Uthman ibn Affan
4. Ali ibn Abi Talib
5. Talha ibn Ubayd Allah
6. Zubayr ibn al-Awwam
7. Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf
8. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas
9. Sa'id ibn Zayd
10. Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

These ten companions were close companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and he gave them the glad tidings of Paradise during their lifetimes. They were known for their piety, dedication to Islam, and their contributions to the early Muslim community.

A brief overview of the incidents involving the assassination or killing of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad as you requested:

2. Umar ibn al-Khattab:
Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam, was assassinated during the Fajr prayer in Medina in 644 CE by Abu Lu'lu'a, a Persian slave. Umar was leading the morning prayer when Abu Lu'lu'a attacked him with a dagger. Umar sustained severe injuries and died a few days later from the wounds. Abu Lu'lu'a was captured and later committed su***de.

3. Uthman ibn Affan:
Uthman ibn Affan, the third Caliph of Islam, was assassinated in 656 CE during a rebellion in Medina. A group of dissidents, unhappy with Uthman's rule, besieged his house and ultimately killed him. Uthman was martyred while reading the Quran. His assassination led to a major crisis in the Muslim community and marked the beginning of the First Fitna (civil war).

4. Ali ibn Abi Talib:
Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, was assassinated while praying in Kufa in 661 CE by a member of the Kharijites. The Kharijites held extremist views and believed that Ali had deviated from the path of justice. Ali was struck with a poisoned sword during the morning prayer and died two days later from the wound.

5. Talha ibn Ubayd Allah:
Talha ibn Ubayd Allah was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad who was killed during the Battle of the Camel in 656 CE. The Battle of the Camel was a conflict between forces loyal to Ali ibn Abi Talib and those supporting Aisha, Talha, and Zubayr. Talha fought in the battle and was killed during the fighting.

6. Zubayr ibn al-Awwam:
Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, another prominent companion of the Prophet Muhammad, was also killed during the Battle of the Camel in 656 CE. Zubayr was a cousin of Ali and had initially supported Aisha in her opposition to Ali's caliphate. He fought in the battle and was killed during the conflict.

جرائم الخلافة الإسلامية من اجل المناصب والحكومات والسبايا وملذات الحياة تحت غطاء نشر دين الإسلام وإطاعة الله. المسيح قال كل من يأخذ بالسيف، فبالسيفِ يُهلك

Photos from ‎Abn Sat قناة الارامية - الصفحة الرسمية‎'s post 30/04/2024

The Road to Emmaus : Recognizing the Risen Christ


Topic: His Death and Resurrection Conquers All
Host: P. Vance Walker
Guests: P. Chris Perumalla, P. Jihad Cobey


Videos (show all)

second Mission Conference
second Mission Conference
New Marathon
New Marathon
The Crusade in India for all religions: Muslims , Hindus and Christians He is very popular India 🇮🇳 Evangelist
The Crusade in India for all religions: Muslims , Hindus and Christians He is very popular India 🇮🇳 Evangelist
⛔️🛑 The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) raids on caravans: attacks, spoils, captives, and properties.Analysis of the strategie...
TWO DECADES Anniversary soon
The Road to Emmaus : Recognizing the Risen Christ
His Death and Resurrection Conquers All Host: P. Vance Walker
Stories of Christ's Sacrifice
I feel pessimistic about this ridiculous, low-level clip because it highlights farce and sorcery, but on the other hand,...

