The Cosmic Nurse Podcast

The Cosmic Nurse Podcast

New podcast Launching end of January 2022. Truth Just health and spirituality. Stay tuned!

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 20/07/2023

I had the honor and pleasure to connect with some amazing visionaries and thought leaders of our times in the wide world of psychedelics. I was very taken by how much passion and dedication I witnessed. Having been at the Psychedelic Science Conf 2023. I got to hear and experience so much of how, what, where, why this world of psychedelics is heading. Fact remains we still don’t have a clue how it will all turn out. Only time will tell.
Meeting these people left me grateful, excited, curious and contemplating my own way in this world.
How I can give back more? What can I do to take my work to the next level? Who will I stand with and who will stand with me? It’s clear Visionaries and leaders historically have paid a big price, hard work, sacrifices, time, money, multitude of resources and support. It’s the ingredients to what moves the cosmos, planets, the earth to form ecosystems, support life of all sorts, & rulers of all types to do a many great things. We all are a part of it all🌱
One thing I do know, for me to continue taking agency for my healing and to continue trust the path. 🪶🌱
I had the rare opportunity to meet and connect with who shared his vision for what healing means with respect to psychedelics. He is truly a sincere person, dedicated to the helping others. who was so generous and easy to connect with. He’s had a project ongoing for years, his life’s work and message about how healing with psychedelics shaped his life and those of his clients. ‘PrescriptionX’ a documentary.
such a beautiful gifted soul, who shares her gifts of sound that heal and inspire the deepest parts of our essence🦋
So grateful for this experience and to witness how & pulled out some crafty magic to help bring this event to life. So thrilled to have connected with so many people who continue to inspire me.


There are many ways that can support integration of psychedelics. I love sharing about what’s worked for me and my clients. Over the years, I’ve learned these are the overall top ways to replenish after medicine work.
When I coach my clients prior to their experiences, we work out a plan to ensure these keys elements are ready.
These foundations are key to being able to tap into that deeper part of self care and healing within.
With busy lives, family, work etx. It’s easy to over look what seems so clearly basic. Yet it’s often not given full attention. We close the ceremonial space, take care of logistics, even start diving into emails, texts, etx. It’s easy to do.
We can give more, have even a greater sense of wellness if we consistently implement these basic principles.
The plants teach us how we can be, with the flow, a new way even to love ourselves more.

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 05/07/2023

Meeting and connecting with some amazing humans while at the Psychedelic Science conference 2023-Denver, CO.
It was such a full and rich experience.
I am still integrating, I learned how little I actually know. Yet I learned so much about this movement of psychedelics what is being called “renaissance”
The over 500 speakers and workshops, vendors, after parties, music and art and more. Was a lot to take in.

What’s truly amazing there’s so many ways we can be in service there’s more work to be done. Way more, I watched the talk with Micheal Pollan and Robert Jesse, they each gave their views about this movement and whether or not things should/are move quickly or to slow down.
Jesse suggested things should have a slower pace with this movement. I’m also feeling things be in a slower pace. With so many agencies involved from indigenous, spirituality-science to policy and everything in between. There’s a monumental amount of work to be done, in my humble opinion in order for psychedelics to be integrated into the mainstream. It’s a massive industry with venture capitalists chopping at the bit, to shake hands and make that next big deal. Next thing ya know which I’m sure people are out there thinking up ways to making psychedelics a public traded company on the New York stock exchange.
Whats clear to me is the preservation of the respective lands, lineages and cultures of their origins. If this is not “the priority” so much will be lost, and the earth and its inhabitants could suffer great consequences.

How is this done? Those where amongst some of the hot topics discussed at the conference.
I got to meet Dennis McKenna again this time and he spoke about the Herbarium in the Amazon in Peru. How this library of plants is in need of help. To catalog and study the plants from the forest.
I will be sharing another episode this week on some of these hot topics. Stay tuned!

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 04/07/2023

Happy full moon blessings🌕
Super moon in Capricorn. This moon is giving us the energy and push to go towards the goals and life we desire.
Take this opportunity to flow with the waves of this cosmic change and support live forces.

Much love


We live in a world that feeds this need to do more. We all have been exposed to this false sense of security.

This is scarcity program. That old way of doing things. Need to have more $$ and ‘things’ are more important, than our health and vitality. People are often unaware of these thought patterns and behaviors.
It’s learned from childhood even beforehand.

To secure your financial future is most important overall. This Absolutely is of importance, to be able to provide for our selves a homestead and provide our families those basic needs and beyond.
To have access to our heavenly abundance, have our creature comforts, fresh organic foods, support in all forms.
When is it enough? When can we pause to enjoy the fruits of our labor? Be with family and friends enjoy a good laugh. To down regulate our nervous systems. To feel joy, cry, to have pleasure.
Balance is the key to a life without struggle.
To know when it’s ok to allow rest. Before the body mind and spirit is to exhausted to regulate. Staying ahead of disease and dysfunction.

You deserve to thrive, not just survive.


There are many ways to heal, plant medicines are an option that are becoming more and more available.
I have found relief from my pain and anxiety symptoms. Helping to give me a better quality of life and more space in my body and mind.
I have the privilege and pleasure to attend the conference this week. I am over flowing with gratitude for this experience. I am beginning my integration process and will have lots to share.
Thank you to all of the genuine and beautiful connections this weeks with new friends, colleagues and beyond.


Plant medicines remind us of who we are and beyond. The mis-conception is that it’s a drug or foreign substance.
That maybe the case for some. When we go into these sacred spaces, we are reminded who we and we are not separate from that. We are it!
The healing begins there, the curiousness to being part of consciousness it self.

Psychedelic-“mind manifesting”



Look who I found! . Always a blast to be kicking it with you🥰

How does a psychedelic integration coach stay in touch with the latest in the world of integration and healing?

We are constantly learning, growing and expanding our knowledge and experience.
It’s not about If or when healing with plant medicine, fungi, or psychedelic medicines will happen. It’s underway, it’s mainstream or like one the speakers last night at the TedX Marin coined-“are psychedelics to be mainstream or the mainstream be more psychedelic” what do you think?
I think the later would suit me!


Working with a psychedelic integration coach can greatly improve the quality of your plant medicine experiences.
Your experience is not just a drop in time. It’s a collaboration with plant consciousness to make time stand still long enough for you to heal the depths of you. That otherwise would have you trapped in a negative thought pattern or emotional roller coaster.
Psychedelics can provide you a pause, an option to see things a little differently. Maybe enough so that you may feel empowered to make a positive change.

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 05/06/2023

Honouring the rhythms of the earth puts us in touch with what’s a part of our very nature.
It’s when we realize we are not separate from the world around us.
We can learn to reclaim those parts of ourselves. By first getting a-tuned to the earth and her rhythms. As those are how our own bodies function. Then can we truly understand our very nature and find health and vitality.
Blessings on this sag full moon 🌕

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 02/06/2023

Mixing it up with first Thursday of the .
Kava Colada was delicious 😋

Photos from The Cosmic Nurse Podcast's post 31/05/2023

There are many benefits being proven in the latest studies of psychedelic therapies. The psychedelic renaissance is upon us with plethora of varieties of choices. From the experienced to the novice there are many roads. Why not take the confusing off the table and work with experts who understand how to navigate these realms.


Doing our sacred personal work is not for the faint of heart. Stay the course, your not alone. ✨All of us who’ve decided to be here at this time are in it with you. We are in it together, there is unlimited support for you.
💜As I personally move through my own transitions, I am reminded of this too and how I can continue to cultivate patience and compassion for my self.


Sometimes I channel messages from higher realms of consciousness. I do this for myself and often for my clients during sessions.
This helps me to connect to something higher than myself. Here’s a shared message that I received a short time ago. It resonated to me again today.
🌈I wanted to share with you. As you move throughout your day, knowing there are greater forces at work that are beyond our understanding.
When I feel impatient or anxious about things not going exactly how I want. I take time to slow down and listen. That’s hard for me too! Because I too want immediate results and my little girl inside gets annoyed and baffled to why.
I get reminded that we’re not really operating on the 3D, this dimension. Those of us on spiritual paths are operating on spirit time. Then, I can be fully present for what I truly don’t understand which is a lot😳


Those moments of stillness within sacred spaces are magic 🦋
They help us look deeper within, when we allow ourselves to be with the stillness of those moments.
✨ be curious with those questions. Am I really living my authentic truth? If not what’s stopping you? Does it really matter?


How you ever been curious about deeper healing through plant medicines?
Did you know there are more people turning to psychedelic therapies now more than ever in history?! Wow 🤩 🍃
Ever wonder how people get back to their lives after a big psychedelic experience?
This is what having a psychedelic integration coach can offer you.
Get educated, stop guessing about who to turn to.
🧐Curious to learn more?
Sign up for my mailing list

Check out my podcast where I share about healing with psychedelics and more-
The Cosmic Nurse Podcast
Subscribe today!🎙️



What we do upon rising informs the universe how we want to interact with the world around us. Taking good care of our body, mind and spirit is essential.
How do you spend those first waking moments?


One of the things I help my clients is exploring moments of softening those stubborn patterns. One of the many benefits of working with plant medicines, they give us opportunities to work in those hard to reach places of our consciousness. The gate keepers of the unlimited potential of healing. Join me as I launch my newest offerings.
✨“Integrative Sacred Journeys”✨
Stay tuned as I share more on my newest healing programs.


Where in your life have you seen yourself get triggered from people or situations? Why have those exchanges mirrored for you?
How has that made your feel? Angry that perhaps what they said maybe true? Resentful because you though you’d healed that repressed anger? Blaming your parents for how they did not show up for you when you where a child during those formative years? Sound familiar?🦋does this resonate?
Where has this left you feeling today? Maybe it’s left you with more questions like these than answers or results. Have you even been curious how psychedelics can help this process? The chance to provide your brain, nervous system a break from the monkey mind. Wouldn’t that be great!
The disconnect from your thoughts that spring forth emotions like anger, resentment or blame. Even fear of facing those dark places within yourself. Not feeling you can even do it & How many years would conventional therapy take to put a dent in this?
🌱🍄Working with plant medicines or psychedelics can offer you a solution. It’s possible that it could offer a pathway to this as a real possibility of healing. To work on those neuro-pathways. To soften that neuroplasticity in your emotional pathways. To reset, you can open your heart more and feel what it is you haven’t felt since you where a child, during which you could not understand what was even happening to you.
Does this resonate?
I help people prepare for those journeys into the unknown, psychedelic integration is essential to bringing forth what’s hidden. To bringing together what is scattered, what is in the shadows. Where real healing can be possible. Where relief of your pain and suffering isn’t something outside of yourself.

Check out my podcast The Cosmic Nurse-where I share about my healing journey with plant medicine/psychedelics. And how I integrate what I’ve done within those sacred containers.
I offer people psychedelic coaching. Preparation and after care as a coach and spiritual mentor.
If you are interested in more DM me. Or check out my website for more on this and what I’m doing.


Where in your life have you seen yourself get triggered from people or situations? Why have those exchanges mirrored for you?
How has that made your feel? Angry that perhaps what they said maybe true? Resentful because you though you’d healed that repressed anger? Blaming your parents for how they did not show up for you when you where a child during those formative years? Sound familiar?🦋does this resonate?
Where has this left you feeling today? Maybe it’s left you with more questions like these than answers or results. Have you even been curious how psychedelics can help this process? The chance to provide your brain, nervous system a break from the monkey mind. Wouldn’t that be great!
The disconnect from your thoughts that spring forth emotions like anger, resentment or blame. Even fear of facing those dark places within yourself. Not feeling you can even do it & How many years would conventional therapy take to put a dent in this?
🌱🍄Working with plant medicines or psychedelics can offer you a solution. It’s possible that it could offer a pathway to this as a real possibility of healing. To work on those neuro-pathways. To soften that neuroplasticity in your emotional pathways. To reset, you can open your heart more and feel what it is you haven’t felt since you where a child, during which you could not understand what was even happening to you.
Does this resonate?
I help people prepare for those journeys into the unknown, psychedelic integration is essential to bringing forth what’s hidden. To bringing together what is scattered, what is in the shadows. Where real healing can be possible. Where relief of your pain and suffering isn’t something outside of yourself.

Check out my podcast The Cosmic Nurse-where I share about my healing journey with plant medicine/psychedelics. And how I integrate what I’ve done within those sacred containers.
I offer people psychedelic coaching. Preparation and after care as a coach and spiritual mentor.
If you are interested in more DM me. Or check out my website for more on this and what I’m doing.


epic lunch!


Happy trip around the sun to me! Vegan gluten free birthday treats!🎂


Balance of emotions and thoughts, allowing to live from place of authenticity and love.


Join me for my latest episode on the Cosmic Nurse Podcast. Katherine Mesa interviews me as I share about my healing journey with psychedelics. One of many more episodes about healing, living, thriving in world of unlimited ways to heal through plant medicines.


Tune in this Sunday.
I will touch in on what the energies are doing for this potent portal time, summer solstice. Learn how to work with these frequencies and stabilize within your energy fields.


Tune in Sunday. IG live with Rosie.
I know you can feel it, so now learn how to do something with that feeling. When the sun ☀️ is closer to the earth, longest day of the year. Bath in its beauty, and bring in what will serve you the most.


Excited to share about my offerings!
Info on upcoming retreats & panchakarmas in Mexico starting Sept 1-6th all inclusive packages available.

Videos (show all)

Balance of emotions and thoughts, allowing to live from place of authenticity and love.
In this first episode of the podcast, I had the pleasure and honor to talk to Katherine Mesa. Katherine is the founder o...
