No PCOS For Me

When a woman's hormones are out of balance, symptoms include weight gain, irregular cycles, infertil


Endocrine disruptors include a wide range of substances, both natural and human-made, that may interfere with the body’s hormone and cell signaling system called the endocrine system.

Endocrine disruptors lead to adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects. I wrote a lot about them in my Amazon Best Seller- Get Out of Hormone Hell- 6 HEAVENly Steps to Feel Great, Lose Weight, and Reverse Aging. They are criminal!

Find out how to reduce your exposure at


Do you know which foods you should be eating more of and which should be avoided to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins?

If you don't, you can’t afford to miss Environmental Toxins And Your Health! This is your last chance to join us! Sign up now at


It’s not uncommon for people to leave their doctor's office without the answers they want.

Why is that?

The simple truth is conventional medicine isn’t set up to diagnose conditions caused by environmental toxins.

Join us for Environmental Toxins And Your Health on Tuesday, October 31st to learn more!

Registration is now open, save you place at


One of the keys to success for weight loss is committing to yourself and truly believing that you’re worth the effort to change.

This means holding yourself accountable, accepting slips ups, and celebrating small goals.

How can you commit to yourself for success? How are you accountable? Today is the last day to sign up for the 28 Day Program. I give you the feedback and accountability that make it work.

# van wert


Losing weight isn’t easy, and it takes time. However, if you’re following these three tips, you’re journey will be much smoother.

1. Eat a high-protein breakfast to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.

2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.

3. Drink 16 ounces of water 30 minutes before meals.

I have a lot of other time and client tested tips in my 28 Day Program.n


If you’re not a whiz in the kitchen, simple meal prep can go a long way for healthier eating!

Dedicate a few hours once a week to meal prep, and you’ll have healthy food at the ready all week long. I suggest investing in a week's worth of glass storage containers, prep as soon as you return from the grocery store, and remove any unwanted junk food from the counter and cupboards. Out of sight, out of mind usually works but if you are still tempted, remove from the pantry! Don't let it sabotage your health goals.
Sign up for the 28 Day Program Starting tomorrow.

Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st

# van wert


Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating in which people cycle between periods of fasting and eating.

Rather than specifying which foods you should eat, intermittent fasting dictates when you should eat them.

Two popular methods include:
The 16/8 method, which involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours, and fasting for 16 hours in between.

The 5:2 diet where you consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week, but eat normally for the remaining 5 days.

Intermittent fasting has allowed many to lose weight and maintain healthy eating.
I teach you in my 28 Day Program starting May 1st. Join me!

Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st

# van wert


When trying to lose weight, it’s important to participate in activities that elevate your heart rate, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore strength training.

By lifting weights, you will burn a lot of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight.

Let me know if you need help getting started! I have a 28 Day Program starting Monday, May 1st that helps you make the necessary steps to getting healthier. Baby steps work!

Sign up here:

# van wert


It can be disheartening to see the numbers rise, but if you ignore the scale, you won’t be able to detect subtle gains.

After all, it’s easier to lose 5 pounds than 20, right?

The oldest running research recommendation is to weigh yourself regularly to track how your body fluctuates throughout the month. When you start to notice the numbers rising, and remaining high, you know changes are needed.

Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st

# van wert


Here’s the truth about weight loss pills. They can help you shed pounds; HOWEVER, long-term use is expensive and may be harmful. Besides, the limited benefits stop as soon as you stop the expensive pills.

According to experts at Mayo Clinic, research about the pills' effectiveness is weak. Additionally, they caution that diet pills can have unpleasant side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, upset stomach, loose stools, and insomnia.

Bottom line: Diet pills are no substitute for lifestyle changes.
Join me for the 28 Day Program starting May 1st.

# van wert


You don’t have to become a vegetarian, just make sure that plants take up at least half of your plate!

Replace the meat and potatoes for meals that contain 80% veggies and a side of lean protein such as grilled chicken or fish.

# van wert


Don’t fall for the diets that promise fast results!

This includes very-low-calorie diets and no-carb diets. They may lead to faster results, but the results won’t last. Why? These diets can’t be maintained over time, which means you’re setting yourself up to gain the weight back once you resume normal eating. Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st.

Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st

# van wert


If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times—drink more water!

Here are a few H2O related facts for you:
- Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water.
- When dehydrated, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and wrinkling.
- Drinking water instead of soda can help with weight loss.

A 12-week study found that participants who drank 17 ounces of water 30 minutes before meals helped dieters eat fewer calories and lose 44% more weight compared to those who didn’t. Read the study at and start drinking more water!
This an other helpful tips in my 28 Day program. Join me!
# van wert


Do an internet search for ‘weight loss,’ and you’re likely to be bombarded with contradicting headlines.

The marketing world of weight loss often plays on our emotions and desire to improve and try to get our money (and attention) with ‘quick fixes’ like pills, teas, and diet plans.

Unfortunately, there is no fast or easy way to lose weight. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a worthwhile goal! There are endless benefits of shedding pounds—from improving self-esteem to reducing the risk of disease.

My first piece of advice—diets that seem too good to be true, ARE too good to be true! Join me in my 28 Day Program and make REAL and LASTING, doable changes.
Join me for my 28 Day Program starting May 1st

# van wert


On a scale of one to 10 (ten being you wouldn’t change a thing), how happy are you with your current weight?

Feel free to post your response below and share why you rated yourself the way you did.

Weight is a sensitive topic. Many of us aren’t happy with our weight but haven’t had success with change. I assure you, you’re not alone.
Join me for my 28 Day Group Program. We start meeting Monday, May 1st at 8:00 via friendly Zoom. Afraid of tech- no worries- I walk you through!
Sign up
# van wert

Timeline photos 08/31/2022

If you want to implement any sort of lasting change, you must first change the way you think about it.

Weight loss is no different.

On Thursday, September 1st, we’ll help you forget about numbers, and instead, strive for health!

RSVP for Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT:

Timeline photos 08/30/2022

Body and mind are more interconnected than you’d expect, and so it’s important to fill your mind with healthy, well-informed information if you wish for it to have any lasting impact on your body.

For anyone who has struggled with weight loss (and more importantly with MAINTAINING weight loss), you’ll enjoy the next sentence...

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 will take place on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT, and attendees will learn about and achieve optimum levels of health and awareness specific to what your body needs.

RSVP today and please feel free to invite anyone you feel deserves to benefit from this experience, as well!

Timeline photos 08/29/2022

Weight loss is a many-faceted thing. So many factors combine to contribute to our experience with it, and it differs for everybody so much so that it’s impossible to blame or attribute it to any one factor!

You need to face up to all of these different aspects before they become manageable, and Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will help you do exactly this!

Be part of a community that is choosing to become dedicated to improving mindset, lifestyle, and habits to achieve an overall healthier and happier body weight!

RSVP for our webinar on Thursday, September 1st:

Timeline photos 08/28/2022

I’m pretty sure that most of us have struggled at some point to accept our bodies. No matter what stage of life you’re in, constant maintenance is necessary to keep health and weight in check.

Thankfully, Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT aims to help you understand your body that little bit more so you can successfully implement REALISTIC strategies to obtain and maintain optimum health!

Allowing your body to settle at this natural state requires consistency, awareness, and dedication, and you’ll find all three in bucketfuls during Weight Loss for Life 2.0, What You MUST KNOW to achieve

natural, sustainable weight loss!!

RSVP at the link below, and please feel free to share with anyone else you feel could benefit from gaining such valuable insights!

Timeline photos 08/27/2022

Managing your weight can be a tricky task, especially when you don’t understand or heed your body’s natural needs!

In order to achieve any sustainable weight loss, we must fully understand our body and the way it works - this means what foods suit us best, what exercise we enjoy and respond most to, etc.

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will help you achieve some of this awareness, and set you towards a path of achieving optimum health instead of temporary and energy-seeping weight loss!!

RSVP before it sells out!:

Timeline photos 08/26/2022

We don’t give our bodies enough credit.

They do so much that we don’t control - all they ask in return is to be fed, moved, and watered in a balanced, consistent manner.

This is why fad ‘weight loss’ trends that are not sustainable are actually more damaging for our overall health than good. If you treat your body well, it will naturally settle on a weight that is sustainable, healthy, and realistic. It is all about balancing 2 very important hormones that govern fat burning or storage.

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will help you realize what this balance is for you and help you to cultivate it in your life.

This promises to be a highly informative and beneficial experience!

RSVP here:

Timeline photos 08/25/2022

Although mindset is a HUGE part of achieving sustainable weight loss, it’s also vital that you enlist in positive, realistic methods consistently.

Gaining HEALTH and changing your mindset to achieving it (as opposed to short-term weight loss) is where most people fall short but it doesn’t need to be this way!

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 will take place on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT with the goal of showing you that your weight loss goals need not go to waste!

RSVP today because this WILL fill up fast! This free webinar will be packed with important information and a recording will be sent to those who register. Hope to see you there!

Timeline photos 08/24/2022

Successful weight loss requires small, consistent and healthy decisions, made over a sustained period. There are too many ‘quick-fix’ diets out there today that are just too unsustainable to have any lasting effect, and you probably already know this!

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will educate those who wish to make lasting changes in their weight as part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. Join us to find out exactly how you can cultivate greater awareness of the way your body works and how to implement lasting weight loss changes!


Timeline photos 08/23/2022

We need to start shifting the focus away from mindless weight loss and start teaching people how to cultivate lasting, natural change in their diet and lifestyle.

By recognizing lifestyle factors and triggers, you can successfully start to cultivate a better relationship for yourself with food and ultimately achieving more sustainable weight loss.

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will help you see exactly how to do this and you’ll be supported every step of the way!

RSVP for Weight Loss for Life 2.0 right now:

Timeline photos 08/22/2022

It’s easy to get carried away thinking that achieving successful weight loss takes nothing but eating a salad now and then. It’s also easy to get frustrated when weight loss simply doesn’t happen like this.

Weight Loss for Life 2.0 on Thursday, September 1st at 6:00 pm EDT will help you understand more about how your body needs to become balanced for it to reach its optimum healthy weight. We’ll help you shift the focus from mindless dieting to cultivating an awareness of your body, and its needs which will automatically help you achieve optimum levels of health.

RSVP at today to start your journey towards healthier, more sustainable weight loss!

Timeline photos 06/20/2021

That’s all folks! Our 14 days are up and you’ve all done fabulously. I’m so proud of all that you have accomplished, and I hope that you find it within you to continue along the path you’ve forged for yourself thus far.

Take a moment to share what the most valuable part of this experience was to you, I’d love to hear any and all feedback.

Also, know that I’m always here as a resource for you moving forward!

Thank you all so much for your participation!

- Dr. Deb and the No PCOS For Me Family -

Timeline photos 06/19/2021

It’s easy to make bad choices when those options are close within reach! If your kitchen pantry is filled with sugary cereals and fruit snacks, swap them out with savory snacks and fresh fruit.

If your office has a habit of bringing in donuts, encourage the buyer to bring in some healthy alternative for everyone instead.

If your family isn’t 100% on board with going completely sugar-free, explain to them why YOU are making the switch, then ask them for their support by making a few simple switches too. Start small, like by replacing pre-bottled salad dressing with homemade stuff for dinner, or by swapping out soda and juice for water and iced tea.

How have your family and friends been reacting to your sugar detox thus far? Have they been supportive?

Your challenge today is to make a sugar-free meal or treat and share it with someone you care about. Show them that it’s not as daunting as they might think to cut back on sugary foods!

- Dr. Deb and the No PCOS For Me Family -

Timeline photos 06/18/2021

Lots of times, we eat out of habit or because we feel stressed, not because we’re actually hungry. In order to combat that stress, take measures to keep your mood elevated.

Meditation, a new exercise routine, or taking up a new hobby or habit that makes you feel good are all great ways to combat stress. Another great thing to try - volunteering!

Tons of studies have shown the mental benefits of volunteering, so if you have the time, or even if you feel like you don’t have the time, try to find a way to give back to your community in any way you can.

What do you do when you feel stressed or overwhelmed? How do you unwind WITHOUT the help of sugary treats? Your challenge today is to share your methods with the group and ideally, try something new!

- Dr. Deb and the No PCOS For Me Family -

Timeline photos 06/17/2021

New diets mean new foods to try! What’s your favorite recipe been thus far? Share the link or type out a quick overview of one new meal or food you’ve been whipping up since you’ve started the sugar detox!

- Dr. Deb and the No PCOS For Me Family -

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Videos (show all)

When Hormones aren’t balanced—nothing works right.It’s not your fault. We can help!
GIVEAWAY!!!! We’re giving away a HORMONE TEST! This test will allow you to see your hormone levels. The best benefit—you...



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Van Wert, OH

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