Trinity Channel Videos

Videos by Trinity Channel. The Trinity channel is a Christian broadcasting Network that preaches the message of Hope and Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ globally through media.

second Mission Conference

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second Mission Conference

second Mission Conference

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The Crusade in India for all religions: Muslims , Hindus and Christians He is very popular India 🇮🇳 Evangelist

The Crusade in India for all religions: Muslims , Hindus and Christians He is very popular India 🇮🇳 Evangelist

⛔️🛑 The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) raids on caravans: attacks, spoils, captives, and properties. Analysis of the strategies of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Battle of Badr and their impact on the outcomes: The ethical aspects of the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the companions in dealing with property and warfare. The social and political impact of the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the Battle of Badr. Introduction: An analysis of the Prophet Muhammad's stance in the Battle of Badr: strategic directions regarding attacks, properties, warfare, and the ethical aspects of the Prophet and the companions. The actions of the Prophet, such as road-blocking against the properties of innocent non-Muslims and attacks on these caravans, are highlighted. Key details of the Battle of Badr and the significant victories of the Prophet: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indicated that the lives, wealth, and properties of non-Muslims are not sacred unless they have a security pact. An Islamic preacher rejects the idea that all battles led by the Prophet were defensive or retaliatory, citing the Battle of Badr as an example. He explains that Muslims attacked caravans to reclaim their stolen wealth, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) understood that the properties of non-Muslims were not sacred. The preacher emphasizes that during the Battle of Badr, the Prophet was given a choice by divine revelation through the angel Gabriel to either take a caravan or face a large army, which ultimately led to the Battle of Badr.

TWO DECADES Anniversary soon
Two decades ago, we embarked on a humble endeavor known as ABN Over the past 20 years, we have witnessed God's love, grace, and blessings guiding us, fortifying us, and enabling us to progress and grow in our mission to extend and build in the kingdom of God for his will to be done, here as in heaven Our journey began more than 20 years ago, in the basement of our home, then progressed to our garage, and eventually to a single room in a small church basement, for the local metropolitan Detroit communities. Later, and a few years ago, our vision and ministry have been multiplied and increased to lead people into a deepening relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, across North America, the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, and SouthEast Asia. Thanks to the guidance and protection of our Lord, this incredibly influential ministry is still expanding with greater effectiveness and success than it has ever had. We are so thankful to the Lord for your prayers and generous financial offerings over the years. Your brother and sister in Christ, Dr. Bassim and Haifa Gorial

The Road to Emmaus : Recognizing the Risen Christ
The Road to Emmaus : Recognizing the Risen Christ

His Death and Resurrection Conquers All Host: P. Vance Walker
Topic: His Death and Resurrection Conquers All Host: P. Vance Walker Guests: P. Chris Perumalla, P. Jihad Cobey

Stories of Christ's Sacrifice
Stories of Christ's Sacrifice

I feel pessimistic about this ridiculous, low-level clip because it highlights farce and sorcery, but on the other hand, I rejoice because we are proud of our loving God and beloved Jesus Christ, who suffered death on the cross for the sinners, the lost, the blind, and the sorcerers because of the evil spirits that have increased in these recent times in East, West, and even sometimes within a very small section of deceptive and deceived churches. May God protect us and open our inner eyes so that we may be aware and judge so that we, our families, and our children do not stumble. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him be all glory and honor. ‏ أشعر بالتشائم على هذا المقطع السخيف ذو المستوى الواطيء لأنه يسلط الضوء على المهزلة والشعوذة لكن من ناحية أخرى أفرح لاننا فخورين بإلهنا وحبيبنا يسوع المسيح المحب الذي عان الموت على الصليب من أجل الخطاة والضالين والعميان والمشعوذين بسبب الأرواح الشريره التي كثرت في هذه الازمنه الاخيره في الشرق والغرب وحتى أحياناً داخل قسم قليل جداً من الكنائس المخادعة والمخدوعه. الله يحمينا ويفتح عيوننا الباطنيه لكي نكون واعين ويقضين لكي لا نتزحلق نحن اوعوائلنا وأطفالنا باسم الرب يسوع المسيح له كل المجد والإكرام 

THREE STRONG EVIDENCES of Jesus resurrected from Death. ABN Easter Marathon on ABN TV Channel and all other Social Media platforms www.ABNglobal.TV



ABN & TrinityChannel EASTER Marathon 2024 Why did Jesus needs to suffer?

The Passion_ Jesus death & Resurrection - Topic_ Why did Jesus need to Suffer_Dr. Bassim

English upcoming Easter Marathon 2024