Central Iowa D-League Hockey

Premiere Central Iowa Hockey League


Schedule is out!
Combine: 10/20 & 10/27
Draft: 11/3
Practice: 11/10
First Regular Season Game: 11/17


Update from DMYHA (and a reminder that we fall under their organization):

With all the excitement and chatter around the upcoming season, our phones and inboxes have been getting flooded with questions about several items. Most of these we address individually but one question that keeps coming up is regarding what ice time will look like with the recent announcement from the Des Moines Buccaneers (USHL) and their move to the RecPlex for the upcoming season. First and foremost, the impact to DMYHA programming at the RecPlex is very minimal as the Bucs will practice during the daytime hours and play games on late Friday & Saturday nights. As for Bucs Arena, we have assured by the Bucs that they are working diligently to provide DMYHA ice just as they have in previous years. Currently, a portable ice making system is expected to arrive in the coming weeks and, barring any unforeseen circumstances that may arise, they should be ready to go mid-October – just as originally planned. Granted, unexpected things can always come up, but we are hopeful and trust that the plan they have put into place will support our needs this season. Rest assured, we are always in constant conversation with all our rink partners to make sure we are exhausting every avenue possible to get your skater(s) on the ice and will continue to do so.


We’ve been in touch with DMYHA and arena staff - as of right now, expectation is that ice will be in at Buc’s Arena in October.
CIDL season should be on track - we’ll continue to collaborate with our partners and update as needed - but CIDL Sunday rec-league hockey should still happen this season!


We’ve heard about the Buccaneers season, and it sounds like they will play at RecPlex this year.

As a reminder, we are affiliated with DMYHA and as of right now, we expect to play at Buccaneers Arena.

If that changes, we will update accordingly.

Central Iowa D league (CIDL) 08/16/2024

No experience? No problem! True novice adult hockey!
Details below:
Registration is now open for the 2024-25 season! Here are some details:
We are playing Sundays at Buccaneer Arena in Urbandale, Iowa - with most games starting at 9:30 AM and running through 4:45 PM. (with a few exceptions due to arena events)
We are anticipating evaluations to start in late September, with the playoffs wrapping up in early April. More details can be found on our CIDL welcome page. Evaluations ensure players are in the right divisions.
The season consists of evaluations, one practice, 18 games, a mid-season 3v3 tournament, and 4 playoff games to determine a champion in each division.
Season Fees
Skaters: $435 + USA Hockey Registration (installment plan available at no extra cost)
Goalies: FREE + USA Hockey Registration (Reimbursed After Evaluation)
Ready to register?
Step 1: Register for USA Hockey, and note your confirmation number

Step 2: Review the CIDL details:

Step 3: Create a Crossbar account

Step 4: Register for CIDL!

Central Iowa D league (CIDL) The Central Iowa D-League (CIDL) is a USA Hockey sanctioned league. CIDL is an adult draft league with an annual evaluation for each player's skill level to ensure that teams are evenly balanced and players may focus on a fun, enjoyable, and safe hockey season! The ages of players in the CIDL range....

Photos from Central Iowa D-League Hockey's post 05/06/2024

Congratulations to the Bat Hogs, D1 Champions!

Photos from Central Iowa D-League Hockey's post 05/05/2024

Congratulations to the Rented Mules on their D2 Championship! Congrats also to Rich Pentico on his shutout in the game!

Photos from Central Iowa D-League Hockey's post 05/05/2024

Congratulations to our D3 Champions, the Reapers!


Crow vs. Wild Goose matchup going on in the parking lot this morning.


The CIDL trophies will be in the house at Buccaneer Arena tomorrow! Who's going to hoist the trophy in each Division after their Championship game? Good luck to all teams playing in tomorrow's games!


Who's ready for Championship Weekend‽ The Bat Hogs came back after being nearly knocked out, the Rented Mules and the Wild Goose displayed the #1 and #2 teams in D2, and in D3, we have the top ranked Ice Warriors taking on the #4 Reapers! Fantastic work to all the teams that have made it into the championship games! Next Sunday's schedule has been posted on the website and is also below.


Well, that was quite the weekend of hockey, with at least a couple upsets occurring. Congrats to the No Regretskyz, Wild Goose, and Ice Warriors for securing your spots in the championship games! Next Sunday's schedule has been posted on the website and is also below.

Sign-Up For CIDL Notifications 04/21/2024

Want to be among the first to receive notifications for upcoming CIDL events, like next season's registration? If you aren't already on our mailing list, please visit this page and add your email address today! If you don't see the confirmation message after adding yourself, please check your spam/junk folder.

Sign-Up For CIDL Notifications Want to be among the first to find out when CIDL opens registrations, or other exciting events happening in the league even if you're not a registered player? Sign-up today!


Good evening CIDL! Congrats to all our winning teams from the first week of our tournament! And for those that weren't as successful, there's still a chance to get back in next week! Next Sunday's schedule has been posted on the website and is also below.


Good evening CIDL, it's tournament time! Thank you to all our off- and on-ice officials, players, coaches, Bucs staff, tolerant spouses, and everyone else that has helped make this season a success! Below you will find the schedule for our first week of the tournament, leading to our eventual championship games on May 5th. For Divisions where standings were close (I'm looking at you, D3), we follow SportsEngine's "NHL Classic" rules: "Teams receive 2 points for a win and 1 for a tie. Teams are ordered by points, then wins, then losses (ascending), then by games played (ascending), and then goal differential." Thanks again everyone, and have fun in the tournament!


Hey there CIDL!
Below you'll find the schedule for the 4 tournament weekends - 3 weeks of playoffs and then Championship Weekend! We are taking Easter Sunday off, and have one regular season set of games on 4/7, and then it's time for the tournament!


Good evening CIDL!
We've had to make a couple schedule changes that we want to call out real quick:
1) On St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, we were hoping to start games later in the day. This isn't going to be possible and our games will be starting in the 9:30 AM time slot like normal. The website has been updated with these changes - please check it for your updated game times.
2) We had several people mention to us that on April 7th, the final day for regular games, we weren't going to end the regular season with a balanced schedule of teams playing each other. We have adjusted both D1 and D2 games to correct this. Please check the updated website for your game times.
3) We have the playoff schedule put together, and we'll get placeholder games posted on the website shortly.
Thank you, and good luck as we head towards the playoffs!


Hey there CIDL!

It's that time of the year that we start looking for people that would be interested in helping lead getting our next season off and running this summer.

Items that we're looking for people to help with include: communications (social media and MailChimp), SportsEngine (season setup, scheduling), budgeting, registration, evaluations (scheduling and organizing), maintaining relationships with our business partners, and more.

If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Thanks, and have an awesome hockey-filled weekend!


Hello CIDL!


The Buccaneers have moved tonight's game to 3 PM on Sunday due to the weather. Due to this, we need to make a few adjustments to the CIDL's schedule.

Sunday's games will be at the following times:

8:30 AM: BatHogs vs Bucks
9:45 AM: No Regretskys vs Train
11:00 AM: Mules vs Snappers
6:15 PM: Goose vs Crows
7:30 PM: Squirrels vs Bulldogs
8:45 PM: Reapers vs Warriors

Also, for the morning games and the 6:15 PM games, the north two locker rooms (the USHL visitors and coaches rooms) will not be available. Please do your best to double up and share the space that we have. If you change in the hallways, please be respective of children and others that may be around.

Everyone, please do your best with these unusual circumstances - we appreciate your patience and flexibility. Stay safe out there tonight and tomorrow!

Photos from Central Iowa D-League Hockey's post 11/05/2023

Your 2023-24 CIDL teams!

Photos from Central Iowa D-League Hockey's post 11/05/2023

First six rounds of the 2023-24 draft!


Don't forget - the 2023-24 CIDL Draft starts at 2 PM today at The Keg Stand! Good luck to all our players in the CIDL and to the captains in drafting their teams! Thank you for being part of the CIDL this season!


And that’s a wrap for the evaluations! Join us next Sunday at 2 PM at The Keg Stand for the draft!


Hey! CIDL Players! Check your email! At 1:15 PM this Sunday, after all the combine sessions are complete, we're having a bonus third mixed-level scrimmage! Link to the sign-up form is in the email.


We are off and running with the 2023-24 CIDL season!


Who doesn't have a bit of extra gear laying around home collecting dust? This Sunday and next Sunday we're opening up the lounge for an equipment swap! We'll provide the stickers to write your name and a price on, and you just have to bring your spare gear. All transactions are between the buyer and the seller, we're just providing the stickers and space. So, clear out those closets, soak it in disinfectant, and bring your extra gear on Sunday. All items must be removed by either the seller or buyer at the end of the last session or we'll have to get rid of it.


Here's your combine schedule!

All goalies should bring a spare light and dark jersey with a number on them. All goalies are welcome to come on the ice at 1:15 PM each day (regardless of day assignment) for evaluation by the captains.

October 22nd

9:30 AM

Aaron Harris
Adam Smith
Adam Swangel
Alexander Richardson
Anthony Brichetto
Ashley Cook
Brian Croxton
Cameron Clause
Christopher Hunt
Darren Stout
Don Papian
Donald West
Eric Schulz
Erik Dagenais
Jake Lohr
James Oriley
Jason Enskat
Johnny Brafford
Kayla Kaltved
Lucas Peters
Mariah Andreasen
Moriah Hammond
Nataliya Deduchenko
Neil Reuter
Nick Ziegeweid
Parker Baker
Paul Brown
Stephen Koithan
Thomas Anderson
Tyler Hines


David Jones
Richard Pentico

10:45 AM

Aaron Mccombs
Allen Deheer
Antonio Ortiz
Brad Cook
Christopher White
David Rue
Douglas Koithan
Harold Pharis
Jacob Burr
Jeff Lindquist
Jeffrey Duncan
Joshua Potter
Justin Mohr
Katie Doyle
Mark Statz
Mike Steinbronn
Mike Stroinski
Mori Sorenson
Nick Hanus
Quincy Boyd
Ryan Anderson
Ryan Chance
Ryan Kothe
Stephen Demarcky
Tim Petersen
Todd Hodgkinson
Troy Sorenson
Zaki Ibrahim


Jeff Lindquist
Nick Christiansen

12:00 PM

Andrew Majeran
Brendan Hansen
Cameron Brose
Gene Kelley
Gentry Collins
Jacob Rolph
Jeffrey Fortner
Jeremy Dove
Jerold Lawler
Jessica Curtis
Joe Price
Kalen Reisinger
Kelly Lamotte
Kelsey Balvanz
Kent Forbes
Luke Van Gorp
Mark Jagerson
Michael LaMotte
Mike Thomason
Nate Mccombs
Pat Scholer
Pete VanHouweling
Ricky Jones
Ryan Butler
Ryan Gerhardy
Sarah Wagoner
Shawn Vodenik
Tami Peiffer
Timothy Young
Zachary Delude


Damon Punsalan
Jerold Lawler
Wade Fridley

1:15 PM:


October 29th

9:30 AM

Austin Taylor
Blaine Barker
Blake Roth
Brad Dean
Brian Oldenburger
Carolin Ortiz
Christopher Rose
Daniel Kesper
Dennis Platt
Derek Simpson
Gregory Miller
Jared Lee
Jeff Cronin
Jeremy Sandy
Joe Hogan
John Kavana
Justin Thornburg
Lee Patton
Louis Pambianco
Luke Van Brocklin
Margaret Weirich
Michael Camp
Nathan Reckman
Neal Connelly
Ross Anderson
Ryan Lynch
Tj Briscoe
Tony Schubert
William Kasuga


Jacob Mcclelland
Scott Anderson

10:45 AM

Amanda Thomason
Andrew West
Brandon Miller
Brandon Schade
Brett Warner
Brian Rayhack
Cole Denning
Daniel Koenig
Daniel Westwater
Darin Dux
Jacob Helvey
James Chung
Jeff Barr
Jim Seckington
John Nutt
Jon Taylor
Jonathan Goode
Keane Gritton
Kelley Kennedy
Marcus Leigh
Mark Johnson
Martha West
Marty Bloom
Nicholas Peterson
Richard Puhl
Ryan Remling
Tad Watson


Becky Current
Ryan Lett
Scott Crowther

12:00 PM

Anne Becker
Becky Current
Ben Hayden
Blake Current
Edward Brafford
Fred Krysa
Frederic Brown
Jacob Bennett
Keegan Mohrfeld
Kenneth Busby
Kory Weide
Luke Vance
Matthew Putney
Parker Zimmer
Patrick Macfarland
Percillia Putney
Regan Sanford
Richard Cory
Ruben Pena
Ryan Greening
Scott Kundel
Scott Sandberg
Simon Fortney
Stephen Delude
Steve Walker
Terry Rogers
Thomas Weaver
Tim Nevins
Zach Brichetto


Tommy Hoffman
Wyatt Madsen

1:15 PM:



Yes, we're doing it again on October 15th! We have two FREE scrimmages (one novice-level, one upper-level) coming up this weekend for all registered CIDL players! Be sure to check your email (and your junk mail folders if needed) for instructions on how to sign up for it - spots are limited! Not registered for the CIDL yet? There's still time: https://www.dmyha.com/cidl

Combine Schedule Exception Request 10/08/2023

If you can only make a specific date or time, TODAY is the LAST DAY to get your exception request in! Tomorrow we start slotting people in, and there's no turning back.

Combine Schedule Exception Request DO NOT fill this out if you are able to attend any of the times on October 22nd or 29th. If you must request a specific day or time, you may do so by completing this form. We will do our best to accommodate everyone on a first-come-first-serve basis. All CIDL Players (Skaters and Goalies) MUST parti...

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Our Mission

The mission of the Central Iowa D-League (CIDL) is to organize an adult hockey experience that promotes the sport of hockey by providing an environment that stimulates a fun, enjoyable, competitive, and safe experience with the primary emphasis on sportsmanship and camaraderie for players of all skill levels. We are dedicated to providing a great experience on and off the ice.

Novice Division Mission Statement

The CIDL Novice Division provides a unique hockey experience for adults new to the sport of hockey. Through a fusion of team coaching, on-ice practice time, and games, players will be taught the fundamentals of hockey. The emphasis is on low-key competition in a friendly environment, where every person has an equal opportunity to play.

Intermediate Division Mission Statement

Videos (show all)

Bonus First Game of the Day
Per tradition, the draft order for the CIDL 2022-23 season!



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